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Posts posted by TaxiMan

  1. I'm with Badger3k.


    Megascale Change Environment, -4 to PER, no range, only works on those that target the PC (-0), effects fade after (x) seconds (TBD). GM handwave the rest.


    The -4 to PER is the same as a completely dark night, so I'd say (as GM) that ranged perceptions are impossible with the effected sense. Fits the SFX.


    You would have to work out with your GM how to work around this. What's the penalty for targeting your PC "out of the corner of my eye"? It's got to be better than being blind (-4). Another item, what is the effect of just being in the area? Is there "glare" that affects everyone? How much?

  2. I'm POSITIVE this has been answered, but I'm failing to find it.


    How does an advantaged Hand-to-Hand-Attack work with Martial Arts? Here's concrete example(s):


    STR 20

    Martial Strike (+2d6)

    HA +2d6 - no advantages


    Full up Martial Strike does 4d6 (STR) + 2d6 (HA) + 2d6 (MA)


    Next, same guy with Penetrating HA - what happens?


    This is really pissing me off, I KNOW I've seen this answered!

  3. Not a criticism, but what is your take on having OIHID limitations plus Instant Change (like maybe Leadboy has) ? I'm not sure if Leadboy can instantly turn into his heroic form, but for the sake of argument suppose he does. Is it still OK to take OIHID on a bunch of powers?


    One hand says "If it isn't limiting, it's worth nothing." The other says "He paid points for Instant Change so it's OK. Besides, he has a secret ID & transforming blows his cover - so it's still limiting."


    I've wondered about this, since I like the secret ID & OIHID seems natural - though I'd hate to be out of action for a Turn!

  4. GhostPlayer:

    Val Char Cost
    13 STR 3
    15 DEX 15
    18 CON 16
    10 BODY 0
    23 INT 13
    15 EGO 10
    18 PRE 8
    10 COM 0
    16 PD 7
    16 ED 6
    4 SPD 15
    7 REC 0
    36 END 0
    26 STUN 0
    6" RUN02" SWIM02 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 93
    Cost Power END
    48 Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: Intense heat still affects Ghost, even in her immaterial state.]
    10 N-Ray Perception (Sight Group) [Notes: Ghost can "see" quantum structures - though not through force fields.]
    5 Power Defense (5 points)
    40 Quantum Control: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
    3m 1) Base STR, Affects Physical World (+2) (26 Active Points); Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: Ghost has always known how to "synchronize" her immaterial hands to physical objects. She only has a STR 5 when invisible!]
    3u 2) Invisibility to Hearing Group, Normal Sight and Nightvision , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: With effort, Ghost can allow most vibrations to pass through her. She is still visible in infrared!]
    2u 3) Quantum Suppression: Energy Blast 2d6, NND (Force Fields) (+1), Affects Physical World (+2) (40 Active Points); Beam (-1/4), Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: "Freezing" parts of a living organism hurts!] 4
    3u 4) Quantum Nullification: Energy Blast 2d6, NND (Force Fields; +1), Does BODY (+1), Affects Physical World (+2) (50 Active Points); Beam (-1/4), Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: By suppressing the quantum state of matter to zero, Ghost can effectively destroy matter!] 5
    4u 5) Quantum Rigidity: Force Wall (7 PD/1 ED), Affects Physical World (+2) (60 Active Points); Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: Ghost "freezes" the quantum state of whatever material exists in a region - even air - making a solid barrier.] 6
    4u 6) Quantum Leap I: Teleportation 15", Improved Noncombat Movement (x8), Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (Half END; +1/4) (60 Active Points); Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 2
    4u 7) Quantum Leap II: Teleportation 15", Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Megascale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Can Be Scaled Down: 1" = 1km (+1/4) (60 Active Points); Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: 1" = 250m to 2500m] 6
    1u 8) Incremental Shift: Flight 4", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (12 Active Points); No Noncombat Movement (-1/4), Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
    1u 9) Calculating Probabilities: Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups) (50 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), Vague and Unclear (-1/2), Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 5
    8 Quantum Blast: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (60 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Side Effects: Feedback delivers 12d6 STUN, occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-2), Restrainable (-1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Cannot Be Used With Multiple-Power Attacks (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4) [Notes: This lethal attack is Ghost's last-ditch weapon. Ghost totally disrupts the subatomic structure of whatever matter is in her sights. Using it always KO's her, and the drain on her system prevents her from using it more than once a day.] 6
    8 Find Weakness 12- with Quantum Blast (15 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), OIHID (-1/4)
    6 Life Support (Extended Breathing; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) (7 Active Points); Linked (Desolidification; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4)
    Powers Cost: 150
    Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
    X-Men Basic Training
    3 1) Defensive Throw: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, Block, Target Falls
    3 2) Basic Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 4 1/2d6 Strike
    4 3) Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
    Martial Arts Cost: 10
    Cost Skill
    3 Power - Quantum Control 14-
    12 +4 with Quantum Suppression, Nullification, and Blast
    4 +2 vs. Range, for Quantum Attacks
    3 Computer Programming 14-
    3 Cryptography 14-
    3 Deduction 14-
    3 Lockpicking 12-
    3 Persuasion 13-
    3 Systems Operation 14-
    5 Cramming
    2 TF: Space Station, Spaceplanes
    4 SS: General College Level 15-
    3 Scholar
    1 1) KS (2 Active Points) 11-
    1 2) KS (2 Active Points) 11-
    1 3) KS (2 Active Points) 11-
    1 4) KS (2 Active Points) 11-
    Skills Cost: 55
    Cost Talent
    27 Danger Sense (self only, Any Danger, Function as a Sense) 14-
    12 Combat Luck: 6 PD/6 ED
    3 Lightsleep
    Talents Cost: 42
    Val Disadvantages
    Common Ralia Disadvantages
    25 1) Hunted: Mystery Hunted(s) 14- (Very Frequently), More Powerful, Harshly Punish
    20 2) Distinctive Features: form and elfish features mark her as an Outsider Concealable, Extreme Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses
    10 3) Phys Lim: Knows nothing of Ralia Frequently, Slightly Impairing
    15 4) Psych Lim: Code vs. Killing Common, Strong
    15 5) Social Limitation: Secret ID Frequently (11-), Major
    15 Psych Lim: Loves Wolverine Very Common, Moderate
    10 Psych Lim: Seeks Out Her True Origin Uncommon, Strong
    10 Psych Lim: Thrillseeker Uncommon, Strong
    15 Phys Lim: Adolescent / Immature All the Time, Slightly Impairing
    15 Vulnerability: Presence Attacks Very Common
    Disadvantage Points: 150

    Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 350

    Height: 1.57 m Hair: Blonde
    Weight: 44.00 kg Eyes: Blue-gray
    Appearance: Ghost is a small, thin girl with elfin features.Personality: Quote:Background: Ghost grew up on Earth, yet was not of Earth. How this came to be is not yet known, since her people had not developed space flight before being destroyed.


    Ghost learned she is another victim of the Dutok. The Dutok were an insanely xenophobic race that wiped out many races, including those of Ghost's homeworld. After a time, Civilization noticed and responded by eliminating the Dutok. Ghost is an Aertai; a peaceful and contemplative people. "Cultured" might be a good way to describe them. They sought knowledge in science and in art. They didn't have the aggressive drive typical of so many other species - a shame as that would have made them a valuable contribution to Civilization. Less than a dozen Aertai still live.


    Ghost is not a typical Aertai, having grown up surrounded in Earth's North American culture. She was not raised to seek knowledge, peace and serenity - the cornerstones of Aertai life. Instead she tends to be a rash thrillseeker - her parents would be sick! Ironically, she also contains within her the rare Aertai trait that would have made her a priestess - the ability to sense the deeper fabric of the Universe. That trait labelled her a "mutant" on Earth.


    Civilization offered physical restructuring to the survivors of the Dutok genocides. It was felt that granting them Level 6 status would help these refugees better survive as they became citizens of the Galaxy.


    When asked, Ghost "wished for" "oneness with the Universe" or something like that - it didn't matter that she couldn't express it, Civilization understood. They gave her control over her quantum waveform to some extent. When in her wave-state, Ghost can begin to perceive - everything!

    Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use: 
  5. A recent thread discussed quantum powers. I dug up this character, based on "quantum" powers, and thought I'd let Herodom's elite chew on it. I haven't posted a character before, so forgive any html goofiness. BUT, I'm counting on HD2.0 (great product!) to save me.


    The game setting was weird - background was a xenophobic spacefaring race went on a killing spree, and the heros were the survivors of various planets. "Civilization" is some uber-highly developed species that watches over the universe in its spare time; it's a little mysterious. The heros eventually end up someplace weird, where they don't know the geography, races, rules, ... nothing. A bunch of disadvantages

    go with the setting (common to all players). The girl playing of this character really liked a guy who had to play Wolverine ... another story entirely.


    Anyway, this is about getting a character critiqued! Here she is...

  6. I have to admit that I enjoy comics, but don't follow them closely. I read Death of Superman (sucked!), and wondered...




    It seemed that Doomsday couldn't fly, he jumped around everywhere. That alone seems like a lethal weakness - why didn't any superhero blast him straight up & continue through the atmosphere all the way to the sun?


    Is there some history I'm missing about Doomsday? I think he appeared earlier, but have no clue what was shown about him. As I read Death of Superman (sucked!), I just kept wondering ....



  7. Put me firmly on the side of multiform. If you, the player, want to control two different characters, one at a time, it's multiform. If you want to control two characters at the same time, it's duplication.


    All this EDM stuff is like designing rope using Hero rules. Waaaaayyyy overkill. Still, this is my opinion - if you're having fun and others playing with you are also, game on!

