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Everything posted by feralucce

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... After being confronted by the captain that led the assault that ended in the death of Tyria - said captain reveals this fact. The crew launches a boarding raid using an assault bolt. Upon reaching the bridge: Captain danell: what the (expletive deleted) do you want? Max: just you. The captain signals his security, which is rapidly dispatched (incredible rolls, the entire sec team is killed within two phases. The crew was supposed to be captured...lol) max turns to captain danell. Max: what you have on your hands is a storm of blood, s$@+, and bone. Milli: they would call this a perfect storm. Isunne:(blocking the exits with a gravimetric shield) your real problem is that you got caught out in the field with your pants around your ankles, your d&$@ in a cow and no shelter. Max: *blink, blink* yeah.... Right... *casting a sideways glance at Isunne nervously* I THINK what he means is, your ass is toast
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Isunne: (Sung to the toon of my milkshake) my quantum milk machine brings all the yards to the boy!
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Trust me, he wouldn't be a very effective guard if NOT tied up either...
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Isunne: and that's my plan... Maxmillion: that's so crazy... Isunne: that it just might work? Maxmillion: no? Are you brain damaged? I was gonna say, that's so crazy that i'm gonna tie you to a chair and leave you here to guard the ship!
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... be my guest
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Father the death of the braincase ship, Tyria, the crew has stumbled across a previously unknown lab on their home-base. In the lab, they found an experiment of Tyria's - a transfer of her neural net into a holographic memory matrix. They install the back up into a security drone... (a nearly impossible task, but on a roll of 3, what are you going to do?) they brief her in the events of her death. A month later, the crew find Tyria in her quarters, weeping. Tyria: I am dead. Isune: not so much. I mean, you're right hear, talking to us. Tyria: it's different. Milli: of course it is. We're here for you, we'll help you through this transition. Tyria: I don't think you can comprehend what's happening. I am... Not me. I am a recording - a simulation. I can feel the mathematics driving my mind. I can feel the fact that nothing that I am feeling is anything more than a simulation. I'm not real. Milli: I don't think that's... Tyria: (interupting) you are not in here, you don't know. You once you would do anything for me. Milli: I meant it then and it still stands. Tyria: then help me end this. Shut me down and dedstroy this... This thing I've become. Milli: as you wish. The goup gathers and holds a ceremony (as is fitting for a character that has been played for 13 years). At the end of the ceremony, everyone is hugging and weeping before they pull the plug. Tyria: i want to cry, but there doesn't seem to be an algorithm for tears. Please, just end it now.
  7. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? But that is the point... Humans will keep pushing tech forward... Joe average may not, but he's not who we are talking about... http://improbable.com/news/2002/may/troy-new-suit.html This guy worked on this project his entire life because he wanted to understand and get close to bears. My point was with the excessive presence of humans, it would not have stagnated... Just my two cents worth
  8. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? I will ask you what does budget have to do with curiosity? my point was that human curiosity will continue to push science and tech forward, if only in the pursuit of porn, regardless of budgetary constraints. The answer to your question, however is relatively simple. Scientist: I am researching item x. I need funding. Gvmt budget man: now much will it cost? Scientist: I don't know. Man: why not. Scientist: because we Know where to start, but not what it will take. Man: how can you not know that? Scientist: because it is kind of what experimental means sir. We start with what we know, and well...erm... Experiment. Budgets are approved based on known quantities by people that cannot grasp the concept of "we don't kow because mankind hasn't gained that knowledge yet." Though, I disagree that there is not steady funding for scientific discovery. Maybe not in the USA, but CERN's large adorn collider is an example continuing funding for pure discovery and a shining example of "we don't know what we'll find because we don't even know what we don't know."
  9. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? That argument is off...IMHO. There are humans all over the place in the sw universe... Saying that it stagnated because the Jedi fought all the battles, eliminates the human condition... We are driven to create and understand, pushing a need for tech innovation.
