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Everything posted by Storn

  1. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I have a tendency to overpopulate my covers. This cover was the result of several things, one, I had the image in my head and wanted to do it. Two, I read an excellent article on the WoTC site about paitning for card art (Magic)... and while it told me nothing new... it did re-emphasis things and made me rethink things. One, keep it simple stupid. This is for a paperback size (although I don't have a publisher, like I said, spec work). I don't have any of this type of work in my portfolio. All my Hero Games covers are landscape dimension instead of vertical. I wanted something central, iconic, striking. I very specifically kept this sparse and to give a sense of isolation. Adding a ring of figures around our defiant one, IMO, would have robbed some of that away and made it more of a story, but less of a IMPACT SCENE... if that makes sense. But good feedback, I appreciate it.
  2. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. and back to supers... This is Vengence, one of the longest running heroes in Neil's Red Dragon Universe and is a PC of Paul's who does lurk these forums.
  3. Re: Storn's Fantasy Art, Comics and Doodles Swords Defiant. An image that came to me and I've worked on, off and on, for a few weeks now. I did it as a speculative piece.
  4. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. While not a superhero pic, I wanted to expose this work to the Champs crowd to show that I can do different stuff... yet still highly influenced (angle, pose) by supers. Swords Defiant. An image that came to me and I've worked on, off and on, for a few weeks now. I did it as a speculative piece.
  5. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. yup.
  6. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. new art tomorrow, most likely.
  7. Re: Do Lower Powered Player Characters Lead To More Roleplaying? I've had success as both GM and as player in all types of games... high or low power. But what is very important is a understanding between GM and players what kind of game it is going to be. I don't mind a grim, gritty game if I'm forewarned and I can build a concept to that world. If we all at the table know that life is cheap (re: cyberpunk or dark, low magic fantasy), then we KNOW to play as smart as we can... not that this means whining and looking for unfair game mechanic advantage... but understanding that the stakes are high, the characters might die.. I don't mind a high powerful, high politics game either, but I want forewarning so I don't come in with a street level martial arts concept looking for his missing sensei/sifu. Like Neil, I have noticed a relaxed, confidence (overconfidence?) in playing high level characters. The one PC, Vector, that I've taken from 275 to 600+ is not OVER confident. But the way I see it, he is a survivor. He doesn't take losing battles hard anymore (and boy did he used to)... because he wins the wars. Every major foe has been defeated in the 10 years that he has been a super. He has seen it all. And in that level, restraint is the name of the game. Not blowing some poor schmuck in two just because I can. But damn! If there aren't always more challenges ahead! Neil does a very nice job of not ratcheting up threat levels w/o damn good reason and logic and a lot of times, foreshadowing. So villains that might ahve been a problem 5 years ago are not now. Villians who are on par with Vector (or higher) are inserted with great care. And no matter how powerful Vector and Vanguard are... their lives are highly politicized. Cannot fight entire nations, can't hold ground, can't make people do what you want all the time. Sure can lean on them though . I prefer running high level fantasy at the moment, because it is closer to the novels that I've read. Most novels are about the BIG characters, doing earth or at least nation, shattering things. I like giving the players lots of impact ability. Their actions matter. But I also have a smaller impact game in mind set in teh same campaign. One that is up to the players to carve a destiny, because I'm not going to supply one. MOre of a mercenary, building, carvign out their private idaho, type game. But I've tried to be very up front about that with Neil and the other players. So they can build characters to that idea, have fun with it and understand where I'm coming from.
  8. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.
  9. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Another superheroine pic. This one not scantily dressed in the slightest, no skin except the face!
  10. Re: Is Punisher the problem? heh. Towel AND probably some water. Crime fighting is sweaty, thirsty work.
  11. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. for the record: I'm not offended. and I'm thrilled you like the work. Speaking of which, the Hidden Lands cover is kicking my buttocks up and down the studio... I went a bit overboard with the detail, and it is making the coloring of which extremely time consuming.
  12. Re: Is Punisher the problem? Nightwing, Batman and the Punisher, I've seen, all carry those plastic handcuffs. The ones that can zip around wrists or even thumbs. Perp left in the alley, cops a comin', Nightwing on the rooftops. I've seen that panel several times folks. It just makes sense. For even someone like Supes to carry something like that. YOu don't always want to beat someone to unconciousness so the police can pick them up. just sayin'... that's all. Seems to me almost 80% of superheroes should carry the following. 1st aid kit (huge) flashlight wallet keys (you never know when you have to move your civilian vehicle outta the way) those zip handcuffs cell phone little tool kit (tweezers, mini saw, some duct tape etc,) Even bricks who can break down a door can use a little finesse from time to time.
