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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The fact that I suddnly have a significant other
  2. Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7 Adding the other idea Haven posted last year
  3. Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7 As a reminder here is one of the pics commissioned from last year's thread Haven Walkur's Sagitarrius. Look at the pic and then read the description. Sagittarius Member of a Zodiac-based villain team, Sagittarius is a true tupilaq – a zombie-like undead creature made by stitching together parts of animal and human corpses and animating the entire assemblage. Despite her origins, she is sentient and free-willed -- but utterly vicious. In this case, the torso of an athletic Black woman was grafted onto the front shoulders of a palomino pony, and secured with large X-shaped stitches in red twine. A second pair of arms – those of a white woman – were attached just below the torso’s original ones. Sagittarius’ lips have been sewn closed with more X-shapes stitches of red, and her white-skinned arms heavily tattooed with occult symbols. There are some ragged patches of decayed/withered flesh apparent along the pony’s flanks and right hind leg, and the hoof on that leg is cracked and discoloured. There’s also a semi-circular patch of dead gray skin above Sagittarius’ right eye and down over her temple on that side. The hair on her head and tail is arranged in a multitude of tiny tight braids, with colourful beads and little silver charms from a charm bracelet worked through them. Sagittarius – born Dyanna Durbin of Queens, New York – died in a drive-by shooting, and was “harvested” from the city morgue by a necromancer calling herself Marie Laveau. Laveau used Dyanna’s corpse to create a true tupilaq, an undead servant with the strength and speed of a horse and the dexterity of a human. However, after the animation process was complete, an enemy of Laveau’s managed to gain access to the newly-made tupilaq, and in his attempt to wrest control away from Laveau, he ended up “awakening” the tupilaq, freeing it from Laveau’s control and restoring Dyanna’s free will...though her body was beyond salvaging. After the defeat of Laveau, Sagittarius claimed her books and grimoires. She is now a powerful self-taught necromancer, and finds that the dark magic suits her increasingly dark temperament. Trapped in a mute and twisted -- though physically powerful -- undead form, Sagittarius soothes and distracts herself with the pain and terror of others, particularly savouring the agony caused by her black and curséd arrows. Then there is Last year's winner and this is Bob Greenwade's suggestion
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Today's the day the Daleks and the Cybermen are getting their caffine fix. NT: We all know that General Zod stand for election every four years. But what do Ursa or Non do in the meantime ?
  5. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. The picture of Sagitarrius is for Haven Walkur as a leaving gift for her presidency of the NGD forums. Hopefully she will see it and post about it.
  6. Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7 A Twist on a member of the Fantastic Four: From Loreslost Transparency, The Visible Woman. Sandra Samuelson, A lab intern at Super Science Lab is caught in a trans-dimensional warp giving her control of electromagnetic energies (magnetic, electricity, and light) and giving her N-Ray vision always on (the world looks as if it is made of perfectly transparent material, she can see it but see through it as well) the side effect is, well, she appears to everyone else as a person would appear to her. You can see her skin, the muscle under the skin, the skeletal system, the nervous system, etc. Lucky the effect does not extend to clothing or other worn items but having her over for lunch is a little unnerving.
  7. Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7 These last ones are all mine, 'The other man was almost as tall as his companion but obscenely fat, his enormous belly hanging pendulously between his thighs. His body appeared out of proportion to his legs, which were short and slightly bowed. The fat man's face was perfectly round and quite pale but his features were very delicate: green eyes enclosed by long dark lashes; a thin unbroken nose; and a long mouth with full dark lips that were almost feminine. Ay passing resemblence of facial beauty were undone by his chin and the tumorous distended neck in which it lost itself. He was balding but his remaining hasir was very black and cut short against his skull' Heavy Metal Angel. The Angel is constructed of metal like a sculpture of a skeleton except the main body particularly around the spine has musculature It is sharp and pointy rather than being smooth. The wings are very skeletal and are more of a frame, there are no feathers. These two above are based on John Connolly's The Black Angel and a statue in the book but it is organic and the real thing. A set of battlesuits from the 40s to modern day. Sort of like Iron Man's suits but for the Champions board. This will be more than one pic obviously. A Type V Demon either as a half drow/half type V with black skin only four arms and Elvish features or the real deal classic Type V original Monster Manual version. In both cases they have been pulled from a comic and are adapting to the real world as it were. In the latter case the Demon has all sorts of weapons in its multi-handed grasp including a machine, a sword, a spear and a pistol whilst also casting spells with the other two arms. She has tattooes that only others can see as she is oblivious to them. New This year Pandamonium. A Panda battlesuit. Black and white with a guy pulling levers in the cockpit in order to get it to work. a Fencer in full garb including the facemask.
