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Everything posted by Corven_Ren

  1. Ok I'm creating abiliteies for an Ice Multipower. I want him to be able to create Ice to support /reinforce items. Heres what I'm thinking. Tk with the following limitations, physical manifestation and only for supporting/reinforcing objects...the only thing I dont know is how much the secon lim would be worth. Or if you can think of a better way top buy it please suggest away.
  2. Re: Show Me The Master/Megavillain Thanks, I reposted him from my Hero's and Villains thread where the rest of the members of his group the Sinister Squadron are listed. So you wouldn't be facing him alone, unlees you had managed to capture/defeat the others first.
  3. Re: Death of my F-t-F Game Thanks for the offer Kirby, but I just don't see myself moving to Texas, let alone Dallas. That could be kinda dangerous for me.....I'm a Washington Redskins fan, they don't go over well in Dallas.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What did Barney Rubble say after decapitating Barney the dinosaur? (Sorry saw this on a shirt years ago and couldn't resist) A: Mutants, mayhem, and a very large stack of porn!
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So, what does the dipstick from my head say? A: R2-D2 defeats Twiggy in round three by TKO!
  6. Re: Show Me The Master/Megavillain Mr. Psycho Leader of the Sinister Squadron Real Name: Jerry Buchanan Characteristics Val Char Base Cost Roll Special 15 STR 10 5 12- 3D6 H-H Dmg 20 DEX 10 30 13- OCV: 6 DCV:6 15 CON 10 10 15 BOD 10 10 30 INT 10 20 15- PER 15- 30 EGO 10 40 15- ECV: 10 20 PRE 10 10 13- 4D6 PRE ATT 10 COM 10 0 5 PD 3 2 35 PD (30rPD) 5 ED 3 2 35 ED (30rED) 5 SPD 3 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 15 REC 6 18 50 END 30 10 50 STN 31 19 Total Char Cost 196 Skills/ Perks/ Talents Cost S/P/T 3 Bugging 15- 3 Computer Programing 15- 5 Cramming 3 Deduction 15- 3 Demolitions 15- 3 Inventor 15- 3 Forensic Medicine 15- 3 Linguist 3 Language: French (Completely Fluent, Literate 3 Language: Gaelic (Completely Fluent, Literate) 3 Language: German (Completely Fluent, Literate) 3 Language: Greek (Completely Fluent, Literate) 3 Language: Hebrew (Completely Fluent, Literate) 3 Language: Latin (Completely Fluent, Literate) 3 Language: Italian (Completely Fluent, Literate) 3 Language: Japaneese (Completely Fluent, Literate) 3 Language: Russian (Completely Fluent, Literate) 3 Mechanics 15- 3 Scientist 2 SS: Anatomy 15- 2 SS: Bio-Chemistry 15- 2 SS: Biology 15- 2 SS: Chemistry 15- 2 SS: Genetics 15- 2 SS: Geology 15- 2 SS: Mathematics 15- 2 SS: Micro-Biology 15- 2 SS: Neurology 15- 2 SS: Organic Chemistry 15- 2 SS: Physics 15- 2 SS: Physiology 15- 3 Security Systems 15- 3 System Opperations 15- 5 Edictic Memory 4 Speed Reading (x10) 98 Total S/P/T Powers Cost Power 100 Mental Attack Powers: Multi Power 100 Pt Reserve 10u 1) Mental Bolt: Ego Attack 7D6 (Human & Alien Minds); Reduced END (0 +1/2) (100 active pts) 10u 2) Mind Bomb: Ego Attack 4D6 (Human & Alien Minds) AoE (5" Radius +1) (100 Active pts) 10u 3) Mind F**k: Mental Illusions 11D6 (Human & Alien Minds) Reduced END (0 +1/2) (97 Active pts) 10u 4) Telekenetic Bolt: Energy Blast 13D6; Reduced END (0 +1/2) (97 Active pts) 10u 5) Telekenetic Wave: Energy Blast 7D6; AoE (14" Long, 2" Tall, 4" Wide line +1 3/4) (96 Active pts) 30 Telekenisis Elemental Control; 60 pt Powers 30 Self Levitation: Flight 20" Reduced End (0 +1/2) (60 Active pts) 30 Telekenetic Shield I: Force Field 30 PD & 30 ED 30 Telekenesis: 40 STR (60 Active pts) 20 Telekenetic Shield II: Missile Deflection (Bullets & Shrapnel), Missile Reflection (35 Active pts) Requires a PER & DEX Roll (-1/2); Costs END (Only to Activate -1/4) 19 Mental Defense (25 pts Total) 309 Total Power Cost Disadvantages Cost Disadvantage 25 Enraged if battleing Vandal go 14- recover 8- 20 Hunted by Superheroes 8- (Mo Pow, Capture, NCI ) 10 Hunted by Police 8- (Less Pow, Capture, NCI) 20 Psych Limitation: Hatred of Superheroes 20 Psych Limitation: Megalomania 15 Psych Limitation: Vengeful 15 Social Limitation: Certifiably Insane 15 Social Limitation: Public Identity 10 Unluck: 2D6 253 G.M. Maniacal Genius Bonus 403 Total Diadvantage Cost Charcter Total= 603 = Base 200 + 403 Disadvantages Personality: Mr. Psycho is like his name says, completely insane, yet through his insanity his brilliance still functions, so he can be very calculating when it comes to designing his criminal plans. Quote: I'm not insane..but you will be when I'm done with your mind. Origin Jerry Buchanan was at one time a well respected member of society. Proffesor of genetics at Columbia University. Winner of the Nobel Prize for his studies in genetics. It was said that he was very close to finding a cure for both cancer and aids. Then it happened. Jerry and his wife were having a wonderful romantic evening. They had attended an opera