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Posts posted by Oruncrest

  1. Re: VPPs and Game World Logic


    Okay, I think I understand what you want now. You want to do a 'real' version of Uri Geller, able to bend a spoon but have trouble lifting it. If that's the case, let's try this:


    103 The Psychokinesis of Warp 9: 60pt VPP, Cosmic (+2), Invisible to Sight, +¼, Psychokintetic Effects Only (-½), Maximum END usable per power is (Base points of Pool/10) = 6 (-¼), END Cost Increases the more solid the mass is (Plasma/Gas, ×1, Water, ×2, Mud or Slush, ×3, Sand or Loose Dirt, ×4, Solid, ×6, -½); 157AP, 103RP

    Sample Powers

    Cutting Wind: 4D6 RKA, (60AP, 6 END)

    Hammering Wind: 12D6 PB (60AP, 6 END)

    Burn Baby, Burn: 2D6 Continuous RKA (60AP, 6 END)

    The Stroke: 1D6-1 RKA, NND (Force Field, Shapeshifting Powers or Density Increase), Does Body, ×2 END (30AP, 20RP, 6 END)

    Hydrokinesis: 15 STR TK, Affects Porous, Only vs. True Liquids (-½), ×2 END (32 AP, 21 RP, 6 END)

    True Levitation: 5" Flight, ×6 END (10AP, 3RP, 6 END)

    True Telekinesis: 6 STR TK, ×6 END (9AP, 3RP, 6 END)

  2. Re: Ablative Limitation, Simplified but Expanded


    OK, so then how about how much would the value be for the way that I misread it?


    My quick guess would be, since Standard Effect is 1/2 the Maximum Dice Roll Value, -1/2 per -5 AP or -1 per -10 AP. Does that sound like more reasonable values?


    Yes. here are my suggestions:


    Ablative (-5 AP if the BODY of an attack exceeds DEF): -½ (Ablative at this level is about equal to the 'standard' version of ablative at -½)


    Ablative (-5 AP if the STUN or BODY of an attack exceeds DEF): -1 (Ablative at this level is about equal to the 'standard' version of ablative at -1)


    Ablative (-10 AP if the BODY of an attack exceeds DEF): -1 (harder to do than the 'standard' version of -1 Ablative, but more damaging if it succeeds)


    Ablative (-10 AP if the STUN or BODY of an attack exceeds DEF): -2 (most attacks will shred defenses this limited (and don't forget all the added STUN done to the defender) rather quickly)

  3. Re: Ablative Limitation, Simplified but Expanded


    One of the neat semi-hidden options mentioned only briefly in the main rulebook is a Simplified version of the Ablative Limitation for Defences (H5er.116).


    Given that the DEF is reduced by -5 Active Points per Attack which BODY exceeds the DEF is a -1 Limitation, what do you think the expanded values for the following 3 options would be:

    • BODY -10 AP (-2?) *
      [double the reduction of above]

    • BODY or STUN -5 AP (-2?)
      [regularly BODY + STUN is twice the cost of BODY only]

    • BODY or STUN -10 AP (-4?)
      [double the reduction of above]

    I like it because it reduces dice rolling and it'll allow a force wall -like collapsing of defences, albeit gradual rather than all or nothing, that will nicely fit the Sword & Sorcery type of Barbarian battering down the sorcerer's spell armor/shield/forcefield or whathave you.


    Steve wasn't willing to answer this one and I'm interested in what everyone else feels would be a fair value for this.


    FWIW, particularly the -10 AP per time the DEF is breached with BODY damage because for my spells (that are 10AP/level after Advanages) it'll effectively and neatly reduce them by 1 DEF per hit.


    Thanks in advance!

    You've misread the wording of the 'simplified' Ablative limitation. the proper wording is:


    At the GM’s option, Ablative can function in a different, but somewhat simpler, fashion: for a -1 Limitation, every shot against which an Ablative Defense Power provides protection and which could, if a good enough roll were achieved, do BODY damage to the target reduces the Defense Power by 5 Active Points, regardless of whether the target itself takes damage.


    This means that any attack that could do BODY to an ablative defense will reduce said defense by 5 APs. As an example, a (15,15) Ablative Armor power with 45 Active Points will fail after 9 hits from an 8D6 regular attack because the attack could do 16 BODY and exceed the 15 DEF of the Armor.