  13. Re: Herogames: The Sportscar Product I didn't take it as an insult. But I didn't take it as an understanding of the argument either. I'm sorry about the thread derail... but this IS an issue that impacts the whole Sportscar metaphor of this thread.
  14. Re: Is Punisher the problem? That is kinda Apples to Oranges. The independent was a Power suit with tons of abilities and powers. In NO way a REAL WORLD item. The equipment than Neil is talking about is Real World stuff. And the next guy who says 'my guy is going to carry nukes.'.... yeah, sure. What nation would allow that guy to live more than 5 secs? What GM is going to say ..."suuuure!"
  15. Re: Herogames: The Sportscar Product No, you cannot say I'm wrong. You CAN say that you disagree with me. Quickly then... Flash, Robin, Green Arrow and Superman all respond to the call for action and arrive at the scene of the crime at the same time. Happens ALL the TIME in comics. Panel one, the call. Panel two, heroes assemble. Now in champions, that just doesn't make sense. Flash and Supes have movement in the Megascale dept. Robin and Green Arrow do not. Or, bad guys split up (tactical situation now) and the Heroes give chase. Because we are simulating comic combat, everyone gets to do something. When, by mechanics wise.... Flash goes Segment one, does a move by on several dudes and they are down for the count. Everyone else stands around wondering why they were called in. That isn't genre emulation... A game system that breaks combat down into Panels/Scenes might make MORE sense for a combat that seeks to simulate comic book combat. Then, it doesn't matter if Flash takes .002 secs and Robin takes 10 minutes to get to the scene of the crime, it all happens as per Panel. The tone of the rules as well as the rules themselves support the genre. When do we see Superheroes exhausted from the use of their powers?... extremely rarely and only when they are "pushing". Not from routine use. Yet in Champions, END is a constant concern. Again, it is a govenor that I don't think is very Genre. Now, I don't mind END for RDU, because it isn't trying to be comic book emulation. I think the similarity between Champions END, STUN REC, and defenses and Battletech's Heat Sinks as govenors on battle tactics striking. And why the best bet in Champions is to load up 3 of your guys against one of the enemy team and take that one down as fast as possible. Just like Btech stresses the same smashmouth tactics. Which is SO not genre in team vs. team situation, unless that team happens to be lead by Cyclops. I think M&M's hero points is a FAR SUPERIOR & ELEGANT mechanic to doing power stunts than trying to build all your nuances into your EC or Multi or VPP and shoehorning Power Skill into the mix. A mechanic that we've had in our Champions game for several years prior to M&M. Now, don't get me wrong, I still think Champions is wonderful system. But don't try to sell me on its great comic book emulation. I have drawn fight scenes. I have deconstructed sequential art to the best of my ability. I have thought about how comics and roleplaying coincide AND depart. And this is the thought of some 25 years in the making. You will not convince me that Champions is the best emulation of superhero conflict. I will concide that it might be the best CHARGEN of superheroes ever (or so far). A framework that even computer games follow (Freedom Force for sure, I haven't played City of Heroes).
  16. Re: Herogames: The Sportscar Product A.S. You are judging before seeing. You are making assumptions based upon false premises... 1) a Generic system cannot build towards a good supers game. 2) Champions is perfect. Champions, IMO, is not a perfect emulation of superhero comics. I grant that it is close. The speed chart cause problems, I think Feng Shui shot clock emulates the panel/scene ebb and flow of comic book combat BETTER than Champions. I think M&M's damage emulates perfectly a 70s comic feel (but not Iron Age). I think STR is way too cheap and too many characters have paranormal defenses simply to stay effective in combat. I think END, turn radius, and inches is a leftover from wargaming roots of 1970s gaming theory. I've been fairly close to what the NE crew is doing. It sounds pretty damn good to me. And I've got a real head on my shoulders for game systems and genre emulation. Granted, it might not be to your taste. I can accept that. But to dismiss it (before it is even out) outright is ridiculous.
