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Posts posted by Hermit

  1. One of the things that really whetted my appetite in the book was the drawings of folks I hadn't seen written up fully yet (or hadn't seen ever).


    Anyone have any particular they want to see developed in later books?

    I think I got them all, but am not certain.

    MindGame, Pg 3

    The Nameless Evil Mime, pg 4

    Diamondback, Pg 9

    Summer Cloud, Pg 15

    Pisces, Pg 27

    Fleshtone, Pg 35

    Plague, Pg 39

    Unknown with Cosmic Power, Pg 41

    Winter Dragon, Pg 111

    Freon, Pg 114

    Uknown Kinetic villain, Pg 121

    Unknown Magnetic villainess, Pg 134

    Entropy, Pg 141

    Morph, Pg 175

    Dreamwitch, Pg 186

    Unknown Time Villain, Pg 234

    The Curse, Pg 265


    I get the feeling we'll be seeing Diamondback in the upcoming VIPER book. :)


    I'm curious about Fleshtone, the unknown Kinetic guy, unamed Magnetic lady, and Dreamwitch myself. :)


    Freon is well known from 4th, but I put him on the list anyways because, hey, who knows what they might do to his background?

  2. Originally posted by Tim

    Q: What gifts did Kara give Rachel to help her fall in love? :P


    A: Loose Change on the subway.


    Q: I need a limitation for my character's shape shifting that causes it to lose percision when underground in vehicles, how would I word that?


    A: Because no one likes a smart aleck, that's why.

  3. Originally posted by Klytus

    HEY! No fair! No skipping my answer! I went back and did a repost and everything, and I *still* get dissed.


    Q2 (to show Klytus we care): What IS that pulpy azure liquid that smells faintly of berries?


    A: It's bigger than a bread box, but coated with grease.

  4. Originally posted by Roland

    Q: Since you revealed my identity, the Prime Minister, the Archbishop, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer will, on the morrow, vie to determine whether I am to be executed for treason, heresy, or failure to pay my taxes. Why should I not wring your neck, Baldric?


    A: Four calling birds.


    Q: What are those larks with the cellphones?


    A: It's bigger than a bread box, but coated with grease.

  5. If I recall, in the official CU, the last Sorcerer Supreme is missing or lost, and a new one is long overdue to take his place.

    A watchful eye is being kept on young mystics to see who is destined to rise to fill the vacancy.


    One of the possiblities?

    Witchcraft of the Champions herself.

  6. Originally posted by Klytus

    Q: What do you need to see in your sink to persuade you that maybe you need to call a plumber?


    A: Stonehenge and a rubber ducky.


    Q: What is Gwydion said to have taken with him when he went Hot Tubbing?


    A: A pirate with extreme phobias.

  7. Originally posted by Enforcer84

    Q. Look, why can't I use the Cosmic Casaba Mellon in our intra superteam basketball game?


    A. She's pretty enough, but I don't think she could pull off the accent.


    Q: How about Halle Berry to play Storm?


    A: she's NOT pretty enough, but can do the accent.

  8. Originally posted by Worldmaker

    Q. How would you describe the 4th season of Big Brother?


    A. This is why I think some fanfiction writers should be put to death.


    Q: Here's my latest story about Foxbat and the Bimbofication ray! Today he takes out Witchcraft. what do you think?


    A: It doesn't bounce very well.

  9. Originally posted by Agent 537

    Question: Where can I find clueless poseurs still living with their parents who believe they know everything on a given subject just because they flipped thru a documentary on said subject shown on the Discovery and/or History channels once last year?


    Answer: You're the fifteenth or the sixteenth person today to ask me that. Here's a tip, bunkie: you have to be smarter than the sign to be able to read it. Now listen closely: (slowly repeat whatever the sign has written on it).


    Q: How would a forum poster 'help someone' if he was having "Grumpiness: Another unfortunate side effect of hunger"?


    A: Not QUITE as classy as the new Teen Titans cartoon, but with more sex appeal.

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