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Mr. R

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Everything posted by Mr. R

  1. A super Flash. Really! Move-bys from this guy must be painful. But he does have a bunch of hooks. So I can sort of get into him!
  2. Old soldiers never die, and they rage against fading away! I am surprised no one has thought of giving them a decent base and weapons depot. Four tough as nails, elite military operatives with minor super powers! As allies or opponents, they would be cool. And seriously, the idea can be dropped anywhere!
  3. He's his own legacy. In fact, HOW many people has he been in history. So the redeemed demon. It is an interesting background, and he can fill almost any role you want. When you are a shape shifter, you can be anyone. One cool possibility is he has infiltrated the WWC so he can use it oppose his people. Use an enemy to take out an enemy. Since any criminal conspiracy has an element of paranoia, he is perfect for stirring up the S*&T. Power wise he's decent. Not over powering, but scary in the right hands.
  4. So a lady living up to her father's legacy, if her country would accept her So first off, a tonne of hooks. Legacy, acceptance, higher mission. The fact she is a lesbian in a country that vilifies them taints her actions and inactions. Power wise, this is a tough, fast NPC. She's a Power Puff Girl all grown up. She needs a sign "Don't Mess With ME" I like her!
  5. Chapter Fifteen Russia and Central Asia So naturally we start with Russia. First a caveat, that just because the government is corrupt, it does not follow that the supers are also. Some will be good, others evil at same ratio. Then we get into the remnants of the People’s Guard and a legacy hero who would be more effective if not for a secret. Then we get a high tech complex under Chernobyl. What is happening there? And how will it affect the world? And way over Tunguska is another secret complex! We finish with two old folklore characters. Now we invade Afghanistan, and a villain so violent even the WWC want nothing to do with him. Kazakhstan, home of former Soviet super soldier programs. Some which may still produce something. In addition we get four of those soldiers who are trying their best fit into a world that has changed! Kyrgyzstan, home to two supers, one who could be much more effective on the world stage, if he can get past his depression! Tajikistan, one of the poorest of these nations has a super who is rallying the people to his cause. Is he benevolent, or a mad dictator in the making? Turkmenistan, which is recovering from a mad ruler. Could the heroes help? Uzbekistan, which is more cosmopolitan and well of due to its position for trade. But again the WWC is here fomenting things behind the scenes. Some suspect its involvement, but are treading carefully as they have no direct proof! Do we need foreign heroes to come in to save things?
  6. Now a days we could call this Women in Refrigerators. She is killed just to generate ANGST for the hero!
  7. South African Super Hero Alliance Prime Detective: See entry above Sol Soldado: Angolan and former child soldier. Somehow got solar powers and now fights against child exploitation. Supposedly has a high str ( about 50 I’d say) flight (30”), force field (25/25), and various blasts (starting at 12d6) Chui Bwana: Congolese athlete experimented on by WWC. They don’t list powers, but I’d say similar to White Lion without any OIF gadgets. He also is incredibly popular, so a high Pre and some good interpersonal skills> Mphamvu: From Malawi, he described and the most upstanding and incorruptible. He’s a reverse Powerhouse, where you lower the Str and up the Defences. Maybe also some KB resist and various power, flash and mental defenses. This guy should be the most difficult to take down! Vahiny: Calls Madagascar home. Actually an alien who has adopted earth as his home. Can fly (25” maybe) and fire infra-beams from his eyes (a multipower with various effects). As well he has access to advanced alien technology (gadget pool?) Zingizi: Zimbabwe’s super genius mentioned above. He powers are insect based (her name means carpenter bee), with a battlesuit. Instead of high str though, she has a bunch of mini robots. Vuurbroer: See above entry Aardebroer: See above entry As well it states this is but a part of their roster. Given the size and population they have in that region, this should be a large and diverse team!
  8. The second of two "Brothers" I like it, but I'd like it more if the book wasn't already packed with earth controllers. If he was Air, we could see what M&M was really capable of doing. I know that it was different authors, independent of each other, but it still feels like a big cut and paste. Ok rant off. As a NPC he's cool, especially with his "brother" and he has many story hooks as well! So acceptable!
