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Posts posted by fbdaury

  1. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield?


    Comic Geek Moment:

    It is a combination of vibranium and Steel which is stronger than adamantium. Adamantium is an attempt to reproduce the shield (with limited success)


    Actually, it has been said to be both, but the Admantium/Vibranium one is the more commonly used one and the one that I run with, YMMV.

  2. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield?


    Thanks for the comments. I appreciate the feedback in helping me get this right...


    Thanks for completely disregarding my feedback, good to know you actually want the help that you ask for.

    According to the source material, it is both OIF and OHID. AFAICT, Cap has _never_ used the shield's "magic tricks" unless he was in costume (Hero ID).


    Just because he doesn't to protect his secret ID does not mean he CAN'T. Oihid represents a powersuit that cannot be reomved or Billy Batson truning into Captain Marvel, not this.

    People have hit him from behind w/o the shield protecting him. There have been attacks he's been aware of where he couldn't get the shield to bear in time. It's a "real" shield, not a sfx. Therefore limiting its effective arc to the front and sides of him (his front 180') is true to the source material.


    The disadvantage "Must be Aware of attacks"(-1/2) would then be more appropriate.

    By the rules of the game, a large shield the size of Cap's is Bulky.

    It's not as "bulky" for Cap as it would be for a Normal Man because

    a) he's strong enough to lift the back end of a car or throw a motorcycle,

    B) it's custom designed and manufactured for him, and

    c) he has a LOT of XP using it.

    Nonetheless, it does make him easier to hit (but then the shield usually takes said hit.), he can't swim with it unless it's stowed on his back, he can't use it while operating most machinery or weapons, etc, etc. He might not be at 1/2 DCV using it (or maybe he is... ...his DCV is potentially that high), but it definitely is a real physical object of that size and shape and he definitely is affected by it.


    The Shield is not that big and is not bulky, bulky is a m60 machinegun or a shoulder-fired rocket.

    As others have noted, he has had to go on epic multi-issue plot arcs to recover it. On a few occasions. One of Cap's "bits" is to let an innocent use the shield for protection in combat... ...and Vance Astro is _given_ it in one plot arc. Independant is a fair Dis Ad according to the source material.

    As I said though, he ALWAYS gets it back, and he ALWAYS will - that's why it is not Independent.


    One of Cap's "bits" is to give the shield to an innocent for protection. Another is to throw the shield between an attacker or an attacker's weapon (object or energy discharge) and block it... ...sometimes across the length of the battlefield. Together, these are some combination of Missile Deflection Usable By/On Others and Missile Deflection Usable At Range.


    Actually, it sounds exactly like the +1 version of usable at range for Missle Deflection, but nice try.


    ??? Whether it's Armor, DR, or Forcefield, they all "absorb the force of attacks that are blocked." Both Body and STUN. I don't understand ???


    Against ranged attacks, -nothing- is getting through the shield (as long as Missile Deflection works). For HTH, not much is getting through 20PD/20ED Resistant Hardened.


    Or are you saying that Cap seems to take very little Knockback? Cap does take Knockback. Regularly. It's just that what little gets through the 20PD/20ED Hardened Adamantium/Vibranium shield and his 10PD/10ED armor then gets minimized by someone with outrageous Acrobatics and Breakfall rolls (with the Double Jointed Bonus thrown in for good measure- there are comics from the 1960's showing him in lotus position in his bedroom despite his size.)

    Knockback Resistance might make sense if playtest shows a need for it.


    Cap gets hit with a 20d6 attack, fairly common for him- 20/20 armor will stop the body but Cap will take, on average roll, 40 points stun (20x3.5=70-20-10[from PD]= 40) Cap's stunned or unconcious after one hit! 20/20 forcewall, on the other hand, x2 hardened, will completly stop both the body AND the stun from said attack, thus better modeling how the shield actually works.


    As others have said, that's probably best done as Shield Use skill and the Bouncing Manuever.



    Nah. There's ton's of source material where he can't use his shield because of his hands being restrained, or otherwise in use, or the quarters being too cramped. It's not the Focus that's restrainable, it's the user to keep them from using it, and that definitely happens to Cap frequently.