    Personally, I'd prefer that Ablative defenses have a 'BODY' stat that could be reduced by actual BODY done from an attack (say 1 BODY for every 5 base points). That way, (15,15) Armor would have 9 BODY, while a (15,15) Force Field would only have 6 BODY (but of course, you can re-raise a Force Field). Also, you could improve the integrity of your defense by buying BODY (for 2pts/+1 BODY). I'd consider that a -½ limitation since the BODY of an attack needs to exceed the applicable DEF.

  4. Re: Limited STR: Only for Pushing, Pulling, Lifting, etc


    The Ultimate Martial Artist has a Does No Damage (-1) limitation for TK. When a similar limitation was brought up for regular STR, it was suggested that the lim be reduced to -½ because regular STR can be used to improve figured characteristics. I would go with that and allow your PC to also use No Figured Characteristics to reduce the cost further, so your player's +25 STR should only cost 12 real points.

  5. Re: VPPs and Game World Logic


    Somehow I missed Ghost-Angel's post when I was thinking about END. M'i bad.


    It has already been pointed out that high END cost might simulate "being at the very outmost limits of TK ability" but it is more likely that this END limitation would simply stop the character from doing a given action for an extended period---it seems to me that we'd want things to be a bit more limited than that.


    You could also add a limitation to your VPP defining how much END one could use at one time (say, Maximum Total END usable by VPP = 25, -½ if you want to be able to use one power at full effectiveness and another power at slightly less).

  6. Re: VPPs and Game World Logic


    Oddhat's got the basics of it: Limit the powers that can be used and replace the powers you don't want with more expensive alternatives. For example, lets say your character has a 75pt PK Pool and he wants to levitate over everyone's heads while slicing off one or two. the slicing off heads part is easy (3D6 RKA costing 45 pts), but instead of using Flight (15" costing 30 pts), buy Flight-Capable Telekinesis (from The Ultimate Mentalist). 20 STR Flight-Capable TK costs 45 active points, but if you allow the Self Only Limitation, it becomes 30 real points. Using it on yourself means that you can 'throw' yourself 4" (as a Standing Throw, assuming you weigh in the neighborhood of 100kg). If you devote the whole 75 APs to F-CTK, you can have 33 STR, enough to 'throw' yourself 9". Is F-CTK much more expensive than Flight? Sure is. Does it provide the effect you're looking for? I'll let you be the judge of that.


    Alternately, you can define the amount of force you're using with the other great equalizer of HERO - END Cost. determine beforehand the END cost of your power mechanics (say, for instance, RKA and TK cost ×1 END, Flight costs ×3 END), now 5 inches of Flight costs as much END as 2D6 RKA or 20 STR TK, even though it's Real Cost is significantly less than either (5 RP compared to 30RP for TK or RKA).


    Hope one of these ideas helps.

  7. Re: Paralysis Ray: Would you allow this?


    27 Real/62 Active

    2d6 Def 3 Entangle BOECV (+1), No damage from physical attacks (+1/4); Works against EGO not STR (+1/4); Cannot form barriers (-1/4); Mental powers based on CON (-1) vs. ED


    This power would overwhelm the target's neurobiology causing paralysis. Eventually the body's resilience would "reboot" their electrical system. Does this power seem fair/legal. Any modifications to the advantages/limitations. Would you allow it?


    I think you've made the power too complicated. Can I assume that you want an Entangle that requires that the victim use CON to escape instead of STR? If so, I'd dump the 'Mental Power based on CON' limitation and change the Characteristic that worked against the power from 'EGO' to 'CON', like so:


    49 Neurolock: 4d6 Def 3 Entangle, No damage from attacks (+½), Works against CON not STR (+¼); Cannot form barriers (-1/4); 61 AP; 4 END


    Written like this, it becomes clear that the Characteristic required to escape is CON, not STR or EGO. Note that 'No Damage from Attacks' is used since there's no such thing as a 'CON Blast'.

  8. Re: "Faulty" Power


    I think there's two ways to do it:


    27 The Easy Way: 12D6 Mental Illusions; Mandatory Effect (EGO+20, must always achieve, -¾) Only to 'block' one sense (-½), Requires a Psyche (or whatever skill you would use for Psychic Powers) Roll (Failure means that the wrong sense was 'blocked',-0)


    Since the PC must achieve EGO+20 for his attack to have any effect (since he's completly altering the way one sense perceives the environment), I gave the power Mandatory Effect to simulate this.