  9. First of a pair of "Brothers" who protect South Africa WOW! He's tough and versatile. When with his "brother" they can be a frightening combination! Power wise, he's a fire controller, with a bit more powerful than most. Game wise, a lot of hooks, especially the rings!
  10. Another homage, a much darker one really He's the Ghost Rider, but with Banshee powers. Again he's a well rounded NPC with a lot of hooks. And he is proof that a good origin can happen anywhere!
  11. One of the greatest detectives on the planet I seem to remember a TV series based on books about a lady detective similar to this. If so it is a cool homage! and I like she has a nice, well rounded background and skill set. Add her powers and she justifiably becomes a very competent detective. Otherwise she is no combat master. But as a leader and truth seeker, she is top notch!
  12. And of course The White Lion has to have a Dark Mirror I get the feeling that these two were designed as part of a campaign. Stand back, this is my fight! Come to die sister! If it is my destiny, but you will never be a White Lion! ARRRGGG! (while charging) Sorry, I can just see it!
  13. Well if you are gonna make an homage, make it a good one Its the Black Panther, modernized. One aspect I wish they kept is the original's scientific expertice. But it is a close enough homage that I won't quibble too much. Power wise, she's what she paying homage to. Hits fast, hard and can have a number of surprise moves. Add a camo field and she can attack when conditions are right for her!
  14. Chapter Fourteen Sub-Saharan Africa Somalia. The problem of pirates is complicated by the fact that some are superpowered. This is a good hook for a set of adventures here. Djibouti is a small and generally overlooked nation and it wants to keep it that way thank you! Eritrea and Ethiopia still practice a tradition of killing deformed individuals, only now expanding it to Mutants / Accidents. Mr Twist from last chapter is very active here. Republic of Kenya has great beauty and animal diversity coupled with corruption and poaching. Some heroes even help against to poachers. A hook is also provided to the two legendary lions that terrified a whole crew of railroad workers. Their spirits still exist and even have a vile human who joins them from time to time. This could lead to an interesting set of adventures. United Republics of Tanzania is mentioned as a positive force in the region. The coolest part is a corporation that hires out superhuman mercenaries, with a twist, they have ETHICS. Their goal is the betterment of the whole region and will rent out people for for various causes that will help stop crime and corruption. This is a whole campaign in itself with SO many possible plot hooks! Republic of Uganda. Same as Eritrea and Ethiopia, child soldiers and Mr Twist! Democratic Republic of the Congo. The perfect place for your superpowered villain to lie low, as long as he doesn’t advertise his abilities. Even the UN has few representatives here. Republic of the Congo is actually a separate nation that is making efforts to escape its past. To this end, it hopes to recruit supers not only for crime but infrastructure. This could lead to some lasting changes in the world, if you don’t mind making those changes from reality. It also has its own homegrown heroes modeled on a group called Le Sape ( in english Society of Ambiance Makers and Elegant People). They are like Megamind, It's all presentation! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehc2x4BleQI&t=48s Republics of Angola, Rwanda and Burundi all get a brief mention. Dakana is another in that tradition of fictitious countries. This is very much a Wakanda clone, but with a few differences and some decent hooks. Republic of Botswana is stable and prosperous and home to the South African Super Hero Alliance (SASHA). I’ll go over the roster later, but as I have said before, it is refreshing to see home grown heroes that the PC can interact with, since joining forces is such a time honoured custom. Republic of Malawi is another nation climbing out of the poverty and desperation vortex. Republic of Zimbabwe is home to two cool things. First is the local hero, who is a tech prodigy (refreshing). Second is this prodigy's efforts to help local nations with high tech workable solutions to help improve conditions. This has drawn the ire of many who desire the status quo of chaos and desperation. Possible story arc? Republic of Mozambique (Is republic some sort of magical word?) has the usual problems of improvements being stymied by corrupt officials in the country and outside. And some of them a supers! Republic of Madagascar (That word! I don’t think it means what you think it means!) is another nation that appears stable. And the efforts of local supers plan to keep it that way! Republic of Namibia is home to many transportation companies, one of which uses supers on its payroll. Again this could get fleshed out to a whole campaign if you chose! Republic of South Africa is probably familiar to you, so I will not elaborate to much. That it is home to a pair of interesting hero “brothers” helps!