  10. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? Very true. But unlike a single country, the republic was a group of governements that willingly participated. In spite of the republic being at the forefront of every story, according to most source materials, the scientific and technological advances were typically pioneered within a system or individual civilization as opposed to a galactic effeort. Just using the last 20 years as an example... Look at entertainment technology. It has only REALLY taken off in the last little bit of our species time frame. The economic drive to develop new tech and entertainment pushes it forward. The republic was a "time of great prosperity"... I.e. Lots of money... Just on that level, the technology would have kept pushing forward. The republic had the four wars that are chronicled as canon. Military tech would have kept pushing forward... Either in the republic or outside it. The greatest technology, generally wins the day. Technological advances only remain on one side for so long before the idea, and therefore the method permeates the opposition. Therefore, without technological innovation, the war machine is halted. Since we have been really only shown the machinery of their war machine, weapons, defenses, etc., and it is not moving forward, it can be concluded that Lucas knows how to tell a decent story, but did not take many history courses. That being said, I enjoy the films... I just wish he'd give us the films we grew up with... As a film maker... They are done George, let it be! Lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z_00xyZeXI&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  11. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? Ironically enough, the dead aren't part of civilization any more. And i am talking on a technological level, not sociologically. Industrial and technological advance thrive in an environment permeated by war.
  12. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? 1) are we really talking about this? Lol... I believe a quote from mall rats fits. "how did I go from the verge of hot Floridian sex to man of steel coital debates with you on the food court?" And 2) I disagree with the war hypothesis. War is good for civilization as a whole. During the time of the republic, the republic has won every confrontation. Wars drive invention and technological innovation. While the loser is typically reduced to rubble. Most of out technical improvements can be traced back to war time. Since war (and porn) drive it, the tech level should increase, not the opposite. And we KNOW the republic has a thriving porn industry...
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The thread title says quote of the week from my gaming group... Normally, I try to keep these as in character quotes... But tonight, something happened OOC that I just had to share. I have been gaming with several younger players for years now... I ran demos at the stores I played at and was a popular gm... The twin boys that play at my table now started when they were 13. They have always been munchkins... I took a break from running for a couple weeks and played. I build skilled beasts with very little in the way of offensive power... Tonight, my re-emergence to running, they showed up 3 hours early. Will: feral, can you help us build new characters? Me: ummm, sure... What's wrong with your current characters... Will:... Ummm... Well Frank: Jesus, will! What he's trying to say is that we want to try something new... Being the combat monkey is nice, but it's gotten boring. Will: yeah, I saw you take a 45 point NPC and run it for Ken and had more fun all night than we ever had! It's time to try your way. Needless to say... I was... Well touched... I am glowing with pride! Disclaimer: I posted this because of the evolution, not what they said about me... Believe me when i say my horn is the loudest that i toot...*knows that doesn't sound right, but leaves it as it is* It's like when your baby takes it's first step, or when your savanna monitor sheds the first time...
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I am going back through the archives and digging up some of our non-silly stuff... We've got 20 years of games... Most is silly, but our table is a bunch of film makers and actors, so there are a lot of good moments
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Star hero game. Brief backstory: through sabotage, the corvette Sun Descending is suffering a critical reactor failure. The PCs have limited options. They can fly the ship as far out of atmo as they can (which will not be far enough, killing 10% of the planet's population) or someone will have to sacrifice themselves. It comes down to Millicent (xeno-archeologist) and Maxmillion (geni-mod super human). Max: go, milli! Milli: nothing doing! Max: don't be stubborn. Milli: I'm not being stubborn. Max: that exactly what you are doing. Milli: look, can you fly this thing? Max: (swallowing hard) no. Milli: then it has to be me. Max: fine, I'll run sensors. Milli turns to head to ops and Max knocks her unconscious with a blow from behind. Max: I'm sorry. Max leaves Milli in the hall and heads for the engine room. He enters the radiation filled compartment and disables the reactors, saving everyone, a la wrath of Kahn. He manages to get milli onto an escape pod and to safety (the reactors offline killed life-support) before succumbing to the rad poisoning. Milli regains consciousness before he does. Milli: oh, max.... No no no! Max: it's alright. I've had worse. Milli: (yelling at him) what the he'll? We have most of them safe! Max: it's not about that. Milli: 9 billion lives saved, max! Max: (coughing hard) Milli, we would have died, too. Milli: I know! It had to be done. Max: no. Milli: don't give me that "the lives of the many and few" bs from star trek! It was trite then, it's trite now! Max: I don't care if it was 9 or 10 billion lives, all that... Milli: (interrupting) that's a hell of a thing for a hero to say! Max: milli... It wasn't about them. It was about you. As long as you are safe, my life was not given in vain.