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Posts posted by GradonSilverton

  1. Originally posted by Monolith

    Once and a while my Lightning Reflexes and extra Speed backfire (they have a Activation 17- -0 Limitation), but most of the time I get them in pretty quickly.


    It is the gift of the ancient gods who watch over The Living Titan during his trials to make New Cairo a safe place for all humanity. :)

    See now you are rubbing it in! I knew I shouldn't have spent all those points on Comeliness and Teamwork (-17 roll, but Alas, I forgot that I'm by myself and cant use it until AFTER I bought it!)

  2. Originally posted by Monolith

    I only went with OAF because his example says he can be disarmed and have it taken away from him. Restrainable will accomplish the same effect for the same Limitation value as an OIF. :)

    You know...you ALWAYS kick my ass in these post....


    90% of the time I'm typing something and hit submit ONLY to see that you alread said it but beat me by a minute....you also seem to take my point makeups and redo them and make them BETTER!...BETTER DAMN IT!!!.....I need to figure out someway to hurt you...just dont know how yet!



  3. Originally posted by BobGreenwade

    So, while I'll gladly take credit for 55% of the text in the book (which is about the percentage I got paid for, and rightly so) I have to give Steve at least 75% of the credit for how great the book is. Hopefully I'll be able to redeem myself with a better job performance with a future supplement. (There are a couple of "unassigned" books on the 2005 schedule that I'd drool over, but Steve won't let me start on them. :( )


    Someone cut this man a Bonus Check..... His humility deserve reward!

  4. Originally posted by Monolith

    What you said is true, but you have missed the entire section on Naked Power Advantages on page 157.. You have apparently also missed all of the character examples published to date which have the power written as I have described it above. If you have CKC take a look at the Combat Knife write-up for Destroyer Agents as a single example.


    If you do not want the spear to be a Focus, then I suggest you look at the Restrainable Limitation on page 200.


    Perhaps OIF is better than OAF since it not quite as easy to grab..... Since it has to be manifested.... just a though.

  5. Where does magic come from in your world? Are MAges channeling inner forces? Manipulating Nature? Etc.?


    What I'd like to think is that if they are channeling inner force (think Chi) that to blow up a castle with one spell is the equivalent of Russian Roulette with Brain Cells....maybe, just maybe, they use way too much of their inner self this time...it could kill them instantly, make them forget a language, or cause a long illness....the effect is that they permanently loose some of their inner force if they "over due it".

  6. Originally posted by Doug Limmer

    Wouldn't this require you to recover the charge even if it were used in melee? Putting "1 Recoverable Charge" only on the "Ranged" advantage might be better. Making a multipower with the 'lockout' disadvantage on the ranged attack might be better yet. (I think one of the 5E examples does this; it's a thrown dagger, or something.)


    I was using the charge to represent once it was created, it could not be recreated until the charge was renewed by "absorbing" it again...thus if it is created (using 1 charge) it could be used for H-T-H as long as necessary. If thrown, then it could be picked p and thrown again, if taken away...then ya better get it back or the power is gone....

  7. Re: Destroy the World 203 (Extra Credit)


    Originally posted by Dr. Anomaly

    Okay, class, in Destroy the World 101 we learned all the traditional ways to destroy the world (a really big bomb / laser cannon, earthquake machine, drop an asteroid/comet/the Moon on the planet, release a global disease, cause a new Ice Age, dry up all the water, burn off the atmosphere...the list goes on and on and on).




    Okay, class, for extra credit, describe a way of destroying the world via Utopia!


    A couple of expalainitory points:


    1) By "Utopia", I do not mean the Orwellian variety where Big Brother proclaims a Utopia but without the actual benefits happening.


    2) It should be by providing an over-abundance of things that people SAY they want, and usually want in limitless quantitites.




    "The Midas Plague" Wealth (Perk) 15 point level, AoE (1 Hex +.5) MegaArea (+1.5), Sticky (+.5), Uncontrolled (+.5), Usable As an Attack (+1), OAF "Utopia Machine" (-1) 75 Active, 38 Real


    Since the "wealth" Perk isn't limited to an actual government-printed currency, whatever is the chosen medium of exchange becomes instantly worthless as a basis for an economy, since the moment it becomes the MOE, everyone has a huge frickin' amount of it. (Weight-loss pills that Really Work With No Side-Effects become the unit of exchange because all currency has gone down the toilet. BING! Now everyone has a huge supply of the things, so they are now effectively worthless as a MOE.)


    Okay, class, prepare your assignments -- and remember, you're being graded not only on originality and creativity, but feasability as well! (No 2,000+ point monstrosities, please!)




    Without working out the specs....


    Utopia generally has ALOT of nature....espically trees.....

    More trees means More pure Oxygen....more Oxygen means things can get flamible real, real quickly....

    All we need is one spark, and the 100% pure Oxygen world goes Ka-Boom!