    Yeah, it's called reasonable extrapolation of SFX for his powers, not a seperate and rarely applied limitation.

  3. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield?


    The returning of the shield is one skill level dedicated to bouncing it back to him or 0 end and the f/x is it returns to his hand, your choice, my personal prefrence is the first one.


    If I were to build it it would include the following (and yes as a MP)


    +X DCV

    XX/XX Armor (xX Hardened)

    Missile Deflection, next hex

    +xd6 HA

    xxd6 EB (actualy I would use a Ranged HA but that is not a legal construct) 1 charge, recoverable

    +xx" of leap: Downward only (-1)


    The shield itself would be OIF


    What about the shield's ability to absorb the force of a blow so that Mr. Hyde's punches don't smash him back through a wall everythime that he gets hit?

  4. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield?


    HIs shield is Oif or Oaf, not OHID. The limited radius should not apply, as he can move the shield to block attacks. It is NOT a bulky focus, at least not for Cap. Remove the Independent limitation, as Cap will always get the shield back eventually through Writer's fiat, therefore he cannot permanently lose it so it is not Independent. Not sure why you put usable by others on Missle Deflection- it should be uable vs. adjacent attacks(+1/2). Remove Expendable- that implies that the focus is used up everytime the power is used.

    As far as powers, A very large, no range Forcewall is much better to use than armor, as the shield absorbs the force(read stun damage) of attacks that it blocks. Shield might want to have indirect due to his skill bouncing it to hit people from the opposite direction, etc. Also, the shield should not be restrainable due to Cap's skills with shield.

  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Our Father' date=' who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck! May all 0ur base someday be belong to you! May j00 0wn earth just like j00 0wn heaven. Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe. And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz, just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us. Please don't give us root access on some poor d00d'z box when we're too pissed off to think about what's right and wrong, and if you could keep the f3i off our backs, we'd appreciate it. For j00 0wn r00t on all our b0x3n 4ever and ever, 4m3n.[/i']



    d00d, j00 r0xx0r! Or something to that effect, that was very nice.

  6. Re: Character for Review: Antaeus


    Lucky, with the 25 points of hardened Power Defense, I don't think that having his powers adjusted is going to be likely to happen well, ever I suppose. I do think that he needs to have some sort of short range attack/surprise for those who do try picking him up off the ground, otherwise his limitation is likely to cause him disproportionate amounts of trouble, no matter how high the lim and how many points he saves dut to it. As pointed out by Krby, sell back the GGU stuff as well as taking Greek as his native language, then remove inherent from his powers and that should free up a few points for him to develop a crushing headbutt attack or something for use against those that decide picking him up off the ground is a good idea :)

  7. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts


    Shorinjii Kempo should be on that list. Looks sweet, and frickin' brutal... as... hell. I agree with the majority of the ones listed, but there does seem to be a little bit of overlap on styles. Still, if you had black belts (or equivalent) in ten different styles of martial art, I don't see a lot of people arguing the point.


    Yeah, that'd be a pretty convincing position to take... "Well, I think Capoeria will provide for greater acrobatic stylings and..."


    Heh heh heh... :snicker:


    Having studued Shorinji Kempo while in Japan, I ma a big proponent of it's usefulness. I just wish I had been able to study it longer. It combined soft and hard, striking and atemi into one package that was geared for practical use above sport use.

  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    I wonder if I could get a Gladys for him. :eg:


    Actually, when you gonna post a story for him? I've gotta do a new journal entry and then come up with this month's story for Jack and I am currently SOL for ideas- although I think I might do A POV story based on Jackson Sr. this time, the idea has kinda crept into my brain, I just don't know how well it will work out if I do it...:think:

  9. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts


    On a slightly off-topic rail, my character in Corven's New LA game uses a fusion of Savate and Tae Kwon Do, to maximize the striking potential of his super-strong legs. His top attack? A 16d6 Offensive kick attack. I like him. :rolleyes:

  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    A few too many points for Josh's game.


    But, I use lots of elements of Marv in other characters.


    In fact... I just realized... the Remedy in Corven Ren's game:


    Hard to hurt

    Fine leather coat

    Rooftop jumper

    Nasty headbreaker


    He's close to Marv, although slightly tougher.


