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Everything posted by ACormello

  1. A player proposed a loophole in a character that I felt uneasy with, and I'd like some confirmation of my initial knee-jerk reaction of "Hell no!" A character's only power as a VPP with a 50 point control limit, but a 200+ pool. The pool is meant to represent memorized spells, and each one has the -2 limitation 1 Charge. Said character would, with a cursory study of their spell book, be able to replace all expended spells. I felt this is probably a violation of the intent of the rules, which is that by and large a 1 charge limitation would translate to 1 per Day, and being able to replenish those memorized spells would require that the limitation be 1 Renewable charge, without which the points in the VPP would be expended until the next day. He wanted to get confirmation on this and I'm curious to know your take on this.
  2. I've been examining the framework in one of my player's powers, which allows him to summon drones (yes, same power as my last question) and I've encountered a snag: the power in question doesn't summon identical drones; rather, each OAF object represents a specific summoned drone with its own VPP loadout. Does this require the "summons specific being" advantage even though the summon can potential summon a number of different drones? And for the other part of the question, in a VPP loadout one of the drones he's proposed a drone has a few one shot rockets with an actual cost of 9 but an active cost of 38. The vpp only has a control cost of 46; can the drone fire off two or all three rockets in a single phase, or is it limited to firing them one at a time like in a multipower? In an unrelated topic, regarding triggers: when a trigger requires a Turn to reset, does the character with the trigger have to spend a full turn resetting it? Or can the trigger automatically reset while the character does other things? Edit: Additional question and typo correction.
  3. Several questions. I'm guiding my players through the initial processes of creating characters, and I've hit some snags. "Jake" and "Rick" are making a tech based minion master and a shadowmancer, respectively. Jake wants to make little hover-drones that work as multi-function allies- he can summon up to 16 of them, and I've placed a (-0) limitation that they can only be summoned 1 at a time, given that each one is a modular vpp automaton, (OAF, only changeable between scenes specifically in his laboratory) and being able to dump 16 of them in one phase strikes me as ludicrously broken, even if they ARE only 100 point automatons. Since they only hover and have no limbs, (1) can he gain extra points for the hover drones by reducing their run, swim, and leap to 0? And (2) the computers that control them, are they paid for with Jake's cp or the drone's cp? As to Rick, he's presented me with a quandary- he has a shadow based power(flailing shadows) that requires 2 handed gestures, but then wants to get the multiple limb advantage, at a cost of 1 END for every 2 extra limbs, to create "Shadow limbs" with which to control multiple instances of (separately paid for) flailing shadows. (3) Would you rule that the option for multiple limbs cancels out the limitation "2 handed gestures" or is this a valid use of the system?
  4. p. 211 of Champions Complete has an ability that might be useful to you: "THE MADDER I GET, THE STRONGER I GET!" Basically it's just a stacking str aid that fades immediately when the rage goes away, up to +60 str. It could easily be altered to grant OCV, although I'd personally advise AGAINST the OCV boost, given that a +30 str and +6 OCV is FAR more useful and imbalancing than a +60 str, even if they are technically the same cp cost. Just my $.02, though.
  5. Ah, thanks. Much appreciated, guys
  6. I'm trying to build handcuffs as a power- I'm trying to find a means to build it that doesn't result in a ludicrous Active Points cost. The closest I've come so far is: OAF(-1) No Range(-1/4) Entangle 3d6 6PD/6ED (45cp) Does Not Restrict Movement (-1/4), 1/2 DCV (-1/4) 2 recoverable charges(-1) Active Points 45 Total Cost: 12. Trouble is, 6pd/ed seems low to me, but 3d6 entangle seems high (The metal isn't that thick so 10 body seems ridiculous, but not many people can damage the hardened steel of a pair of cuffs so its low body wouldn't matter except to a super), and the idea of a 100 cp policeman carrying around a handcuff whose active points are almost double that of a 9mm pistol (More complicated and more exacting work required to be functional) really bothers me. Has anybody come up with a better solution? Is there something hiding in a sourcebook I don't have?
  7. I'm getting ready to run a fairly hefty AU game where one of the major known capes is Fidel Castro (Precognition, danger sense, luck, and self duplication powers) and he has at his beck and call a number of super powered minions. In particular, he has a pair at 350 (He's a 400) plus four more at 325. Given that the cost of two 325 minions is the same as a single 350 minion, is it appropriate to lump these together into a single Follower perk at 80 cp (4x350, 2 of which are actually a pair of 325 supers) or should I rate this as 2 separate 75 cp perks? I try to use the same rules for character construction as I do for npc construction (The campaign takes place in Tampa, and storyline elements may end up sending them to cuba) so I don't want my players calling hax. Mostly because a GM using hax is kinda gauche imo. Ruling?
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