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Kara Zor-El

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Kara Zor-El

  1. Q: How did you figure out George Michael was in the newest Batman movie? A: Psychos R Us.
  2. Q: You went on a date with Ted Nugent and got what? A: Two lithium batteries and a flux capacitor, covered in cream cheese.
  3. Q: You threatened to kick that silly super hero where? A: Not in this lifetime, bubba, and probably not the next one, either.
  4. Q: What is Jason's worst nightmare? A: The first easy bake oven.
  5. Q: How did they test Viagra? A: Hey, that's my doll!
  6. Q: What did my dad see on his way home from work today? A: Yeah, I lost it in Jersey.
  7. Q: What did Nightfly get when his wife undressed on their honeymoon? A: Dilithium crystals and Teletubbies.
  8. Q: What's more likely, Jack getting Kara a red leather bikini or Rachel a red leather bikini? A: 2.2 Million dollars and a slurpee.
  9. Q: What will it take Worldmaker to keep from getting hit after that last answer? A: 128, B-Sharp and Bondo.
  10. Q: What was the oddest sight in the maternity ward? A: Vodka, Gin and primo weed, dude!
  11. Q: What is a misogynist's wet dream? A: Snoopy, Bugs Bunny and Thanos
  12. Q: What does Seenar need for a good Saturday night? A: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and "Mein Kampf."
  13. Q: What won't George Bush eat, but ironically fills George W. Bush's skull? A: Whipped cream and a gaggle of geese.
  14. Q: What packs the same punch as one pint of Everclear? A: The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, Hero Games and schnitzel.
  15. Re: hey sg? I see you're enjoying the emoticons. lol
  16. Re: hi again? All kinds of friendly people here. Just have to jump in and make yourself known. And I'd avoid the political/religious threads if I were you. Unless you enjoy talking to people who make a stand and refuse to change it no matter what. lol
  17. That's it! Back up story in Avengers #200 or #201. I'm thinking 201.
  18. Actually, according to a back up story in Avengers #201, Edwin Jarvis was in the army and a boxing champ. Real battle of the century: One piece swimsuits or two piece? lol
  19. How is HERO Selling? Ummmm, retail, I assume. Hah! Like anyone reads my posts since I've gotten the new avatar! lol
  20. Hoo Hah!! A bandwagon! Always wanted to jump on one! *Ahem* Yes, I agree with my esteemed colleagues in their desire to see downloadable files of the colored artwork made available. Please, add my name to the petition, as it were.
  21. Re: Looking for Gambit WHY?? Are all the good X-Men already taken?
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