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Well, that saves money in the R&D department
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  18. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? Thing is, you use that, and you are begging to have said grenade TKd up your tender parts
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Somewhere around page 210 I think, someone complained that the quotes were all funny and there should be some awesome quotes in here... So I gathered up my notes from 25 years of gaming (which is all the way back to junior high) and thought I would share some... Each does require a teeny bit of background, but I hope you can forgive that. I will post them one at a time to avoid backstory overload. ************** The PCs were on brain-case ship. Think terminally ill human voulenteering to become a ship AI. Near the end of the campaign, the rest of the PCs cared deeply for her. Due to a series of phenomenally bad decisions, they have ended up at the ass end of the universe with a dreadnaught bearing down on them. The PCs have manned the fighters and launched, only to find that the nav systems are all locked on their home and the overrides destroyed.* Janik: Isis. What the hell are you doin?! Isis: I am overloading the reactors and cramming them down their throats. In short, ending this once and for all. Davies: you can't do this! Isis: if you stay, you all die. Janik: if you do this, you'll take them out, but you'll die, too! Isis: I've already died once. It's not so bad. Go. Live your lives, mine ends the way I want it to, in an act of love and defiance. Never forget that.. I love you all.
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Since this one kind if fits a looking running campaign, this is it... I have no idea who said it...lol "How was I supposed to know the AI would turn on us!" "Its an AI! That what they do!!!"
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... That's evil... I will get back to you
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I have been informed by our gaming group that I am now required to make a sanity check...
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Okay... I have read this entire thread... From page one to now... Took me an entire week... But I did it. (collapses triumphantly) My wife is tired of hearing about it, and my roomies want to hang me... Good stuff, but my brain itches now...
  24. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... More quotes from the quantum engineer.(Half gadgeteer, half Mage, and half psion) "I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant." ************ "Have you heard that entropy isn't what it used to be?" ************ During an encounter with a Confederation of Known Worlds security patrol. The following is a commentary on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Security Officer: "Do you know how fast you were going?" Isunne: "No, but I know where I am." ************ A conversation between Isunne and Tyria, the ship's A.I. Core. Isunne:How many theoretical physicists specializing in general relativity does it take to change a light bulb? Tyria: in spite of the fact that I suspect that I do not want to know. How many? Isunne: Two. One to hold the bulb and one to rotate the universe. *********** Isunne: Does a radioactive cat have 18 half-lives? *********** Isunne is dancing through the ship chanting to himself. Mariko: what ARE you singing? Isunne (reciting a limerick) There was an old lady called Wright who could travel much faster than light. She departed one day in a relative way and returned on the previous night.
  25. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Star hero again... Same party Upon encountering a sentient virus that kills then takes over it's victims... Isunne - quantum engineer (no, I won't explain that - it hurts my brain): Hey, look! I just coughed up an NPC! ********** Millicent Beckwith - xenoarcheologist: wait... He gets penicillin and I had to cut off my feet? ********** mariko: (on comms) take your time, samurai kill-em-all cleared the room. Caligula: did he forget to wear deodorant again? Atsuko - sci-fi samurai from the first Japanese colony: no. Taco bell. ********** Grigori - space faring barbarian (think dragonstar, without the charm): What does your name mean, again? Atsuko: roughly translated - kind child Grigori: don't you find it mildly ironic that your name means kind child and you are walking Cuisinart? Atsuko: don't you find it mildly ironic that you used the word ironic? Grigori: not really. Atsuko: and you used it properly? Grigori: well, THAT is kind of weird.
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