    Yeah and he carries an admantium toothpick! :jawdrop::)

  11. Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


    Armada- stretching or classic brick powers.

    Press Gang- Mind Control with no range, one command-"Join Us", thus allowing him/her to subvert the enemy to their side.

    Should have a few of them with actual underwater abilities as well, both to match the theme and for better escape/movement possibilities in a coastal setting.

  12. Re: Robotic Constructs


    I don't think that intelligence or uniqueness are the only factors though- I think it also matters if the robot is built with anything approaching a human/humanoid nervous system that can take shock-style damage. A robot with the most advanced Ai is still a robot unless it also has a human-like nervous system. This is one of the reasons that I think Mechanon should not have Stun- he shuns humanity and would not design himslef with a nervous system that functions like that of "weak organics". But that's just my theory on that...

  13. Re: leftovers?


    [showing my age] Or send them to Foxbat. He's always looking for extra points.


    That would explain how he could afford that centerpedemobile or whatever te hell that thing was...

  14. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to?


    I've had some amusing ones proposed to me... usually by the same player.


    There was a particular chain of character ideas that eventually led up to Battle Bear, the charactrer he ended up playing... I don't remember any of them in particular, sadly... there was one who could change the color of things... and not much else... the only really good one that I remember was when he was coming up with characters for a Feng Shui game I was running... The Dental Assassin. He couldn't decide whether he was an assassin who posed as a dentist, or someone who killed Dentists, but it did involve a lot of silly assassination methods. :)



    Sounds like that character from the old MAD magazine superhero special, the Hitman. His tag line was: "He'll make you die laughing, or whatever other method comes to mind."

  15. Re: How would you build this


    The Complete Weapon pool (60 active points), restrainable(-1/2) 40 points

    1)Sharp Weapons- Upto 2dk AP hka(+1/2) at 0 end cost(+1/2), Restrainable(-1/2) 8m(yes, multi, see below)

    2)Blunt Weapons- Upto +6d6 pentrating(+1/2) HA(-1/2) at 0 end cost(+1/2) , restrainable(-1/2) 6m

    3)Thrown Sharp- upto 1d6+1 AP(+1/2) HKA, ranged(+1/2) at 0 end cost(+1/2), restrainable(-1/2), range based on str(-1/4) 3u

    4)Thrown Blunt- upto 4 1/2d6 HA(-1/2) penetrating(+1/2), Ranged(+1/2) at 0 end cost(+1/2), restrainable(-1/2), range based on str(-1/4) 3u

    5)Long or flexible weapons- upto 2" stretching at 0 end cost(+1/2), no NCM(-1/4), No Velocity Damage(-1/4), restrainable(-1/2) 2m(this allows for long pike-like weapons or chain weapons)

    6)Specialized design weapons- +3 skill levels with any three maneuvers, restrainable(-1/2) 1m(tonfa/sai/other specially designed weapon for specific maneuvers)

  16. Re: Swift


    This is similar to a Power Steve put in one of the books' date=' I think it's the USPD. Basically, he made one that just added to your Movement Power, but only to do Half-Moves.[/quote']


    It's in Dark Champions, oddly enough...

  17. Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


    You can still enter yours. He'll choose whichever write up is better and/or if you did that one and he liked it, and I did two that he liked, he might choose the one you did and the other one I did.


    Don't let my choice(s) prevent you from doing one you like.


    Eh, I'm just messing with you- I'll probably do it anyways, i just wanted to rib you. :rolleyes:

  18. Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


    Well' date=' here it goes...[/size']


    [*]Martial Artist

    [*]Duplicate powers

    [*]Blue Beetle


    I hate you Kirby, I figured no one else would even think of doing a Blue Beetle like character and that was what I was thinking of trying to submit. Ah well, c'set la vie I guess.

  19. Re: The Shield


    Yeah, I was thinking that it might work as a PBEM- I'm in a few of them right now and thought that I might be able to work one of my own. This could be a decent campaign if the right players coud be brought to play heroes who aren't really heroes, to walk the very thin line between dirty cop and outright criminal.

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