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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. In HD, just due to its wordy nature, I rarely use Limited Power. I use a Custom Modifier. It amounts to the same thing. I'd suggest, tho, NOT going through Invis. I'd build it as a custom power. Alternately, I'd be inclined to give "only to IR" a major limitation, probably -2 based on how likely it feels like it'd come into play. Going through Invis.... Invis to Sight Group, No Fringe: 30 points 0 END (it feels like this would be the case?): +1/2 So even -2 for IR only is 15 points. This simply doesn't feel like it should cost 15 points, or even 10. I'd simply come up with an agreement with the GM. The structured constructionist approach in 6E/HD doesn't always lead to a good result. Or, another alternative, for invisibility to a specific, add-on sense, start by saying the invisibility to it costs the same as the add-on sense...5 points. It's still a standard and sense-affecting power, it's Constant per Invis, and costs END. THEN go from there. In general, this would apply well to IR and ultrasonic...ultrasonic is the underlying basis for active sonar. I'd tend to allow invis to ultrasonic making you invisible to active sonar, if it fit the concept.
  2. Why would he ever need to be brought back anyway? I hated Voyager's premises so I almost never watched more than bits and pieces, but why would the Doctor ever be in a physical confrontation? And if he's an AI, his 'death' wouldn't be from disrupting his projected body anyway. Realistically, I don't see much more than some Really GOOD skill rolls...science skills xenobiology and medicine, paramedic, that sort. Eidetic memory. Speed reading.
  3. I'd also consider building him as an AI; believe you can build a character on that basis. He's basically gonna be a set of skills. The hologram, as has been noted, is just the user interface. Realistically, what's the goal of building a full sheet for the Doctor? He is an AI in the show, IIRC, which means his responsibilities are sharply circumscribed.
  4. It was also rendered moot by the Bengals winning. Can't accuse the Texans of tanking. Long late drive, score a TD with 50 seconds left...on a 4th and 20 play from the Indy 28. THEN go for 2 and the win. And with the Bears losing, the Texans drop to the #2 pick. Miami makes a long FG to win a totally inoffensive game...not surprising, considering both teams' QB situations. With the Pats losing, they're in. AFC playoff matchups are set for next week...Bills-Miami, Bengals-Ravens, Jags-Chargers. Hurts is playing for the Eagles. It is a must-win for the #1 seed, and probably good to get Hurts some game action. EDIT: saw the final score, Jets-Fins. Ohhh boy, this one's gonna be another lead for Bad Beats. Fins kick the FG with 18 seconds left, go ahead 9-6. Touchback on the kickoff. Couple plays go nowhere, not surprisingly. Need big yards with no time. 3rd and 10 from the 25, 12 seconds left. The play blows up, it becomes a scramble drill, the clock is ticking, ticking, ticking...and the final result is a *safety*...when the play started at the 25. The line was Jets +3.5............ So very Jets. May also be the swan song for Flacco, he was in for that series, and his last few stops have been complete duds. (And he's pretty old.) So far I've only found a video from the end zone, shot on a phone's cam...I'm sure there'll be better replays soon enough.
  5. If the Bengals beat the Ravens, there is no flip. The reasons why it would go to a flip if the Ravens win: --Ravens would have beaten Bengals twice --each team would have 11 wins So had the Bills beaten the Bengals, the Ravens would get the tiebreaker. Bengals beat Bills, there's no tie. Bengals take the division. If the Bengals win and the Bills lose, even if the Bengals had beaten the Bills *they can't take the #1 seed* so WHY would it not be played in KC? Had the Bills beaten the Bengals, then winning today would give *them* the #1 seed by tiebreaker. The point is to examine the ties that COULD have happened, had the Bills-Bengals game been played out. The Bengals aren't being hosed out of something they might have had. And, yes, they're changing the rules at the last minute...in response to an absolutely unique, extraordinary, and completely unforeseeable occurrence, where there simply weren't many viable options. What they did was the most generally equitable solution, given ALL the circumstances.
  6. Broncos Wire probably grabbed a map from earlier in the week, and the setup may have been changed later on. I'll bet it's because they're putting up both NFC games...Cowboys-Washington is the biggest broadcast on Fox. Oh. My. Can't write this stuff. Bills return the opening kickoff 96 yards, UNTOUCHED, to the house.
  7. Try direct… https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2022&wk=18
  8. Both networks have doubleheaders tomorrow. CBS early: Pat-Bills is getting complete national coverage, with only the exceptions of the local broadcast markets for the other 3 games. Yeah, I know I'll be tuned into the pregame for that one. Mr. P doesn't get the Chargers-Broncos in the late slot, tho....why, I'm not real sure. Got to figure there'd be more fans of one team or the other, rather than Eagles or Giants.
  9. Bad Beats is Must Watch TV. That was a textbook example...not *quite* the Raiders' disaster, but quite close. I don't know if it made the Not Top Ten, tho. IIRC, that's usually on a Friday morning, and I don't generally have morning SportsCenter on.
