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About Batman

  • Birthday 05/24/1986

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  1. Re: Hooray for Newbies! why are you suddenly here? What with the rise of Dnd D20, Star Wars D20, Deadlands D20, Spycraft D20, Rokugan D20...*wonk wonk, wah-wonk wonk wonk*
  2. Re: Should the 5th CU have a "Euro Guard"? A super-effective UN military organization... You have a point there. A top-notch EU superteam isn't that much of a stretch at all.
  3. Re: I destroyed my CKC...on purpose Rebinding your books with a hardcover is VERY EXPENSIVE [at least, from the figures I've seen from the library where I work at]...I'd say you're just better off going to Kinko's or any other copy place and have your book rebound with a plastic comb. I think many copy places also do bookbinding, so if they can cut you a deal for a hardcover, then by all means look into it.
  4. Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming Hear, hear. I would definitely check with your players. If it gets too uncomfortable, then you could always fall back to the an exiled alien story.
  5. Re: Should the 5th CU have a "Euro Guard"? I would find it hard to see the EU running their own group of superheroes, considering the fact that they failed to implement a multi-national EU army the last time around... If it did exist, it would most CERTAINLY conflict with national interests. France and Germany would be politicking for joint control, Poland and the other East European countries would try to elevate themselves from the secondary status they currently hold, while the UK tries to hold everything together, believing [incorrectly?] that its still the leading nation in the entire EU. It would take a lot of research to loosen all the knots surrounding the mystery known as the EU, but the possibilities are, to say the least, interesting.
  6. Batman

    Theme music

    Re: Theme music I'm a classical fan myself. Although this may be more appropriate for fantasy campaigns, I dare say that Gustav Holst's The Planets could definitely add some flavor. Mars would work especially well for your head villain. *MuhahHahAHhAhha* Almost anything by John Williams or Danny Elfman would be a sure bet as well.
  7. Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming Well...if you're going to be heretical about it... Watch Dogma. I think Ben Affleck and Matt Damon's characters are exactly what you're looking for [minus the comedy bit].
  8. Re: End Of The World As We Know It... Details At 11 As a conservative [yes, theydo exist in Berkeley], I fail to see how this is amounts to the end of the world. Except for the psionically possessed part. That Jerry Falwell character sure's been acting strangely these days... For apocalypse stories, the Matrix sure had a decent one. Whaddya know, those powers you THOUGHT you had...were really computer programs designed to get even MORE bio-juice pumped out of you. Sorry. Note: I can already see the flamewars sprouting as a reaction to the first half of my post. Let's throw water on it before it gets out of hand, yes?
  9. Batman

    Newbies, All

    Re: Newbies, All I can't believed I wrote that Gawd-awful sentence. The grammar is wrong, so so wrong. It embarrasses me to say that I'm an English major at times like this.
  10. Re: commonality of unusual defenses
  11. Batman

    Newbies, All

    Re: Newbies, All A lot of you guys seem to be suggesting that I should lay off on supers until my gaming group got the hang of the basic rules. This makes sense, especially because I don't even know if I've gotten the hang of the basic rules. The only reason I'm hesitant about running a normal Heroic game is because the main reason my players are interested in Hero is because it's an actual workable superhero game...I don't think it'd go too well with them if I pulled a "Hey! We're actually playing Pulp Hero!" number on them. Perhaps what I could do is either get the Dark Champions or Star Hero genre books [another blow to my already thin student wallet] and play a Heroic Campaign with Bad@$$ Guns...the groups I play with, for the most part, can be categorized as Power Gamers [not that we don't mind a bit of good storytelling and role-playing, mind you...it's just that we'd rather kill Mr. Bond first instead of telling him our plot to take over the world...hey, we're students!], so allowing an outlet to vent our daily frustrations would be a good idea. I'm guessing it wouldn't be too hard to switch from a Dark Champions or Star Hero one-off into Champions...?
  12. Batman

    Newbies, All

    Re: Newbies, All Thanks for the tips, you guys. This helps me go a long way. I was thinking about either using the Champions from the genre book as pre-gen characters for my players. However, I eventually want to teach them character creation as well...I was thinking that maybe when my players actually get down to creating characters [which probably wont happen for a LONG while, when we have a firm grasp on the rules], that they should create 'mutant' characters with one specific, overarching power. That way, the players only have to worry about one specific power which branches out to different areas [e.g. Cyclops] instead of being bedazzled by the sheer amount of options available. Would this work for a 350 pt. campaign? Give suggestions!
  13. Batman

    Newbies, All

    I was wondering what the general consensus is on Hero's "Learning Curve." I've been lurking around this site for a while, and I've played role playing games before, but I've yet to actually run a Hero systems game [congratulations, I just graduated from D20]. I'm reading and rereading the the Core Book, and I think I have the basic concepts down to run a semi-slipshod adventure or two. But how intuitive is the system? How many adventures did YOU run or play before you felt comfortable with what was going on? The players I would be running with aren't familiar with the Hero system either, but I could always direct them to copies of the Sidekick...any opinions?
  14. Re: I Have In My Hand A List... You would have to justify that McCarthy was indeed wrong. I agree, the man was a bastard...but there has been a lot of recent literature [e.g. look at William F. Buckley's new biography on Ol' Joe] showing that a lot of the people on the blacklists actually were in correspondence with the Soviets or with the Communist Party. And with the unveiling of the CIA's confidential Venona Project, just recently released to the public, its evident that a lot of the Red Scare hype really did have grounds on reality, if blown out of proportion [the Rosenburgs really were Communist spies, etc.]. Of course...this is alternate history. None of this might have been true. But one question...will J. Edgar Hoover be a flaming homosexual in your world too?
  15. Re: Baking your noodle My take on it is that these images are made of light...try putting a hand through a flashlight beam. Do you feel anything? No...just heat energy radiated in conjunction with the light beam. Since light is made up of wave particles that only take up a negligible amount of mass, it is inconsequential to debate about how "solid" the image is. It's just an image--put your hand through it and it'll come up the other end. Therefore, you MIGHT be able to argue that a touch screen could pick up heat emanations from the image in question and work...but I wouldn't bet on it.
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