  15. A legacy hero, but not one he is proud of! Another in a long line of legacy. Will he follow in his father's footsteps or forge his own path! That he has a cool power set is a bonus!
  16. A Prof. X type, but for more than mutants. This guy had a large entry in the book, him and his Refuge and the goals of his movement. It is seriously the X-Men, but in Africa, and with more origin types. This could make for a long running campaign in itself, or a sub-plot. Nice thing is it can be placed anywhere.
  17. A leader of a cult who's looking for a few good child soldiers He does what he's designed to do. Best part is his claw. Where does it come from? Are there any more. What if they are collected?
  18. Champions of West Africa Exemplar: From Ghana. Integrity and courage. Super Str (65-70), tough (30-33) and able to leap great distances (Super Leap). So a classic Brick! Jali: A mystic from Mali. Can summon various heroes and mythical beasts from legend to fight for him. He also seems to have some basic pre-cognition. Genome: Liberian. Can duplicate the natural abilities of any living being. (a large VPP) Maitre Aimant: Ivory Coast and boyfriend to Jali. A magnetics controller (Fly, FF, TK, Multipower w/ various EB’s, entangles and effects) The Futurist: From Gambia. Super genius and concerned with education and civil rights. The illustration has her on a hover platform, dressed in armour with numerous pouches and a futuristic visor over her eyes. Easily the coolest NPC here> Fantasma: From Cape Verde. A magician with real powers, she’s on the team to advance her career. The fact that she has invisibility and illusion powers (maybe more) helps!
  19. Chapter Thirteen West Africa First we are introduced to the Economic Community of West African States. They are like an EU for West Africa, including a superteam , The Champions of West Africa, made up of member countries. They don’t get a write up, but enough of a description that you could make them up. And they are really cool. Not one jungle man or animal lord. I’ll talk about them later. Now onto Nigeria. The fruits of colonialism are bearing fruit here, with many extremists finding purchase here. But also we are treated to a man and organization searching for and rescuing child soldiers, especially those who have abilities. Sort of like the X-man, but much more broad. This is such a cool hook that it almost makes this book worth it. In fact it can be expanded to almost anywhere. Niger. Nigeria’s problems but even worse. But it has a protector with ties to the Champions. Senegal. We get a defender, again with ties, and a conspiracy involving weapons. She’s out of her depth, and could use some help. We travel to Sierra Leone now. A country pulling itself out of the quagmire of a civil war, it still has a way to go. It also has a protector, but of dubious origins and himself, looking for his future path. Is it laid out already, or can he carve a new path? I know there are MANY countries not mentioned, that could have their own entry, but even this small offering was so refreshing. It paints Africa as a modern location with modern problems, and maybe the ability to solve them. Help is welcome but not mandatory. I feel I should mention a sidebar here. It is about cliches, over generalizations and simplifications we make about Africa (and other countries in general) It says to check out an essay by Binyavanga Wainaina’s “How Not to Write About Africa”. There is also a YouTube video where it is read by Djimon Hounsou. Really worth the read. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-jSQD5FVxE
  20. Chapter Twelve North Africa First off I like that Africa has been divided into three sections. Such a diverse continent deserves a more in depth treatment. And the Jewel of the Nile, Egypt starts us off. Though a Muslim nation and a modern one, we have to go to ancient times for our selection. Basically there are four cults vying for power, one good and with ties to a former hero, the other three villainous. I can see this as a nice springboard to some adventures through space and time. Libya is next. To help protect itself from the WWC, they have taken to hiring super mercenaries to help protect their land and train indigenous Libyans. I find this good and bad. Hints of colonialism, but working to set the country right and so lose your paycheck. Could make for an interesting campaign. Continuing on to Algeria, and of course ancient gods, in this case Phoenicians because of Carthage. She’s powerful though and can make for a good ally. Go west to Tunisia and something pleasant. They are developing a “Super City” that is the brainchild of a local hero who is tech savvy. He wishes to make a city at the cutting edge of science and technology. And who better that supers to help fund and populate and work on projects. Morocco and a super visa. Basically it allows you to visit the country without being bothered by the authorities. Want to vacation in peace, here you go. Need to set up a less that legit meeting, get one of these and meet in Morocco. It is also home to a super prison with a deep dark secret (A little too dark for my tastes). Western Sahara, a breeding ground for unethical experiments and weapons development. It has a local protector, but if you have a group that wants to make the world a better place, uprooting all the villainous presences here would be a good campaign. Mauritania. Another nation with a problem, notably slavery. That is a cause worth fighting against!