  8. Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7 One of my ideas adapted by Cynthia Celeste Miller Doctor Death. This is a grizzled veteran bad guy. He has a suit of power armour but not one that puts him in the class of the masterminds. It has a completely open head area. He is a member of a well known supervillain team or occasional group. He's American, has beard and mustache. He is a bit of a brawler. That is as far as I have got with that idea. Inspired by the wrestler Steve 'Dr Death' Williams. This next bit is from Cynthia Celeste Miller of Omnivlex fame Quote: Originally Posted by Cynthia Celeste Miller I'm going to toss in ideas for Death Tribble's Steve Williams-esque villain concept. Feel free to use any, all, or none of these ideas. 1) Perhaps he's a villain that some people have actually started to like over the years. Sure, he's a bad guy who does not-so-nice things, but he's been around so long and has defeated heroes that by all means should have been able to trounce him thoroughly that a portion of the citizens have begun to root for the old bastich. He's not an anti-hero by any means; he's still a full-fledged villain. 2) Since he's a grizzled veteran type, maybe he's rather stuck in the past. He doesn't like change, which is starting to seriously affect his career as a criminal. He doesn't use those "fancy schmancy computers", nor has he upgraded his armor since the early '80s. This could lead to some fun visuals for the armor, making it painfully retro looking. I like the idea of him being this dinosaur in our very modern times. I think it would give him a certain uniqueness. 3) If you really want to make him similar to Dr. Death, really play up the whole "Oklahoma bad-ass" aspect of the character. Heck, there's no reason why you couldn't even factor in the pro wrestler aspect. Maybe his unruliness in the ring and his tendency to seriously injure his opponents caused him to be black-balled from the sport, inadvertently causing him to turn to a life of crime. If you go with the pro wrestling idea, I'd avoid using the name Dr. Death though. Some alternatives: Dr. Pain, Dr. Piledriver, Slammer, Powerslam, or Roughhouse.
  9. Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7 Originally Posted by BobGreenwade But let me try another "think out loud" item. What don't we have so far...? A robot, perhaps? I flashed on the idea of a robot with a human brain inside, but of course that's been done. It probably wouldn't be reflected much in the artwork anyway. So maybe there is a human brain, or maybe it's an AI. But what could be unusual about the robot's appearance to make it appealing? Maybe it has some sort of Lovecraftian aspect to it? This robot has regular arms and legs to move about in our own world, but the arms have extendible tentacles -- let's say six each -- that can grab and move objects. Another dozen or so tentacles hang from the back of the head like dreadlocks, and serve in combat to deflect incoming attacks. Just for good measure, it can generate electrical shocks through the tentacles to knock opponents out (or help charge up allies' electrical equipment). It can also fly around, using a built-in jetpack-like setup on its back. Jets in the soles of its feet are used for steering. The overall look is humanoid first, but also has a cephalapod-like appearance to the streamlining. It probably has a bunch of other powers that wouldn't be reflected in the art: special senses, interfacing with other computers, sight and hearing Flash attacks, and so forth. Let's call it one of the good guys; it looks like it does because the designer wanted a streamlined look, and is a fan of that kind of thing in movies and comics. For a name, let's say... Streamline.
