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Everything posted by AlHazred

  1. Re: Need "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" Stats "Very incomplete" I said! What else should go in there? We never completed the writeup.
  2. Re: Need input on how to build Iron Kingdom troll regen... As I said (poorly) above, Unified Power is a Limitation on multiple powers. If you define "Troll Regeneration" as a couple of Powers together, then they get Unified Power since something affecting the "Troll Regenration" Power will affect them all, regardless if it was built to do so. Let me give a better example. I have a bunch of spells my character can use; these are built as Powers. I can use one spell or another, and there are several different varieties of Powers: Flash Attacks, Blasts, etc. I am also a Reptile-Man: I have Regeneration, an Extra Limb (tail) and a few other Powers to represent special abilities of the Reptile-Men race. If somebody hits me with an Anti-Magic Field spell, then all of my "spell" powers go away, but none of my "Reptile-Man" powers do. The way this is represented is with the Unified Power Limitation. It's giving me a few points discount on the cost of the Power because it can be affected by something non-specific -- the Anti-Magic Field spell doesn't have to specify "Suppress Blast" or "Suppress Flash Attack," it can just say "Suppress all Magic powers" and be done with it. The basic rules assume this will happen on rare occasions, so it's only worth -1/4. My Reptile-Man powers don't get the same discount because the GM has determined that he will never use an Anti-Reptile-Man-Powers Field spell. I might still travel to the Cursed Land Of Nar, where my characters Regeneration doesn't work, but that's not really worth a Limitation. Incidentally, this is similar to the reason that you'll see a lot of Extra Limbs writeups with Inherent; on occasion, there could be a "Drain Extra Limbs" power, which would make (for example) Giant Amoebas retract all their "tentacles" -- but that power shouldn't work on my Reptile-Man's tail, or Joe-Bob The Alien Wrestler's four arms. With regard to the Side Effect/Separate Power argument, it looks to me like it splits the difference. I could go either way. The bit about them developing into full trolls over time is basically a Plot Element -- something flavorful that has no immediate impact on a combat. There are lots of ways to stat this out, depending on what you want to emphasize as GM. If we take it that they turn a battlefield into difficult terrain for both the trolls and whomever they may be fighting, then we can just make it a Change Environment Side Effect. It's worth somewhat less as a SE Limitation because it affects the "environment around the user," but the troll doesn't have to pay for a Change Environment power. Since it's still only one actual "Power" (Regeneration), there's no Unified Power Limitation to be applied. If we decide that the little trolls are far more likely to attack the enemies of the Trolls than their Troll "mothers" instead, then it's worth a separate Power, and the both of them get Unified Power, but there's no separate Side Effect Limitation -- the Summon is Linked to the Regen, and that's all the discount on points that it gets. Thing is, with the delay on creating the Whelps, I don't know that I would do the Summon. I assume it takes at least 30 Minutes for a Whelp to form?
  3. Re: Bag of Holding Jonid Coincrawler gets motion sickness easily?
  4. [cue Doofensmirtz] Flash-Back! So, way back in the hoary days of Hero Games' online presence, they had a "webzine" called Digital Hero. This wasn't the pdf product they sold; it was instead a separate section of their website where you could submit articles that would eventually make it to the web. I asked for and received permission from Stephen Michael Sechi (the creator of Talislanta) to post conversions of his setting's Martial Arts, and had the brief glory of seeing my name online. On an actual gaming article. This all happened back in 98-99 or so. You can't find the articles. In fact, I couldn't even locate them all in the Wayback Machine. Nothing. So, I've reconverted them (adding ten years' experience and thought about it) to 6E and made it nice-looking. Enjoy! I should be posting a Prefab with them all, sometime later today or tomorrow. Right now, I'll just post the weapons right here. Talislanta Hero - Martial Arts.pdf
  5. Re: Need input on how to build Iron Kingdom troll regen... First off, I wouldn't give it Always On. It's not really Limiting the Troll's use of the power. If there was a really nasty Side Effect, that might be different, but you say above that Spawning Whelps is kind of like making your own food source... Similarly, I don't know if I'd put Unified Power on it. There's two trains of thought here: Usually, Unified Power is for things like (for example) a Holy Blessing that gives a character +2 CSL with Swords and a Flash Attack he can use whenever he's wielding a Sword. They're unrelated Powers, but if anything affects the one power, because they're both manifestations of the same thing, he loses them both. If the Summon is part of the Side Effects, the character doesn't have to pay for it, and Unified Power is not needed. This is the preferred solution if the Summon power is detrimental to the character. If it's not really a detriment or a benefit, then it's probably a Side Effect worth -0. If the Summon power is really a hidden benefit (i.e., the Trolls tend to chop bits off themselves when they're about to attack) then it's part of the Troll Regeneration power and gets Unified Power, but the Regen itself doesn't get the Unified Power limitation. So, if the Whelps are more a hindrance than an advantage (they spawn as hungry buggers with no real combat potential and compete with the trolls for food) then it gets Always On and Side Effect but not Unified Power, and the Summon part goes away. If the Whelps are advantageous (they can be used as cannon fodder, and make a decent food source for the trolls) then the Always On and Side Effect go away but it gets Unified Power, and the Summon part has to be paid for.
