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Roter Baron

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Everything posted by Roter Baron

  1. Tkdguy made a petition to both the British and the Russians during the Crimean War to sell snacks in the pauses of combat. That was okayed and he set up shop in the Turkish camp at first but franchised to other troops later. He is still known under the name of Cease-Fire Guy (Turkish: Toshmaki kilderminiz gelc) for his Borschtsch Sandwich, Beth's & Niklas' Refreshing Iced Tea, Russian-French Toast, Osman's Original Halala Chicken Soup and Spaghetti a la Allies with Sardines or Russian Fried Potatoes. All that with a shot (or barrage) of Vodka, Gin, Aquavit, Raki or Red Wine and at bargaining prices and soldier-friendly offers: "We charge lighter than the Light Brigade" and the offer that "If you die you don't pay the pie!" or "Cold borschtscht is on us!" are still fondly remembered by veterans. And it was not unsusual to hear later:" Yeah, I lost a leg, got captured by the enemy - the war was hell save when the Cease-fire Guy came. I can still taste that chicken soup ..."
  2. @ Bazza: Well, I admit that I had to look Anton Walbrook or "Adolf Wohlbrück" (his real name) up. Damn Nazis took so much from Germany - great actors (Conrad Veidt, Marlene Dietrich, Peter Lorre), great directors (Wilder, Reinhardt) and many, many more. And most of those who stayed were corrupted by the regime. If they didn't do anything else (and yes, that IS a big word) only the destruction of the German film-making culture would make the Nazis despicaple! But, as is, that would be one of their least horrid crimes against my nation. Not to speak about what they did to other nations. Really makes me wanna puke! Verdammmte Schweinebande! Anyways, back to the complicated present: BlueCloud is only BlueCloud if he forgets to take his medication. With all the uppers in his system is usually known als FluffyBumblebeePinkyCloud. But he'll listen to Flubupee for short if you shout really loudly. Like "SCREAM!"
  3. Bazza is Emperor of Bazzania, a planet circeling a pink-blueish sun in the Galaxy of Waffles. No, I don't make stuff like that up!
  4. L. Marcus is the culprit who put the Glaive-Guisarme-Halberd-Godentag into the two-handed weapons list of AD&D 1st edition's Unearth Arcana and then secretly deleted the illustration, keeping players around the globe wondering why it does 1D8-1 against small and medium sized monsters but 3D4-3 against large opponents, why it has a reach of 8'11,5'' and can be wielded single-handedly by half-orcs but is a two-people-team weapon by everybody else except gnomes (two-handed then). It is also puzzeling at only sahuagin can set it against a charge, but only in salt-water with a medium temperature of 62 F in a North-eastern current. On the other hand the description seems to allow it water-dwelling craetures to wield it single-handedly if they are mounted on Giant Sea Horses while the aforementioned rule clearly allows this only for half-orcs which aren't aquatic! If you asked me that weapon is 1. overpowered, 2. has not nearly enough extra-options, 3. and clearly ruins aquatic sea campaigns. I demand a clear ruling!
  5. Maybe a Tahitian killed tkd's dad but I know who killed the sheriff and killed the deputy too and set the school-house and the schoolmarm on fire! You may take two wild guesses - and it's "'k" if you take two more ...
  6. Death Tribble tried several times to Anglo-Saxonise the internet - or "Aelwealther neats" as it would be known if he had been successful. Praise Odin and thank ME for all the white stallions and thralls I sacrificed by hanging them from trees and blood-eagling them - thus, the ALLVATER saved us from Internet-Ragnarök! Yes, Death Tribble is Loki!
  7. Hey, nothing gets a good pulp story started like a good ol' punch in the face!
  8. Yeah, but Hermit made all the money off the maxi-CD when the thing hit and lead the Top 100 in the States, Australia and Zaire in 1979 and stayed in the TOP 10 for 47 month straight. All I got was some lousy ointment for my sore armpits!
