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Roter Baron

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Everything posted by Roter Baron

  1. Cancer is Conchita Wurst's beard-double.
  2. Death Tribble is the biggest cockroach rancher south of Leicester. That's right. With three roaches to his name. Firstly, there ain't so many roach farmers in the UK to beginn with, and most are more in the North towards Scotland. The Outer Hebrides have some first-class roach breeders as far as I have heard. Sesondly, I did not say that his ranch is big, but that he is big. You should really watch the munching, old boy, with summer coming and the beach season approaching. We don't need last year's "stranded whale"-bullshit this year again - the children were all crying their eyes out!
  3. I would say one point. The message "Enemy - approaching - 50 spears - south" is not really a fluent conversation. Could be two if you charge extra for Unfamiliarity which western characters surely have with drums and smoke. Smoke sigmals and drum signals would count as two "languages" in my book, though.
  4. That is exactly the reason why I always thought that Sauron was right. Them Elves! The only way to keep them halfway under control is by the benevolent leadership of a flaming eye.
  5. BlueCloud2k2 once shot down a Concord - just to show off. He didn't even stay to take pictures of the Great Fire of Paris that errupted due to the flaming wreck detonating in mid-town of the French capital. He is cold as ice (... ice ... baby!).
  6. BlueCloud2k2 is the only one who misses the once and for all and ever cancelled "Shoot yourself a Tigger"-Safari in Rainbowland.
  7. Yeah, but he luring that innocent young thing into the clutches of that underoiled, inadequately running, sub-lubricated half-metal cyber-fiend with sweet words and even sweeter candy? Cancer, that's who! He and his International Agency for White-Slaving of the Innocent Inc. Well, at least he is pretty open and honest about his purposes and aims ...
  8. Death Tribble likes to paddle up Shit Creek. To each his own! But him complaining about the stench is getting a little bit annoying.
  9. Does any one of you have any experinec with running a campaign in Hudson City in the 20s to 40s? I am especially interested in a map of HC in that period of time (yes, i know ... big chance). Actually, I think that would be an awsome supplement for the HERO System for a Champions/ Pulp or pure pulp crimefighters or noir setting. Hell, even with my rather mixed experiences with kickstarters (Brave Halfling BS) I would come up with some money for a Pulp Hudson City!
  10. I second, third and fourth that request and DO SHOUT AT YOU TOO!!! EVEN LOUDER!!!
  11. I own both games/ supplements and I still think that Justice Inc., while outdated ruleswise, has more of a pulp flavour to it. And they have nice scenarios and the Adventures Club as a meeting place for world-travelling pulp-heroes with locations in New York, London, Hudson City etc. If you by only one, buy Pulp Hero and the supplements for it because of the rules et al. But if you can spare a dollar take a look at Justice Inc. - the whole piece is a piece of art and breaths pulp. And if you just want to play pulp and nothing else - Justice Inc! Everything you need in one gorgeous box with a front cover so "pulp" that they stole it for a Savage Worlds pul supplement!
  12. No, she smacked him because a decent box of beer has 24 bottles! 24 hours a day - 24 bottles of beer a box: Coincidence? Methinks not! BlueCloud2k2 is the inventor of the 6-hour day. It is divided into morning, noon, afternoon (8 am to 2 pm). The rest is beforemorning (midnight to 8 am) and afterafternoon (2pm to midnight) and is supposed to exist in a parallel dimension where partying and frolocking is mandatory and bare-breasted babes serve your every whims. He got smacked silly for this by his wife!
  13. BlueCloud2k2 is the superhero DINOMAN - he can shapeshift into one of them riding toys that you sometimes see in malls - just that this riding thingy doesn't look like a car or a horsy but a dinosaur with a saddle. Not the greates superpower in the world - but the kids LOVE him! Attadino! "Is its a car? Is it a horsy? - No, it's a dino with a saddle that wasn't there yesterday ... Then it must be DINOMAN! Hooray! Free ride for everybody under 6!"