  17. Re: Is Punisher the problem? If Gear,whether weaponry or not, is inappropriate, then the Player is going to have to jump through a lot of hoops to obtain said Gear. It is NOT punishment. It is the "Yes... but.". Yes, you can have Barret .50 cal sniper rifle. It is commercially available (recent 60 minutes piece on the company, in fact) BUT! How are you going to get it to Poland where the adventure is taking place? {hint: good place to spend pts, contacts... underworld smuggler}. Or it can be the focus of an entire adventure; Steal the Tresselaine silicoln Laser rifle from the scientists who are studying the dang thang. Yes, you can have the rifle, BUT there is going to be an entire ep devoted to getting it. Heck, that is the plotline of 50% of most CRPG fantasy games it seems. Again, let me state this; it is not Punishment. And because the utilization of Gear can be woven into the weft and woof of the episode. It can be as much part of the adventure problem solving as the main core of the ep. I'm a co-gm in Neil's game, I would have no problem with someone with the right resources getting their hands on equipment. But I will expect them to roleplay getting around the obstacles that would exist. I'm confident in my own GMing skills (and Neils) that it will be interesting. I know this, because I've done it. It goes directly to "character". Does Bryan Fury load up on lots of obvious weaponry when he goes to Poland, despite being on probation by UNTIL/InterPol? Or does he carry only a handgun, concealable and rely on his martial arts and cybernetics? Whatever decision teh player makes, it says something about the character. For the record, Fury carried only a pistol into the Raven underworld bar, but did capitilize on contacts within East German Police (and corruption) to arrange for heavier ordinance to follow the PCs. A rented van did hold more weaponry. An aside, Handcuffs are not inappropriate, anyone could buy them. And they are horribly expensive to buy with points. Yet they are reasonable thing to carry for law enforcement super types. I've always hated trying to wrestle Hero mechanics for Handcuffs.
  18. Re: Is Punisher the problem? And attack helicopters are not all that they are cracked up to me. Force Wall is a bitch on rotary blades. {My teke took out 3 helicopters with just such a tactic}. First up, I agree with Neil. In RDU it will be interesting to try this out, because we've been playing this game for years. And we know that if Legionairre, UNTIL super, arms himself with an assault rifle, several clips, a couple of grenades and a 9mm sidearm (which would be SO many points that the absorbing super hero could NOT be built)... it will NOT change the balance. Legionnaire's main abilities are his absorbing abilities (drains others powers, retains a bit of that power) Also, the way we've built military characters up to now, they are FREAKIN' EXPENSIVE concepts! Stealth skills, martial art skill, WE, trans fams, combat skills, appropriate KS's... etc, etc. etc. Often these characters are stretched too thin, too far compared to equivalent pt non-equipment users. Next, RDU has always supposed that guns are dangerous. Unless you have the defenses, you should be afraid of an assault rifle. And in our Malta game, where defenses are kept low on purpose, because we want gun fu, those characters can take bullets, but not on the scale of Super Heroes of LESS pts. The other part of the RDU spectrum is that a bunch of folks will laugh at LAWS much less assault rifles. And real power in RDU is influence, not superpowers, although influence has been garnered because of paranormal abilities. Guns, equipment don't change that paradigm at all. So, it is Neil and my SUGGESTION to some, that you try this. You are under no obligation. It might not work in your game. But I have this feeling that this is going to work out really well for RDU.
  19. Re: Herogames: The Sportscar Product Wow. I SO disagree with you. It doesn't have to be kludgy, frankenstien and it certainly won't be generic. Some powers were NOT included precisely because of the World it is trying to create... not that the system couldn't handle it. What it will be, won't be Champions... and that is okay. Everyone likes different systems. But don't make sweeping statements... make a persuasive arguement. Why is SW's NE a kludgy system in YOUR opinion? As far as Champions being this perfect balanced system, bullpucky. Strength is too cheap. Because Strength is too cheap, we have ECs and Multipowers and that is kludgy. And I love Champs too. Now, despite loving SW, you're right, Necessary Evil MIGHT be kludgy... but that won't be because of a bad system... it will be because of poor implementation of a good system. Anything can be piss-poor if done wrong. One thing I know for sure about NE, some of the art is okay. The problem with Brave New World wasn't really the mechanics, but the terrible character creation that was SO limiting, SO constrained... that our group of Champions players, who loved the setting, abandoned the game and never went back.
  20. Re: Herogames: The Sportscar Product I like 5 Fingers of death as a title... or "Enter the Hero". Then, when it is amazing, wildly more sucessful than we ever dreamed, its sequel could be "You Killed My Master, Prepare to Die'. Followed by "Revenge of the Hero" and "Legendary SFXs of the Hero". Anyway, just kidding. but seriously, I think 30 variations of EB & HtH attacks could easily be done in a martial arts Sportscar. Just think of Mortal Kombat's Sub Zero and compare that to Chi build up of Ken or Ryu of Street Fighter. And a world of almost super heroes keeps it close to Champions, keeps it flashy for the sportscar and taps that whole Wuxia/anime/Exhalted thang. Then, for those who want to tinker, they can always buy 5 ER or Sidekick and tinker away. Sportscar is a gateway product. I like the overall idea quite a bit.