  6. I said I had "everything prior to Morrigan," but that just means I have several Morrigan products, just not all of them.
  7. Yeah, I had to rebuild the old Fantasy Hero Fearless Talent for them. Easy enough, but I'm a little surprised it didn't make it into the core book.
  8. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... Who the hell is Ralph Moeller?
  9. Re: 5 Civilizations That Just Disappeared I remember watching a show on History, where they had this beautiful 3D computer recreation of ancient Rome. I sat there thinking, "Why hasn't someone used this and other ancient city models for a Mythic Earth computer game? It would probably be an interesting MMO!" Of course, that was years ago and I did nothing but sit on my butt, so it's not done. But the idea remains sound. (And, sadly, unused.)
  10. Re: Need "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" Stats Wow, talk about thread necromancy! Here's the very incomplete 6E version.
  11. Re: Need input on how to build Iron Kingdom troll regen... First off, welcome to Hero! Happy to have you, and I hope you find the Boards to your liking! Keep in mind, there's no One True Way to do anything so every suggestion here should be taken with a grain of salt; that said, I hope it's helpful! Second, let's take these items one at a time: There's a special Limitation for Regen, Does Not Work On [Defined Type Of] Damage (-1/4 to -1) (6E1 275) that should cover that. Acid is Uncommon and Fire is Common, so this might qualify as Very Common; it's your judgment call as GM. There's something in the Advanced Players Guide that can help here, an Advantage/Limitation called Proportional (APG 139-140) which basically breaks down the variation on the power -- if Trolls regenerate up to four times faster while eating food, that's a x4 increase in power (worth +3), but they require lots of extra food (Very Common, which is worth 1/2 less Advantage), then the Proportional Advantage is worth +2 1/2 in this case. That's basically a special effect of the Can Heal Limbs Adder (6E1 274). If you feel it's worth an extra Limitation, then you can make it a Partially Limited Power, which is explained in excruciating detail on 6E1 366. Again, in my game I would call that special effects of the Can Heal Limbs Adder. That's a limited form of the Summon Power (6E1 287).
  12. I've got darn near the whole collection prior to Morrigan taking over the setting. It's sad that Sechi doesn't write more, but you know, everybody's got to eat. Bird of Prey, Nighthawk - A bird of prey whose feathers contain obsidian, making them razor-sharp -- and lethal! Character file is located here. Dryad Bush - A flowering shrub that transforms at night into a forest nymph. I always thought it would be interesting to use this as a character idea -- a vampire and a dryad bush fight crime at night, for example. Character file is located here. Equs, Darkmane - A kind of reptilian horse analog; so, not only "No Elves!" but also "No Horses!" Anyway, this breed is mean. Character file is located here. Equs, Graymane - The "standard" breed of Equs, found throughout the Talislantan continent. Character file is located here. Equs, Silvermane - The fastest of the Equs breeds, it's also the weakest. Character file is located here. Equs, Snowmane - An Equs breed adapted to frigid climes. Character file is located here.
  13. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The A-Team As I was leaving the theater, I was thinking, "That was exactly what I wanted the A-Team movie to be! Bravo!"