    Cost Power END
    135 Pure Oxygen: Change Environment 1" radius (Long-Lasting: 1 Century), Megascale (1" = 10000 km; +1 1/4) (135 Active Points) 13
    Powers Cost: 135


  8. Re: Would U allow this? Multiple opinions welcome


    Originally posted by Mystendanian

    I have a player in my campaign that has built the following power: [6d6 EB, NND (not vs. self-contained breathing), Continous, 0 END]


    The special effect is that the "hero" causes the enemies shadow to come alive and choke them. I have a problem allowing this power because if the enemies don't have self contained breathing (or they don't hold their breath), this power will continue to drain their stun and there is nothing they can do about it (save losing line of sight or rending the attacking character unconscious or stunned). I feel that the affected character should be able to attack the shadow or somehow make it release it's grip. Or, at the very least, have it cost END so if the hero does maintain it, he can't do it forever.


    My understanding of the concept behind building a continuous attack power is that:

    a) There should always be a defense against it (even if it is an NND, there is still SOME defense)

    B) If it does bypass the defense and affect a character, there should be some way to overcome the power's affect


    With all that said, would you allow this power or any other power that once it is in effect, there is nothing an character can do to escape it?


    I dont like the way the power is built....the SFX doesn't fit a NND blast... Iwould require transform or summon with mods so that the shadow will become a Sticky Choke...the break out is up to you...and the NND is appropiate...

  9. Ok, on the old boards I was trying to find a way to make piercing (old power from Champs 3, each level reduced 1 point of defense)


    RKA 1DC = 5 pts

    Limitations only vs DEF Body -3/4 (using no stun for comparison which is also -3/4)

    Standard effect +0 (this keeps each level to 1 pip instead of rolling)


    Total cost 2.8 round up to 3, so 3 pts per level which is the same cost as Piercing vs resistant defense in C3.



    Any unforseen problems with this attempt?


    The Defense would have to be Ablative in nature (5th, p.77). This allows the defense to be "shot off little by little by attacks". If you want to rule, I'd make the attack be Penetrating with a limiter of "Only to damage defenses" at a -1/4 on the penetrating....


    This means that even if enough doesn't exist to effect the power via the Ablative rules, 1 point of Body Min is done...

  10. Try this...


    Cost Power END
    7 Plasma Spear: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (plus STR) (vs. ED), Ranged (+1/2) (22 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charges (-1 1/4), OIF (-1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Extra Time : Manifest (Delayed Phase; -1/4)
    Powers Cost: 7


    Of course set the damage level to your own liking....

    Also need to decide if STR can add to the damage...if not thats another -1/2. It is a OIF because once thrown it can be picked up and run away with thus causing the power to be gone....

    When he picks it up, it disappears and his single charge returns...you can drop the extra time if you want it to appear quicker (ie instant)...


    what ya think?

  11. This is a question that I seem to see popping up on numerous boards from WOTC to Rpgnet... So I thought I'd bring it here. There are many people who have put much time and effort into creating campaign worlds for fantasy games (and many more genre's). Some keep it simple with the whole intention of "create as you go" just so they can have something to game in. Others have spent years of their lives fleshing out worlds that the hope to someday write novels in, get published, etc. The question that I keep finding is on the lines of...


    I'm looking to create a world for my fantasy campaign. The problem is that I have no idea where to start. I also have no idea what to concentrate on: history, politics, scope, details, etc. Can anyone offer help as to where I should start? Espically those who have created before!


    I myself have spent some time on creating a world and have decided to put all those damnded post-it notes I scratched on at school, work, etc. into a nice printable format (and who knows, maybe when I get my 250000 word document together, fit into the writers guidelines, maybe I can find a buyer for say 7 to 8 thousand.. but thats another stiry all together). I've offered suggestions when I see these questions, but there always seems to be a wide scope of opinions.


    So I thought I'd make this post 2 parts...


    #1 Where would you reccomend someone start for their world creation?


    #2 What worlds have you created? And if you have a web page for it, why not post it for all to see.


    Lets see what everyone has to say... who knows, maybe we can get those people that make a living doing this to guide us mortal fools.


    Disclaimer Notes : Everyone who reads, post, links, or travels to a link from this thread... please understand the Intellectual property rights should be adhered to.

  12. Originally posted by Geoff Speare

    Issue with "one power at a time" -- actually, two issues.


    1) If you're hit with a Multiple Power Attack, you're out of luck.


    I'm thinking that MAgical powers will be sigle power attacks....



    2) Technically, the character (or something) has to choose what the power is targeting each Phase (or each time it is used). IMO, saying "the power I'm being hit with" isn't acceptable, so you'd have to build something with a Detect and a Trigger. That's why I favor the +2 version.


    Since the power targers Magic powers, any magic that hits it is the target....


    Am I all wrong here?

  13. Originally posted by DarkGreen

    Heh, One thing I like about the Armor Inferiority feat is that it doesn't effect natural armor, so all my biggest bad guys would be unaffected.