  21. So now the Turkish National team Zihin Kiz (Mind Girl) A psychic, so flight, a FF.and A MP with Mind Control, Telepathy and Ego Attack. Also she is a alien Half breed, so we have possible interstellar hooks. Dag (Mountain) A brick with str around 60-65 and 30 def. Also they mention he gets his power from an earth elemental, so maybe some earth attacks (Like Labrador rock) Hayvan Kral (Animal King) a shapeshifter, (A VPP pool) Kadin Avci (The Huntress) A bow user with heightened senses and a moon goddess motif. So Hawkeye mixed with a bit of Daredevil and Moon Knight. Kargasa (Chaos) He threatens to unleash earthquakes with his earth control abilities (WOW, another one). He basically has the same power as Italy's Duca Nefrando.
  22. A powerful Bard He's powerful in his own way. A useful NPC for a specific story arc. But it has possibility!
  23. So an interesting Techno hero I like the concept, but I find it a bit weak. His birds especially could use a serious up grade. But the potential is there and he has a bunch of possible hooks. So I like!
  24. Chapter Eleven The Middle East This ought to be interesting. So let’s jump in with Armenia. Nothing much happening here. Azerbaijan comes next with a weaver so skilled he can make them magical. Also home to a wandering minstrel who has great power, and he’s just starting out. Bahrain. Just read the news The Gaza Strip. Comes next. And it has their own protector who is damned by both sides as she does not play favourites. Georgia, (Russia not US). And old time sorceress from ancient Greece has come back, looking for artifacts. What is she looking for and can she be stopped? Iran. Well here we have a surprise. A hero who is NOT mystical and NOT a terrorist. He’s a battle suit wearer and it looks like a decently powered one. Also a hacker in the style of Oracle from DC, who can provide info and ties to all the heroes in the region. So cool! Iraq. Was it developing Agents of Mass Destruction? Also what of the minorities and their legends? Could they be rooted in reality? Add in a volatile political situation and you could have an interesting game! Israel and golems. It had to be mentioned. This has a tie in to the Massive super battle in WW II mentioned earlier and could make for an interesting arc. Also as a side bar we get mention of the Djinn and the Nephilim and how they could be used as possible origin stories. This is cool and I thought of two NPC concepts just reading this. Jordan is mentioned next, but not much is provided. Kuwait, Lebanon and Oman get a couple paragraphs each. As well a mysterious protector and a cursed dagger/plot hook. Qatar and its huge foreign worker population is mentioned. Powder keg in the making with super involvement? Saudi Arabia. Home of Islam and oil. And a lost city with many mystical secrets. Add a mutant expatriate, a local techno hero, a mysterious mage whose tower appears when you need it most, and an alien who is offering tech for oil. So any number of plot hooks. Syria. As the centre of the local conflict, there is a possibility for a campaign in this region of agent level PCs who are trying to keep others from making things worse. Turkey. The best part of this entry is the local super team and their most common opponent! I will detail them a bit later. United Arab Emirates takes the place of the country where super powered mercs can hide out, and mad scientists who look into giving people powers or upgrading (Bionics/ power armour). These are always useful, but I would prefer a fictional country. The West Bank Read the news! Yemen has the same problem as Syria, with the same possibility for a low level campaign.
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