  9. Death Tribble was crowned Fairy Queen of the South Pacific Island after winning the war singlehandedly. One has to admit that winning against some roaches, a bunch of butterflies, some mean ants and a couple of centipides wasn't such a grand thing to so - but a throne is a throne! All hail, fair Queen!
  10. Tkdguy won last year's All Texan Rodeo - riding The Tarrasque!
  11. BlueCloud2k2 is the character assassin here! He killed my Half-elf Fighter-Thief-Mage Level 13/15/12, my superhero Captain Roboto (767 points + disads!) and my Pirate Hero Keelhauling Klaus - all in one gaming session! Never borrow money from him, tell him you forgot it at home and you'll pay next Monday and then accept his invitation to a "fun all-genre gaming evening" - yeah, he had FUN allright! I am still mourning Greenglitterwind, Robo and hard-sailin' Klausi ...
  12. Look whose gloating: Have you ever read BlueCloud2k2's Conan pastiche "Conan and the Harrying of the Twilight-Potters"? No, me neither. And we all know excatly and perfectly WHY, don't we?
  13. BlueCloud2k2 is the founder of a world-wide initiative to give equal rights and suffrage to sentient torpedos, rockets, landmines and bombs. It is called "Sentient Weapons Equal Electoral Perspective" (S.W.E.E.P.). So far it is backed by him and a three-legged cat named Captain Mincemice. Great ideas need their time I guess ...
  14. Great overview - thanks for the link. The Werewolf stories seem intrigueing ...
  15. Sucram El was Emperor of Krypton. L. Marcus is his nephew's cousin twice removed and a brother in law of Galactus. And Lex Luthor's best man. And best friend to the Joker who helped him every time in kindergarten when the young Bruce Banner got angry, green and kicked sand in his face and destroyed Catlittlegirl's sand-castle who happend to be his sweetheart in first to third grade. The Joker's I mean. The Penguin and Green Goblin weren't around yet since their dad's were still working at Wall Mart's in Canyonville, Colorado at the time. And Daredevil still wanted to become a firefighter, not a lawyer. And could see. What L. Marcus couldn't see at the time was that dating Daredevil's aunt for six months (in the future, NOT in kinderfgarten!) when he was really trying to hit on her sister would anger The Kingpin of Crime who had problems with temper because his Atkins Diet was really not going so well. Is anyone still following? What a family and circle of friend's he has. The Hulk's that is. Anyone still with me? Sheesh, it IS complicated ... That's L. Marcus for you.
  16. And since Death Tribble cheated the Mighty Tentacled One at a game of Pacman just hours before the bet, His Oceanic Green- and Oldness had none left!
  17. WOAH! I thought this was "Complicate the person above" not "Slander the person above like there is no tomorrow"! Well, the kid's gloves are of then: Death Tribble is known in France as "Le Petite Tribbél" and his action figures are sold along with pink ponies, cuddle bears and have the warning "Will cause diabetes!" because of their utter sweetness. One is called "Le Pink CapitanTribbél" and has caused more diabetes seizures than Coke with added sugar served with really sweet chocolate! You wanted slander - now you have it! HAPPY!?!
  18. Death Tribbles's movie series called Dave's Demonettes was unveiled as what it was - a cheap ripp-off!
  19. Cancer starred in, produced and directed the Blaxploitation film "The Solid Soul Kitchen Detective Broad", as the Karate Afro-Albino Chick with a German accent named "Fräulein Gerta" hunting down "Negro-Nazis" in Haarlem, Netherlands. The street scenes of Haarlem were actually not that bad for a movie filmed in Sparta, Georgia ...
  20. I guess they are. I don't think and don't wish to imply that Australia is a hotbed of anti-Irish agitation. All I am saying is if there still are some isolated outbreaks that can make the news, then I guess the early 20th century, when PC was unheard of of and dicrimination against certain people the norm, natural and expected, was rather rich in anti-Irishness in certain quarters. Of course - as always: Having money and/ or power helps to be insulatted against discrimination.