  14. Re: Talislantan Hero? I've started a thread on the Fantasy Hero board for Talislanta to 6E conversions. I'll be doing new writeups in 6E since that's what I run, but they're easy enough to convert back to 5E -- just let me know if you'd like a particular one done! Talislanta Hero [6E]: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/80689-Talislanta-Hero-6E?p=2038298
  15. These races were adapted from the Midnight Realm supplement, detailing a region between Talislanta and the Underworld:: Black Savant - A race of mysterious robed magicians, the Black Savants travel the Underworld in relentless pursuit of some unknown goal. Package deal and template are located here. Ebonite - Canny traders of the Underworld, these spectral beings hail from the ruined port city of Ebon. They claim to have made some sort of pact with the entity known as Death. Package deal and template are located here. Tarteran - A hybrid species of half-man and half-devil, the Tarterans dwell in the Midnight Realm, a demiplane located halfway between the mortal realms and the Underworld. Beset by demons that erupt out of chasms that fracture their homeland, the Tarterans are noted demon-hunters. Package deal and template are located here. I always liked the Midnight Realm supplement -- I thought it really upped Talislanta's game. I mean, here you're basically playing what would be the bad guys in any other setting; but behind the scenes, you can see the motivations of the characters, and it all makes a grim sort of sense.
  16. So, first off, some races. Talislanta is chock full of different races and cultures, but they combine the two. So, for character options, you might have "Thrall Soldier" or "Sindaran Alchemist" instead of, say, making a Thrall and adding the Soldier package to it. I've tried my best to extract them (since I think it's always interesting to play against type). There are something like seven different general regions of the Talislanta setting. The most popular (I guess) is the Seven Kingdoms, populated by seven wonderfully oddball races/cultures. Think of it as the Odd Couple for fantasy RPGs. Anyway, here are the races: Aeriad, Blue - An avian race slowly losing their ability to fly, the Aeriad live in the kingdom of Vardune. The blue subspecies is more scholarly. Package deal and template are located here. Aeriad, Green - An avian race slowly losing their ability to fly, the Aeriad live in the kingdom of Vardune. The green subspecies is a warrior race. Package deal and template are located here. Gnomekin - A race of small-sized underground dwellers, the Gnomekin inhabit the kingdom of Durne. Package deal and template are located here. Muse - Butterfly-winged empathic aesthetes, the Muses inhabit the forests of Astar. Package deal and template are located here. Sindaran - Tall, emaciated intellectuals, the Sindarans are thought to have originated on another world or plane. They rule the kingdom of Sindar. Package deal and template are located here. Thrall - Sorcerously created in the ancient past to be the perfect warrior race, the Thralls have their own independent kingdom in the swamps of Taz. Package deal and template are located here. A warrior race where each individual wears his glory on his body. These guys were always popular with players! Two of the "races" of the Seven Kingdoms (the Cymrilians and the Kasmirans) are basically humans with odd cultures. Cymrilian characters could use the "Cityfolk Culture Package Deal" (FH 45) with a magic-loving bent, while the Kasmirans could use the "Trader Culture Package Deal" (FH 46); I expect to post more Tal-specific cultural packages later.
  17. Way back in the day, I started converting the Talislanta setting into Hero System 5th edition to try to entice my group to play. They ended up choosing other campaigns, and the material I had started on lay fallow for a while. Then I started a High Fantasy game in 6th edition, and added a few Talislanta races (newly converted from 5th to 6th) to the options players had to choose from. And just last week, a thread was started in Other Genres, asking for Talislanta stuff for 5th edition. All this made me go back and look over my older material. I'd never shared the bulk of it, and that seems like a shame. Considering all the stuff I've gotten from the Boards, seems like the least I could do is give back a little. So, I completed converting the material I'd originally worked up into 6th edition, which gave me the opportunity to polish some of it up considerably. Hope people find a use for it.
