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Lord Mhoram

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Posts posted by Lord Mhoram

  1. I like the idea of a Demon styled magic, and the calander.


    In general I want demon to work well for conspacy stuff.


    For the characters....a good sampling of inner circle guys, including a few from history. I was one of the fans of the "the more Morbanes there are the more powerful thier spells get" thing from the really old stuff.... if that could be worked in, I'd be jumping up and down with gleeful chuckles.

  2. As to one, statistics will tell - in nearly 17 years of GMing HERO (a good 9 year stretch of that being an FH game) I have never killed a PC, aside from the player asking me to kill them off because they wanted something completely different, or killing characters of players who left the game. We play for story rather than the gamist aspect. There is always a chance the PCs loose, but they don't die. The threat of failure is as good for motivating players (and having fun because it is all on the line) much more than the chance of PC death - to fufill the " If combat poses no risk, why bother playing it out?" aspect of the game Oldman mentioned; at least with the group of players I've have gamed with in the last two decades this is true.


    I tend to be fairly description and sometimes very graphic with the descriptions of combat.

  3. According to interviews, Austen is going to have a new Captain Britain, and he is going to join the avengers. I am absolutely certain that it'll be from that family, and that is why they are being introduced.... actually giving us backstory to the hero.


    There was a scene in part one of the son hanging a poster of Captain America and mom chiding him for putting up an American, and he says Cap saves the world, not just America. Then in sotto voice, he comments that cap wouldn't have let whatever scarred her happen.


    I felt the new CB would either be the mom or the son (the son in a Billy Batson kind of thing). With mom dead I assume the son. Although if / how bitter he will be over mom not being saved I'll wait and see.

  4. Originally posted by Dr. Confoundo

    The last new book I read was Aaron Allston's Sidhe Devil, his second book of pulp adventure set in a fantasy New York-analogue: Doc Sidhe (Doc Savage with pointy elf-ears) and his trusty band of assistants fight crime with guns and magic. Fun and lightweight, but really feels like someone's RPG campaign put on paper.


    Second this one. It (and the original) rate very high on my fun-o-meter. They are one of the best light reads I've had in a decade. The fact that I like playing transwold martial artists just helped that out a bunch.

  5. Originally posted by Lightray

    Well, maybe:


    Strongly hinted at by Peggy, the Torch.


    Yeah. I started having my doubts about the end when Peggy said "Don't go to (wherever*) or you will die", and I thought okay so that will be his Carthage. And that was when I decided to not invest a lot of emotion in the series until I knew for sure.


    *It's been a few years, my memory fails me.

  6. Originally posted by Lightray

    This was the first book where it looks like Card has a goal for the plot in mind.


    That is good news. I had stopped reading the series, until I find out if Card is going to deviate from the history he is basing the series on, or if he is going to martyr Alvin. If it is the second I dunno if I am going to finish the series... I mean why base it on history if you can't give it a happy ending.

  7. Blackcat would marshall the ground defenses (tactics and related skills in the 16+ range), and organise a counter-offensive with available supers, and co-ordiante efforts worldwide.


    Ballistic a veteran of intersteller travel, and a space capable supermage would fly up and scout around and scry on the aliens. If a weakness he could exploit was found, he go blow 'em up.

  8. For those still following this thread here are a couple more - both likely to be adventurer's favorites:



    Description: The user of this trinket is immune to most of the normal effects of weather.

    Mechanics: 1/1 FF 0 end. LS - cold & heat {7}

    1 minute to start (-3/4), gestures Incantation -1/2, Cost end to start -1/4 Limited only vs Environmental effects (-2)



    Description: By concentrating really hard, the user knows where he is facing, and which direction north is.

    Mechanics: Bump of Direction {3}

    Gestures, Incantation -1/2, Full phase -1/2, 0 DCV


    And a couple that are a little "adult" - I thought of these while watching the Firefly DVDs while working on my game.