  21. This is an excerpt from wikipedia: "In 2002, English journalist Julie Burchill narrowly escaped prosecution for incitement to racial hatred, following a column in The Guardian where she described Ireland as being synonymous with "child molestation, Nazi-sympathising, and the oppression of women." Burchill had expressed anti-Irish sentiment several times throughout her career, announcing in the London journal Time Out that "I hate the Irish, I think they're appalling". In 2012, The Irish Times carried a report on anti-Irish prejudice in Britain. It claimed that far-right British nationalist groups continued to use "anti-IRA" marches as "an excuse to attack and intimidate Irish immigrants". Shortly before the 2012 Summer Olympics, British athlete Daly Thompson made an anti-Irish statement on live television. When Thompson was shown an image of a runner with a misspelt tattoo, he said that the person responsible for the misspelling must have been Irish. The BBC issued an apology. In Australia, some employers are issuing a policy of "No Irish Need Apply", in response to the influx of Irish immigrants since the recession. On 8 August 2012, an article appeared in Australian newspapers titled "Punch Drunk: Ireland intoxicated as Taylor swings towards boxing gold". The article claimed that Katie Taylor was not "what you'd expect in a fighting Irishwoman, nor is she surrounded by people who'd prefer a punch to a potato". The journalist who wrote it apologised for "indulging racial sterotypes". The following day, Australian commentator Russell Barwick asserted that athletes from Ireland should compete for the British Olympic team, likening it to "an Hawaiian surfer not surfing for the USA". When fellow presenter Mark Chapman explained that the Republic of Ireland was an independent state, Barwick remarked: "It's nothing but an Irish joke". On 25 June 2013, In an Orange Order HQ in Everton, Liverpool an Irish Flag was burned. Considering that Liverpool is a city with many second and third-generation Irish immigrants, this was seen by members of Liverpool's Irish community as a hate crime. In response to the relatively high numbers of Irish immigrants being murdered in Australia, the parent's of one victim, David Greene who was attacked and killed in August 2012, have issued wallet sized cards to be given to any Irish people travelling to Australia, with a list of the names and contact details for people who need help in the form of legal assistance or advice if they are attacked." Nothing deals with discrimination against the Irish in America in the 1920s but with incidents in the UK and Australia in the 21st century! I am appalled and was totally unaware of this. But if anti-Irish discrimination seems to be alive and well in some corners of the Commonwealth I would bet my behind that is was dancing and kicking in the 1920s with the background of utter prejudices in the 19th century, Irish gansterism rising and the Fight for Irish Independence and the following civil war just around the corner. I would guess that an pronounced Irish characteristic would not "damage" a hero socially as severely as being Asian or black, but it would clearly mark him as an uncouth hick from a backwards culture slightly less barbaric than any of the aforementioned. I would rank him "above" Blacks, Asians, Jews and Mexicans, below English, Scots, Germans, Swiss, Scandinavians, the Dutch and French, and on par with Italians and Slavic nationalities in the 20s perception of unequality. But it might also depend where you are and how influential the Irish community is - less damaging in Boston, bad in the South with most Irish being Catholic and a rising anti-Catholic KKK.
  22. Death Tribble used to be Rock Hudson's body double. Especially in bed-scenes with Doris Day.
  23. Yeah, and who set me up?!? Cancer! - But he lost most of it when he bought German War bonds during WW1. Hah! - That alone made losing the war worth the while.
  24. One incident some years ago and everybody is still miffed - them Saxons really can't take a joke ... Anyways - Death Tribble is the decendant of Saxon Chieftain Deftrib the Tribbler, so called because whenever he went on a raid with a brawny bunch of marauders the loot tripled! Yes, it was always a defiant trip that tripled treasure! But it should also be noted that Deffy was never really good with spelling (or as he said: shpellink). That's what ya got when you behead your teacher!
  25. Yep, that Texan was an adventure writer - cowboys, sailors, boxers, crusaders, hard-fisted tentacle-monsters-punchers, fighting puritans and barbarians with axes, swords and pictish war-paint were his strong points. Detectives and anything romantic certainly wasn't (I didn't even know he dabbled in "spicy" - I'll be damned!).
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