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Kara Zor-El

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Everything posted by Kara Zor-El

  1. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Ummm, not trying to be critical or anything, but if you hold the official rules in low regard why are ya hangin' out in the forums here?
  2. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Is there any way I could get permission to use the Britannia pic on the Global Guardians website as a character pic? Or would I need to commission another piece?
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Excuse me, Tim, but why do you have a Mr. Potatohead nose glued to your computer, with a ring through it? A: 2,000 posts!!
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Saturday night. Our date night. Erin started teething, so we felt bad about leaving her with a baby sitter. We stay home with the very fussy baby. I manage to twist my back. Not a lot of fun. Until the muscle relaxers kick in. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Faith has finally settled on a name for her new beagle puppy. She named him "Max", after the Grinch's dog.
  6. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Interesting. Do you have details posted somewhere?
  7. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Oooh! How much ya charge for a commission? Actually, I'd like to use the Britannia pic, but with longer blonde hair. lol Just submitted a character named Britannia about three - four days ago to a game.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I seem to get most of my good rep awards for makin' people laugh when they're having a bad day. That makes me feel good. Thanks, guys.
  9. A Good Day Well, I overdid it on a holiday again, but everyone seemed to have fun. We had my family and Rachel's family visiting, which means we had 14 guests in addition to the six of us. We started off with a brunch, followed by an Easter egg hunt (during which much hilarity ensued), followed by everyone chatting, then dinner. It was a wonderfully chaotic day.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The flu sucks. Think I'm done with the gross part, though. Now, if I could just get over the bein' tired part.
  11. Q: You say the suspect took out extra life insurance on his wife two days before she died? A: I have no clue who Andy Dufresne is.
  12. Q: So, what caused the big brouhaha at the Westminster Dog Show? A: I tell you, he's an attack penguin!
  13. Twelve and a half hour work days suck. In addition to training three new people, one of which has a different job than I do, I still have to keep up with my normal workload. Of course, that's why they hired the new people. When I was gone for vacation, they had to ship my work to another office. Turns out that what I consider a normal day is about two normal days for everyone else in my division, so my workload totally swamped the five or six people they split it up between, when combined with their normal work. So, hopefully, within a month or so, loooooooooong hours will be a thing of the past for me. Hey, I found the silver lining!
  14. Wow!! The boards were down for over an hour. I got back on and guess who had the last post according to the time stamps on the boards home page? That's right. I derailed the site for a little over an hour. I am the GODDESS of Derail Fu!! lol
  15. Something said on the SF thread made me decide I should clarify something (Just because I won't post there any more doesn't mean I don't look in occasionally): Rachel and I aren't sisters. I legally changed my last name to her's on my 21st birthday.
  16. Q: What's the most intelligent thing said during this campaigning season? A: I'll do what I darned well please, and nobody can stop me!
  17. Q: You just wouldn't believe me when I told you that there was a picture of Rush Limbaugh naked in that magazine, would you? A: Teletubbies on crack.
  18. Q: What do you call the people who vote for Bush, but don't proclaim it? A: Taxation without representation or recourse!
  19. Sometimes, running a PBEM game truly sucks, especially at the beginning when you get a lot of good submissions, but you have to turn some of the people away because you know you can't handle a horde of people.
  20. Strawberry shortcake is a wonderful dessert when you can't have it too often due your twins being allergic to strawberries. Sneaking around to eat it after the girls were in bed was fun, too.
  21. I was just sitting here thinking. I'm left handed. My right hand is there more to balance my looks and type than anything else. lol The twins, who I carried, are ambidextrous. They will often mirror each other, on purpose. And they switch off who's using which hand. The grandparents are convinced that Katie's right handed and Kim's left. They've obviously done this with all the relatives, to give them a way to tell them apart, because we've even caught the little scamps answering to the wrong name when one anyone but Rachel, my cousin or I call them. He, the cousin, is convinced they're doing it out of mischief. Rachel came up with the thought that they were probably doing it so the relatives could have a way to tell them apart. Anyway, Rachel's right handed, and Faith, who she carried seems to be leaning more to left handed as she gets older. Erin's showing every sign of being a born righty. So, what do you think affects handedness? It can't be entirely genetics.
  22. Q: He's always going to be the last one to get anywhere! How did he buy his flight? A: We don't accept checks, credit cards OR attitude, Sir.
  23. Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein are two of the funniest movies ever!
  24. Q: What did Mightbec's wife say to him after getting a visit from Rachel? A: Cheerleaders, beer and gibbering monkey fish. Oh, my!
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