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Mad Fnorder

HERO Member
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Posts posted by Mad Fnorder

  1. Re: Rules Mechanic: A Six Second Turn


    One of the problems with multiple actions in the same segment, as well, is aborting. A key HERO rule is if you acted in the phase, you're not supposed to be able to abort in that phase- to even out Hold-and-DEX-offs. If I have speed 7 in a 6 second turn, When do I act? and when do my aborts end? Could I dodge at Dex 10 and then stop and punch someone at Dex 9, when the danger has ended? Kind of treacherous. Might work fine for low speeds.

  2. Re: Mega Man ZX


    Seconding the "Follower AI" methodology. They're clearly distinct entities from Vent and Aile, with video game logic powering the fact that they join up effortlessly after their respective boss fights. It could also lead to some interesting roleplaying things- a reluctant hero with a gung-ho, battle ready Biometal, and some arguments between the two.

  3. Re: Lyrical Nanoha


    Oh yeah, There's definitely alot between point A and B. The first four episodes of the first season feel like pure Card Captor Sakura ripoff, but it quickly takes a very interesting kick with a dash of sci-fi and a neater overarching plot. The second season is slightly darker and introduces a bunch of new characters. All in all, I'm not even that much of a fan of the genre, but Nanoha is pretty solid. Also, it's not that much to catch up on- two thirteen episode seasons before StrikerS, all told, depending on where you left off.


    Nanoha Campaign stuff is something I've been working on for a bit, pre StrikerS- on hold now, unfortunately, with incoming finals. I'll post my post A's setting document if people are interested.

  4. Re: Haymaker out of combat


    Seems like the weirdness issue isn't Haymaker Out of Combat as much as repeated Haymakers against inanimate objects, especially at small scale. Consider the context in which Steve was talking about Haymakering- for a Healing power. It makes sense to avoid people from buying a Healing die or two and haymakering the rest into existence.


    Seems like instead of punting Haymaker, limit its effect against inanimate objects. Save that burst of adrenaline for breaking ropes and walls and bars for Pushing- which lets the GM more carefully modulate what can and can't be overcome by the average person- or superhero.

  5. Re: rules questions (Fantasy Hero)


    The way my GM has always run it (And I've grown to agree) is more toward the surprise bonus side of things. If you run around someone from in their field of vision to out of it, just to try and whack them from behind, you don't get a bonus unless it is combined with something, well, surprising- like invisibility. They know you're there, more or less. Even Teleporting or such will only work once, especially if you have a return fight with the same foes.


    Admittedly it has a bit more of a superheroic sensibility to it, given that FH movement rates tend to be lower, but it seems to make things a bit smoother.

  6. Re: Anime series as a campaign


    Currently working on a Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha setting and character writeups. Yes, silly name. Silly series? Far from it.


    Off the top of my head, Gatekeepers, while old, could make a great campaign.

    Lastly, Law of Ueki could be turned into something wacky. Bunch of kids in a running competition with some really bizarre powers put to good use? Good times.

  7. Re: Mecha in Star Hero


    I'm a big Mekton fan, and I think you could probably get away with fudging the combat systems together to some extent- Use the Fuzion 1d10->3d6 Difficulty Number translations, and swap Mecha skills for straight CSLs with Mecha Combat. Good luck whatever method you choose.

  8. Re: Haruhi Suzumiya HERO?


    IF you take that interpretation. One of the interesting points of the series is exactly what it is that Haruhi is doing. Is she an element for universal evolution? A temporal distortion causing these events to occour? Or is she really an omnipotent diety? Or... something else? ^^

  9. Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender


    That's what I was thinking with the Advantaged EB approach. Certain elements use different advantages more often, but AoE 1 Hex, Line, and Cone, varying degrees of Indirect, Double Knockback, and such are pretty common. Plus, a VPP still seems less point-heavy than a full EB, Elemental TK, An entangle or the like, and then any nessecary movement powers.

  10. Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender


    I'm definitely inclined to say it's hereditary, though other styles can be studied and the physical elements employed- See Iroh and his lightning-deflection technique, which he says he learned by studying waterbending styles.


    Taking advantage of this topic suddenly rising out of nowhere, if I were to ever run a campaign in this universe, I think I'd hand out Missile Deflection for free to everybody, maybe with a -1/4 "Must have appropriate object/technique". Even Sokka runs around smashing projectiles out of the air, nevermind the "blast against blast" combats, which are more defensive than DBZ's "Let's smash into each other and see what happens".


    In theory, if you put the emphasis on OCV, and encourage the players to think of cool things for regularly given Surprise Move bonuses (Yes, somewhat similar to Exalted stunt bonuses) I imagine it makes things pretty dynamic, encouraging people to actively defend, which seems to matter in a world where Armor is limited and Force Fields nonexistent.


    I started writing up a campaign-guideline type thing for this once- I think my conclusion was Superheroic without points for NCM. Bending was either a quick-changing VPP with limited SFX or an EC built around a Variable Advantages EB for the basic tricks. The VPP version clearly needs a "___bending" skill at a healthy level. The other rule I'd bend would be allowing a combined Ranged/Hand to Hand Martial Art, though perhaps making people buy extra damage classes seperately.

  11. Re: Character concept: Mecha


    *blank stare*



    That's what I get for trying to respond to a forum and take notes on something else at the same time. Apologies.


