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Everything posted by feralucce

  1. Re: Vampire: the masquerade style blood pool What's ironic is that I was a hard core champions fan back in the day... then started 5th edition, but let it fall by the wayside when I moved back to new orleans... Then, I had to start some medication due to injury and...it seems to have swept all my old knowledge out of my head... Thank you all for all your help
  2. Re: Vampire: the masquerade style blood pool K... than ks for all the advice... and its a long story as to why we want to do this. It boils down to a large fractured gaming community in my area, and it's hard to get anyone to break away from their predetermined gaming niche... so we're running some conversions to ease the transition... And while it seems that I am being argumentative, I am simply trying to get a grasp on things that I've never done in the system... you do have a good point on the spirit, if not the mechanics... And I DID do a search for blood pool before posting...
  3. Re: Vampire: the masquerade style blood pool and if someone said that already... please forgive me... looong night
  4. Re: Vampire: the masquerade style blood pool Unfortunately... that is what the original game did... it, imo, was terribly unbalanced... BUT... not all of the powers too blood to use Celerity (typoed celery the first time) was advanced speed. It allowed an extra action per level of the power, and took one blood point per extra action taken. Very powerful but very draining. Potence was heightened strength, yet was always on. Auspex (heightened awareness and psychic ability) was on and off, without blood use until "level five" which was a psychic projection... In this series of adaptations we're working on, we are attempting to be faithful to the material... SO the powers would all use a number of charges to pull off, all from a central endurance reserve. With what we've discussed, I am thinking the reserve would be set up based on the cost of celerity in ten increments, with a custom limitation that uses one increment per use, whether or not the rest of the endurance is used and each increment can only be used to fuel "one level" of the power so that using a power with a cheaper activation cost doesn't allow them to use multiple levels per increment... Does that sound functional?
  5. Re: Vampire: the masquerade style blood pool Well, I know how to do the healing... So... how would charges on endurance reserve work with different active point costs on the powers themselves? I mean, each power is going to have radically different point costs... and since I want them to not use endurance and use the charges to fuel them...
  6. Re: Vampire: the masquerade style blood pool really? Newb here... BOG standard? I mean... the powers in V:tm use a series of charges, basically... powers typically use a number of blood points to activate....and I want to simulate the charges that apply to all vampiric powers while at the same time making them pay for the powers (i.e. don't want them in a multipower
  7. For those of you who have not played the vampire the masquerade game, the blood pool is kind of like an endurance reserve , but with charges that can be refilled by feeding. We want to build a pool that has charges that get used by powers, etc. I am not sure how to build the pool with regards to the charges vs points in the reserve and recovery... any ideas?
  8. Re: regeneration and bleeding it's more a case of simplicity... and a matter of the fact that he DOES bleed. It's conceptual... and If I build the drain or supress to add the bleeding mechanic, then it seems, even to me, that it is specifically targeting him with an npc... and I don't do that... it seems too forced and way too specific unless they eventually get to the point where all the villains in the campaign decide they need to be removed. Which, at this point, is very unlikely, as it's like watching the key stone cops as supers
  9. Re: regeneration and bleeding though, as I said... I WANT the character to believe...if he doesn't bleed at all, if his regeneration is drained or suppressed, he won't bleed - and that is a real possibility
  10. Re: regeneration and bleeding what the hell is that from and do you have a write up for it?
  11. Re: regeneration and bleeding and the typo weasel strikes
  12. Re: regeneration and bleeding yup... had friends who went to school there and when best buy came toe teh area, used to deliver out there too
  13. Re: regeneration and bleeding BTW, collie, what part of missouri? I spent 18 years in columbia
  14. Re: regeneration and bleeding Yeah... But I don't want that... if he is dumb enogh to get his organs perforated in alphabetical order... he's gonna bleed
  15. Re: regeneration and bleeding LMAO. Repped
  16. Re: regeneration and bleeding Yeah... my games don't normally have massive amounts of body damage... but this is the same guy that attacked an MLRS system with a maul
  17. Re: regeneration and bleeding i meant in general, as in rules reasons... Though, I appreciate it.
  18. Re: regeneration and bleeding that is about how I saw it. I was thinking about making an advantage that stopped bleeding
  19. Re: Has this ever happened to you? In Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... there was a gun called the Kill-o-Zap gun... "The designer of the gun had clearly not been instructed to beat about the bush. "Make it evil," he'd been told. "Make it totally clear that this gun has a right end and a wrong end. Make it totally clear to anyone standing at the wrong end that things are going badly for them. If that means sticking all sort of spikes and prongs and blackened bits all over it then so be it. This is not a gun for hanging over the fireplace or sticking in the umbrella stand, it is a gun for going out and making people miserable with." I think that qualifies as a gun with striking apperance
  20. Re: regeneration and bleeding thank you...I searched but there were... LOTS of results
  21. I know, I know, the book says you can modify rules due to common sense, but typically, when the book outright says "NO" I tend to listen. The situation is that one player (you know the kind) wants to play a wolverine clone with ridiculous regeneration. Can anyone think of a good reason that, in this situation, the bleeding should NOT stop? My instinct is to have the character stop bleeding when the regeneration first goes off
  22. Re: Giant robots! Another meme too cool for its own good. the two meter tall ones are not far away...
  23. Re: Giant robots! Another meme too cool for its own good. You are forgetting the 5th law of anime phsysics. Law #5 Law of Mechanical Mobility, Second Law of Anime Motion - The larger a mechanical device is, the faster it moves. Armored Mecha are the fastest objects known to human science.
  24. Re: The Atlantis city-ship from Stargate:Atlantis -> vehicle or base? Per 6e2 page 189 The rules for constructing bases are similarr to those for building vehicles with one important difference: bases do not move. THUS they do not have SPD, DEX, OCV or DCV As a GM, I would require that atlantis be built as a vehicle
  25. Re: The Atlantis city-ship from Stargate:Atlantis -> vehicle or base? being a fan of the show...I would make it a vehicle. It has shields, weapons, can move in air, space and water
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