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Roter Baron

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Everything posted by Roter Baron

  1. Death Tribble has a caravan parked next to the the banks of he river Styx in Hadesshire, Hell. He vacations there every summer. Last time he got into trouble with the other holidaymakers because he played "Knocking on Heaven's Door" way too often way too loud. Lucifer told him seriously off and made him play "Highway to Hell" instead. Then everybody was happy. Till the freeze set in ... (da-da-da) But that was hardly DT's fault. Damn the climate change!
  2. It is amazing how empty the streets are. Not only the lack of cars, but on some pictures there are hardly any people walking around. The photos really have a different feeling compared with Manhattan today.
  3. Oh yes, wonderful bloody times in Hudson City. It was a blast of a campaign!
  4. BlueCloud2k2 has Scottish forefathers. His real name is Angus Donald Nooky McDingdong also known as "the Dong of the McDingdongs" because he is clan-chief of the Dong-branch. His cousin Lucy Mary Flappy McDing-Dong is the chieftain of the Dings by marriage - so that makes her the "Dong of the Dings of the McDingDongs". Technically BC would be the "Dong of the Dongs of the McDingdongs" but even on the Outer Herbrides they thought that that was rather stupid.
  5. Well, telling him that doesn't make you a Sith Lord either, Darth Blue!
  6. Death Tribble is one of the few Great White Hunters left on this planet. Most have found other game than the Great White since the Canadian Mounties found it objectable that people run around in the arctic plains of the Northwest shooting snow and icicles. Others found it annoying that their trophies used to melt away in the trophy rooms when the fire-place started to blaze away. But I guess living in an ice-house helps, doesn't it, DT? As do amour-piercing bullets against those pesky Mounties, don't they?
  7. Bazza sent me a strippergram for my birthday once - twelve girls, three male strippers, a pony and a transsexual! Can't you keep it shorter, man? Took me eight hours to get to the end of the message for "Happy Birthday, RB - save me some cake!" And I am still not sure why there was a pony ...
  8. Bazza was cast as Batman in the not-produced sequel of The Dark Knight Rises. Too bad they never filmed "Sleepover at the Batcave", I heard Paris Hilton would have had the role of Nudy Girl.
  9. Bazza goes to Muscle Beach to kick sand in bodybuilders' faces. Yep, doesn't like to court danger, he married her! Being a fast runner helps against steroid-monsters, though.
  10. Death Tribble was once a janitor in Castle Grayskull.
  11. I had a dent in my car. Death Tribble sent me to a dentist! Yeah, "fun with foreigners" or somesuch is the game's name ... Ha. Ha. Ha.
  12. Now you have done it! I want a milk-shake. Badly!
  13. Naninaninani! - TKDGuy is an Half-Elf and Legolas is his uncle! - Naninaninnanina .. (okay I'll stop now ...)
  14. Bazza was "busy" in that movie, too - as Drought Drouth, Count of Aridity. Kim Bassinger was cast his wife Famine, Duchess of Bulimia, but she had to leave the set after 9 1/2 weeks. Sharon Stone had been offered the part before but she had the basic instinct to say no. The who "fantasy episode" in "Never-Rain-Land" was supposed to be a Dreamland episode and was cut from the whole movie due to severe protests from Aborigine spokespeople who could it make very clear that the Dreamland may be arid but that creatures of the Dreamland never acted so stilted.They won in court. That is the "The Exotic Aussie Food Court" in a big mall in Sidney were the losers of the trial (Bazza et all) were pelted with fried koala bears and sprayed with beer.
  15. L. Marcus starred in the Horror Porno Slasher Flick "The Hard City Vampire Dick And the Hundred Demon Whores From Hell" as ... Skippy, the Mailman with a Heart of Gold. Actually they wrote him in at the end of the movies out of pity. His only line is (right before the credits): "Here is a package from Satan." It was supposed to be the hint at a sequel in which the mailman's heart was to be ripped out by the Vampire to be filled with gold and then reinplanted, turning Skippy into the Mail-Demon Gold Rod. Sequel never happened because the movie went right to video. There it was a so-so rental shown at frat parties after 3 a.m. when everybody was just to blasted to care anymore what was running in the old-video machine. And there weren't 100 whores in the movie either. Just 9 with different make-up and whigs. But even then and shadows counting there weren't more than 21. And there weren't from Hell, Ohio but from Heaven, Missouri (all cheerleaders at Heaven High - GO ANGELS!) Hey, but he could keep the package prop! (was empty by the way)
  16. Bazza is the official "Chairman, Ultimate Leader and Omnicient Light of Wisdom" of the All Moon Party of the Moon. Inofficially he is also called "Moonie", "Da Moonface", "The Ultimate Mooning" and "His Mooncellence".
  17. Yep, did that. Little did I know that Bazza owns the moon and now I got a ticket for "illegal landing and parking a red rocket-machine on private property"! Dammit!
  18. Everything BlueCloud2k2 builds or repairs breaks fast ...
  19. Well, I told you you can't carry it away, Big Guy ... Death Tribble's idea of a good nome de guerre as a hijacker is Jack R. Low. Told you nobody would fall for that! And the organization's name "Deadly Emerging Association of Terror-spawnig Hijackers / Terrorist Reunion International Blues Brotherhood of Leftist Eloi" was also a dead giveaway! Yeah, but that is just "Hun Talk", let the "Hun run his mouth", cuz what does the "Hun know about terrorism" ... Hey, look who's in Gitmo! Ain't me.
  20. Bazza was Sauron's little bother Blueron the Black Eye but he was cut out the movie due to the enormous silliness of the character. Or was it Bazza being the silly one? Forgot - well, same difference: No Blueron in the movie!
  21. BlueCloud2k2 can't tell a sheep from a goat. And yes, Harold is a terrific dancer and a very witty conversationalist. And the White Russians he mixed are killers! Hmmm, I think I went overboard and Complicated Myself ...
  22. L. Marcus can't. And he can't see, taste, feel or smell over the internet either. And thus his Secret Identity is uncovered: He is Electronic No-Sense Man! Sometimes he also goes by the name of Mechanic Nonsense Man but that is a different strory that I'll tell you another time, kiddos. Sleep tight.
  23. Death Tribble went to a gay leather bar and ordered "a Hamburger and a Danish", and the next moment he got hot dogs from two muscular blond guys. Ouch!
  24. In principle Cancer of Prince of the Principality of the Higher Principle of Princedom. Before that he was the Ducking Duke of Dukedom, but it was most often misspelled "Duking Duck of Duckdom" and he was fed up by all the laughter so he applied for a higher position in the Grand Empire of Grammar-Land and got appointed by his Splendour Highness the Grand Speller Emperor Abeezee. Yep, spelled that incorrectly, too. Grammar-Land is in shambles ...
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