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The Arc

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Everything posted by The Arc

  1. Re: Mythic Creatures as Eco-Terrorists? I recently read a Sandman that had Maenads in it. Nothing worse than a bunch of drunk out of their gourds women.
  2. Re: Pretty Sailor Bulldozer Makes me think about that Rob Sniedder "The Hot Chick". Any way, nice write up, and a drawing ta boot.
  3. A friend of mine recently asked our group about filing taxes for a super-hero in his campain. The characters work for an organization. However, several characters are only known by the public by the super-hero names. So he asked how could this hero file out his tax return by basically using an assumed name. To make a long story short, it got me inspired. So I'm now working on an NPC named Stanely Ipwich, IRS Agent-Metahuman Division. I have his sheet done, just need to find time to do a background. So I'm curious has anyone else written an NPC or character from one of the non-Justice agencies, like Interior, or Treasury, or even the FDA?
  4. Re: [Characer] Red Dancer Who's she hunted by Aunt Flow and the Painters? Sorry couldn't resist.
  5. Re: Am I the only one who ever noticed... Makes me think about that scene in the movie "Airplane" where the two Afro-Americans were talking Ghetto, and the only one on the plane who understood them was the actress who play June Cleaver from Leave it to Beaver. Or how about those TV commercials where the mother is complaining to her family about the cost of all their texting. With subtitles none the less.
  6. Re: Disney Princesses In Shrek the 3rd. Cinderella was pretty wicked with the glass slipper. I don't remember if she threw it like a boomarang.
  7. Re: Around the World With A New Character Each Week Have you ever read "Dancing Bear" by Fred Saberhagen?
  8. Re: Around the World With A New Character Each Week "Gee Mr. Yurodvi, I don't think my Papa, the Witch King of Estonia, would approve."
  9. Hello Hero Believers, I'm the Art Coordinator for the Uberworld PBEM http://www.uber-world.com. Uberworld is constantly adding new characters to our website, and we pride ourselves on making as much artwork for each character as possible. We'd like to invite anyone who would like to submit artwork for any of the characters on our website. The current characters in need of drawings can be found at http://www.uber-world.com/reports.php. Some are just place holders and are thus in italics, while entries with character sheets and backgrounds are in regular type. Drawing can be individual drawings, action scenes, or group drawings. I'm working with our webmaster to create an art page for drawings that aren't individual drawings. Our individual drawings are usually set at 300x450, and are JPEGs. Our PBEM is all volunteers, so no compensation for artwork can be offered. However, if you have a website we'd gladly post that link on ours. Naturally anyone who summits artwork to Uberworld retains all rights to it, and will of course be recognized for their contribution. And if your looking to join a PBEM you're welcome to pay Unberworld a visit. I can be reached through the "Contact Us" link on the Uberworld website, under Art Coordinator or at Art@Uber-World.com. Thanks in Advance, Noah... Art Coordinator-Uberworld
  10. Re: Etrigan's Arts Very nice indeed. Makes me think of an older version of the Teen Champ character I play in the Uberworld Universe named Giraffe. http://www.uber-world.com/characterpage.php?cid=139
  11. Re: Islam replaces Christianity I think if there ever was a turning point in which Islam would've overtaken Christianinty it would have been if the Muslims had won the Battle of Tours in 732. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tours This was the furthest into Europe that the Muslims conquered, southern France. Remember that Islam had conquered Spain.
  12. Re: Canadian Super Villain Team- Need Help Maybe an alternative is a group based on the FLQ? The Quebec Liberation Front (a real life terrorist group). Not only would such a group hate Americans (I wonder if all French speaking nation hate Americans), but Canada as well. Then you could get out your French dictionary and come out with a plethera of villains. N'est pas?
  13. Re: Hero miniatures I think there were some figures produced for Champions, about twenty years ago. I think Grenadier produced them. I'd check out e-bay, I've occassionally seen figures there.
  14. Re: Running jokes in your campaign In my Russian Dawn campaign I have a Mickey Mouse Clock. One of those big alarm clocks. The first time one of the players encountered the clock it was a bomb that blew up half the police station he was in. Later on in the adventure another Mickey Mouse Clock turned up. The players just couldn't help but wonder if that second clock might be a bomb as well. I'm going to have that clock show up from time to time. Some times it might be a bomb, some times it won't. :0)
  15. Re: Comics are getting too steamy... "Pee-Chees", that's right. That was years ago. I guess my point was that they say men think about sex every 8 seconds, but they never say how often women think about it. Elfquest had some really steamy stuff, as did the Savage Sword of Conan. The drawings were larger than comic books, and without color, I guess you could really use your imagination.
  16. Re: Comics are getting too steamy... I haven't read comics in years, but aren't most of the artists men? Men who probably got their start drawing nudes on their pee-cees in high school? Are there any "famous" female comic book artists? Just my .02
  17. Re: Calling all Archers From Marvel there is Taskmaster. He packed a bow, because he could mimic the abilities of Hawkeye.
  18. Re: nbc heroes tv series Hiro Nakamura Which is rather odd for her father. He seems to always be a step ahead of everyone else. He knew what was going to happen, but didn't do anything more than ground her. I guess he figured that she would be obidient and pliant (two words that probably doesn't describe a lot of teenagers). I also think it's odd that the show is called Heroes, yet several obviously aren't. For example Nicki/Jessica, Nathan (brotherly love notwithstanding), Sylar (Mr. Can Opener Head) and that other bald black dude helping the father (what is that guys name?), and the girl with mind control powers (I don't recall her name either). Oh and the guy with the nuke powers. I wonder if he's the one going to destroy NYC??? Last episode tonight, until the new year. Sigh... Has anyone done write ups on the other than Hiro?
  19. Re: nbc heroes tv series Hiro Nakamura That would be Peter Petrelli. Yeah his brother (Nathan) is a real creep. Peter wanted that painting, and his brother told him the mobster had it and wouldn't give it back, when it truth Nathan had the painting all along.
  20. Re: nbc heroes tv series Hiro Nakamura While I think Hiro is a great character, I like Nicki/Jessica. Definately a metamorh, definately. Who can't like a woman who can tear you limb from limb?
  21. Re: Around the World With A New Character Each Week Fille De Gaz:D
  22. Re: Around the World With A New Character Each Week Who Me?
  23. Re: Char: Power Girl I remember seeing a video about Power Girl awhile back. I don't remember where or when, but it dealt with Power Girl getting kicked out of the Justice League for being too rough and she has to go look for a "real" job. One of the funniest parts was when she had to deal with an irrate customer, who brought back a defective computer without the receipt. It ended with her putting her fist through the box the computer came in. Hilarious.
  24. Re: Ideas for a circus/carnival themed villain team There were the Clowns from the movie Akira. Also there was the Rifts book, I think it was Vampire Kingdoms, which had a section on Circuses.
  25. Re: Ideas for a circus/carnival themed villain team Don't forget about Pink Pearl from that issue of Alpha Flight years ago. Remember it's not over until the fat lady sings. I also remember they had a knife throwning contortionist named Bones.
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