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Everything posted by Tywyll

  1. One thing I've never found an answer to (or missed if I did)...what happened to all the non-human races after the TA? I know the snake people survived to the Valdorian Age and the Atlantean Age, but where did the elves, drakine, gnomes, dwarves, etc go?
  2. New theories actually state that though the universe expands, it's not an empty nothing expanding in all direction simultaneously. Instead, it's more shaped like a doghunt or tube, folding in on itself. If you went in one direction for long enough, you would fold back on yourself and end up where you started.
  3. See, I don't really agree with this (the first part). If falling damage, fire damage, effects of holding ones breath, the DEF of stone/metal/wood, etc are uniform reagardless of campaign, then I see no reason why weather phenomenom or the AP of a flashlight or normal lock shouldn't also be uniform. Without knowing what the 'real world' version of X or Y should be, GMs and players can't make informed choices. "Oh, this is a weak tornado so I can probably stop it with my Dispel Winds/Change Environment/TK." vs "Oh no, its a super tornado? There's no stopping that!" I can build a character strong enough to punch through stone no matter what superheroic campaign I'm in. But my Weather Based character or my tech master may or may not work versus the environment because...? I definitely agree with the second part of your statement. Though I think its really every edition. I don't think it would need to be. We already have tables and tables of AP for weapons and armor and such not. I don't even necessarily want the 'build' (though having mechanics for disasters would be helpful for actually using them in a game). But if FH can throw out a generic equipment list in 4-6 pages, tacking on the AP of those items along with the body and Def which was already there (or at least for some items) doesn't seem like a big deal.
  4. Without reading how the specific Trigger was defined, it's impossible to say. But unless the trigger is responding to another trigger, I cannot see how a loop would be set up. And if you are worried about loops, you can simply declare that the trigger doesn't respond to a response which seems fairly common sense. Resetting the trigger as a 0 phase action doesn't allow it to respond to the same stimuli twice, at least I wouldn't allow it to. I mean, I wouldn't think it needs to be said, but "The GM can allow characters to set other Triggers multiple times, if desired, or forbid multiple setting if appropriate." 6e1 p.351
  5. How does that end a fight? At best it causes 2 Body, unless I'm missing something?
  6. Ah, got ya. Cheeky builds, yeah, those can be a problem for any setting.
  7. What is the average CV in your campaign of PCs and NPCs? I thought I had a decent idea from the Bestiary but then looking at the complete fantasy extras, all the characters and monsters seem to have a fairly 'high' CV. Is the Bestiary just low, especially humanoids? Does CF have a power creep?
  8. Okay Thanks! I totally forgot that bit on p361. Really, you think Penetrating is worse then AP? Interesting. Where are the recharging rules?
  9. Hey @Legendsmiths I have had some more items show up and I'm wondering how to 'price' them for Attunement. So I get that, roughly speaking, you should multiply Real Cost by x.07 did get its attunement cost (according to above). However, with weapons and armor this doesn't quite work since DC and OCV increases are already spell out. How do you figure out the cost for things like: 1) Weapons/Armor that have advantages (armor piercing, Penetrating, Hardened, etc)? 2) Weapons/Armor that are impervious to mundane problems (i.e. that lose the Real Weapon/Armor limitation or some other limitation used to build the weapon)? 3) Charged items...do they require attunement if they have a limited number of charges (like a wand that has 10 nonrecovering charges since its basically the same as ten scrolls)?
  10. LOL...that reminds me of my days as an exchange student in London.
  11. Couldn't have wished for a better family away from family! 😇 It's cold, but that's preferable to the sweltering humidity of TN! I'll take cold any day!
  12. Exactly. So why can't we have stats for these things? Why don't they exist anywhere? To me, it's a huge hole in the system (and most Supers systems to be fair).
  13. Then make powers not interact solely on AP. If they do, as most do, then we need values so we know how powers interact. Storms, earthquakes, all the things PCs might want to stop...you know, being super heroes or master wizards. HERO is supposed to be able to handle any genre, any powerlevel. If the game was entirely focused on street-level supers, then no, I wouldn't expect that. But once you've got Cosmic Champions or high level fantasy characters as viable PCs, then yes, stopping a natural disaster with a power should be possible. Or hell, recreating such a disaster. Yup, and we also have a full section on environmental effects (fires, being electrocuted, etc). No reason that couldn't be expanded to handle greater details. Not accorind to, Ultimate Brick I think? One of the books details how to determine exactly what that means (and it's not super impressive). Some things are campaign specific, but other things are universal because the rules which get hyperfocused and crazy detailed in place X or Y and no one bats an eye (Perception modifiers I'm looking at you, but detailed skill modifiers and equipment modifiers also fall into this category). Environmental effects and falling damage and things like that are all detailed regardless of campaign level, so I don't buy this as an excuse. Fireguy can't be build unless he has some idea about how much damage a fire does on average. He needs to know that to make a relavent build. We aren't talking about a guy looking for complete immunity (which HERO doesn't really do), we're talking about a guy who wants to ignore mundane fires. Without that benchmark, building that concept becomes really difficult and it shouldn't be. But thankfully we have that benchmark. Now why don't we have it for other things? See I could make the same arguement for tanks and cars having write ups, or bases...buildings need stats but things PCs might try to fight or do don't? No, I can't agree with that.
  14. Gotta stop you there. He did a lot more than 'make a political comment'. Besides making numerous conspiracy theories himself about the 'lefties' being 'out to get him' and other tripe, he also organize the Sad Puppies. People's dislike for him wasn't because he 'made a comment'.
  15. Edinburgh. I'm from the States originally, but moved here 15 years ago. My wife is native, she's from Glasgow.
  16. I'll admit I've not had time to sit down and watch the videos, though I hope to do so over the weekend. Oh my gosh, that would be amazing! Yeah, I'm in Scotland. I would love that! Maybe Sat or Sunday evening?
  17. So last night I figured out how to pull figs from other assets into the HERO mod. It was clunky though (open mod-save individual fig-close mod-open Hero Mod-import individual fig). I feel like there must be a better way (or at least I hope there is!). Still no idea how to import maps though. Also no idea how to get characters running in the combat sheets I've seen on the screen shots. I don't even know how to turn that part of the thing on?!? Not sure I would use it, but I'd like to see it at least. I like being able to have your pdf as part of the table, but I can't seem to share a pdf with the other players? The dice roller is super cool!
  18. Thanks for that. It looks like overkill I'm afraid, but it does look kind of nice.
  19. Are there any dice rolling apps or online dice rollers that can generate Hero style rolls? I know aobut the Hero phone app and Hero TTS, but anything else?
  20. I don't mind exporting characters into it. My only real issue is whether I need to prestat all my encounters (no thanks!) and how the heck to I create/find a map for players to play on?
  21. So, one of my players, upon seeing TTS and all the mods, just went and bought it. However, that still leaves 4 players without it so I don't know if we'll end up using it or not. What we did try was Gametable. However, none of the players could connect. So I just ended up using it myself and sharing my screen with them. Hey ho. Luckily there was only one combat encounter but honestly it didn't go too badly.
  22. Don't get me wrong...if I had started the campaign with this in mind and Corvid hadn't been sprung on me like this, I'd love to use it. But I'd still need to convince them to pony up for it. I think it looks amazing and if I can figure out how to use it it would make playing the game a breeze (I think). Though a bit more of a hassle in that I need full sheets for all my npcs instead of my cribbed notes...
  23. This still requires my players to buy TTS, which is a pretty big ask. Of the 7 of us, only two (myself and one other) have it.
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