    That feels good

    Description: The caster’s actions relax the target, and make him feel better. The target may not be aware that this ability is involved.

    Mechanics: Transform minor 1/2d6 (target to target with more relaxed muscles, and more apt to feel nice) partial transform +1/2, 0 end +1/2, Uncontrolled contin +1 1/2

    Limited target (sentient) (-1/4), Non ranged -1/2, 0 DCV (-1), Extra time 5 minutes to start (-1), “gestures†(-1/2), 1 turn per attack (-1/4), Limited to willing target (at least unconciously willing (-2)


    What do you like?

    Description: After talking to the client, the user of this knack is much better at her job.

    Mechanics: +5 to PS courtesan roll

    Incantations (-1/4) lasts only for the duration of the one client (-1), 5 minutes to start -1


    Think of your Dreamgirl

    Description: While discussing things with the client, the caster becomes more beautiful to him.

    Mechaincs: +10 comliness

    Incantations -1/4, only lasts for the duration of the client -1, 5 minutes to start -1

  9. Blackcat would go along with it, and likely enjoy herself. She would flirt (which would be a fair break from her normal persona) and try and have a nice time, and make sure the person who won the date did so as well; and there would be a likelyhood that her significant other (a reformed villian) would end up being the highest bidder anyway.


    Ballistic would do it, but not exactly with the best of attitudes. He's a little too grumpy to really get into it, but he would do it.

  10. Originally posted by JakSpade


    Description: Every child in the villiage remembers the old man who sits in the corner of the hall and tells stories with his neat puppets... and sometimes, if they look closely enough, they can see that the puppeteer isn't using any strings!


    2 STR Telekinesis (2pts), Fine Manipulation (+10pts), 0 END, AOE 1 hex (+1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)...



    Gestures -1/4, Incan -1/4, 0 DCV throughout -1, 5 minute to start initially -1, Cannot move more than 1" per phase while in use -1/2, TK only affects prepared puppets -2, No range -1/2 (ie within 1 hex)


    Which brings it down to 3 (well 3.6 but...).

  11. Originally posted by Blue Jogger

    Here's a few that I thought for the foot solder...



    Marching Song

    Description: A marching song to assist in marching for long distances.

    Mechanics: 0 END on 6" Running {6}

    Incantations and Gestures throughout (-1), Requires at least ten men marching and singing together in formation, all of which have this knack (-1 1/2), Extra Time 1 Minute (-3/4)



    The other two were good, but this one was bloody brilliant. I love it.

  12. That necklace idea sparked my imagination. Here are three more midwife kinda things...



    Description: The character places hands on a woman giving birth, and the baby turns from a breach birth to a normal birth.

    Mechanics: 2 STR TK indirect {5}

    0 DCV throughout -1, gesture/Incantation -1/2, only to turn baby to birth correctly -1


    Stablize Mother

    Description: This is used when the mother is bleeding too much from a birth, and it stops the bleeding and stabalizes the injury.

    Mechanics: 1/2 d6 Body healing standard effect (1 body) {5}

    x4 end --1 1/2, only to stop bleeding in injuries that occur during the childbirth process -1, full turn -1 1/4


    Easy Birth

    Description: This causes the mother to not get anywhere near as tired when giving birth.

    Mechanics :0 End on 10 Str usable by other {6}

    1 minute to initially start -3/4, 0 DCV (both caster and target) throughout -1, IA Focus (stick in teeth, doll to grab, husbands hand to squeeze ect) -1/2, gestures/Incan to start -1/2



    And of course that last one made me think that in that circumstance pushing is the real world description and the hero game mechanics description of what is happening.

  13. Originally posted by Catseye

    Remidns me of AD&D 2E cantrips. You can find large lists of these on the net,



    Sort of. Cantrips are more simple magic for beginning mages, I'm looking almost for "everyman magic". Things that the nonmage would find useful.


    I like that midwife one, Jak.


    Here is one of the others I've puttered together (I'm working on the power magic for my world, the stuff the PCs will use, so these are sort of a lower priority for me).