  10. (we'll accept it...because we were afraid you'd say Hello Kitty) Iberian Lynx
  11. A thing of beauty is a joy forever....? Mmmm...no, more like "they all look the same in the box score." EDIT: *2* Florida teams will host playoff games? Proof that life is not fair...
  12. BTW, the notion I'm working towards is akin to a predesignated target reference point, commonly used in the military, and often with the firing solution pre-calucated, to extend RAW's use of Teleport Fixed Locations. Call them Fixed, or Floating Fixed, Reference Points. They can be used for anything that is fundamentally Indirect or doesn't cross the intervening space, and targets a hex. Clairsentience and Teleport are the obvious pair, but also: --Images: when precise placement is desired, like an image of someone or something partially hidden, in order to distract or lure others --Many direct-attack powers, when Indirect and AoE are applied. This is like a precision mortar fired to a pre-designated spot As you said earlier, it's a nice, natural extension of the fixed location notion.
  13. The last sentence under Using Clairsentience: The GM may require a character to make an Attack Roll against DCV 3 (or higher, depending on the difficulty) to place his perception point properly. So the GM can say it's not an issue...or can adapt rules very much like the targeting considerations for a Teleport, including rules for missing the roll. RAW isn't ambiguous, it's non-existent. And it puts Clairsentience completely in a class by itself insofar as targeting goes, if you don't do something to require it. No, the idea was never to limit the Clairsent ONLY to the fixed locations. Going by Teleport? That would be -1/2 or -1 (fixed and floating, or fixed only). But that was never the concept. Oh, BTW: Fixed Perception Point is listed as a -1 on Clairsent...but it's *1* fixed point. So there's no way that "only to one of a group of designated points at a time" is -1 in my book...or, you increase the cost of the RAW FPP, which I'd probably buy too. ESPECIALLY if the GM says Clairsent can be placed precisely, anywhere within its range, with no requirements like having seen the location, and no roll required. That is simply insanely too flexible, especially given that it starts as being almost completely invisible; it'd require a specific Detect Clairsentience.
  14. His is one take but it reads like the writer's a Republican apologist. The effort by the holdouts wasn't to make anything more democratic, it was a demand for power to be moved. If they want due process, they'll support the ethics committee, not crush it. A motion to vacate is good for accountability...but even 5 is a ridiculously low number. (See the speaker voting, round 14. 6 continued the mess.) But 1? And there's little or no consequences for doing so. At this point, the nominal leader is completely subject to the whims of its most radical single member. Actions matter, to be sure, but the motives behind them often matter much more. So, yes, I think we mostly agree.
  15. Fishing Cat a wetlands cat of South and Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean islands (there are almost no F felines)
  16. Hm. ESPN bottom line crawl shows...Mahomes is 430 yards away from the single season passing yard record. Wonder if he'll go for it. I'm thinking probably not, in that if he's got, say, 325-350 yards in the first 3 quarters, there's a very good chance it's a blowout, and either he's coming out, or they may choose to run the ball to grind clock. EDIT: or, of course, they may have a crushing lead without needing Patrick to throw for crazy yards. OH, and snipes off the single-season total yards record from Brees.
  17. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/3803823-alex-jones-attorney-suspended-for-sharing-sandy-hook-families-medical-records/ I think the lawyer got off light.
  18. At this point, I think Trump makes a better figurehead to invoke...or bogeyman to curse. If it takes 15 ballots to accept his choice, if his most ardent (or at least loudest) supporters are the only opposition...how can he be said to wield real influence? I wonder how long it'll be before the first motion to vacate the chair...remove the Speaker and force a new election. Should that happen, I wouldn't be too surprised if the Dems vote No. The political damage the Reps would do to themselves by invoking this on themselves, doesn't justify another round of the chaos we just went through. That said...anyone care to guess when the first one kicks in? I'll toss out Labor Day.
  19. https://thespun.com/more/top-stories/5-college-basketball-players-reportedly-hospitalized-after-workout The players are being checked for very serious conditions related to extreme over-exertion.
  20. Several columnists have opined that he's gotten himself basically a position that will have no real power...and no real responsibility for what happens. I think he wants the status and title, and doesn't understand the job.
  21. ESPN and ABC for both games, so broad coverage. Hey, it's survive and advance. It's the only such game. High Drama. And the Jags are solid favorites.
  22. And the final cross-check and tally verification takes...rather less time, this time around. Been thinking that it was deliberately being slowed when the votes failed. Why do they need several DOZEN people to escort McCarthy to the speaker's chair? Cripes... EDIT: the 6 holdouts somehow, I believe, failed to make the list.........hmmmmm
  23. Biggs votes PRESENT. Boebert votes PRESENT. If Gaetz remains with PRESENT, that's enough. 216 is the number to win at that point. EDIT: Crane votes PRESENT. As long as no cast votes change, it's over. EDIT 2: Gaetz and Good vote PRESENT. I'm figuring Rosendale probably will too, but it doesn't matter. McCarthy has it by a couple votes now. 434, minus 5 so far, means 215 to win the vote. And it didn't happen until the weekend....
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