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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. SBNation has an article on coaches on the hot seat...Joseph, Koetter, Bill O'Brien in Houston...and Garrett. Their comments: But throughout Garrett’s unproductive tenure, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has supported and defended the coach. Even after missing the playoffs last season — one year after going 13-3 — Jones said Garrett wasn’t on the hot seat. So that’s why it seems especially notable that Jones chose to publicly criticize Garrett’s decision-making following a 19-16 overtime loss to the Texans. The Cowboys coach played it painfully safe with a punt in overtime that quickly cost Dallas the game.
  2. I think the judge in this case is overreaching. MInd, I am NO fan of the NCAA, but this ruling feels wrong. I don't see a "show cause" condition as constituting unlawful restraint. The guy is found to have broken the rules. It's an administrative punishment that seems well within the bounds. I do agree with rejecting the Pac-12's comments. Tough noogies, kiddies. Deal with it. Besides, if this ruling's upheld, I wouldn't be at all surprised if more challenges start being filed in other states, under any similar laws they've got. It *is* California, and they do have some unique laws, but this feels like something other states would probably also have. Oh, and heck, it's not just the Pac-12. Big West, West Coast, Mountain West for sure. Div II has a California Collegiate Athletic Association. Looks like about 25 in Div I and another 20+ in Div II.
  3. Kimbrel, are you trying to give me a heart attack????? I mean, come on, 2 of the sweetest words in the language are YANKEES LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yes, I loathe John Sterling as a broadcaster.)
  4. 'sokay. It's much more fun to watch expectations grow and grow, only to be blasted apart. WAY more fun kicking someone just as they think they'll make it to the top, than when they're groveling in the mud. Let them taste success THEN send them back down to where they belong. Can't be considered a surprise Stoops got booted. Sooner D has been really horrid, and now of course there's a new-ish HC with less of a vested interest. And some of the numbers in that CBS Sports story are scary...40+% 3rd down conversion rate, HORRENDOUS red zone scoring and TD rates. So it's bend AND break.
  5. Cowboys drafted to run the ball. They've emphasized it. Tie game in OT, 4 minutes left, ball's on Houston's 42. Punt is extremely passive; several things have to go right in order for you to actually *win* after that. And it's something you are expected to be able to do. Texans stuffed the run the play before, but if running is expected to be the strength of your team, then you line up and do it again. But you missed the point. JERRY called it out as a bad decision by his coach...and Jerry is practically the only person who thinks Jason Garrett can be a good head coach. That's why it's more interesting.
  6. I remember the Vietnam era, which also overlapped good chunks of the civil rights era. You're wrong, by and large. Things are much worse now. --Trump is eviscerating senior leadership and expertise by driving them away, or appointing dismantlers (EPA). --Fake news has been a political weapon for a while now, but Trump has sanctioned it by giving it Presidential legitimacy. This has, IMO, severely increased the polar segregations. --On the world stage, the damage done to our alliances, and to our trustworthiness, is incalculable. We have no moral standing in the world at all. --As someone pointed out, Trump's brought the radical racist factions back into the game. --Neither Johnson nor Nixon ever publicly sank to the trash-talk radio levels Trump routinely uses. Trump's a sewer and every so often he has to find a wind tunnel to use as he flushes himself out. I'll agree to a point that things may not be irreversible *yet*. As I mentioned, I think we have 1 last chance in a month. If the election doesn't repudiate Trump and the entire Republican Party...if they keep both houses...then there's 2 more years where they *also* have the Supreme Court. I am *seriously* worried that in 2 more years, the economy will be crushed from the consequences of his trade war. Immigration policies will only be more punitive. Race hatred will only grow. The Vietnam protests were arguably healthy...divisive, yes, and the vets of that era were major victims. You could call them knife cuts. Trump's poisoning everything...the damage isn't as visible but it's a heckuva lot more extensive. Last point: a side aspect of the damage is that, even once he's gone, the fight to undo any of this is going to be equally vicious.
  7. My, my. Jerry calls out Garrett for punting on 4th and 1 in the OT. Is this, perhaps, a first warning sign? Granted, I suspect most of us think the only way to fix the 'boys' core problem is to oust Jerry, but that doesn't mean his boy can hold on forever.
  8. Oh, I think both Dalton and Stafford are grossly overrrated; love to know just how many of Stafford's yards came in garbage time, and the only trust I have in Dalton is that he'll choke in the big moment. AMPLY confirmed, I might add. I'm just saying that Brees is probably the most under-the-radar *major* record holder I can think of.
  9. So Brees passes Favre with a TD pass. Then goes one-up by passing Peyton on a 62 yard TD pass. All time passing yards leader. Who'da thunk it? It's not like he doesn't get talked about, but considering....? He doesn't. Rodgers, Tommy Brady, any Manning, Big Ben...they all get more. Feels like Dalton, Stafford, and Russell Wilson get more love. Maybe it's just playing in New Orleans. Maybe it's a Big 12 QB Syndrome issue...the system's setting him up for the yardage. He should leave the mark on an entirely new level, barring bad injury.
