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  1. http://www.mojobob.com/roleplay/monstrousmanual/m/mistcrde.html
  2. Secondary Role: Offense MA Limited: Lingering Only applies to Painful
  3. While I can't speak to the internet hive mind, there are a lot of curved blades I really like. The khopesh is my current obsession as I wonder if it can be scaled up in size thanks to modern materials. Also, I dig the falcata and twin hooks, although the later may require a level of coordination I don't have. With that said, the bat'leth has always struck me as a rather silly weapon, for a lot of the reasons the video goes into. While I don't know how I feel about Shad's version of it, outlined in the video, watching Trek, it always struck me as being awkward to use. While it doesn't say it, the video illustrates how it is over-engineered, reducing it's potential effectiveness. - - -
  4. https://www.rpgpub.com/threads/nu-tsr-suing-wotc-schadenfreude-is-back-on-the-menu-boys.7005/page-20#post-317977
  5. Had this in the buffer for troll bait, it is an amusing watch when it get's to the bat'leth. - - -
  6. The Art of the Team Up: Assisting Others This week, we're exploring how heroes can work together to accomplish more difficult actions. What it takes to work together, and how that can impact the narrative and interactions at the game table. https://housedok.com/assisting-others/ Also, there is still time to vote in the poll for the community setting. https://housedok.com/ummac-poll-5-gung-fu/ Enjoying our content? Join the Patreon and help support indie creators. $2 a month unlocks all bonus content, including content polls, expanded ttps://www.patreon.com/Metahumans Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro Website: http://housedok.com Print: https://studio2publishing.com/products/metahumans-rising?_pos=2&_sid=145b3fa95&_ss=r PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/277614/Metahumans-Rising #Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGFamily #TTRPGSolidarity #Comic #TeamUp #Assist
  7. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/5388/House-Dok-Productions
  8. UMMAC Poll 5: Guns, Gadgets, & Gung-Fu The world ends in greed, genetic tampering and the inevitable revolution that follows. The new poll explores why martial arts of prevalent after the apocalypse. It’s an community poll. Click the link to vote now! https://housedok.com/ummac-poll-5-gung-fu/ Enjoying our content? Join the Patreon & to support Metahumans Rising & the Steel Aces. https://www.patreon.com/Metahumans Get access to bonus content like polls, expanded adventures, behind the scenes Steel Aces videos, & the Beta Bullpen. Plus you can chat with us on our Discord. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro Website: http://housedok.com Print: https://studio2publishing.com/products/metahumans-rising?_pos=2&_sid=145b3fa95&_ss=r PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/277614/Metahumans-Rising #Metahumans #Superheroes #RPG #TTRPG #Comic #MartialArts #Mutants #UMMAC
  9. Gail Simone and DC holding the Sinister Six. https://twitter.com/GailSimone/header_photo
  10. After famously playing Johnny Lawrence in the Karate Kid, actor William Zabka was forever cast as the heel. At the same time, Zabka took up learning martial arts, earning an advanced belt in Tang Soo Do, on top of his already impressive wrestling skills. He knew that the world would never accept him as a hero, but wanted to do good in the world. Unable to come up with a way to reform his reputation, Zabka donned an update Halloween costume and took to the streets to play the part Hollywood would never give him: The hero. http://i.imgur.com/zF36GGQ.jpg Included for reference.
  11. Dear Valued Resident, As a result of a temporary staffing shortage, we expect routine service requests may take longer than usual. We strive to complete most service requests within 24-48 hours, and we anticipate completion times of 48 to 72 hours over the next few weeks.
  12. Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa
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