  8. Depends on your game. I don't like so much detail; if the PC has all the skills or has bought a vehicle (F-16), I assume enough effort has gone into it. In game I might limit the player if he jumped into the fighter in a hurry & couldn't get a flight suit, but otherwise I assume it's all OK.


    If you like the detail, then this writeup fine by me.

  9. I know what you mean. From a policy perspective it's easier to kill someone than incapacitate them. If they're left alive, they get on the news & complain & sue. I suppose that's normal enough, but it's a pretty complacent & jaded society that pays attention to them.


    However, if a society decides they mean business, I'd expect a lot of that to dry up quickly.

  10. I'm betting lots of future weapons will be non-lethal. Stuff like:


    Sonic blasts that KO non-protected people (directional for most uses).


    Laser / intense light that induces convulsions and /or temporary blindness.


    Biologic / chemical weapons that the cops are defended against (think CS gas, but with much better knowledge of how to affect people). We have many orifices that can be made to rapidly expell noxious stuff. Heck, even making someone sweat extremely would drain them of water and energy, might upset electrolyte balance.


    Bacteria / nanites designed to eat dead cells only - strip off all a victim's hair and outer skin. They'd be so sensitive a slight breeze would be agony, much less to move.


    EM fields that disrupt the brain (very dangerous!) or muscles (not as bad if it can be tailored for voluntary muscles). Maybe we can affect nerves only up to 1" inside a person ("skin depth" - hah!). That would shut down conciousness, or cause some sensation (e.g. burning) over all your body.


    EM tuned for specific chemicals, like microwave ovens are tuned for H2O. Bad news if it's tuned for ATP (fuel source for all our cells). A burst of EM might deplete someone's ATP - until the mitochondria resupplied enough, they'd be out. Probably kill them though. Maybe the EM beam would be narrow, the victim would only lose control of their legs for example.


    All of this can be delivered any number of ways. Guns, grenades, flechettes, gases, smart machine or biologic, ... whatever. Mix & match, and add flavor to suit.


    So let's make one up:


    The cops are faced with a riotous crowd, egged on by the UMD (a violent anti-government organization). Not wishing to kill citizens, the cops bring out a Lumpy.


    A "lumpy" is a genetically engineered small fleshy animal that's a cross between a ferret and a bat - or maybe a big eyed hairless chihuahua (Ren & Stimpy). Once activated (say it gets fed a "Rabid-Pellet") it has an insatiable desire to mate with a person's face.


    Of course, the cops have visored helmets that don't look good to the lumpy.


    The lumpy is set loose, seeks out a target & splats on their nose. A self-destructive orgasm explodes in it's tiny brain, releasing enzymes that digest the critter from the inside out in seconds.


    That leaves a pound of goo on exposed human flesh, goo that contains a chemical stew capable of penetrating skin and depositing enough LSD to divorce the victim from reality.


    The sight of the horrorendous attack & it's disgusting result quickly drains the will to fight from the crowd.


    Get the idea?

  11. If a character isn't skilled at tripping, I'd figure at best you're forcing the victim to make a skill check. If the victim outright sees the trip coming or makes a PER roll, they aren't tripped. DEX roll if they can't see it, if that's all they have. Breakfall, Acrobatics, stuff like that are complimentary or nullify the trip. I'd modify the victim's roll(s) by circumstances, -3 to +3 max.


    Paying points for maneuvers should be worth it!

  12. Don't forget, if you stop someone and they hit something they take damage. At 900 mph, that's about 200"/segment! So buy a 200d6 EB & link it to the power, limited "only to mimic knockback impacts".


    If that seems too expensive, realize that your player will most likely want to use it sometime!

  13. Thanks! The Side Effect and Limited (Only When Puddle) sound like the right thing to do. I was distracted by Increased END (to model being wiped out), but that would have cost END all the time. And Multiform seems TOO creative, though being "hosed" isn't a concern - he's supposed to get into situations where Regen isn't feasible (at least, not until he gets some "quiet time").


    So what limitation would Side Effect: 0 STUN & 0 END be for this? It'd take about a minute to fully recover, after healing up in a pseudo-coma. Essentially, it's the same as "only usable out of combat". In a Supers game that sounds like -1/2, since Regen is pretty useful in a fight. But, since it takes a while to Regen anyway (maybe longer than most fights?) I could see it as -0 even!


    What limitation would you give this Side Effect?

  14. How do you design an ability to regenerate that isn't always available? Is there a problem with Regeneration being Persistent? More specifically, I have a molten character (T1000) that can regenerate if he becomes an insensate puddle. After regenerating, he's totally wiped out.

  15. A 4-issue comic titled "The Coffin" was about a very unique scientist. He studied souls, and developed a plastic that was impenetrable to soul-stuff. First issue, he gets mortally wounded and falls into the vat of liquid plastic. He dies, but since his soul is trapped in the plastic, he is still walking and talking.


    Really good story, and a unique scientist to boot.

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