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Posts posted by CaptnStrawberry

  1. His powerset is more or less like Banshee's, but nice to see not all Senators are corrupt.  Having seen the harm superpowers can inflict firsthand, he carries a motivation at once humanitarian, sympathetic and frustrating!


    PS: practically every one of my bosses throughout my life has had the 'always politicking' psychological compilcation.


    PPS: If you want to mix in a few Watchers of the Dragon as sneak previews, I don't think anyone would mind.

  2. . . .. on sale in nearly perfect condition from Paizo.  I have nearly all the Champions supplements from 4th and 5th edition, but thought this one was eminently skip-able.  Comments on this forum convinced me to at least give it a try!


    At first glance, it's hard to form an overall opinion.  Fellas such as the Clockmaker, Das Wall,Thespian and Napoleon of Crime look Limburger cheese bad in an Adam West way.   Others, like Carpathia, Glacier and Silhouette have promise.  I've always thought the idea of a Huntsman from Germanic fables would be interesting, and here he is!


    Whatever the merits of each character, I do think that not every villain should be an A lister.  Silly minor leaguers are kind of a comic book tradition - something for the heroes to easily dispose of in the opening scenes before the master villain's plot has been revealed (I'm looking at you, Stilt-Man).  Sometimes, fatigued by constant defeat, they retire from crime and/or reform, becoming a sometime ally or source of information for their former foes.

  3. Randall Cuthbert, former Canadian Ministry of Transportation worker, is Pitch Dark; with the ability to transform his body into a resinous, sticky mass, extend his limbs and squeeze through small places.  Perhaps his most feared ability is his tendency to physically throw a portion of his body at an opponent's head - within seconds the unfortunate is unable to see, hear or breathe. 

  4. Holy camp are there some bad puns in this thread, Batman!


    For FTD, I'll go with




    Dr. Evan Lytton, a geneticist, developed a technique to hyper-accelerate the evolution of plantlife, in pursuit of medicinal cures that would make him an extremely wealthy man.  What he got was the being known as Nectar.   Beautiful, fragrant, and seemingly human, Nectar's girlish form, vacant smile and unblinking eyes hide a cruel and callous disposition.    


    Her skin continually emits irresistible aromas that can operate directly on the prefrontal cortex of human beings.  She can calm her enemies, or sow distrust among them.  Lust, fear, joy are all toys, and sentient beings her playthings.  Nectar herself is durable but relatively harmless; she possesses the strength of a normal woman and no obvious means of offense.   As always, however, appearances can be deceiving.   She is psychically linked with nectarivores of all kinds - bees, wasps, moths, butterflies, bats, even hummingbirds.  They serve as her servants and spies, but she can also drive them into a murderous frenzy, summoning veritable clouds of stinging, biting, blinding allies right out of Hitchcock's worst nightmare!


    Needless to say, Dr. Lytton never cashed in on his discovery.  There are rumors he may still be alive, however, weeping, laughing and raging as he incoherently wanders the streets. . . .


    (equal parts Poison Ivy and Swarm).

  5. Macron


    The nonintuitively named Macron, self-proclaimed leader of the Microoks.   In his native micro-verse however, he held ultimate power as an inter-galactic warlord over trillions of tiny sentients.  His megalomania knew no bounds, and bored with his existence, he constructed a Cosmic Sieve that drained every last iota of energy from his universe and allowed him to break through to our reality, albeit only six inches in height.


    So, by his standards, he is the largest being ever to exist, with an ego to match.  His physical body is frail and pink, but within his encounter suit Macron can siphon energy from any source, allowing him to create blasts, force shields and grow to prodigous heights; however the power costs are exponentially enormous and he eventually is forced to return to his default size.  His ultimate, unspoken goal is to recreate the Sieve and destroy yet another universe, leaving it a burnt cinder as he ascends to the macro-level and true godhood.


    One more (perhaps a gal or robot?) and then time for the next theme!

  6. Continuing the all female theme:


    WINTER LaGrange is a petite French woman with albino skin and hair.   Her meta gene is the opposite of Summer's: the less ambient light in her environment, the stronger and more durable she gets.  With concentration, she is able to physically slow opponents down at the molecular level as their subatomic structure approaches Absolute Zero.  At peak power in pitch blackness, even light and sound stop functioning in her vicinity!  Her catchphrase: "L'Hiver est arrivant!"




    If I get to pick the next theme?  Then:


    New Team: The Microoks


    A group of five pint-sized reprobates who are able to infiltrate even the most heavily guarded facility. (animate toys, interdimensional imps, intelligent animals and traditional shrinkers are thematic examples).

  7. Surprisingly good!  The host has an almost Golden Age patter which fit the theme.


    One comment: how do we know the real world doesn't have ninja crime families?  If they were good enough, we would never know. . . .


    Another comment: John Williams' Superman score is still the best superhero theme out there, but kind of mutilated here.

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