  18. One of the (IMO) neatest ideas in the old World of Darkness [WoD] role-playing game Wraith: The Oblivion {WtO] is the idea that objects of importance to someone that are destroyed in the Mortal World (called the Skinlands in that setting) take on reality in the reflection of the Mortal World that the dead inhabit (called the Shadowlands). These objects are called relics, and represent one of the few actual resources of the game -- since the only thing in the Shadowlands is dead people, there's not really a lot else to barter with. If you felt a big attachment to the watch that your wife gave you just before she died, when you go, your dead self (your Wraith character) might have it with him as well. Since the object of WtO seems to be to see how much torment you can inflict on your player character, these objects of great personal importance are good role-playing tools. In any case, over decades of Restlessness, the watch gradually fades away, as do most things in the afterlife. Some relics, important to more than just one or two individuals, might last longer; these are called artifacts. Objects of importance to large numbers of people, that are destroyed in the Mortal Realm, might permanently take up residence in the Shadowlands. I believe the most famous artifact in the book is the Library of Alexandria. Considering the myths and legends that have sprung up about it, I think that's a fine addition to the decor of the Underworld. A couple of other examples are mentioned, the only one of which that I can remember right now being Brutus' Dagger. What else might be in there? I can't really think of anything else famous myself, so I pose this question to the fine minds here.
  19. Re: Palladium races to Champions rules. Actually, to be fair, he could probably just copy & paste from one of the many other C&Ds they've sent people. To get back to the OP, if no one's chimed in, I'll try my hand at the Wolfen when I get home later today. For Changelings, I would use a variation on the Shapeless package from my High Fantasy Hero game: CHANGELING PACKAGE DEAL [b]Abilities[/b] [b]Cost[/b]...[b]Ability[/b] 8......[b]High Mental Endurance:[/b] +8 EGO 3......[b]Personable:[/b] +3 PRE 6......[b]High Mental Endurance:[/b] +2 OMCV 6......[b]High Mental Endurance:[/b] +2 DMCV 13.....[b]Shape Changing Ability:[/b] Shape Shift (Sight, Touch and Mental Groups, any humanoid form), Imitation, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+¼); Extra Time (1 Turn, -1¼), Affects Body Only (-½) 1......[b]Long-Lived:[/b] Longevity: 250 Years -2.....[b]Weak Constitution:[/b] -2 CON -2.....[b]Slow-Moving:[/b] Running -2m [b]Total Cost Of Template Abilities:[/b] 33 [b]Complications[/b] [b]Value[/b]..[b]Compliations[/b] 15.....Distinctive Features: Changeling (Easily Concealed; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 5......Physical Complication: Low Tolerance For Alcohol And Salt, requires CON Roll to avoid becoming intoxicated/nauseous 15.....Social Complication: Changeling Hysteria Infrequently, Severe [b]Total Value Of Template Complications:[/b] 35
  20. Re: Palladium races to Champions rules. Be honest with you, I only own the basic Palladium Fantasy RPG (Revised) and the races were the least interesting thing in there. The only ones that looked at all cool were the Wolfen and the Changelings.
  21. Re: How to build: Ghostbuster Gear (5e) Grab and Move is one of the options once you've grabbed a target. If we assume all four of them concentrate on the same target, we get a total TK STR of 38, or 7 1/2 d6 for the purposes of Grabbing the target, averaging to 7-8 BODY. Gozer's STR must have been around that in order to bust out like he did before they crossed the streams. It's feasible.
  22. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... If I'm in a non-serious mood, I'd get Kevin Smith to write it. If I'm being serious, I might consider someone really unlikely, like Mike Mignola. His work on the Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser comics convinced me that his sword & sorcery timing is great.
  23. Re: How to build: Ghostbuster Gear (5e) Nice writeup! A question and an observation. I don't see Reduced END on the two slots of the Multipower, yet they're listed as 0 END. Do you guys have a house rule? I remember them catching Slimer with the Proton Grab then moving him across a room to catch him in the Ghost Trap. Entangle doesn't have anything in particular to move a target. If I ran this, I might try a Telekinesis power for the Proton Grab, which would hopefully allow that. Of course, for the same points, you only get 28 STR, which might not be enough for some of the larger ghosts.
  24. Re: Horror Hero Cultist Package Deal Aha! I'll have to check that when I get home! Many thanks!
  25. Re: Talislantan Hero? Copious Free Time, that is, that is not already earmarked for work on The Next Big Campaign.
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