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Everything posted by Shiva13

  1. Multipower. All slots variable. All of the characters movement powers put as slots in said Multipower. In actual play, this does not limit any of the movement powers in the slightest bit. As people tend to either use only one of movement at a time. In either a Full or Half Action. So my question as as follows: Is it right or fair to do so? Either by the philosphy of the design of the system, or ethically.
  2. Re: A question that has GOT to be asked! The license is free. All Hero would have to do is send a PDF of the finished book to Green Ronin for approval. Green Ronin sends them back an approval and a graphic of the superlink Logo to put on the cover. That's the sum total of the process. And they have a pretty fast turnaround for that.
  3. Re: A question that has GOT to be asked! Honestly? Hero has the resources and capability to do it totally in house. Which would considerably cut down on the production time. Because people already working for Hero Games are already intimately familiar with M&M. Which makes that part of the production neat and tidy for Hero Games, For the Superlink License, the only time Green Ronin needs to be involved is for the final approval stage. So that they make sure that the terms of the M&M Superlink license are complied with. Anything else is just unnecessarily adding complexity to the equasion. The point would be to get it done and out the door as fast as humanly possible. So Hero could start raking in the green.
  4. Wouldn't it be in the best interests of Hero Games to either dual stat or release M&M versions of the Champions setting and villains books? To my mind, it would serve to increase the audience significantly. And since Blackwyrm Games has already done such, the success of it is pretty easy for Hero to gain knowledge of. There are a lot of M&M players who were old Champions players who still have a great love for the classic characters and organizations. This seems to me a market that it would be very much in the interest of hero Games to exploit.
  5. Re: Information for HERO/Champions Fans About The Champions Online MMO A fact that I am and will remain eternally greatful for!
  6. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? Multipowers do have an inherent limitation in them. And that is that the entire pool of the Multipower can only be in use in a very limited way at once. And with Ultra slots, those powers must be counted at their full value when used. And not divided, like standard multipower slots can be. It is a performance limitation on all powers in that framework. But still, that performance limitation is one that is, by and large, barely felt in the coarse of actual play. And that's the problem. A limitation barely felt, by the strict definition of the design ethics behind the Hero System itself, should not grant such a huge amount of savings. That makes the Multipower broken when compared to those design ethics. I do believe Multipowers can be fixed. But it will take what people consider a radical move. And that would be to include rules as a companion to it as to what limitations or advantages can be applied to the whole multipower and what can be applied to the slots. With the slots given heavy preference in the rulebook for advantages and limitations being applied to them at all. This will limit the point pyramid that currectly afflicts the Multipower. The point pryamid effect is this: Advantages and limitations can be applied to two different levels of the multipower. The main pool and the single slots. But all of the slots automatically get a discount for being either a multi slot or an ultra. So that is three levels of discounts in the Multipower that can and does feed into each other. And in many ways, they can and do stack. Giving even more of a discount across the board. It's a design flaw. A very bad one. One that also exists in the EC. But the magnitude of the impact it has in the EC is far lesser.
  7. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system?
  8. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? Multipowers and Elemental Controls. Get rid of them entirely.
  9. NFL SuperPro Yes, Marvel produced this horror. It still dives me nightmares.
  10. Yes, I have a well worked out continuity for my campaign setting. Part of this was a response to the retconning in the comics I had been reading. I wanted stability and some reliability that was cut and dried from the outset that was fading from the comics because of lazy writers. Also, there are two aspects extremely popularly used in comics that are either not included in my setting or is nearly nonexistant. Dimensional Travel and Time Travel. Dimensional travel was tossed out, because it takes the character's attention off the real world around them and actually making a difference noticeably in the actual setting. Dimensional travel causes characters to have to go off on tangents that have no real significance. Time Travel is a slippery slope I just don't care to deal with. It's a threat to continuity and story credibility.
  11. Yes, I find it extremely satisfying too. Especially when they realize that it was staring them in the face from the outset.
  12. Yes. Many of the players learned this in past campaigns. And part of the fun has been when characters in those past games actually found out the truth. Though currently I do not have a group I am running for. Need a new one.
  13. In my own campaign setting, terrestrial superheroes are an interation of a planetary defense mechanism that are comparable to antibodies. They are an extension of the biosphere. Staying largely dormant until needed. Which explains the cyclic appearances of them throughout history. The public of coarse doesn't know this. Which leads to all sorts of problems. Superpowered villains tend to be as a result of the equivilent of cellular or genetic malfunction. Or are the equivilent of an invading virus.
  14. Yes, I definately agree. And after reading years of X-Men, I'm admittedly abit burned on that take too. The group I mentioned of my own creation in a previous message is not anti-mutant. It's militantly human supremesist. That meaning, that anything that does not fit their definition of human is a target. This means, supers, aliens, anything... Which makes them a threat to pretty much everyone. Couple this with a militant expansionist view and megalomania... Well you get the picture. I always found it kind of absurd for mutants in Marvel's books to be targeted as they were, when other types of supers were not.
  15. I worked up my own version. Even have a new name for it. It evolved into true distinctiveness over the years. I combined it with another organization that gave it some more solidity and made it a true worldwide threat. And I feel really good about it. The original Genocide I always felt was a template to build from. Something with unrealized potential. Potential I consider sorely wasted by The Mutant File and the Rob Liefeld of Hero Authors. But Steve Long's IHA I think is a great development on the groundwork laid in the original appearances of Genocide in Enemies and AC #2. A very well considered and defined realization of that potential.
  16. The worst of the Champions organizations in my view (and gladly Steve did away with them) was the version of Genocide that appeared in The Mutant File. I'm very glad that steaming load is a distant memory.
  17. It just shows that the number of people who post on the message boards are no indication of who is voting. What disturbs me the most is the rise of people who are very vocal now about being willing to cast prejudicial votes and seek to corrupt the process, simply because the latest vote didn't go the way they wanted to. Did I see this coming? Oh yes. I knew it would eventually happen. There is too much pride in the Hero Fandom for such a contest to exist without that sort of behaviour coming into play. And that's a pretty sad statement to make. Because it doesn't reflect very well on one of the oldest and most dedicated fan-bases in the whole hobby. That sort of behaviour taints us all.
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