    61 The Hard Way:8D6+1 Suppress any 1 Sense power, Standard Effect (25pts, +0), Works against Mental Defense, not Flash Defense (+¼), ½ END; Requires a Psyche (or whatever skill you would use for Psychic Powers) Roll (Failure means that the wrong sense was suppressed,-0)


    The reason Works against Mental Defense, not Flash Defense is +¼, is because there's only one type of mental defense compared to the 6+ types of flash defense (sight, hearing, mental, radio, taste/smell, touch, unusual(?), voice(?)).


    In both cases, I'm assuming that the PC would buy the required skill as a background skill (costing 2 for 11- and improves on a +1/ 1AP basis, If he bought it as characteristic-based, add ¼ to the limitation), and since there's always some effect (even if it's not the one the PC was aiming for), I deducted a -¼ from the RSR limitation.

  9. Re: Dumbest thing...


    But you aren't denying the possibility of Lex somehow being a part of said scientific team?


    I can. Shortly after Superboy appeared (Adventures of Superman 501, I believe), Lex was grilling his spy in Cadmus. He was mad as a hornet because he'd been told (by said spy) that Cadmus couldn't clone Superman's DNA. Then the spy explained what Cadmus really did (the readers weren't privy to this information of course).

  10. Re: Hulk vs Superman


    Krypton was in his sector. He was suppost to keep it from blowing up. There's some -- Survivor Guilt? Failed Rescuer Guilt?


    Not to mention that he was still in the GLC after he should have retired. His destined sucessor was a Kryptonian, the son of Jor-El.

    That sounds like an interesting storyline. Where can I find it?


    You can read The Greatest Green lantern of All (and other Superman stories) online at Superman Thru the Ages.

  11. Re: Damage Shield


    ]Normally' date=' the only way that one Advantage can be set up to only affect another Advantage is by way of a Naked Modifier which is not how my example was built.[/quote']


    1) the effect of the Continuous advantage is to repeat the effects of an attack action without having to make an attack roll.

    2) the effect of the Damage Shield advantage is to make a PCs body a reciprocative weapon.

    The effect of both those powers put together should mean that anyone touching the empowered PC would suffer an attack upon contact and have that attack repeat itself for every phase the character paid END.

    But it's not.

    Can you explain why that is if Continuous is being applied to the attack instead of the Damage Shield?


    Can you cite a reference backing up your claim of how Uncontrolled interacts with Continuous?


    No. The book mentions that the Base Power has to be be either naturally Constant or have the Continuous advantage bought for it (pg 272 of the HSR Revised), but given that you can't buy Uncontrolled alone for a non-constant power, it doesn't take much insight to realize that Continuous is what's being affected by the Uncontrolled advantage.

  12. Re: Damage Shield




    there is one fundamental flaw in your argument. Damage Shield is an Advantage, not a Power. Your argument depends on Damage Shield being treated as it's own power which is not the case according to RAW (rules as written) in 5e or 5er.


    My Phosphorus Effect example would damage any target that hit the power's owner in HTH. It would also continue to damage them until they wipe off the 'phosphorus' that sticks to them (my special effect choice). My example could also be used offensively so that the power's owner could punch or grab a target and have them be be affected by the power as well. A brick with this power could eventually burn through whatever he could hold on to.

    The Rules As Written require the Continuous advantage for the Damage Shield advantage on any power that isn't already constant. Continuous cannot serve two masters, otherwise all Damage Shields in 5th ed would be continuously attacking anyone who was fool to touch them even after the victim broke contact (can you imagine Spider-Man getting shocked over and over and over again by Electro's Damage Shield even after the first shock blasted him 5 hexes away? I didn't think so).


    It doesn't matter that Damage Shield is an advantage (I already pointed out how the Uncontrolled advantage affects the Continuous advantage, so there's nothing wrong with advantages affecting advantages), not a power, the way the Rules As Written work a Continuous Damage Shield attack won't allow the damage to repeat, just the Damage Shield.

  13. Re: Damage Shield



    And I've always wondered, what if Torchboy wanted his 'body of flame' to not just burn his opponent when they're in physical contact, but to have it burn even after the two have broken off contact. When I used Champions 3rd & HERO 4th editions, I would've simply called tacked on Continuous to the power & moved on. What do I do now? Buy Continuous twice? Immolators across the world are waiting for an answer.


    Use Uncontrolled in addition to Continuous.