    Description: Anytime a smith is in his workshop/foundry he can deal with the heat better than most.


    3rED armor OAF Bulky foundry/workshop -1 1/2, 1 minute to activate -3/4



    Or replace teh OAF with a "only when in" limitation.

  14. Originally posted by Markdoc

    Instead of trinkets, why not steal a line from Card and call them Knacks?

    I see this as something that is all over and different areas have different names. I think of them as Knacks or Trinkets, and this week trinkets were dominant.


    As for stealing from Card, I'm doing that already in a major way. Civilization on my world fell in an almost Revelations like mass destruction and invasion from the forces of chaos and entropy (from beyond the universe) agents of the Unmaker. :D


    And Jak steal away. Part of why I posted the thread is to see who could use the idea and for others to post thier own little spells. I was an idea I came up with after ready Card (as Markdoc surmised) and had never really seen in a RPG before, and I thought it would be really nice color for a world.

  15. Originally posted by Killer Shrike

    I find this to be kind of interesting. Mind if I consider writing up a spin on it and posting it on my website?


    No problem. An attribution of where the original idea came from would be cool though.

  16. AA- I know. Most of the combat trinkets will have real spells that are a good deal more useful.


    KS- That was my intent. Holding them to a single point means that players could buy one or a few for color, almost like background skills, and thus have something cool for thier character, fairly cheap. I would suspect the pipelight trinket to be something almost any traveller knows for example.

    They are also there for NPCs to have all sorts of minor magical talents, because I want the "ambient magic level" fairly common, if not very powerful.


    When I brainstorm on these later, I was going to go by profession.. think of "smith" and what little magical things would he have that are useful to his profession, as useful as another point in his PS would be. That is where I came up with the soldier ones - I figure the foot soldier would have a little access to some magic, even if only the "oh lord please don't let me get killed today" variety.


    The world is a high fantasy after a civilization collapse, so there is a lot of random magic floating around, but no real social or political center for major empires yet. I wanted a lot of magic in the world, but very few really powerful mages - that was for the campaign bad guys and the PCs.

  17. As a bit of color in my FH game I have a kind of magic called knacks (or trinkets). It is everyday magic that anyone can learn, requires no skill roll, and is not generally useful for combat (although a few are, in a very minor way).

    The feel I am trying for is sort of an old wives tales come true kinda thing- little bits of magic passed through families and traded by grandmothers and collected by the village old woman/headsman.


    The rules for the spells - they must cost one point (although I would handwave down a 1.7 or so cost).


    If anyone has any ideas for any others, feel free to share. I am hoping for a couple hundred by the time I'm done coming up with these -


    Here are the few I've come up with-


    Soldier’s Blessing

    Description: By spending time in the morning, a character can give himself a “lucky edge†that negates up to 2 body and stun the first time he takes body during a fight that day. The talent takes 1 full minute to set up, during which the character cannot move, take action and must chant and gesture.


    2/2 armor {6}

    trigger (+1/4) first time the character takes body {7}

    Extra Time One minute (-1 ½), Instant (-½), Gestures- both hands (-½), Incantation (-1/4) Concentration 0 DCV



    Enemy’s Bane

    Description: By spending time in the morning, a character can give his weapon extra bite, that adds 1 damage class to an attack the first time he does body with that weapon that day. The trinket takes 1 full minute to set up, during which the character cannot move, take action and must chant and gesture.


    +1 DC killing {5}

    Trigger (+1/4) first time the attack does body {6}

    Extra Time One minute (-1 ½), Instant (-½), Gestures- both hands (-½), Incantation (-1/4) Concentration 0 DCV

    (-½), OAF weapon used on (-1)


    Mother’s Touch

    Description: While humming and puttering in the kitchen like mother always did, the user of this can make food taste much better.


