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Posts posted by Rick

  1. If these are permenant changes, Transform.


    If your like Scarlet witch, and one of your abilities is to make Cyclopses powers go awry, try a suppression of his powers, then, an variable SFX EB, W/indirect. That's just one example. A sufficient;y large V.V.P. should handle all of this, for a variety of powers.

  2. You can go the route of my GM and get a degree in Anthropolgy....hehe


    Seriously though, get an over view of your world in some form of thumb nail sketch: a timeline of important events, a basic political map of the regions of your world your interested in, a list and short abstract about the peoples (of all races) in your world and then some work on the ecologicial, geographic and weather patterns of your world. All of this should be an over view kind of vague.


    Then pick the spot where the game will take place. In that area focus in and do some really deep detailed work on all of the above things, but only as the refer to this one place and it's close sorroundings.


    Then as your game expands, you start doing the same for the new territories your characters will be exploring. Also, don't be affraid of allowing little details and idea's your PC come up W/inform your world creating endevors.


    For instance in my GM's Steampunk world one of the players wanted to be a woodsman who blazed trails and found natural resource for kookie Dr. Brown type of scientist. So the Deviner profression was created in my Gm's world and the pc has a rivalry/hunted W/Balshoi's (think of a steampunk type of a 3A mega corp) Diviner corp.

  3. I never understood the "It's better to buy a 20dex then a 10dex and +4 levels for my big slow barbarian, because its more cost effective". Don't people understand style, concept or convention. Hero's not really about cost effectivness, it's about representing source material. If someone came to me W/a over weight, past his prime bar brawler and tried to sell me W/a 20 dex I'd bounce the character.

  4. Perhaps, my time is very limited though, I'm a student at Cal State Fullerton (yes it's a long commute), between learning chinese, having tons of music to write, 2-4 hours a day of Guitar and piano practice and Kung Fu 4 days a week, I'm lucky I get the 5 hours a week on sunday to actually play in the first place. I'm going to run a game one day but I'm a little strapped for time currently :P.


    As was said though over the break might be doable.

  5. Well the game is set in a Dr. Zivago type setting currently. There are the Arcadians (humans, think capitilist Russians) who forsook the magic and religion of their past in favor of this new tech.


    The Dwarves who are full on Communist except they are out going and reconnecting to the outside world after over throwing thier corrupt theocracy they too turned their backs on magic.


    The elves are relusive living high in thier floating cities (they've the most anadultrated magic, Name magic).


    The Lryan, an anthrompomorphic lion race that lives in the Savanna's far to the south, they are a shamanistic hunter gatherer culture.


    The Imperium (humans) basicly the Vatican W/teeth, their magic is semi-deitic, they and the lyran (they are neighbors) are the primary defence of the Corruptive power of the evil Techno-lich thing/nation in the southern sea. (I don't remember rhte stuff about the south sea, we've yet to run into it).


    The Naga live deep in forrest and have mysterious powers over memory.


    The Kaminoians are new to this world (Japenes/chinese, but red skinned and vague draconic). There God/Emperor, the the Dragon King brought them here from their dying world.


    My character is a Arcanian, a Tolstoi type of social subversive and philosopher who fears that his cultures singlular focus on the future while forgeting the past is dangerous.We also have a Lyrian on a quest for knowledge about different peoples of the world. Then finally is the Diviner (actually a ranger in most games) who is an arcanian working for a Dr. Brown type of genious inventor.

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