  10. Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7 And more Originally Posted by BoloOfEarth Okay, here's a few: Needler: A dart-thrower of extraordinary precision, his costume consists of a red, green, black, and white bodysuit patterned like a stylized dartboard (not just a chest emblem, but over most of the bodysuit, maybe stretched out of proportion like a Salvador Dali clock). He has a satchel to carry some darts, a segmented belt holding more, plus wristbands and boots (thick enough to hide even more darts). He also has gloss-black wraparound goggles (high-tech look, like maybe some vision enhancement or radar inside). He has medium-length red hair, somewhat messy. ROVer: a gadgeteer, he wears an armored vest over a padded bodysuit, with a helmet sprouting several small radio antennae and goggles covering the eyes. A half-dozen metal spheres, about 4" in diameter, orbit around his chest/waist area (front and back), each with a camera mounted over a blaster focusing lens. His ROV (Remote-Operated Vehicles) are all built as robotic dogs (flyine Airedales, tough Pit Bulls, and general-purpose Dachshunds), so maybe have one by his side with the fur partially blasted away and showing the metal workings beneath And these are from Sketchpad - Typhoon: A mystic baddie that uses Atlantean artifacts to control water. In his supervillain state, he wears a tarnished bronze chest-plate and a few items like jeweled bracers and tiara-like crown. He can convert his body to water in parts or whole, as well as control sea-life and take on their attributes. - Far-Out: A space/time traveller that's been lost for the past 30 years. He's returned and has discovered that the world has vastly changed. Wears a very mid-70s costume. Probably a large collar, some wide leggings. Has a tie-dye rainbow effect when he goes through time. Might even have the high shoulders like Starfox. - Mechane: A Mechakinetic that controls machines. Has a machine body and can reconstruct machines into other things. Looks kind of human ... but also has some machine parts showing. Maybe a human-like head with some dark pieces mixed into chrome. Could be mistaken for power armor at a distance. - Crosshair: A female marksman that uses hi-tech crossbows. Wears stylized kevlar with targeting goggles. Keeps her bolts on her legs for quick load and has holsters off the shoulder. Short hair so it stays out of her face.
  11. Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7 Other ideas from last year Two sets of ideas listed below From Enforcer84 Well, here's another Superteam of mine. A group of mystical/quasi mystical misfits sitting on the sidelines of the Good v Evil grudgematch. Xombie: Gentleman Zombie. Think well preserved corpse of British nobility just before the Revolutionary War. Dresses well, doesn't seem to be rotting but deathly pale and odd, pupiless eyes Grunt: Big muscle bound, bald, goatee, mindgem, nicely tailored suit. Wildthorn: Dryad/Biker Chick hybrid Devil Woman: Red Skinned, black haired beauty with Suggestive Sorceress robes The Blade: a ninja trapped in a cursed suit of armor that allows him to summon bladed weapons (or just spikes and blades), something akin to the Shredder I suppose. Can't take of armor. Mother Russia: A female werebear from the former Soviet Union. Lon Ra: Antrhopomorphic (but short) Siamese cat, young sphinx lost in the world. ________________________________________ From Supreme Serpent The Remnant Figure floating in mid-air, patchwork of different tattered costumes, with some open spaces between body parts. In the spaces a glowing energy "skeleton" can be made out. One hand noticeably male, one noticeable female, some robotic parts, misc. possible foci. Several unrelated power effects going on at once. Remnant is all that remains of the (insert hero team name here). Years past, their arch-nemesis managed to kill them with a massive explosion. The collective willpower combined with the team mystic's spirit to give them new "life" as a gestalt being, The Remnant, which thwarted the surprised villain. Today The Remnant mostly lives...somewhere...in seclusion, but will sometimes appear in times of great need. Each of the parts retains some of the original hero's powers - the eye has vision powers and eyebeams, one arm can use fire, the other is super-strong, etc
  12. Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7 There was this from Sketchpad from last year and from Remjin from previous Two ideas from Remjin I didn't see a restriction on power armor, and there are so many out there, but I'd like to see something in power armor that's large and in charge. Instead of the usual blaster types, I'd like to see a goliath brick. A big bad with exhaust screaming out of it from the excess heat generated by its high-science generator. Large through the legs and arms but not clunky, something slick with a small head. Something anime-ish, I guess, but minus the missile launchers and giant guns, maybe in a pose like pro-wrestler. Do it up in a blue and gold color scheme or even black and purple. =) I wanna see big feet and hands, overarmored forearms, but smooth is the overall theme rather than clunky. Or... A super-slick character, as in slippery, a guy who moves like glass over oil. Slim, sleek, body-tight clothes with a few aerodynamic flares in a pose that makes him look like he's sliding ultra-fast over pavement or the like. A facemask with a slit visor to protect him and help him perceive the movement or at least process it. Perhaps some kind of grapple-line shooters to help him make turns by shooting out a line around a pole to make sharp turns, and traction pieces on him so that he can brake and change directions some. =) Now that I think about it, I kind of want to play this character... hmmm... just neat sfx, I guess
  13. Re: Complicate the Person Above Narratio once sold the souls of all the posters to dark forces for power. Unfortunately MightyBec's was rejected and then didn't Narratio suffer
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Everyone feels Wuff !