    *writes "Read original poster more carefully" on his forehead backwards in black sharpie*


    Now that that's out of the way, maybe the legs from an Aestevalis from Martian Successor Nadescio? Clean lines, functional, wheels in the bottom for high NCM Running...

  12. Re: Character concept: Mecha


    Hmmm...Mecha weapons just on the right arm, eh?


    All I can come up with are HtH Attacks with varying changes- since I see you already have melee weapons.


    Gundam Wing Eypon has that flail, the Heat Rod. You could model as Stretching+Hand to Hand Attack, possibly with an Entangle option.


    The Super Robot Wars Gespenst production line has the Jet Magnum, where a trio of plasma stacks fire on the arm, propelling the mech forward for a powerful strike. (Movement+Hand attack, only for move-by.)


    But, keeping with the old school, you might want to go with an arm from Getter Robo 1.


    Getter Tomahawk/Tomahawk Boomerang: (Total: 80 Active Cost, 46 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (2d6+1 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Ranged (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1) (Real Cost: 30) plus +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Incantations: "GETTA TOMAHAAAWKU!" (-1/4) (Real Cost: 16)


    Heck, I know I'd be intimidated by someone in a metal battlesuit pitching a giant axe at my head while spontaneously developing an accent.

  13. Re: Affects Real World (+2)


    Now, I don't have it on me, but I remember there being a whole section in UMA on naked advantages interacting with martial maneuvers. I remember 1) giant stop signs and 2) having to pay for the effect of the total dice, not just the strength. Might want to take a look at that for a ruling against this little slice of abuse.

  14. Re: Power Build Suggestions: "Spectral Gun" MP


    I think a No range AoE, either Cone or Radius with hole in the middle, to symbolise wide barrage. Add Selective or Nonselective to taste- maybe Extra Time as well. Also, a stun only (Blunt shot) or NND (some sort of vibration shot, or insubstantial shot, blocked by PD Force field or such) might round out utility. If you don't go the Ranged MA route, a couple of Dispels, KA vs. Foci, or Telekinesis (Only to push things around, no grabbing, etc.) might round out some utility.

  15. Re: Haruhi Suzumiya HERO?


    I would totally go into an explanation on how Lone Island Syndrome makes a perfect example of how this all works, except that I can't figure out how to work these confounded spoiler tags, and I dare not ruin any part of a series as awesome as Haruhi.


    Between this and Ouran High School Host Club, characters named Haruhi=Amazing anime.

  16. Re: Timing is Everything!! The Character


    For a character who's power is "perfect timing", I'd buy a bunch of Overall Skill Levels, Only When Timing Helps(-1/4). So, basically, they work most of the time in combat, and for a good many skills, like Acrobatics or Breakfall- but there's only so many times the player could say, "Architecture of the Hoover Dam? Why, I was just watching a documentary on that last night! What perfect timing!" Alternatively, the GM could cap the amount of skill levels into any one thing. I agree with the presence of Triggers, and Missile Reflection probably fits very well.


    Also, Teamwork -13, Usable by Others, Incantantions. ("Wait for it...wait for it.... NOW!)

  17. Re: Haruhi Suzumiya HERO?


    Warning, incoming acronym assault.


    I've thought about it plenty, but the only way to express Haruhi is a massive VPP with IPE and NCC. Statting up the rest might come soon. Talk about an interesting point spread for those characters.

  18. Re: Dark Champions the Anime Series


    High-stakes rivalries resolved by social combat rather than physical combat. Hard fro HERO to model, but potentially fascinating.


    Hikaru's partial-possession would be interesting to model. The ghost of the Go master has goals that are frequently in conflict with Hikaru's desires and, having been dead so long, an utter lack of concern for the consequences of what he does. This makes him capable, on occasion, of astonishing cruelty.


    Maybe TUSK has something neat about elaborate skill vs. skill contests to make things a bit more interesting (I assign my Go skill levels to defense!) but as for Hikaru himself, probably a number of skills bought limited with an activation roll, to symbolize having to cajole the information out of Sai, combined with a short term personality-loss multiform for when he lets Sai play altogether. Of course, things change as Hikaru accumulates XP...

  19. Re: Skinning cats


    A slight twist on something that's already been done.

    1/2d6 HKA, (Skinning Knife) with full IPE, plus Slight of Hand -18.


    No one's sure what happened, only you walked past that cat and suddenly it's skin was lying next to it...


    Or, Density Increase/Growth, UAA, does not effect target's skin. Make the cat fall right through/ burst out of the skin.


    Lastly, Summon (Skinless Cat). The skin has to be somewhere, now...

  20. Re: Build me a voodoo doll


    If you're really allergic to some of the handwavium, throw No Range Mod on that Megascale AoE Selective. I mean, we've already got +9 in advantages. Given the combination of the Megascale and the fully indirect, you're probably hitting surprised-out-of-combat Half DCV anyway. Throw a couple of OCV levels on the doll to compensate as well. Or wait until they go to sleep...

  21. If a character has an AoE/Explosion Attack with Selective or Non-Selective on it, clearly they need a hit roll to hit the hex they're landing the attack in, effected by Range Modifier. Do you then have a range modifier against everyone in the radius? Furthermore, does the range modifier increase as the AoE goes outward? I.E. If the explosion starts 8 hexes away and ends up hitting somone 10 hexes away, are you at an additional -2 penalty?


    Confirmatory follow up- does a No Range Selective AoE have a range mod on anyone at all?

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