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The Arc

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  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine You know they kind of look like they're holding hands. That's communism for ya. )
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Try this one http://fabricadeherois.blogspot.com/
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Warhead Background Charles Blake remembered vividly the first time he had seen a nuclear test. He had been there, too close in fact. He had been a soldier guarding the testing site in Nevada, where the United States was testing nuclear devices above ground. The testing was quite popular, and people from all over the country came to watch. In the 50’s it was quite the spectator sport. Charles had been working the perimeter when he was alerted to an intruder. He jumped into a jeep and took after the intruder, who turned out to be an eight-year boy who had wandered away from his parents. The boy was oddly calm, and hadn’t even cried when Charles swooped down on him. Charles loaded him in the jeep, and headed back to base as quickly as he could. There was going to be a test shortly, and unfortunately his radio had fallen out of the jeep on his way out. There was no way Charles could stop the test. Driving like a mad man, Charles didn’t see the coyote, until it was too late. He swerved away and the jeep flipped twice before landing on its side. That was also when the sirens started blaring. It was going to be too late. They were both too close. Valiantly Charles threw himself onto the boy trying his best to protect the boy. The world ended in a blinding flash. Charles was sure he had died with it. However, God certainly has a sense of humor, and he lived. Not a scratch on him. His fellow soldiers chalked it up to blind luck. Charles wasn’t sure. He was kept in the infirmary for almost a month while the doctors and even the scientists ran countless tests on him. Charles was really starting to dislike them, a whole lot. However, none of the tests proved anything, and the doctors and the scientists were stymied. Charles could care less. The only thing that mattered was the boy. He had survived too, and Charles learned that his name was Arthur “Artie” Godwin. Whenever, Charles had a chance he’d spend some time with the boy, who like him was confined to the infirmary, and had to suffer the same tests as Charles. Artie and Charles really bonded during that time. Charles was really upset when Artie left to go back to New York City with his family. As for Charles, he got an extended leave. Charles was into a month of his leave, when the headaches started. At first he just ignored them; they were just headaches after all, and eventually they went away. However things seemed to get worse, he seemed to be throwing up a lot of late. One late night a skull splitting headache came on after watching a television show on the nuclear testing in Nevada. Charles couldn’t think. Knowing he needed help he stumbled to his phone only to watch the phone melt in his hand. Then came the blinding flash again, and Charles screamed in agony, and he passed out. When he woke, his house was gone, as were several other houses around him. Strange men in odd suits were all around the place. It turned out that the men were federal agents. Charles was taken into protective custody and transported to a federal laboratory in New York City. It was there that the feds helped him get control of his powers. They told Charles that they’d like him to act as a symbol of the nuclear age for the government. To protect his identity they even designed him a costumed identity. Charles was to be known as Nuclear Man. It wasn’t long after that Charles was fighting crime. Other crime fighters weren’t exactly sure what to make of Nuclear Man, seeing him more as a tool of the government than a true super-hero. Charles never really paid them any mind. It was while taking on a ring of Soviet saboteurs that Charles met Artie Godwin, again. Artie had been following Nuclear Mans’ exploits in the papers, and it just seemed natural to Artie that Nuclear Man must be his friend Charles Blake. The spies had trapped Charles in a death trap, and it was Artie, who was now a teenager who rescued him. Their friendship renewed, Artie became Nuclear Mans’ trusty sidekick Fallout Boy. The two fought side by side for several more years, until public sentiment turned completely against them. Nuclear Man and Fallout Boy retired from public view. With Charles encouragement Artie joined the army where Artie excelled. He became one of the armies’ elite, a green beret. When war brought out in Vietnam, Artie quickly left for Asia. As for Charles, the government again approached him. While they didn’t want to have Charles resume his Nuclear Man’s identity, they did want him to travel to Vietnam to aid in the war effort. The government feared that Vietcong or its allies might have super powered agents of it own that must been neutralized if the war effort was to be successful. Charles agreed and was given training by the same green berets that trained his former sidekick. The war didn’t go quite as planned. While Charles contributed as much as he could, the military brass constantly hampered him. Some wanted Charles to nuke villages, while others wanted to keep him in reserve as a way to bring the Vietcong to heel. So for most of the war, Charles merely sat unused. Most of the military brass was afraid of the consequences of using an agent like Charles. It was after a particular grueling campaign, it was decided to go ahead and use Charles. Charles flew into the area where the enemies were supposed to have a camp and let loose with burst after burst of radiation. Soon the entire camp was reduced to a desolate ruin. Curious to see the damage he had done, Charles flew down to investigate. Searching through the ruins, Charles came across of several bodies. They didn’t look to be Vietcong to him. Searching on the bodies, Charles turned up a pair of dog tags that read Arthur Godwin. The military brass had made a mistake. He hadn’t destroyed a Vietcong base, but an American one, and on top of that he had killed Fallout Boy. In grief Charles unleashed more nuclear energy than he had ever done before, before falling into a faint. Again the agents came and collected Charles and returned him to the States. The military covered up the incident, accusing not only Vietcong, but also the Chinese and Russians of deploying a small nuclear device. As for Charles he was taken to the Thorp Institute and put into a special cell, as he was now constantly leaking radiation. Psychiatrists worked on Charles for years, but made no progress with him, because