    +5 to cooking roll {5}

    Extra time 1 minute (-3/4), incantations (humming, muttering) -1/4, OIF (kitchen implements herbs ect) -1/2, Concentration 0 DCV throughought (-1)



    Description: With the flick of a finger and a small incantation, the caster can light a fire without to much trouble. This can only light a fire on something ready for it (such as a pipe or wood ready to light) or something very flammable (paper).


    1 pip KA (fire) {5}

    Full phase (-1/2), Incantations/Gestures (-1/2), only to light fires, and then only on ready to light objects (-1), no range (-1/2)


    Daddy’s Presence

    Description: This is the aura exuded by father’s to comfort thier children when they are afraid of the monster under the bed.


    Change Environment - Feel safe

    1 turn to activate -1/2, 0 DCV thorughout -1 No range -1/2

  18. Originally posted by Tasha

    Don't you know that Invisible woman figure will bring major cash on E-bay. I just can't wait to see how much people will pay for just a plain Clix base with stats. :rolleyes:


    Tasha :rolleyes:


    They did the same thing with the Atom, Yellowjacket and Antman, and thier highest they were pulling in 50 - 75 bucks a pop.

  19. Originally posted by ZootSoot

    Why not just kill him? Your method seems a little baroque for the same effect . . .


    Sorry for the late responce, didn't glance in at this thread for a while.


    That was the "psychic surgery" curing the pedophilia. But if for some reason this cure breaks (and with a 60 pt cosmic pool mental transform, it shouldn't) he put in the other as a safeguard. Remember Ballistic is an ex-cop and have that kind of responce, because he's seen things like that before (in non superpowered versions). From what he saw on the streets, crims of sex and power always escalate (whetehr they do or not, that would be his opinion), and he figures at some point that the copies would be not enough (too much like self "abuse" )and he would go after the real thing, so he would put an end to it- one way (fixing him) or another (the failsafe).

  20. Blackcat would try to heal him, and as that fails, move the body and stonewall the agents coming in to headquarters (she lives at the base, and has a public ID) she would then trash the agents who refuse to be stonewalled. She would call in Gibralter (the team detective) and the two of them would investigate that matter - and Cat would find the Pres and heal him.


    Ballistic would just let the body lie there, and let the agents take him away "hm, no he said nothing, he came in and tried to shoot me." He would then go about investigating the Veep, and try and find the pres so he could heal him. "here are a number of American Healer supers and go to the press to have them all meet somewhere to help the president, and when the won't be let in to see the pres, publicly question why trusted supers are not being let in to help the pres. Arrange a huge PR blitz against the vice pres about that, to hamper and distract him, and start making him look bad in the publics eye (a +60 PRE spell is really usefull in dealing with the press), and then work on other ways to make the veep look bad, save the pres, and meanwhile organize the other space capable supers to scan the near earth space for any sign of an invasion.


    One of my wife's characters the Marshall (who is the head of the government agency who is in charge of paranormal crimes, as well as a member of a green lantern like agency).

    Hide the body if feasable. (assuming yes to that) - She gets on TV, and declares that there is something to what the Vice president says, and as the duly appointed official in such matters, she is going to take steps acting for the security of the nation, and conducting an investigation, while the approriate measures are being taken (implying but not stating that she supports the Veep). She then states, that as due to the emergency powers clause in her agencies charter, she is deputising the congressionally recognized representitives of the only acknowedged interplanetary peacekeeping and polic force - she then call in a bunch of Starguard (I came up with the name IMC back in '86 - different org than the one in the CU) to have a 24 hour protective guard on the president and vice president. She also has them blockade and search for the invasion. (The Marshall has spent a whole bunch of points on contacts followers and favors, and this is just the sort of plot I run to let her use them).


    The 24 hour guard on the veep is there, of course, to keep an eye on him, and they would never leave his presence and all the stargaurd have mindlinks with each other, so the Marshall would know instantly of any hanky panky going on there. (Note that the Marshall and Ballistic are in the same campaign and would probably work together on thier respective campaigns).

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