  21. Re: Herogames: The Sportscar Product I have a setting that is Pulp Noir Sci Fi called Grunge World. It sounds kinda like what Neil is purposing in that Flying Cars (but with fins! dammit), Dicks (the private kind) and Dames (okay, they might be androids) etc. But I also would like to suggest a "FantasY--but..." game. Shadowrun is the perfect example... Fantasy races & magic... but it is modern day (or cyberpunk slightly in the future.) Spelljammer is another example. The new Fireborn game is similar to Shadow run. Could there be another "Fantasy--- but" game that could be the new sportscar? I wouldn't mind seeing a Tekken/Street Fighter world that supported that concept. THAT is the key. The world structure makes these duels reasonable. Feng Shui had a world that did that... not that I cared for their world much. ... and the powers that some of those folks use definitely fall into "Fantasy-- but.." But I'm not sure if that has enough legs to appeal to the masses. Maybe a fantasy world that borders on Sci fi... no real magic, but plenty of psionics to fufill the same world. Cities in the sky. FTL through mental teleport, Psi-sword duels on flying cars... etc, etc.
  22. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Death Tribble was right. I missed the very important info in my read of the character, Perky Blond, that she was a brick. Oh well. Y'all get to get another illo out of it. Here ya go.
  23. Re: Stretching A Core System: Part Deux Okay, here is where I am a bit confused by what you are trying to communicate to me... and my own internal reaction to the terminology being used. And I think you are selling the game designers of WoD and others a bit short. WoD/Exhalted/Savage Worlds/GURPs/ M&M (& d20)/ Hero ALL... IMO.... ALL have underlying systems (in your terminology) to its Mechanics. A low Strength is defined as 5 or 8 pts in Hero. 5 or 7 in M&M or Runequest, a 1d4 in SW, 1 dot in Exhalted. Each system then incorporates/ plugs that base system into its Mechanics. A 1d4 in SW has a direct relation to melee damage (STR + weapon damage = final damage dealt)... that is pretty much an underlying system/nodule having DIRECT impact on Mechanics (as I *think* understand it). WoD, a dot in STR, determines how many dice one gets to roll on a STR check, again, pretty much "core". Which determines how well one succeeds. I dont' think you can say that WoD doesn't have a core systems that make up its mechanics. It doesn't matter if 1 dot or 1d4 STR is a scifi game, a supers game or fantasy game... it all means your character lifts X and does Y potential damage in melee... not really different than 8 STR in Hero.. no matter what genre. If anything, Hero is a bit schizo by having a STR roll for skill and rolling STR damage. Both WoD and SW are cleaner systems in a way... the STR skill roll is the exact same "dice mechanic" as dealing damage. All these Game Systems do not have the same approach as Hero, but that doesn't mean they don't have them. I think there might be a real pitfall in thinking in that direction. I will admit that Exhalted and M&M shoehorn some interesting caveats on their respective system to do superpowers and superstats. These are "fixes" on their core systems... but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are bad fixes.
  24. Re: Stretching A Core System: Part Deux hmmmm... interesting. There is System... but isn't system driven by Mechanics? All the mechanics together make "the System"? It is terminology to be sure, not a disagreement with what you said. 5 pts = 1d6 to me, is a core building block of the Hero System... not the system itself. The whole ball of wax is the System. Then; Mechanics not only "support" (I would prefer "delineate" or "define') Game Rules... they also skew/ influence (and when broken, not support) Character Environment. Which then goes and affects Player Experience. example: town guardsman with sword. In Exhalted, he is beneath notice, the sword stroke will barely hurt any player character. In a beginning Runequest or Harn game, the towns guardsman is capable of taking one or two PCs out... permanently. This changes how players percieve their game world. And how they experience it.sdf The mechanics of Exhalted support a larger-than-life anime/wuxia Environment... not just the rules of combat, time, travel, skills. The mechanics of a Runequest game, where skill to be able to defeat the guardsman will be very expensive at chargen, support its gritty, low level type of game. Or in Champions terms, the whole raison d'etre for the Normal attack is pretty much for Superhero Genre Emulation. and I would add "HELP create Player Experience" to the mix. For it is not the Rules alone that create Player Experience... although that does impact mightly. If
  25. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. First up, more pics for the cyberpunk world, where violent "Condemned" take out their frustrations on the surreal and subversive "Brady Bunch' gang. And I think this gentleman's codename is Libra... at least that was the symbol that was sent to me...
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