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Everything posted by Certified

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiTVRABIPts&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
  2. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/8298-Beyond-Two-Souls
  3. Through the Team Origin the GM should note the events of the story and add any possible team Elements to the Campaign Tracker. Rewards History and Origin: At the conclusion of the Team Origin the characters Advance as follows: Increase History and Origin by 1 New Drive: Select a player you shared a scene, that player gives your character a new Drive with a Value of 1. Advance A Talent: Select a different player you did not share a scene with, that player selects one Talent that your Character used in the Team Origin, or Issue 0. Increase this Talent by 1. This cannot be a power or Fighting Style. Experience: All characters gain 3 Experience
  4. Part 7: Scope Revisited - Issue 0 & Team Origin
  5. http://www.dailyfailcenter.com/140138
  6. Metahumans Rising is a ready made setting fitting for Pulp, Golden, Bronze, and Dark Age Campaigns. To describe it in comic book terms Metahumans Rising takes many elements of the Gold, Retro Gold, and Bronze age and refines them removing a the more heavy handed restrictions imposed by the Comic Code in the Silver Age. However, this may not mean much to non-Comic Book people. To break down these elements we can create a short list of important factors. Common Elements of the core Metahumans Rising setting include: Super Science and Magic exist Heroes are heroes, larger than life and willing to wear costumes The world is not black and white, there is corruption, but generally good and bad is clear Superheroes are generally accepted. Although, there are exceptions. Death is meaningful, and heroes are not typically killers Actions have consequences
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG_mhvVuy8Y&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
  8. Willpower Example: Realizing one man isn’t enough to hold back the growing tide of mutant scum, the noble savior of humanity, Cure has recruited the Patriots, a trio of right wing extremists. Even if Cure can’t stand War Eagle’s mutant flunkies Ground Pounder and Minute Man, they serve a purpose. Together the band of villains attacks the Three Rivers School for Metahuman Children. Run by the retired hero Moon Dog, he and War Eagle have a long history. Unfortunately for Cure, and the Patriots, in addition to Moon Dog. the school is being visited by Guardian, Vigilant, and Jinx. Inevitably there is no talking to Cure, much less War Eagle. Vigilant works on getting the children to safety as the heroes face off with the Anti-Metahuman cadre. Hoping to cow Ground Pounder, and Minute Man by taking down their leader Guardian goes straight for War Eagle. Swooping down Guardian spins head over heels to crash into War Eagle at full force with a cartwheel kick. The GM decides that charging headfirst at the leader of a supervillain group plays to her Metahumans Rights Drive and gives her a Willpower. Wanting to take War Eagle out of the fight Olivia decides she’s going to go all in, spending the newly earned Willpower along with most of her Pool. Olivia decides to add the Following Features to her Flying Cartwheel Kick: Amazing Critical, Inspire Allies, Power Trick: Devastating. On her roll Guardian will add an extra +5 and 2 Wounds for every 6 Rolled, and gains 2 extra Wounds for it being a Devastating attack. Also, for the rest of the scene everyone fighting alongside Guardian will gain Metahuman Rights 2 as a free Supporting Characteristic. Normally Guardian’s Attack looks like: Flying Cartwheel Kick: 54 (Strength 13 + Super Strength 6 (Secondary Role) + Flight 5 (Secondary Role) + Army Training 10 + Aerial Combat 8 + Acrobatics 12) Energy Cost: 6, Dice 5, Damage: 12 Wounds. Because she is able to add a Drive, and the Willpower spent her Attack now looks like: Driven Flying Cartwheel Kick: 56 (Strength 13 + Super Strength 6 (Secondary Role) + Flight 5 (Secondary Role) + Army Training 10 + Aerial Combat 8 + Acrobatics 12 + Metahuman Rights 2) Dice 5 Energy Cost: 10, Damage: 16 Wounds. Roll: 6 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 28 + Amazing Critical 20 Final Attack Value 104! Wounds: 24 - Enough to shatter stone, or rend steel! Had this been a regular attack Guardian would have had a FInal Attack Value of 82 and inflicted 16 Wounds. In addition to the extra attack Value, and Damage for the rest of the Scene, Jinx, Vigilant, and Moon Dog will be able to add her Mtahumans Rights Drive to any rolls in resolving this conflict.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsUgPrL8R8I&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
  10. Flying Cartwheel Kick: 54 (Strength 13 + Super Strength 6 (Secondary Role) + Flight 5 (Secondary Role) + Army Training 10 + Aerial Combat 8 + Acrobatics 12) Energy Cost: 6, Damage: 12 Wounds.
  11. http://www.cracked.com/article_19536_6-happy-endings-that-accidentally-screwed-movies-hero.html?wa_user1=3&wa_user2=Movies+%26+TV&wa_user3=article&wa_user4=recommended
  12. Threat to Mankind... in Bay City
  13. http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/browse.php?discount=10095
  14. A naturally born Metahuman Pamela Stockton was shunned by her family for gifts she couldn’t control. As anti-Metahuman sentiment grew in the late 80’s and 90’s her parents abandoned her completely. Left to her own devices Pam grew bitter, resentful of her parents and the world that turned them against her. Taking the name Lady Night she targeted anti-Metahuman groups and protests. Sadly she became a catalyst for even greater fear after the first of the Quintessence Incidents early in 1999 just before the invasion. During the invasion everything changed. She fought alongside the Xeno Consortium to protect the world from conquest.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asKpPXk_4Wg
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyByiZXhcXw&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91T11-0_0bU&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHZyzvLxEpU
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHZyzvLxEpU
  20. http://coolquotescollection.com/7672/san-francisco-in-the-middle-sixties-was-a-very-special-time-and-place-to-be-a
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