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Everything posted by Basil

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I'm giving a friend a haricut. Any advice? A: With a tractor, usually.
  2. Re: A Game Of Questions Banned by whom?
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat There's a joke about feces and the papal tiara in there, but I'm not going to be the one to make it.
  4. Re: A Game Of Questions Do you want to?
  5. Re: A Game Of Questions Who censored your post?
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So, we're fighting the bad guys while flying above a lake of Coke. There can be nothing else that resembles this in the slightest. A: I've seen wurst.
  7. Re: A Game Of Questions Have you ever tried to part-out a lawyer?
  8. Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid Well, considering that (AFAICT) it's only the smaller ones that impact, that comets are much less dense than asteroids (esp. 450 km diameter asteroids), and that the article doesn't mention whether solar flares or other outbursts have occurred after an impact, I still think caution is advised. After all, it wouldn't take much more effort to miss the Sun than to miss the Earth, why not do so?
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Is this a trout? A: Well, they are commonly confused.
  10. Re: A Game Of Questions You can buy hot lawyers with shoe parts??
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How do you like my mechanical pteredon? A: Sorta like a coat of arms, but not a lot.
  12. Re: A Game Of Questions How much do they cost?
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat He's the principal of a grade school; what more proof do you need? NT: Subtle signs the immediately preceding poster is out of his/her mind.
  14. Re: Ghosts Actually, the first thing is: What does your GM say "ghosts" are? If he hasn't decided, ask him to so you know where to start from. If he says he can't/won't decide, threaten to do if for/to him; that should get him in motion. OTOH, if he asks what you want them to be, pick any of the above ideas, or something of your own. BTW, there's always the idea they're devils, making themselves look like the departed in order to lead people away from the Path To Righteousness®
  15. Re: A Game Of Questions If you had a hot lawyer, could you get her for five years?
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of cliches just died. A: Every OTHER Friday.
  17. Re: A Game Of Questions Which year: tropical, sidereal, anomalistic, draconic, or one of the others?
  18. Re: A Game Of Questions Wouldn't only ONE year be even better??
  19. Re: A Game Of Questions What makes you think it's a mere seven years?
  20. Re: a limited mimic power In case it isn't in Sidekick, there's an Advantage "Variable Special Effects", costing +1/4 if the special effect must come from a Limited Group {"(for example, all heat/cold special effects or any magic special effect)"}, and +1/2 for any special effect. To make it depend on telepathy the way you want, you'd need to by Variable Special Effects as a Naked Advantage, and put the Limitation RSR on it. If Sidekick doesn't explain Naked Advantages, please ask for a further explanation.
  21. Re: Lame Superhero Rollcall Toe-Tapper "He's a great dancer, has a few MA moves, and if he hits you with his cane you start dancing." "And?" "Um, that's it." "Start over, idjit."
  22. Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid With a radius of 450 km, visible to the best Earth instruments but not detected before the warning---well, I'm taking a S.W.A.G. and saying it's 25 AU out. At that distance, Earth subtends 0.7 arcseconds. That's a tiny target. If the planetoid is 25 AU out and will hit in 90 days, it's already travelling like a bat out of hell, and will accelerate as it approaches the Sun. Indeed, if it weren't for collisions, it would travel in a hyperbola--a very flat hyperbola. Thus, it will not take that much effort to get it off course, and it needs only a slight change of angle to miss the Earth. It is probably wise to make sure it misses the Sun as well, since the effects of a collision are hard to predict, and might be very unfortunate. It might be a good idea to see to it that it doesn't hit anything else, as the increase in "loose bits" could eventually lead to a (much smaller but still worrisome) later collision with the Earth. In short, getting something or someone to the planetoid that can push sideways, even a rather small amount, would be sufficient. It would be wise to communicate with NASA or ESA or similar to find out how much pushing, and in which direction, is needed, especially to miss the Sun and all other sizable bodies. Nuclear weapons are a foolish idea; instead of "dodging the bullet," Earth would need to "dodge a tight-patterned load of shot". Exploding a A-bomb or H-bomb near the planetoid is useless, as there's no air or other medium to transmit a shockwave. OTOH, a few large rocket engines would work fine, so long as you could get the fuel out to them, if you can "strap them onto" some useful spot; if the planetoid is "chaotically tumbling" the problem gets much worse. Still, it's not that big a problem so long as you have some way to get needed resources 25 or so AU out in a matter of a few days. PS: Yes, CrosshairCollie is right; speeding up the planetoid is a way to deflect it. However, it would not be as effective a method for making sure it misses the Sun.
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