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The Arc

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Everything posted by The Arc

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Count Vegemite Do come from a Land Down Under? Where Women Glow and Men Plunder?
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The Fairy Godfather "What are ya? Some kinda fairy? Forgetaboutit!"
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Membros I. for toes and Cauda for tails
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's Action Bastard to go along with the earlier one I did of Corn Whole. BTW-Here's a link to the clip I got those two from. http://www.veoh.com/videos/v87115776EeJtj6E?c=funimation&source=similarChannel
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Probably in poor taste.
  6. Re: Uberworld - Character and Art El pingüino de Paraguay Ernesto Castel, Paragauy http://www.uber-world.com/characterpage.php?cid=967 Background Ernesto Castel grew up poor in Paraguay. His parents were farmers and barely kept their family feed. Ernesto unlike his siblings grew into a strong muscular man. A traveling wrestling promoter broke down outside the Castel farm, and took one look at Ernesto who was chopping firewood and instantly knew the boy would make a great wrestler. Ernesto was sixteen at the time. He was also developing super-human strength at the time. The promoter gave Ernesto his mask and costume, and a year later he was headlining in Mexico City as the El pingüino de Paraguay or the Penguin of Paraguay. Ernesto proved to be quite the success, making the promoter quite rich. When the Ultimate Uberworld Wrestling Confederation was formed Ernesto was invited to join. His promoter tried to discourage Ernesto, but he was sure it was be his big break. Now Ernesto is wrestling with the most powers professional wrestlers in the world. El pingüino de Paraguay is going to make his mark. Personality Ernesto is a cocky young man who doesn’t think twice about showing off how great he can be. This has gotten him into trouble in the past. His bout with Anaconda left him in the hospital for six weeks. Ernesto has developed a passion for wrestling. He has few hobbies outside of his sport. Ernesto rarely waits for a bout to start; instead coming in with feet a flying. For all of his bravado, and his superhuman strength Ernesto hasn’t ever killed anyone. He isn’t planning on starting any time soon. Of course a few of his opponents in the past have tried to end his career, but El pingüino de Paraguay always seems to come out on top. Quote "These Happy Feet are going to be knocking you into the next ice age." Powers Ernesto is a gifted professional wrestler whom has been wrestling for several years now. He’s a wily fighter with a lot of different moves. As El pingüino de Paraguay, Ernesto fights in the style of Lucha Libre, or in a fast flying style of professional wrestling. Ernesto is superhumanly strong and resilient. These are his only real superpowers. However, coupled with his wrestling moves, makes him a daunting foe. Over the years Ernesto has developed a few wrestling moves from his Pingüino Jump Kick, in which he climbs to the top rope before leaping at his opponents delivering a crushing kick to his Pingüino Backbreaker, where he throws an opponent across his shoulders and then pulls down on their legs and neck causing a lot of pain to the opponents back. Ernesto also is quick footed, and wears a reinforced costume. In addition he wears a mask that protects him from flash attacks. Appearance Ernesto wears a skintight costume that covers his entire body, except for his head. The costume is mostly black with a white part running from his throat to his boots, making him look like a penguin. His boots are yellow. On his head he wears a mask that is vaguely bird like that is black like his costume with a yellow beak. Outside of his El pingüino de Paraguay persona, Ernesto is muscular man with dark skin and curly brown hair. Ernesto likes to wear flashy clothing along with a lot of jewelry. He has been successful at the professional wrestler business for years.
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Another from Rosario+vampire. Mizore Shirayuki: She is a Yuki Onna, an "Ice Woman".
  8. Re: Ultimate Uberworld Wrestling Confederation It's time to throw in a Tag Team. Ladies and Gentlemen are you ready to RUMBLE? Hailing from Greece, Brontes and Asterion, otherwise known as the Greek Express
  9. Re: Ultimate Uberworld Wrestling Confederation Asterion: Hailing from Island of Crete...
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine From Red Doom: The People's Commando.
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I'm currently watching an anime called "Rosario+Vampire", in which a human boy attends a school populated by monsters. I took the liberty of doing two of the other students. Kurumuru: She's a succubus Yukari: She's a witch
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine More Drawings. Chasm: Master super-villain who rules a subeterran world. Doctor Claus Schroder: Head Shrink at the Thorp Institute for the Criminally Insane. Whitelight: Blind super-villainess.
  13. Re: Ultimate Uberworld Wrestling Confederation More Wresters... Brontes: Hailing from Ancient Greece the Original Cyclops. Mikhail Makarov: Look out Ladies...This Russian is the Total Package.
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I recently watching Adult Swim and came across this video on Robot Chicken about Bob Barker the Castrating Vigilante. So I tried to do a drawing of Bob from the video. Here it is. Here's a link to the video. http://www.noob.us/humor/robot-chicken-bob-barker/
  15. Re: Ultimate Uberworld Wrestling Confederation El pingüino de Paraguay
  16. The Arc


    Re: Heroes You know this go me thinking about a show that was on awhile back called Earth2, real sci-fi stuff. However, the really interesting thing was that the writers didn't have a background in sci-fi, but in soap operas. And I thought it was a great show. So just because a person doesn't have a background in what they're writing doesn't mean it's going to be bad. I'm a big fan of Heroes and can't wait until September.
  17. A few years ago I wrote an NPC named Major American, who was a pro wrestler turned super-hero. Recently I got thinking about returning to that idea, a wrestling group made up of super powered wrestlers. I came up with a few ideas. Do anyone else have any ideas for super powered wrestlers. Heels and Faces welcome. Anyways, here's a few drawings of ideas I came up. The Foreigner-The ultimate bad guy. Who knows what country this heel comes from but he spits on all of us God fearing Americans. Booo! Red Lucha-A high flying luchador from South of the Border. Look at him fly... Hannibal the Cannibal-Watch out for those teeth. Mr. Slappy-This clown isn't too funny.
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Mister Slappy!
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Fleshtone...I think...
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Ookla the Mok???:eek:
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I updated some of the drawings on the Uberworld website. Here they are.
  22. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread Rio "Wow! Moving on the floor now babe you're a bird of paradise. Cherry ice cream smile I suppose it's very nice With a step to your left and a flick to the right You catch that mirror way out west You know you're something special and you look like you're the best. Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand. Just like that river twisting through a dusty land. And when she shines she really shows you all she can Oh Rio Rio dance across the Rio Grande. I've seen you on the beach and I've seen you on T.V. Two, of a billion stars, it means so much to me Like a birthday or a pretty view But then I'm sure that you know it's just for you Hey now (wow), look at that. Did he really run you down? At the end of the drive, the lawmen arrive you make me feel alive alive alive I'll take my chance 'cause luck is on my side I tell you something I know what you're thinking I tell you something, I know what you're thinking Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand Just like that river twists across a dusty land. And when she shines she really shows you all she can. Oh Rio Rio dance across the Rio Grande Her name is Rio she don't need to understand I might find her if I'm looking like I can Oh Rio Rio hear them shout across the land From mountains in the North down to the Rio Grande" Duran Duran
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Me bad. I meant the Evil DM.
  24. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Just watched Rex Steele: Nazi Smasher (thanks to the Evil GM), and thought I'd try to do Greta Shultz. Any ways this is what I did.
  25. Re: Seeking a character name for a Puerto Rican teleporter How about El Tiburón or the Shark. As in the Sharks from West Side Story. The Sharks being a Peurto Rican gang in the movie.
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