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Mister Trent

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  1. Pick a kiosk, wait around to see if anyone comes by to refresh its dye reservoir, and then follow them. Human nature being what it is, lots of people will probably walking around covered in orange dye by the end of the first day.
  2. Not so much depth as surface tension. Every do a belly flop into a swimming pool and it really stung? Hit the surface of the water from high enough up, no only would it feel like you slammed into a cinder block wall, but it might even knock you out cold. An amateur cliff diver who was a bit rough on the landing could suffer broken bones and internal injuries.
  3. Would it matter? Depending on how high up the pier is from the water, he might have sustained injuries in the fall that could make it difficult or even impossible for him to tread water; let alone swim to safety.
  4. Of the two, Magic Word would be in worse trouble since he had to have known what would happen when he told Negator to "take a long walk off a short pier." Sure, Negator's an asshole, but he could've drowned if no one had stopped him.
  5. Assuming this clown is a one trick pony and his devastating insults are his only power, I'd say the most logical strategy is to jump him while he's focused on emptying the cash drawers. Once he's out cold, get the mask off him and tape his mouth shut (silence is golden, duct tape is silver).
  6. I remember when they started requiring ID to buy spray paint on account of those nimrods who were huffing it to get high. It wouldn't surprise me if the same happen with the Tide Pods due to all the "Tide Pod Challenge" idiocy.
  7. Can't say I'm surprised. Rescue Holly and tell the creature he should've tried online dating before resorting to something so gauche as straight up kidnapping.
  8. These hooligans have definitely earned their spots on the Naughty List this year, Ol' Saint Nick won't appreciate someone committing crimes while in the guise of his helpers.
  9. I concur with Kharis in that Hamilton and Liz are as good as hosed if the others fail to save them. As for Randell, Bill, and Lili, their best bet would be to run for the exit, and regroup on the surface to come up with a plan (assuming it's daylight out). With a 10 STR Automation going after three character's with 15 STR, 15 STR, and 20 STR, it would come down to them getting out of the tomb before they were out of END (again, if it's daylight outside). Maybe it would depend on how deep into the tomb the group were when they came across the Bandages? The GM would have to drop some clues on them as to Bandages' weaknesses (fire and sunlight in this case, they don't have a mystic with them to exploit the weakness to Dispel Magic).
  10. The concept: A character who is so good at sizing up his enemies psychologically and hurling such devastating insults that it makes a noticeable impact on them in a fight. He can, for example, cause opponents to lose all confidence in themselves and fight substantially less effectively, or even goad them into making stupid mistakes they wouldn't otherwise make. How would you write up this ability?
  11. Use dynamite to collapse and seal the tomb entrance upon getting back to the surface. And then go back to my tent to change clothes, because this is one of those scenarios where you say it and then do it... in your pants.
  12. With the MA removed and the extra STR for Grabs reduced to +10 STR, it seems a little more fair. Overall, however, it still looks like Heroic Level characters would crap themselves if they had to fight something like this. It may only have 1 PD/1 ED, but the Damage Reduction from its Swarm Form, its regeneration, and the fact that it's an Automation and all its abilities are bought 0 END (!) means this thing is damn near unstoppable and relentless. Unless someone in the party speaks Ancient Egyptian and can order it to stop, or someone figures out its weakness to sunlight and a way to exploit it, the PCs would still be screwed if they go down into a catacomb where that monstrosity is lurking.
  13. Imagine if you will a fantasy setting in which armor became largely obsolete due to the proliferation of magical amulets that generate a protective field around the wear. The protection provided by these amulets is on par with or better than heavy plate armor but does not encumber the wearer. Armor is hardy ever used in battle anymore, and traditional suits of armor have for the most part been relegated to being collector's items and decorations for castle interiors. Any thoughts?
  14. Steal the machine, put it in the break room back at base.
  15. Q: Dude, have you been watching nothing but nature documentaries all day? A: Unfortunately, Booker and Elizabeth are too busy playing Bioshock Intimate to be much help at the moment.
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