  14. @ Death Tribble: Says the man who led the picts over Hadrian's Wall - for pizza! Never heard about using the phone and orderig it? Marcellus Octavian's Ceasar's Pizza Pagoda (he is half-Indian) would have brought it right to your hovel within 30 minutes for less than 12 sesterces! L. Marcus is Barney Rubble's cousin.
  15. In the "Nuttier than a fruitcake"-competion in Glouster last year Death Tribble lost to a tag-team of a ripe peach and a cross-dressing man with a goose on his head. They goose was also cross-dressing as a ganter riding a fox to war against the mole-men while the man was just holding the peach and looked marvelous in his red miniskirt and high-heels. So much for the "I am Mr Loony's second cousin from the Highlands, Death McLoony, striding about the green fields in bling-bling chainmail with his gay shepard-dog Queerson"-act. I told you it would fail. Listen to your grandma who always told you "Listen to the Hun!" - or was that "Listen for the Hun!"?
  16. BlueCloud2k2 is naughty. Yep, that's about all there is to say about that matter!
  17. The chairs look surprisingly modern in design. What a way to travel!
  18. Having red hair I am able to report that as a child I was heckled because of it ("fire hydrant", "fox" etc.). But that stopped when my "fighting weight" approached 80 kg. It isn't usually a problem for girls. It still seems to be a problem in England - I remember a newspaper report about a year ago when a family of red-heads had to move and contemplated colouring their hair because of all the discrimination and insults from their neighbors. But in a campaign in which you hunt monsters the color of your hair is probably worth nothing, except in the most backwater of places (like England: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ginger-haired-helena-farrell-bullied-death-2863144).
  19. It is now open to all that BlueCloud2k2 has never been charged by a Swede. Being Quarter-Friesian myself I still subconciously remember them vile vikings charging into our pubs, drinking all the beer and then never paying up on their enourmous tabs! And then when you are on a friendly barbarian raiders' exchange programm in Stockholm you try to do the same - and they charge you out of all the hacksilver that you have so industriously plundered together! That's "Swedes charging" for you - blond, tall and miserly! Them running Atlantis? Hah! It was a mercy-sinking!
  20. At least they did not have to burn down the courthouse and sink the whole island like they had to when L. Marcus was Lawgiver Supreme of Atlantis!
  21. Death Tribble is still wrestling with Reality. So far he has prevailed! Reality is no match for his Triple Tribble Death Grip!
  22. BlueCloud2k2 is the inventor of one of Facebook's main competitor - Backofyourheadmagazine. You only see people's backs of their heads. It wasn't really successful but at least he wasn't sued for inspiring people to indecency like the inventor of Yourbehindnovel a.k.a. "I see people's arses".
  23. BlueCloud2k2 is a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transyslvania. At least that is what he tells people. Actually he is a grumpy old man from a grumpy old town in grumpy Missouri which goes by the name of Misserableville. The only sweet thing about him is his diabetes. Oh, and he cross-dressed once as his Aunt Oliphia on Halloween 35 years ago but he was so bad at it that everybody thought he was his Uncle Steve. Who really was a transvestite! The only cowboy-transvestite/ rodeo-clown there ever was in the whole state of Missouri in the 60s! Yep, ol' "Queer as a Steer" Steve - he was a real Man's Woman! Not like his nephew. Another proud tradition lost! That's a reason to be really grumpy about.
  24. Death Tribble invented Black Death, Blue Smurfs and Green Sleeves. But the last has turned out to be all my joy, delight and heart of gold ... Yes, I am a romantic hun. Sue me!
  25. Bazza is known as Fank O. in Philly. The "O." is for "Ohmygoodnessheisfromozbutwedontholditagainsthim-Smith" - he shortened it considerably. Reading his name during school assemby usually took from Monday to mid-Wednesday.
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