    60 Phosphorus Effect: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Costs END Only To Activate (By using this instead of 0 End the power can still be pushed.; +1/4), Uncontrolled ((5e, pg 175; 5er, pg 272) A Constant Power with this Advantage can maintain itself without conscious thought from its user.; +1/2), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Damage Shield (Offensive; (5e pg 163; 5er, pg 254) Opponents take damage from Damage Shield when struck by HTH Attacks or Grabs.; +3/4), Continuous (+1), Penetrating (x2; +1) (75 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Only works in presence of oxygen; -1/4) - END=7


    Unfortunately, I don't think that would work anymore:( and the reason is because of what Continuous is being asked to do for Damage Shield.


    Continuous is normally intended to make an instant power repeat itself for as many phases as you paid END for (for instance, lets say Torchboy can throw fireballs that keep burning for a while (let's say, a 2D6-1 RKA, Continuous, 0 END). The power to be repeated is the RKA, and the Continuous advantage will make it function almost like a constant power.


    Now, let's add Uncontrolled. Uncontrolled is used to make a constant power last forever, or at least until the conditions to turn it off are triggered. With Torchboy's Continuous RKA, Uncontrolled extends the Continuous advantage, which is altering the effect of the RKA.


    With your construct above, the Continuous advantage is altering the effect of the Damage Shield (to make it work between phases), not the RKA. Which means that when you apply Uncontrolled to the power, the Damage Shield will be empowered to last until smothered. It won't affect the KA at all, because that's not being affected by the Continuous advantage, and Uncontrolled cannot affect the KA because it's not the constant power, the Damage Shield is.


    Back in Champions 3rd and HERO 4th, Damage Shield was assumed to be constant by default, which meant that if you wanted to make the Phosphorus Effect continue to burn Torchboy's opponent, then adding Continuous & Uncontrolled would've worked just fine. The Continuous advantage made the KA continue to work and the Uncontrolled advantage was assumed to enhance the Continuous advantage.



  14. Re: Damage Shield


    While I agree that the price for Damage Shield is kind of high and that can end up keeping it from being effective for games with a point cap, from a balance standpoint, consider an alternative build.


    Say that TorchBoy has an aura of flames that damages anything close to him. You could build that as Xd6 EB, Continuous, AoE 1 Hex, Personal Immunity, No Range. There are some slight differences in the implementation of this power and a Damage Shield EB, but the total level of Advantages is similar.


    The big difference is that TorchBoy's power gets the No Range limitation. For this reason, and because DS can be used with powers that have no range by default, I alway allow DS to take the No Range limitation when I GM. But maybe that is just me.

    ...and we could now call him Fireball.


    And in campaigns with an active point cap, your approach nets him less effect than the 'book' approach does (21 pts of effect vs 24 the 'normal' way).


    And I've always wondered, what if Torchboy wanted his 'body of flame' to not just burn his opponent when they're in physical contact, but to have it burn even after the two have broken off contact. When I used Champions 3rd & HERO 4th editions, I would've simply called tacked on Continuous to the power & moved on. What do I do now? Buy Continuous twice? Immolators across the world are waiting for an answer.

  15. Re: My first HD character. For your approaval, Lord Cumulus


    As for Lord Cumulus Mr.R, I can't tell you how disappointed I was when I clicked on the link and saw your character. It's not that he's poorly-designed or anything, but when I saw the name "Lord Cumulus", my first thought was of the WARP plays in Chicago and the First Comic of the same name. Your LC looks like a decent 500+ pointer, but the nostalgia that washed over me when I saw the thread title won't let me look at him objectively. Sorry.

  16. Re: lets make this work: Instant Change



    Neither do I.


    Simply put, if a character can pop in and out of his OIF Power Armor, eliminating the fact that he's no longer limited by it being a Focus (no time to put on/take off, no risk of being separated from it), it's not worth as big a limitation. Basic foundation of the HERO System; a limitation that doesn't limit isn't a limitation.


    However the instant transformation is not in itself proof of the foci not being valid


    Ex. A characters who power armor is controled by a bracelet, it ports in when he presses a button on his watch, if the armor is taken away the watch control goes with it, preventing him from transforming until he gets it back, this follows the mandate of the foci limitation


    That's because you altered the Instant Change power (giving it the focus and gestures limitations). CC's talking about a straight Instant Change. No Foci. No Gestures. No Incantations. No restrictions. Would you allow a Power Armor focus to be instantly summoned with no restrictions for the same bonus that another Power Armor wearer would get for using the watch you mentioned earlier in your campaign?