  15. Is it really a year since I last did this ? Those of you who are regular frequenters of the board will recall that for the last six years I have run threads about getting a character commissioned and drawn by Storn. The first year we did this we also had the prelim drawings and in year 4 as well. The first winner was the pic called Cyanide, 2nd winner Sadhana an Asian Indian mystic, the third winner was Enforcer84's ice brick Glacier, the fourth was Pattern Ghost’s Star, the fifth year an amalgm of two ideas a patriot, female armour wearer and last year my own Captain Gorilla of the Star Patrol. They are mostly still in Storn's thread or in Myrlyn's wonderful collection online (see Storn's thread for details). You can see some in the initial posts of the year 6 thread. Previously some of the entries so caught people's imagination that they were commissioned as well including Myrlyn's Jabberwock for one, Bob Greenwade's Speedbump and a picture called Shard. I will commission a new piece of art from Storn for probably end May and we have until then to come up with ideas for him to do. I have revised the rules from the past six years. First off people are allowed to contribute ideas BUT there is a snag. As I am the one paying for it, I have to approve it. And Storn has to be willing to draw it. Part of the idea is to challenge the artist with something he hasn't done before or not done in a while. So some ground restrictions and rules. (1) The picture has to be for Champions. It is what I play and it is in this forum that the thread is posted. (2) Again this year patriots are welcome. But note, the 2008 winner was a patriot in that they wore the colours of Kenya. So it will be harder to convince me of a patriot as I have British Bulldog waiting to be done. I also have over 50 American patriotic or quasi patriotic heroes from pics or that Etherio put up previously. And try naming them. Sheesh ! If you have a good idea for a non-British or non-American patriot, please post the idea. It may be easier to get a non-US patriot done as this has a great deal of novelty value for not just Storn and I but everyone else as well. (3) I am also allowing standard gun users again as they have not won at all. However Storn remains to be convinced. (4) Beast motifs. Probably not. I had the Lioness pic done two years ago. And have an awful load of these already. There is a Tiger Man in the works as well. (5) Cheesecake. And anyone asking what this is risks a violent tribillating. I have more than one in the pipeline waiting completion. And other ideas pending. Therefore I will probably not be selecting one purely on cheesecake terms. (6) No kid heroes/villains. I like the over 18 crowd and proper heroes such as Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman etc. Anyone even suggesting something akin to the Power R*****S will be summarily subject to a dousing with crude oil. And this year we set you alight as well. And then dance around you invoking Mightybec. (7) It must be something that I would want to use and something that would interest me. If not then no go ahead. (8) Storn has certain restrictions of his own both because he will be putting the final product on his web site and has his own likes and dislikes. With this we will heed the former and indulge the latter. No Intellectual Property for example so no pics of Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Captain America. (9) Idea can be of an agent, a normal superhero/villain or a boss/mastermind. Bearing in mind the number of votes that Agent and Boss/Mastermind got in the 2008 trope poll I ran, this is still a good time to get this posted. No-one really cottoned onto this last year. Nor of the Beautiful Female Martial Artist. (10) If you want Superman, Batman or Green Lantern analogues there has to be some thing about them visually to make Storn and I want to portray it and pay for it. If you don't post an idea, then it can't get done. (11) Anyone who has had their idea done previously can apply again. There is no prejudice or bias either for or against you. I'll post my own ideas as well plus ones from previous years that I am still willing to consider and may yet independently commission. So post your idea, if I like it then we'll proceed. You may just have a name and we can bash ideas around about it until we get a full picture. Of course if you don't like this approach you could always ask Storn yourself. We have all through the months of March and April to post and reject ideas. But it may take longer. And usually does.
  16. Re: Complicate the Person Above RexMundi has a real fear of Batman after the latter used his intestines to tie an improvised knot to hold the Empire State building together, and Rex was kind of atached to them.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat He was arrested at a Furry Con and has been trying to live down the shame
  18. Re: Complicate the Person Above Narratio has never knowingly been convicted of cannibalism although he has a habit of gnawing on people.
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Canada gets to play real battleship and sink the aircraft carriers of the US
  20. Re: Complicate the Person Above Back in the 1400s the world was saved when Narratio diverted Columbus to America.
  21. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Oh Myrlyn ! The Owlbear was my commission and one of the fastest turn arounds I have ever seen.
  22. Re: Complicate the Person Above Much to his consternation L Marcus's ankles were declared an area of 'outstanding natural beauty' by the Danes
  23. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Pouring it over a dozen bikini clad cheerleaders and helping them wash it off what ? NT: Fun pranks for Dr Doom to play on Reed Richards (Difficulty nothing resulting in the death of either_)
  24. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat They put rat poison and nuclear waste in it just to spice it up.
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