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Everything posted by Rholio2

  1. Re: Question: Does TK Grab function like STR Grabs? I've always used it as the same at regular STR.
  2. Rholio2

    My evil plot

    Re: My evil plot Well, the car battery and bottle of malt liquor are to keep Charlie Sheen alive, the first season of Pawn Stars is to convince him he should buy stuff, and the llama is exotic enough to get him to pay whatever you tell him it's worth. So, a minor scheme to bilk Charlie out of everything he owns, then use that money to further fund your true plan of world domination. Three toothpicks (flat or round, your choice), a jar of Nutella, a '76 Chevy Impala, and a half a pack of cigarettes.
  3. Re: So Easy Even A Nine-Year-Old Can Do It! Awesome man, kids and charity. Well done!
  4. Rholio2


    Re: Incinerator Cool, interested in seeing what you come up with. Note it doesn't have to be Flight, it just seemed like a good fit. I wouldn't worry about the Iron Man idea, as flying energy users are a standard superhero type. I liked the idea of the Flight tying up the Multipower because it made him choose to act as either a Flying Brick, or a grounded Energy User. That's a personal preference though, I like seeing someone fill two roles without filling both at the same time.
  5. Re: Superhero team Leader: PC or NPC? It really depends on your goal for the campaign. If you need to 'railroad' your PCs into a certain direction at the start of the campaign, then an NPC team leader works well. I've used it that way several times, although the NPC always meets a tragic end fairly early on. If it's a standard 'team A' in 'city B' then there's no need for an NPC to lead the way... they aren't really going anywhere, they're protecting a place. An NPC mentor / founder works well in that scenario, someone that brings the team together like a Professor Xavier. As far as PC team leaders, usually there's a leader type in the group of players, or someone that wants to play one in the game. When there isn't, steal an idea from the Avengers and say "Okay, Charlie's turn to lead this month, look out everyone."
  6. Rholio2


    Re: Incinerator I suggested Flight based on the background, tied to a sun god. Traditionally, sun gods have some way to get into the sky, be it Flight, a flying steed, a chariot drawn by flying creatures, etc. And no, the glasses aren't cliche when described that way... the cliche is a lot of beginning (or not so beginning) players tend to buy Flash Def- Sight, OAF Sunglasses. On the 'game' part, I always ask three questions when building characters / checking character builds: 1) How does he do damage? 2) How does he avoid damage? 3) How does he get there / away? You're fine on the first two, the third isn't really answered yet.
  7. Rholio2


    Re: Incinerator Well, let's see... the write up says OIF, but the background says Only In Hero ID. Can the armor be taken from him? Does he need to put the armor on and take it off? Not sure on the first question, but looks like 'No' on the second one. That's an OIHID Limitation, not an OIF Focus one. As far as the build, I'd recommend lowering his Multipower to 75pts. Two of the three powers in it are 75pts already, and the third can easily be reduced by 5pts. 10pts of Flash Defense as OAF Glasses is cheesy, especially when he needs to wear glasses according to a Physical Lim. 10pts of Flash defense would put them in the range of welding goggles, not reading glasses. I'd change the Flash Defense to the Armor, instead of the glasses. It's one of my pet peeves, no offense meant. No movement power is going to be the biggest limit for this character... is that deliberate? If not, I'd suggest a Flight slot in the Multipower, giving him the movement needed while keeping the other energy user powers only usable when he's on the ground. Add a couple of martial maneuvers that work well with Flight (Charge, Flying Grab, Passing Disarm) and you've added a lot of versatility to a write-up that seems to be trying for versatility.
  8. Rholio2

    The Zodiac

    Re: The Zodiac Loses the versatility, but I'd do it as a Multiform. No control over change, form available depends on the current Zodiac sign. One month in each form, covers the full year. He won't step on any toes of the other PCs, still offers a variety, and adds a real meaning to his name.
  9. Re: Electricty based characters
  10. Re: Electricty based characters Drain Dex / SPD (ranged)- draw bio-electric energy from someone... can also be used for an NND EB. AID energy powers- source of electricity required
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Familiar Taste of Poison by Halestorm
  12. Re: Headline: Bank Robber Suffers A Net Loss... First thought for most of my characters would be a movie quote... "If you build it, they will come."
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "Bubba like drumstick." After AD&D group killed a greater basilisk (10 legs).
  14. Re: Idle Distraction: Super Webcomics Already mentioned, but this one looks like a great campaign idea. http://supernovas.keenspot.com/d/20110630.html
  15. Re: Need a name for a windy character Aires Thunder Maelstrom
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