and were enjoying a late dinner, a group of masked men stormed the building, yelling for everyone to empty there wallets and purses. The criminals circled out to collect the loot when a group of supers came in through the skylight. The criminals reacted throwing a grenade in the middle of the heroes and several of them went flying. As Jerry watched on in horror, the hero know as the Vandal, flew into his wife and then into the brick wall. The rubble buried both of them. A few seconds later, Vandal emerged covered in blood, unfortunaly for Jerry it wasn't Vandal's. Jerry snapped he ran out of the restauraunt. He spent the next few months plotting of ways to get revenge on the Vandal and all superheroes for that matter. Experimetning with several chamical formulas he finally thought he had one worth using and drank it. The room began to spin and his mind seemed to lash out at object around him. Beaker began to levitate and fly against the wall. As he watched a lab table flew towards him, he instictively put his hand up to defend himself and the table bounced off a field around him. He quickly managed to control his powers and after several experiments learned his capabilites. Knowing he wouldnt be able to handle Vandal and his team on his own he began assembling his own team. Finding criminals who were willing to undergo alteration or wear the batlesuits he designed. Calling themselves the Sinister Squadron they began a war against the Vandal and other heroes. Since then he has clashed with both the Vandal's hero group, Vigilant, and The Forces of Nature on several occasions. He has only been captured once and during that time he was put in an insane asylum, he eventually escaped with the aid of the Squdron.
  7. Just though I'd share my sorrow. I recently got involved in my first Champs game in many years. Now after just 2 playing sessions it will sadly end as my GM is relocating. Hears hoping it wont be 5+ years til I play again this time. At least I have my PBEM's
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Can anyone show me an example of the greed of our modern youth in America? A: Pigs feet and hog's jowels
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How did Bill describe Monica's face? A: So far, so good!
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey Ogre, what do you call those rent-a-cops you rolled up in that old quilt? A: All fear Dr. Dork!!!!
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Your telling me Captain America slept with every female member of the Avengers, X-Men and Alpha FLight last night. What on earth caused it? A:Im coo coo for Hero Puffs!!!
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Wacky Land, what on earth is there to see in Wackyland? A: Nothing like having to spit out a few teeth
  13. Re: Angel, the worst original character concept ever?
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Welcome to The Greater Tattoo, Piercing and Scarring Emporium, How may I help you? A: Ladies and Gentlmen, I Doctor Sigmund Freud, hereby declare that Foxbat is not insane.
  15. Re: Classing Naming: (this) and (that) Heaven & Hell -Half- Brother/Sister Team. They share the same mother Heaven's father was an angel...Hell's a demon. Heaven-the sister- would have light/holy based powers Hell- the brother- would have fire/ darkness based powers and they would defintly be hunted by Demon
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I'm sorry I am late but Death Tribble was sodomized with Foxbar's Ping-Pong Ball gun...Will you please exuse my tardiness? A: You know I'm joking...Owwww!
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: There doing a Hentai version of the TMNT...What are they going to call it? A: A transexual, a atheist & Mightybec
  18. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey you don't mind that I fondeled your wifes bum do ya? A:Disney does Universal
  19. Re: Help me populate the Seeds of Change Universe Heres an idea for a villain for you might even stat hm up if you 'd like me to. Wetwork--assassin for hire primarilay specialized in assassinations of superpowered individuals.
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q:OK I've combed the beach what should I do now? A: Womp-bom-ba-loo-bop-ba-whomp-bam-boom!
  21. Re: Looking for prinatble Hex Map Good Idea...thanks. also figures something else out. There;s printable ones in the free stuff. I swear if I had a brain I'd be dangerous
  22. Hey everyone, I am in need of a Zex map for my GM to use this Friday in our game so we wont have to use a tape measure to figure distances. Does anyone have a link to a free printable plain 1" Hex Map?
  23. Re: Electrical NND Thanks Nexus
  24. I am building a character who uses trick boomerangs one of these is going to be a Shock-A-rang. a NND EB. But what would be the appropriate defense.
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