he was in a state of catatonia. In the end, it was decided to merely contain him. All this changed when Doctor Goldstein started working at the institute. He did a lot of research into Charles past, and came across the connection between Charles and a young boy named Artie Godwin. Somehow, Doctor Goldstein had gotten a hold of a picture of Artie. The day that Doctor Goldstein showed Charles the picture was his last. The wing that Charles had stayed in had to be sealed off completely due to the large amount of radiation. It was just a few years later that a super-villain calling himself Warhead made his presence known to the world. Warhead took over the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant in Costa Mesa. It was only through the efforts of Sanction that Warhead didn’t cause a complete meltdown. Major American, while well protected from almost any form of injury was in the hospital for several weeks due to radiation burns. Warhead made his escape, and has clashed with super-heroes across the globe. A few of them haven’t survived the encounter with Warhead, and a few places where Warhead has been have become completely uninhabitable. To make matters worse for the worlds’ defenders, Warhead has started gathering like-minded super-villains to his banner. These super-villains call themselves Ground Zero. They’ve stated that their ultimate goal is the complete destruction of the world. Some super-heroes across the globe have commented that if Ground Zero isn’t stopped, they might achieve their goal. Personality The death of Artie Godwin has seriously unbalanced Charles. Once he was one of the good guys, but his sacrifices, his fighting on the side of the just, seem to him to have turned into ashes. No longer will Charles fight for a world that makes him feel so hollow. Better destroy the world, and maybe in the end destroy himself. Only then maybe can he make amends to Artie for killing him. Charles has a lot of guilt over killing his friend, and that guilt eats at him like a cancer, and since Charles cannot die the pain goes on and on, never ending. He failed to protect Artie, and in his memory will destroy the world that allowed Artie to be killed by Charles. Charles is certainly a tragic figure. The world will burn, and Warhead and Ground Zero will be the match. Quote "Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst." Powers Since the nuclear explosion that triggered his uber-powers, Charles has really ceased to be a living being, but is more of a quasi-being composed of living nuclear energy. He never hungers, needs to sleep, and is effected almost not at all by his environment. Charles never becomes too hot or cold, and can easily survive in the vacuum of space. Being of living nuclear energy gives Charles an almost endless supply of energy. Charles is able to project burst of nuclear energy, usually from his hands, and occasionally from his eyes. Most organic creatures struck by his blasts of radiation sicken and can even die from exposure to his radiation. In the past Charles had a greater control of his energy, but since becoming Warhead he has little desire to rein in his radioactivity. As Warhead, he can pass through solid objects, so long as they aren’t lead lined. Charles generate a variety of radioactive fields around his body. Some protect him from attacks, but he also generate fields that are harmful to anyone who gets too close. Using these fields, Charles is even able to fly. Appearance As Warhead, Charles uses his powers to create a yellow costume that covers his entire body, except for his head, hands, or feet. On his hands and feet he creates boots and gloves that are orange in color. The radiation symbol in black is emblazoned on the chest. His head looks like it’s composed of green fire. Only his eyes and mouth are visible and they glow with a yellow light. When not appearing as Warhead, Charles is a large muscular man, with a short military style hair cut. Charles isn’t the most handsome of men. He certainly looks like a man who carries the world on his shoulders.
  5. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread I don't think the Comics Code Authority would approve. But all kidding aside, I think it's a great drawing. I particularly like how the posture of her mouth matches that of her amulet. Nicely done.
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here are 2 versions of Fallout Boy the youthful companion of Nuclear Man. It was Fallout Boys' accidental death at the hands of Nuclear Man that turned the super-hero into the super-villain known as Warhead. I'm thinking about making a Fallout Boy II for Ground Zero.
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I was thinking again about my nuclear themed villain group Ground Zero, and have been kicking around the idea of a villain named Cobolt. I've come up with 3 different drawings for Cobolt. Which do you think is best? Cobolt v1 Cobolt v2 Cobolt v3
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Excelsior!
  9. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Ouch! Holy Fatman Batman, Shades of Janet Jackson!
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Atrocity
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine My attempt at a Green Lantern.
  12. Re: Please Write up our Luchadors Liar Liar your pants are on fire. No really. )
  13. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Watch out for strong breezes.
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Can I ask ya somethin, Padre? When I was kickin? your ass back there... you get a little wood?
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine She's dying to kill you.
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Dirk Poundstone was a famous porn star until the day he was caught in the bed of the wife of a notorious gangster. Dirk was thrown into a vat of toxic waste and left for dead. However, Dirk didn't die but was transformed into. Cockatrice
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Ahhh the Pun-ishment!
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine 'Cause that is where all the Anarchists are from, except maybe from Eugene, or maybe Seattle. What do Anarchists have so much against McDonalds?
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Firebomb must be from Portland.
  20. The Arc


    Re: Foxbatmite Sounds like Larry from the Teen Titan show.
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine How about this one?
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Конечно
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Wouldn't that be Fire Czar?
  24. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Did you hit the upload button?
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