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Posts posted by Amorkca

  1. 1 hour ago, DShomshak said:

    Bolo's given a good description of what a Champions campaign should look like: a blend of single character bits, short scenarios, and ongoing subplots that may blossom into main plots and climaxes of story arcs. I can still post a detailed example of how an adventure worked out in play, if you want. Would you prefer a thrilling, epic adventure in which the PCs had their final confrontation with a foe they'd clashed with a few times before? Or -- to show the sort of things that can happen at the gaming table -- a comedy of errors in which the PCs' bad judgment derailed the plot and left me, as GM, scrambling to catch up?


    Dean Shomshak



  2. Drew stands up and moves away from the other people in the room.


    "I'm not used to doing this in public so..." pause, "I believe my skillset would be more valuable with sneaking around and getting into small places.  I have chosen the Nomme de Guerre of Avis - points around the room, not the car rental place!!  Its Latin for bird and I can turn into various ones."


    He then changes into a duck, a raven, a sparrow, an eagle and finally into a hummingbird.  Flitting around the room and then coming back to the where he left resuming human form.  "Too many changes too quickly is draining," he grabs the end of a chair and lowers himself back into it slowly.













  3. Drew Jacobs thanks Lotus for the communicator, looks over at Robert to see how he attaches it, then fumbles with it trying to attach it to his left wrist.


    He looks towards Agent Yamashiro and has a question he wants to ask, but wants to remain respectful of her and finally grows impatient with himself and eventually blurts out, "so... percentage wise, how much interference can we expect?"  Immediately blushing afterwards.

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