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Blau Stern

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Everything posted by Blau Stern

  1. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill I find the thought of letting people like Joker, Red Skull, and a few other notable psychopaths live utterly repulsive. At the end of the day it is about numbers. "How many lives will I save, beyond a shadow of a doubt, if I kill this one person?" if the answer is "many" then it is worth what it for the character. Characters like that aren't people, they're monsters in human flesh, and you should treat them as such.
  2. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Might as well make the Sun a 1 pip KA when in the center of it. I don't like teddy bear GMs, takes half the fun out of the game.
  3. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Considering only Superman really does it without a vehicle of some kind? Lots. I'll try to break it down as best I can: a Rocket's exhaust (at least the Space Shuttle) is 6-8d RKA Plus 18D normal damage, both calculated separately for damage. The Shuttle's exhaust temperature is 3,315 °C. The sun's interior is 14999726.85 °C. So that's about 452 times. Since each damage class is a doubling, it's about 8-9 DCs higher, putting it at most 11d RKA, meaning you'd need 66 rED, and a boatload of regular ED, to be okay in the Sun.
  4. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Life Support: Heat doesn't protect you from lava. Protection from the sun depends on how close you are to the sun, if you're in it's corona, you are probably taking damage.
  5. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. What if the GM is asking you the question? That kind of thing needs a response other than "whatever you want it to be", because he's looking for what you think the character has. I had a GM who was somewhat conversant with comic books, but yielding to the fact that I knew more, he would regularly pick my brain for the stuff with which he wasn't particularly familiar.
  6. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. They way I give that response is like this: Generally speaking X has Y Z, though occasionally it will change because the author doesn't know what he's doing, they want to try something different, or the character is pushing their limits. Where: X=the name of the superhero Y=the number Z=the related stat
  7. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Not if they're hot enough to constitute an attack. Which most house fires are. It very specifically mentions this.
  8. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. I'm not concerned about realism so much as I'm concerned about the rules being handwaved because someone was feeling lazy about building a well-known hero. Neither blocking nor Missile deflection work against house fires. I'd estimate that Superman's VPP is quite large.
  9. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Your Batman is bulletproof? To the point that someone can take an anti-tank weapon and shoot him with it? Seems a tad silly since he's been shot and nearly killed by it on numerous occasions.
  10. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Marvel already has several characters like Superman. Captain America holds similar behavior patterns, even if he lacks the powers. Gladiator, Sentry, and a few others I'm not thinking of have the same powers. So there's no reason you can't fit Superman in Marvel, because he's already there.
  11. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Depends on the Robin, but generally speaking his skills would make him exceedingly expensive. Same with Daredevil to a limited degree.
  12. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. I meant personally concerned about house fires, genuinely concerned for his physical well-being when he responds to a house fire. Which Cassandra's version would be.
  13. Re: Alien Flagship Falling From Orbit Do we even have a die roller here? That said: the location wouldn't change what my characters would do. Though I do find it strange that any fight would last an hour in this system. My flying brick would try to push it where there aren't any people, but that's a lot of vehicle to push, and my character is only str 70. Thankfully several of my teammates are also very strong and can fly. My other characters would evacuate the vessel, because they don't have the right power set to really do anything about it.
  14. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. I disagree, if they were being honest to themselves, "Superman" wouldn't be concerned about house fires.
  15. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.
  16. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Having looked yours over, I wouldn't complain even if you used those in a WWII campaign, you might need to adjust a few things (skills mostly, I don't recall what all your version had off-hand, but some skills are in appropriate depending on the era), but otherwise I'd even use those as NPCs. I'm not asking for Superman to be built in all of his Supermanly glory, I'm asking that he be built with respect to his minimums, and with respects to what the rest of the world is capable in accordance with the environment rules. You should only have to adjust the DCs of the characters (PC and NPC) and even then not very much. You shouldn't have to adjust the environment to fit one character and how it interacts with him.
  17. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. The implication is that I'm argumentative and petulant
  18. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. I make a joke and you start calling names? How gauche. That said: if you are using the Hero system rules proper, there are rules for the environment (falling damage, fire, you name it, if it's hazardous, it has rules), and unless you intend on adjusting absolutely everything around wanting a Superman who is built on 250 points, then by all means, spend all the effort it takes to rewrite the entire system, bottom to top, to make it fit. Though, one wonders why you'd continue playing using the Hero System rules if you are just going to rewrite everything.
  19. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Most comic characters don't fit in 250 points though. I mean unless you are using a VPP for their skills and even then you are cutting it close in a lot of situations.
  20. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Look! Up in the Sky! On the ground! In a pool of his own blood! It's Superman!
  21. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. To be fair, if it's not the exact same weapon (which they rarely are), you are going to get 2 different profiles. "Heavy bomb" isn't a very good descriptor, for all we know, it could just be a couple blocks of C-4. "Being knocked lose from an airplane" this could mean a lot of things, but most likely it just means he'd be pushed out of formation, Superman's never had an amazing amount of knockback resistance. Anti-tank shells shouldn't do more than a body or two to Superman, and even at 5D, it would do a lot of body to "Superman", especially since he doesn't have all that much to begin with, and unlike the actual Superman, he's pretty easy to hit. Especially considering what the gunners of the time have going for them (probably a 10 dex, 1 CSL with their vehicle's weapon, and the vehicle probably gives them 1 more CSL +4 vs range), he will find himself in trouble just running into a tank platoon. Those are significantly better Supermans, still not very good, but better. Curious: why is everything built on 250, when the standard hasn't been 250 since the 90s?
  22. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. An era-appropriate anti-tank weapon would, in accordance with the write-ups we are given of those weapons, kill Cassandra's Superman. This isn't a "oh, let's take him to the hospital affair. Nope, dude's dead in 50 seconds. I got that from the 5th ed book. a WWII era cannon (by caliber) is 7 1/2D RKA, APHEX adds 1 DC and gives it armor piercing, this represents an anti-tank weapon. This is the 5E Equipment guide page 64. On second glance I realize I was looking at the wrong entry. Though it's still a 7 1/2D AP for the 88mm cannon on the Tiger II, it's still going to leave "Superman" a mess on the floor. Even a 5d RKA would be bad news for "Superman" He'd be stunned every shot and the fall would likely do a lot of damage itself.
  23. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Yet he always has enough power to get himself away from it.
  24. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. I've got a rough estimation of what a bolt gun does and it's more than most rifles do, but only barely. Were I to use a SA Superman, it would be the one Massey posted earlier, and he wouldn't even notice a pea-shooter like that. I'm not even entirely convinced he'd notice it when in the presence of green k.
  25. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. I'd use that sheet to represent someone not quite good enough to go pro. Like the nonsense I see about 40k's Space Marines, some of those players would swear an average space marine could one-shot Silver Age Superman.
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