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Everything posted by AndrewD2

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... New events from my D&D game: So we find these steps, climb them for a couple hours get to the top and leave the room, and they disappear. We fight these giant devil critters that almost kills off the group. After we find the key to leave the area we enter a room and the wall opens up to a 2 headed Kolbald (lizard type thing) each head having a name tag: Ben and Jerry. They told us we were in an entertainment complex. After all that, we could have just left. When asked where we wanted to go (they were elevator operators) no one was quite sure and our anthepamorphic (I can't spell) cat said, "All right where's the bar" The kobalds response "Very good sir" and that ends our session for the week. After all this me and DM go out to eat at Applebee's and this coversation proceeds. Me: Dan I knew you wanted a couple of people out of the game and were thinking about starting Dragon*Star, but did you really have to try to kill us all off now? Dan: Oops
  2. Re: Lum! Yum! I may be misreading what you said, but as far as I know (and according to the tapes upstairs) Urusei Yatsura and Those Obnoxious Aliens are the same thing.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... On the world we were in there had been a huge magical war. All the critters on the surface are huge and many things had been turned into insectoids. That would include the dwarven race. We came from another world and crash landed in this odd little world. And, apparently there is enough magical energy left from the war that our dwarf is turning into the insectoid dwarves of this world. Most of this came from a homebrew campaign that my gaming group has been working on for years. It can be found at http://www.laww.org . It can be interesting at times.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This is from the DnD game I play in ever couple of weeks. Dan (GM): Chris (our dwarf fighter) you notice that you've started itching and your skin is getting rather dry and just as you get your experience level *pop* you have 4 new arms appear. And new eyes appear on top of your head. Me: Oh great, his intelligence is low enough that he'll start following his ioun stone (little stone spinning around the top of his head). He'll start spinning in circles and make himself so dizzy that he'll fall flat on his rump.
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