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About Jfry

  • Birthday 10/26/1970

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    Software Test Engineer

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  1. Re: Magic Resistance Thanks all for the replies! Shrike, your site is so easy to browse for hours. Thanks for linking to the various ways you've done it. I tried building it up as a suppress (and noted in 6e it says that optionally a suppression field can suppress attacks originating outside the field, so I think that way genuinely works)...but it ends up with LOTS of modifiers, and pretty pricey: I also tried building it as Damage Negation, with a custom modifier to allow it to negate DCs of non-damaging attacks, e.g. Entangles & Flashes. In the end, I like the second build better for its clean look, and because the cost is more in accord with its benefit for our campaign. Kudos to Ghost-Angel for suggesting building it as Dam Negation with a custom modifier! Cheers, Jeff
  2. Re: Magic Resistance And a follow-up: this has the potential to be a disad...er, complication as well...or else to be built with a limitation on it: Effects beneficial magic too, i.e. when your mage friend tries to cast Barkskin on you, it likely fails, or works at half power as well. Would you build this into the power as a limitation? Or separately as a complication?
  3. Hey y'all, I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I just did a search and can't seem to find it. I'm interested in a character that magic doesn't have much effect on. The effect I'd like to have is something like cutting the effect of any spell used on him by half, though I'm flexible. Something that caused things to fizzle 11- might be interesting as well. I could see doing Dam Reduction 50% -- or possibly Dam Negation, using the new 6e rules. The problem here is that either of these would normally help versus something like a Hold Person spell. Is there a way to buy Dispel as a defense? How have you (or would you) build this? Thanks! Jeff
  4. Hi Steve, Can one use penalty skill levels to offset the OCV loss of Multiple Attacks? How about the 1/2 DCV? If the latter is possible, does it take one or two levels to offset each -1? E.g. Jokol likes to attack simultaneously with her sword and axe, giving her -2 OCV on both attacks, and halving her 6 DCV to 3. Assuming it's possible to offset this DCV penalty with penalty levels, does it take 3 or 6 levels to do so. Thanks, Jeff
  5. Hey Steve, I'm very impressed with 6e on the whole. Unified power is a great replacement for ECs. Lots of things just feel cleaner. Can't wait for my physical book to arrive (especially since I live in Oakland, but suspect it'll have to travel away from me before it gets back home!) My question: How does x2 body dimensions interact with the meters of stretching? e.g. a character has 8m stretching. If he has x2 body dimensions, can effectively stretch 16m if he's willing to lose width or depth in exchange for the extra length/reach? Thanks!
  6. Re: Hero System Basic Rulebook 6th Ed is up for preorders! Oy, is that true? I guess I wasn't as early an adapter of 5e as I thought I was...I must've just gotten back into it at the wrong time. That's enough for me, thanks. I'll go ahead and get me some 6th Edition!!
  7. Re: Hero System Basic Rulebook 6th Ed is up for preorders! Very excited! I'm strongly considering pre-ordering today...but am a bit nervous because adopting 5th Edition early didn't turn out to be a great plan: shortly after I got it, 5E-Revised came out. How sure can I be that the same thing won't happen if I am early to order 6th Edition? Thanks, Jeff
  8. Hi there, I just tried to look this up in the main rules and couldn't find it...but wonder if I just missed it. My friend tells me that when one has martial arts + a weapon that does killing damage, that the DCs granted are halfed. In otherwords, an Offensive Strike would add +4DC to a club (+4d6), but +2DC to a sword (+1/2d6K). I've never played that way -- Is that true? Thanks! Jeff
  9. Re: Your Enemy Is Your Sheath The matador example helps me to understand the intent better, thanks. What are your thoughts as to how long this Continuous NND goes on for, and/or what can break the trigger? If I stuck my weapon into you and then left, could you end any continuous damage automatically by taking a 1/2 phase to pull the weapon out (provided that you have your hands free)? In general, the END for a triggered attack is paid when the trigger is set, yes? That + Continuous also might have balance issues, in the same way that 0 END + Continuous can have balance issues...again depending on how easy it is to end it. Also, is there a flavor reason the trigger takes a turn to reset? Again, an interesting ability to build.
  10. Re: Your Enemy Is Your Sheath Interesting. I might build it instead as a naked modifier on weapon attacks, making the attack itself continuous for as long as you pay STR end to hold the weapon there -- or until your foe bests you in a skill role and so breaks away. This build costs 24pts I might also be inclined to substitute in Armor Piercing and remove NND and Does Body, which cuts the cost in half and (for the FH campaign I'm in) would make it more balanced. The ability to do 1d6K to 2d6K (depending on STR) Continuous, NND, Doing Body sounds pretty explosive, and I think that AP might fit the spirit of it just as well...but this is all campaign specific. BTW, I might define the opposed roll to be grapple or escape artist, at the foe's discretion -- and also define continuous so that it ends when the foe makes a successful opposed roll in any future phase.
  11. Re: [Magic System] Stoburu Thanks for finishing this one up and posting it, It's always interesting to see what you create -- and I've frequently gone digging in your archives for ideas when I'm building characters. I think my favorite take on caster with staffs and wands -- or bards with musical instruments -- is to: (a) buy the spells with increased endurance, and then to buy off that increased endurance when using the focus, and/or ( buy the spells with a skill roll, and then either buy off the skill roll or buy levels with the skill roll through the focus. I like the flavor of "This is my magic, and I can use it on my own, but without my supports, it's exhausting, and/or unpredictable". I also like the mechanics of a character who can lose her focus and be at a genuine disadvantage...but not be completely powerless. In general, I find gameplay with characters whose only modes are fully powered and powerless to be less interesting.
  12. Re: Paladin Benetar Very cool. I only know Pat Benatar's work a bit (e.g. Love Is A Battlefield & Hit Me With Your Best Shot.) I didn't know she'd covered Harry Chapin's "Shooting Star"...which I think is a great song by a great story-singer.
  13. Re: Dodge Giant Blows I can see that - if giants never have much luck hitting gnomes, this does seem like the best way to build it. On the other hand, what I'm picturing is a scenario where giants can hit most gnomes just fine, but not ones that've studied giant-fighting. In that context, it seems more like a power some gnomes have than a limitation that giants' fists (and boulders) have. Thanks! Jeff
  14. Re: Dodge Giant Blows This seems like a reasonable build...but (barring house rules) I wonder if the character then needs to buy affects physical world on all attacks, or at least on attacks that can effect giants?
  15. In a Fantasty Hero setting, Giants are often built with AOE(1 Hex) on their punch. I like this as a rule, but it runs counter to another Fantasy convention: the slippery gnome (dwarf, etc.) who is adept at avoiding giants' blows. As I understand it (unless the GM ruled otherwise) buying this as DCV levels doesn't work, because the Giant's swinging at your hex, not you. The standard option is to dive for cover, but that requires aborting your action and ending up prone - which goes against the flavor of a gnome who giants find it hard to hit. That led me to the following: 4pts - Dodge Giants: Teleportation 2", When about to be hit by an AOE attack (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +1) (8 Active Points); Only to escape from or avoid being hit by AOE attacks Power does not work in Common Circumstances (-1/2), Activation Roll 15- (-1/4), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4) What do you think? How have you / would you solve this problem?
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