    I'll call that one the "PC ripper" !! :)





    I'm not understanding that statement....


    If effect physical Armor, not things like MAge Armor, etc.


    Explain please...

  14. Originally posted by CourtFool

    If you are sticking closely with the number of spells a wizard can cast a day, llama would suggest going with Charges. It will help reduce cost and you will not have to pay for Reduced Endurance.


    Good point...charges didnt even cross my mind....wasn't think of D&D rules just how to get it done. But I agree...Charges good!

  15. The more I've thought about this (and if this happened mid game I wouldnt have this option) I think I would have ruled as follows....


    OCV -10 (Hit location)

    DCV 1/2 -1 (Try to do something the character doesnt really know how to do...bjbrown made me think of this concept)

    NND (b/c the nature of the location would be NND)

    x2 Body

    x6 Stun

    EGO check (due to the natue of the Throat Colapsing)


    Sound good?

  16. Re: Chronicles of the Wishes


    Originally posted by Super Squirrel

    With Chapter 1 of my campaign, Chronicles of the Wishes, about to come to an end, I'm curious if anyone would like to hear the story thus far on here?


    It is certainly a very interesting campaign with more twists and turns than even I anticipated.


    Uuuhhh.....well....since you posted the question, I'm sure you want to tell it....can I say i'd be interested, i dont know...all ya gave me was a campaign name. :)


    But lets have a look see...



  17. One thing that i've always done is throw most standard weapons out for my FH campaigns.....


    I then create Society appropiate weapons for the cultues...


    Somethings will stay.... basics like certain sword, axes, hammers, ect. But most others are repackaged with small changes to fit cultures...


    Take a Quarter Staff for example....


    In one culture it has evolved into a hidden weapon.


    the staff is hollowed out at 2 parts to allow a sword and a spear to fit inside the staff. If necessary, the stall can be broken up into a spear (1 piece drops to the ground) or a spear and a sword (roughly the size of 2 shory swords) and used for 2 Handed Fighting. The spear end becomes a Parrying weapon (+1 DCV) while the sword the major strike weapon... when battle is over, the weapons twist (groves in the wood) back together to reform the staff....

  18. Re: Rage's Stats


    Originally posted by Super Squirrel

    Rage is not dead yet. This is on HeroCentral, a play by post. Currently the Fire Fae Jin and the Earth Fae Enemy are in a stand off. It turns out Jin and the Earth Fae are old friends and what was meant as a friendly challange turned lethal. Jin has been asked by the Earth Fae to honor his friendship and membership of the gang by killing Caliban (Rage's character) for the death of Neko the Cat Fur.


    At the moment we have just passed Phase 12 and Caliban has lost another point of BODY bringing him to -1. He has a normal BODY of 8. As I rule it, he has numerous broken ribs, a broken arm and shoulder. Not to mention he is pinned under a wall.



    -My Inner Evil GM

  19. Originally posted by Super Squirrel

    Well, Rage got his payback (he's the player). He killed the buddy of an Earth Mage when he hit him. The final tally was 10 BODY, 50 STUN and a whole lot of bleeding. The Earth Mage kinda made the wall of a building fall on him. I mean it WAS suppose to be a friendly dual, not a fight to the death.


    The question was is...Did Rage die?


    If a player takes his gloves off and takes a leap over the line in my game, they fully understand that the NPC's or Villians can too. Had something along the lines of a small scuffle with low end thigs go bad when a PC snapped a neck...just so happen it was the nephew of the MAIN Villian (was that way before the event occured, I didnt make it up to punish them) and the PC became marked for death. Took 1 more session and it happened, the Thugs were given the order to concentrate on him and no one else in the group...and they did. He couldn't handle 5 of them with team work.

  20. Originally posted by NuSoardGraphite

    First things first:


    Where is the jugular?


    In the neck......


    Yeah, the jugular are a series of veins that run along both sides of the neck. They are excessively important for blood flow...when someone get their neck cut, its the jugulars that drop the pool of blood instantly.


    ....Next, what would the effect of hitting the jugular be?


    Lots and lots of blood loss! Thus if I were using the "Bleeding" rules, I would double the normal amount of blood loss generated by the wound in addition to the normal bonuses for hitting location 5 (X2 body/X5Stun/X2NStun). If I weren't using the "Bleeding" rules, then I would just have the opponent lose Body each turn, as if they were below 0 Body. (or perhaps lose Stun and pass out from loss of blood after a few turns).


    Absolutly....the only thing I'd add, as I mentioned before, is that the strike automatically becomes NND. Didn't take the time to look it up, but I'm 100% positive that if you find any Throat attack in UMA it will be listed as NND, as well it should. Hit me in the chest and my personal pd can take some of it. Hit me in the throat with the same power and, assuming I dont die, have my windpipe crushed, etc., I'd cry cry cry.

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