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Posts posted by GoldenAge

  1. Re: An Unusual Kind of Growth Power


    So I have this idea for a superhero that is a telekinetic. Amongst the standard suite of telekinetic abilities is one where he has a classic force field. However, he'll be able to expand it to become a large, humanoid shaped force field that he is inside of. It'll increase his defense and Strength. I wasn't sure of Growth would be an accurate way of doing it or not. The increase in Strength and defense make sense, as well as size. However, since his body doesn't actually get bigger, extra Con and STUN wouldn't make sense.


    What would you consider doing?


    You mean like this??? :thumbup:




    The PC who built Coretechs bought it as straight Growth, just as moquif mentioned above. Works just fine for me as the GM. :)

  2. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material)


    I see Hank Dugan III likes to talk about himself in the 3rd person.


    And that's excellent work again, GA, and repped.


    Actually, Hank Dugan III is an interesting story. The short of it is, unknown to everyone including himself, he's as much a paranormal as the people he reports on. His ability is linked to Primal Chaos and he is drawn to it. On the surface it's quite mundane; he always finds himself at the scene of unusual happenings. Thus, despite his awful writing style and propensity for self promotion he always gets the front page bylines.

    There is, of course, a much more sinister aspect to his abilities. Woe be to Epic City should they ever manifest. :sneaky:

  3. Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


    If the hero is a woman then perhaps she could have a secret desire for "bad boys".


    You could take the "nurse/nurture" syndrome to new and strange levels if the villain happened to be grossly deformed or disabled. Such a heroine may adamantly argue that the criminal actions of her love are simply misguided reactions to his disability or even the negative pressures of society placed on his shoulders due to his deformity.


    (I guess these could work with both genders, but the memes are "chicks dig bad boys" and/or "want to fix their men".)

  4. Re: Telekinesis with PARTIAL Fine Manipulation???


    I have to agree with CrosshairCollie; Fine Manipulation by nature is already limited in STR so I wouldn't give any limitation for it any more than I would make you pay for Indirect on your TK because that is the nature of the beast already. But then I don't know why your GM would specify that either. I would ask what the concerns are and whether this is a real issue.

    Oh, you're not trying hard enough... :eg:


    Suppose I have Grond locked up and want to apply some enhanced interrogation techniques. How am I supposed to break his fingers through the shatterproof glass with just a 5 STR Telekinesis? Heck, it'd take more than a 10 STR TK just to keep his eyelids open...

  5. Re: Telekinesis with PARTIAL Fine Manipulation???


    I've never seen someone using TK with Fine Manipulation where you were really using more than a couple of points anyway' date=' because you were doing something like typing or pushing buttons or making a sandwich where using 30 STR would just be brutal overkill ("That's the third keyboard this week!").[/quote']


    Well, you could tickle someone to death.:snicker:


    Or rip a specific rib out of someone's chest.:shock:

  6. Re: Telekinesis with PARTIAL Fine Manipulation???


    Thanks for the quick reply guys. :)


    Have you considered two mutually excluse compund powers or compund Multipower Slots? (both adding to the same 5 STR base TK).


    Otherwsise a Limitation on the adders seems to be direct way.


    I just did (below) Thanks!


    Would this be better built as a compound power? Something like: 27 STR TK PLUS 5 STR TK with Fine Manipulation?

  7. Hey all. I have a 6th Edition rules problem.


    I'm building a 50 Point Multipower...


    The Multipower (and all slots) have a total Limitation of (-1/2) for a Real Pool Cost of 33 (but that doesn't really matter).


    One of the slots is 32 STR Telekinesis (48 AP/32 RP).


    Now, here's where I get confused... I want to add Fine Manipulation to the power (adjusting the AP cost appropriatly to fit into the Multipower). My GM wants to limit the amount of TK Strength that can have Fine Manipulation to 5 points...


    Is there any way to limit the Fine Manipulation adder?????


    Is something like this even legal: Fine Manipulation 10 Points; Lim Only 5 STR TK (-2)??????


    I could really use some help. :confused:


    BTW: I'd really like to avoid 2 TKs on the character sheet.

  8. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    ...That of using pencil to shade on top of a minimal ink line. Then scan' date=' color using mostly Painter, but some Photoshop.[/quote']


    They look great, but the pen and pencil technique you're talking about is hard to see in the finished pieces. Is there any chance that you could post the B&W scans? :thumbup:

  9. Re: Cool Guns for your Games


    I was moving our inventory of prop weapons today and stumbled across a few noteworthy bits among the dreck.


    we have a remarkably solid selection of actual antique guns from the 19th century, all of which are totally destroyed (unfortunately, but predictably)


    I also, however, came across what appears to be a potentially fixable Daisy Targeteer .118 caliber air pistol, blued with adjustable rear sights, which pretty well dates it at 1949-52 if my research is solid. hopper barrel, super-low velocity spring gun (around 100 fps). I have deemed it neat and might try and fix it up.



    Holy cow! I have one of those. It used to be my father's toy. Cool!!!

  10. Re: Lightsabre Combat!


    I'm thinking that soon it will be time to revive this thread and convert this over to Hero 6th' date=' as soon as I can get a copy of Hero System Martial Arts....[/quote']


    Yah, we're just about to start up a new Star Wars 6ED game. Converting this stuff would be helpful. :)

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