  17. Re: Help with a Duplication-type power


    I'm working on a villain for my campaign who is based, loosely, on Agent Smith from The Matrix (amoung others ... including the last Terminator, the alien-human hybrid from Species, and Warlock from the new mutants).


    Now, if THAT didn't make you change to a different thread, here is the premise for the villain:


    He is was a soldier who volunteered for a military experiment ... to become a cyborg. However instead of replacing limbs or muscles or organs with machine parts, he was "infused" with a technological "virus." (The origins of this "techno-virus" are extra-terrestrial, as it turns out, and are part of an attempt by an alien species to "soften up" Earth for an invasion). He posses many powers, including shape-shifting, regeneration, and the ability to cybernetically link with computers and computer networks.


    In any event, the power that is troubling me is his ability to create "clones" of himself by infecting humans with his techno-virus. The "clones" are exact duplicates (though built on fewers points ... so they are less powerful than he is and are missing a couple of key powers). I'm planning to limit him to 32 duplicates. However, I'm not sure how to work in the limitation that he can only duplicate by infecting a human being. I started working on a Transform power with a Duplication power that only works when he successfully transforms someone ... but I'm not sure if this is the way to go.


    Any suggestions?

    How about this:


    97 Techno-Virus Infection: Summon 32 200pt. 'copies' of Technovirusman, ½ END, Slavishly Devoted; Components (requires humans to be 'infected' with the techno-virus, -¼), can only summon as many 'copies' at one time as he has arms, -¼; 146 AP, 97 RP (NOTE: If he doesn't have the Extra Limbs power, then the limitation should be worth -½, and cost 83 RP)


    Technovirusman should hsve a Dispel Technology Attack, right, if so, then give the 'copies' a ×2 Vulnerability to Dispel Techno-Virus-based Attacks, for 10pts..

  18. Re: Wand of Fireballs (or the Champions Equivalent)


    under charges there is an option to make it more difficult to recover charges' date=' and a rough guideline under fuel charges, not sure if 5er makes this slighly better or not[/quote']

    Not really. Basically, it says that if you have to do something special to recover the charges, then the charges can be worth an extra -¼ or more. My opinion on this is that the wand would get an extra -1. This assumes that there is no one on the wielder can immediately go to to recharge the wand. The limitation could be even higher if there are very few mages (especially if only a Fire Mage can recharge the wand) in your campaign, less if a mage than could recharge the wand is the wielder's good buddy.

  19. Re: Endurance Reserve Question


    Hey all, I have a question for you all. In the Champions game I play in one of the other players has an Endurance Reserve as follows


    Magic Amulet: Endurance Reserve (25 END, 0 REC) Reserve: (2 Active Points); Limited Recovery (Must use personal end to recharge; -2), OIF (-½); REC: (0 Active Points)


    Wouldnt a REC of 0 mean that once he has used up the END it would be empty for good? I am thinking yes, but I am not 100% sure of this. Maybe it recharges like 1 end per hour or day or some such thing.


    Unless he's got an Aid END or Transfer END to END somewhere else in his powerset, that Amulet will run out of power and the PC won't be able to recharge it. :eek:


    Ask the player HOW he plans to recharge the amulet with his personal END. If he means a point-to point transfer (which is what the 'Must use personal end to recharge' "limitation" suggests), then he'll need to buy either an Aid END (with limitations like 'loses 1 point of personal END for each point gained by the amulet)', a Transfer END to END power, or REC with the 'loses 1 point of personal END for each point gained by the amulet' limitation. I recommend the last.


    Also what is your take on the limited recovery in the above END RES? I think his -2 is way way to high. I would think a -1/4 at most since said character has 40 END and 10 REC. Since it is at a 0 REC he wouldnt be able to get any END from his personal stash anyways... right?


    Thanks all. :D


    Not only is -2 too high (I value the 'loses 1 point of personal END for each point gained by the amulet' at -½), it should only affect the REC part of the END Reserve - and since he didn't buy any REC, he gets no benefit.


    Also, I wouldn't allow a Real Cost of 0 for a standalone power like this, it should have an RC of at least 1. :tsk:


    Finally, look at his character sheet to determine which powers can draw END from the amulet. Normally, a power can only draw power from one source. If this guy's got an END Reserve, then there should be notes on his character sheet noting which power draws END from his personal END and which draws END from the END Reserve. If he wants powers to draw from both then he needs to add the advantage 'Power draws END from personal or END reserve', worth +¼.