  10. Oh, but these aren't ordinary citizens. They're clearly subversive factions intent on destroying American values. st barbara, NO ONE is ever surprised here when Trump attacks anyone who in any way is opposed to him. His sycophants consider it only what such traitors deserve; his abettors wish he'd shut his damn mouth but refuse to sanction him in any way, and his opponents just hope there's something left when his era is over. If he thought he could get away with it, the jackboots would be out on the streets, never doubt that.
  11. NFC West is still one of the strongest divisions in the league. Strong doesn't imply balanced.
  12. Hey, the race for the #1 pick looks to be the most hotly contested one this season.
  13. Quote from the very long BR article above, about the Broncos: The Broncos are 2-3 after starting the season 2-0. Last year, they started the season 2-0 and 3-1 but finished 5-11. In 2016, they started the season 4-0 and finished just 9-7. There are worse teams than the Broncos, but no recent team bakes mediocrity into the entire franchise quite like them. This was a team that built an ordinary-at-best offense on purpose when it signed Case Keenum, expecting its defense to carry it to the playoffs. Even the Jets are laughing at that strategy right now.
  14. If you have a few minutes, this is hilarious. Monday morning reactions from BleacherReport. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2799057-monday-morning-digest-giants-letting-odell-beckham-jr-down?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_campaign=editorial&utm_medium=referral#slide7
  15. Ouch. POW. SMASH. Indians bullpen collapses catastrophically. 3 in the 7th, 6-spot in the 8th. 10-2 Astros. Game and series basically over.
  16. And this with the most anti-environment, pro-development, damn the torpedoes full speed ahead moron dictating our policies.... https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/07/world/climate-change-new-ipcc-report-wxc/index.html
  17. Does a rule that has never been enforced, actually exist?
  18. I haven't caught much of the Broncos last year or this year, but I do have to say, there have been quite a few occasions where I'd say Joseph's performance left something to be desired, IIRC. Can't recall specifics, but there was a good bit of shaky decision-making. Oh, and 2 of their next 3 are Rams and Chiefs, so it's rather likely to really go down the tubes. That said, they're yelling for the head of the wrong person, IMO. Or at least, the buck doesn't stop with Joseph. If Saints/Skins don't tie, we'll have 20 teams with records between 3-2 and 2-3. OK, it's an odd year, with 4 teams at 2-2-1.
  19. Interesting tidbit from Fox postgame. 4 rookie QB starters won today. First time ever. And that does not count Mahomes, IMO only on a technicality not a rookie.
  20. But we can anticipate an impetus to get those cases going so they can reach the SC quickly. And in some areas, such as deferring to Presidential authority, it goes quickly to them IIRC in any case.
  21. We have to almost assume Trump's not going to get a 2nd term, altho that doesn't amount to a Dem in the WH. There still exists a chance that Trump won't be the nominee, for one reason or another. Will retaking the WH matter w/o the Senate? That said, if the Dems can manage a better candidate, coattail effect *should* come into play enough to get the Senate. Impeaching Trump is still possible, IMO; impeaching Kavanaugh? Not a snowball's chance. Add seats to the Court? Arguably the worst idea I've ever heard. First, it slams to door on actually governing, as it's such a blatant, partisan move. It'd 100% lock us into Partisan Wars, IMO. Beyond that, there's a HIGH risk it'd backfire. No way you can pass a "law" to circumscribe the SC. Not possible. First, it'd have to be a constitutional amendment, and that....NOT a chance. Second, again, start considering the consequences. Something like this passing? I'd feel some pain if I moved....but I'd be moving. DISASTROUS idea. The only reason this isn't worse than the notion before is, it's got zero chance of happening. Trying to do #5 is overt, outright tyranny. The hope is, the undercurrents that do exist in the younger generations...diversity tolerance, anti-gun violence, anti-bullying...translate moving forward. For a variety of reasons, tho...I doubt it. There are undercurrents, obvious and inobvious, that suggest there's not much chance of that.
  22. Oh man.... SO close to a classic Browns moment. GW kick at the end of OT...low, knuckling, poor kick.... That slides in. Browns have 2 wins, break them up!
  23. Yeah...it's worth noting that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are under 55, so you're looking at a good 25 years on the Court easily. Worse, the next to retire will probably be Ginsburg; she's 85, and been treated for colon and pancreatic cancers. And Breyer is 80. Plus, we've seen that the Republicans are entirely willing to flip the bird at governance, in favor of ideology...leaving the Court seat vacant rather than even starting a confirmation process.
  24. By then it will be too late. If it's not already. 2 years of Trump Off A Leash, with a Congress that will, if not rubber stamp everything, at least go along with WAY too much, and the damage will be pervasive. Socially, making Hate acceptable. Dismantling government protections and destroying whole agencies like the EPA. I shudder to consider what'll happen to scientific research. Legally, with the Court stacked the way it is, we already figure we're going to have a rollback of anything remotely liberal. And we don't have a Court now to rein Trump in, on issues like immigration. If I had the money to pull up stakes and move...I'd be planning trips to Vancouver and Switzerland to see about moving. I truly think things are going to go to hell in a handbasket VERY quickly.
  25. Heck no. Since you've given us such a perfect opportunity, I say we chain him to a chair and run a replay of every Texas score on a continuous loop.
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