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Everything posted by buzz

  1. Isn't the assumption, though, that SH basically covered all the "genericness", so moving on to specific settings is perfectly reasonable? I mean, GURPS Space is like a pamphlet compared to SH. And don't setting books like TE or AW sort of serve your purposes by example? I think it all boils down to the fact that SF has never been a big seller, RPG-wise, barring mammoth liscenses like Star Wars.
  2. Dag. I could have sworn it was the other way around. :makes mental note in preparation for forthcoming Alma HERO-bashing on RPG.net:
  3. :fingers in ears: TMI! TMI!!!
  4. The review database at RPG.net is searchable. You can read reviews from when the site first launched to current. A responsible reviewer, yes. You can only expect so much timeliness when you don't compensate your reviewers. Still, the kind of people who like to volunteer time to write reviews also tend to be people who keep abreast of new releases, so it tends to work out in the end. Still, it's to uncommon for people to review "less-than-new" products; proper playtesting can often take a long time. I remember one review of the AD&D2e adventure Night below that the reviewer didn't complete until years after it was released... because it took his group that long to finish it. For all the things we can fault Alma for, timeliness is not one of them.
  5. It's encouraged, actually. The point isn't so much to be timely, like with movie reviews, but to build up an extensive review database. I've even heard the admins lament that there aren't more reviews of "classic" products. Heck, I buy old products all the time, and I appreciate being able to view some opinions.
  6. As many people who posted in the review forums at RPG.net have already pointed out, the lions share of the "problems" metioned in the review are factually inaccurate. What few valid critcisms were presented (some which were more taste issues, IMO) fail to balance the rest of the review. It was a hack job. Thankfully(?), reviews seem to have little impact on sales, so I guess none of this really matters... though it certainly does add a level of patheticness to the author.
  7. Wow. I was about to mention the same thing. Not to mention, the sole post Alma's made has been to pimp this sucky review. I second the kudos to the HERO team for not banning Alma outright. I'd do it in a second. (Not that I don't sometimes enjoy what Alma posts on RPG.net; but when it comes to certain topics, you need to just slap some duct tape over his mouth.)
  8. First off, SJG is slightly up the game company food chain from Hero Games, with a bit larger fanbase and resources. Secondly, Traveller is a very well-known brand (at least among gamers), and THS has been getting excellent reviews, and is a fairly unique setting. The Star HERO line, however, doesn't have the same clout or recognition. Granted, a grassroots campaign to post reviews of the products in the line might help a bit.
  9. Okay, my current PC has a Flash that has the limitation No Range with a variable Area Effect advantage. Essentially, he glows, so the Flash always starts with him and then radiates in shapeable areas. Q: Do I need to roll to target a hex when I want to catch another PC in the area of effect? Since my PC is always the "starting" hex, I was thinking that I didn't. Also, the exmaple flashlight given in the sidebar for the Images power also has the No Range limitation. Does that mean it can only illuminate the hex the PC is in?
  10. Woah, woah, woah... Hawk is on *DVD*? That has to violate some law, somewhere.
  11. FYI, "Jurassic Park" was a novel first, then it was a movie. I enjoyed the novel immensely, but I agree with pretty much all the changes they made for the film adaptation. Crichton is a great idea man, but he's not the best writer.
  12. Re: Re: Robin of Sherwood Hate to get all negative on ya, but... I'm not sure. I remember we got to see the "druid" with his horned cowl off, and he was just some guy, so I'm not sure if he was supposed to be a god or not. No, you're thinking of Mazes & Monsters, a made-for-TV movie based on Rona Jaffee's hysterically stupid anti-D&D novel. This was a TV sitcom from the early '80s.
  13. See Steve's response. "Covington Cross" was basically a primetime soap set in a poorly-realized medieval setting. It could be forgiven if its failed attempts at any sort of realistic depiction of medieval culture were balanced by good acting and good stories. Unfortunately, it was deviod of those as well. Basically, take a really bad Harlequin romance writer's perception of the middle ages and add cast members better suited to 90210, and you've got "Covington Cross." Adding Terry and Lunghi was an obvious (and pathetic) attempt at adding some sort of legitimacy.
  14. Robin of Sherwood Ha! I have one that no one's mentioned yet (I think). Robin of Sherwood Known as "Robin Hood" to us Yanks who watched it on Showtime in the mid-80's. A really spiffy adaptation of the Robin Hood legend that ran through two different Robins (one played by Jason Connery), and had Robert Addie (who played Mordred in Excalibur) playing an excellent Sir Guy of Gisburne. The added bits about the "seven swords of Wayland" (iirc) and the druid mentor of Robin's were very inspiring to the young gamer I was back then. And let's not forget Wizards & Warriors , with Jeff Conaway (of Taxi and Grease fame) and Julia Duffy (Newhart and Designing Women). I mean, a D&D spoof sitcom on national TV! Good times...
  15. D&D: The Movie (sic) :blinks: Say what?
  16. I'll take issue with you on that one. Despite the presence of Excalibur alumni NIgel Terry and Cherie Lunghi, that show pretty much blew. I'll give 'em some points for even attempting such a thing, though.
  17. buzz

    It's HUGE!

    Like I said before, "at *least* the 3.5e PHB." And, as other have already said, the PHB tends to sell more in general. My main point still stands: "A flop? Put down the crack pipe..."
  18. buzz

    It's HUGE!

    Amen right back at you.
  19. buzz

    It's HUGE!

    Thankfully, TSR no longer has anything to do with D&D. 3.5e, like every edition if D&D, will sell tons of copies. It's only anecdotal evidence, but pretty much everyone in my d20 groups has pre-ordered copies of at least the 3.5e PHB.
  20. buzz

    It's HUGE!

    Oh, I'm just talking content. I mean, that's just freaking impressive. There's a lot of material in FREd.
  21. buzz

    It's HUGE!

    I think the big-ness and crunchy-ness of HERO is one of its selling points. There's a market for rules-lite games like Buffy or StoryTeller (kinda), and then there's a market for "dense" games like HERO, D&D3e, and dare I say GURPS. I'd also think that the sheer hugeness of FH would be sort of a gimmick as well. I.e., "Do you have the gamer cojones to buy this product?" I'm all over it. The bigger the better.
  22. buzz

    It's HUGE!

    From today's mian page: So, FH, will essentially be even bigger than FREd. Playtest that mutha and get it into my greedy little hands!!!
  23. I'd prefer harcopy myself. As for a series of articles, well, there have been (and will continue to be) articles of this ilk. My preference is to see them all collected and organized in a single volume.
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