  20. Re: Heroes and Nukes!


    In the nuke sequence in Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, the just-nuked Superman clearly recovered his strength solely through exposure to yellow sun energy ("You have always been... so generous."). I can't see how that "took the death of a lot of plants and animals"? Yes, lots of them probably died in the blast, but that had no connection whatsoever to Supes' healing. You seem to be suggesting Superman heals by absorbing life-energy from nearby Terran lifeforms.


    (If DC has retconned Superman so that's the case, then I'm even gladder I stopped reading comics back while they were still half-decent.)

    Well, you have to remember that this is the Frank Miller interpretation of Supes. Nucleon has a higher opinion of Superman than Frank Miller. To give you an idea how low FM's opinion of Superman is, Batman need a certain French doctor in Gotham quickly in All-Star Batman, so he calls Superman to bring the doctor to Gotham. Now, instead of flying to France to pick up the Doctor and flying him back, since time's supposed to be of the essence, Supes runs across the Atlantic Ocean to France, picks up the car, and runs all the way back to Gotham across the Atlantic again. So I'd roll the 'creepy necrovegan Kryptonian vampire boy scout' thing up and toss it into the circular file.


    And the Dark Knight nuke was one of those 'special' nukes, designed to generate an Electromagnetic Pulse strong enough to kill the electronics of at least half the planet. That's a magnitude or three higher than the 40 megaton nuke Supes got caught in in Superman v2 #9 (which only destroyed his cape, BTW).

  21. Re: Best and most Pointless superbattle of all time


    Best AND Most Pointless:


    Jo "Ultraboy" Nah vs. the population of an entire planet of ass-kickers to plant a flower as a memorial to Karate Kid.

    Ummm.. That was Brin (Timber Wolf) Londo, not Jo (Ultra Boy) Nah who fought the Lyythals to plant a seed in their 'sacred rock'.

  22. Re: New President -


    They did something like this in the Armageddon 2000 maxi-series' date=' a decade or so ago. According to that storyline (and, I assume, current continuity), Kal-El was indeed "born" on US soil. Jor-El didn't send his son as an infant , he sent the embrionic child in its "birthing chamber," which only opened after it landed. So Supes was eligible. He won in a landslide, and apparently made a pretty durn good president.[/quote']


    You're right. In the 1991 Adventures of Superman Annual, Superman did indeed run for president in 2004 - and won handily against a thinly disguised Bush clone. After Supes' Clark Kent identity was blown saving Presidential candidate Pete Ross' life from an assassination attempt, Pete urged Clark to run in his place. He was declared a natural-born citizen after STAR Labs verified that his birthing matrix (they were using the 1986 Byrne origin at that time) really was an artificial womb.


    Before his first year was out, he'd taken major steps to solving Earth's energy crisis, put America in the black by salvaging sunken ships filled with gold bullion, rescued a hostage from terrorists on foreign soil (don't forget, he was the Commander-in-Chief in that story. If he wanted to, he could head his own military missions. And with his X-Ray Vision, he'd not only know where to hit, but could immediately present evidence of the terrorists' wrongdoing to imbedded journalists), and made steps to uniting all the nations of world into a world government.


    Of course, this was long before Birthright rewrote Clark's origin again and sent him to Earth as an infant, so Superman couldn't run in 2008.


    Sucks, don't it?

  23. Re: The Autofire Attack part of a Sweep Misses -- Now What?


    The lethality of the weapons ranged from 2D6-1 HKA (the Mage Killer) to 2D6+1 HKA (the Vorpal Blade & Sword of Quickness). The Marilith herself has a STR of 40, so full damage ranged from 3D6+1 KA to 5D6-1 KA.


    And you're right that Ironclad doesn't stand much of a chance against her, but I simply chose him as a placeholder. the Brick I created her to fight is a lot tougher, and a better fighter to boot. Sadly, this fight still ends too quickly; if she doesn't cut off his head on phase 12, he knocks her prone that phase, then on phase 2, dope slaps her in the face (7D6 NND vs. Solid Armor, Resistance, or FF) stunning her. Then he dope slaps her again before she can recover, knocking her unconscious. As you can tell, I've still got some tweaking to do.

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