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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. Supersuit Supersuit was one of the most unpopular of the Protectors. The reason for this was because she would not open up to people. Bad role-playing really on the part of the main GM whose North East Protectors Supersuit was a member of. Drawn by my brother Paul, the idea with the armour was to have something close fitting but not chunky. Supersuit was a woman. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  2. Weaponsmaster My first mastervillain design, the Weaponsmaster. A scientist, he hated Viper and Cobra for the way they went about things. He also did not get on with the Magician. Drawn by my brother Paul. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  3. Emerald Arrow Another of Sureshot's arch foes was Emerald Arrow. She and Sureshot built up a long running feud. Fed by him whistling the theme tune to the Archers after he bagged her on one occasion. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  4. Foil Mk 3 This version of Foil was drawn by my brother Paul. I got to run Foil while Paul Geelan was abroad. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  5. Foil Mk 2 Well after a few adventures, Foil got a new character sheet. And here it is. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  6. Foil Mk 1 As we have Sureshot, it would be wrong not to include one of his arch foes, presenting Foil ! The Greatest swordsman in the world. Sureshot was supposed to be a great archer but he also had a few levels with a sword. Big mistake. Paul designed Foil with a lot of levels with sword and guess who he came after ? Unlike some of his foes, Sureshot never really got one over on Foil. This is the original character sheet. Drawn by Paul Geelan. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  7. Sureshot Mk 2 This is Sureshot going for the Street look. This is from a cover for TTTAP done by Paul Geelan. The actual character sheet really is not much to write home about. But this is how it actually looks. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  8. Silver Titan this is the Silver Titan, one of life's immovable objects. He was created when the Warlock set off a nuke in an African country in order to kill 100,000 people. His deal with you know who. The Titan didn't like that and came after him. And went throough anyone else who got in the way. A walking defense bank who was hard to hurt or move. And yes that includes TK. Drawn and created by Paul Geelan EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  9. Golden Titan This is the Golden Titan. And that is all I really know apart from some stats, powers and disads. I just liked the drawing. Paul Geelan drew this one. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  10. Assassin This is another oldie villain created and drawn by Paul Geelan. Assassin was a persistant foe in the side of the Protectors forming at one stage an organization called ANGST (consisting of Assassin, Nightmare, Green Gnat, Stiletto and Talon) to fight the Protectors and then one called DAEMON. However the defeats had gone to his head and he had set his armour to explode. He was taken up into space to stop that from happening. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  11. Britain's Fist This is Britain's Fist. A hero. Who was also a racist and not a very pleasent individual to the criminal populace. He did not steal from them but he most certainly hurt them. An NPC vigilante. Created and drawn by Paul Geelan EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  12. Magnesium This is Magnesium from the Original Chemical Compound designed by the main GM of the campaign. However this is a Magnesium whose powers have gone into overdrive and is overloaded. Paul Geelan did this artwork as a favour to the main GM. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  13. Lawrencium This is Lawrencium, a teammate of Arsenic in the third Chemical Compound. Partly Radioactive he was the brick of the third Chemical Compound. drawing by Paul Geelan. Included here also as a completely shameless way of getting Lawrencium back on the Super names list. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  14. Arsenic This is Arsenic a member of the third Chemical Compound. The main GM created the first two versions and Paul Geelan created the third version which included Arsenic. This drawing was done by him as well. Arsenic made one appearance with his colleagues. Attacking the Protectors he made the mistake of taking down the Magnetic Mistress with his poison attack. This triggered the reat Alfonso's enraged and Bye Bye Arsenic. This is the before version. Master Spite who I will post down the line is the after. (NB not tonight with this batch) EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  15. For the Ignorant amongst us Sorry don't know what poser is except as an insult. Like the pic Mad GM. The reflection you get is good and something you don't see often.
  16. As the Flame founded the Protectors so too in time did the Warlock found the Pentacle, an Organization of evil sorcerors and things backed by agents. The Warlock was one of the original villains debuting at the same time as that most wretched of things, the Overkill device. Naturally the Warlock tried to steal it. He was stopped but not apprehended. Mind you he did have a helicoptor smashed on his head and we did break the Overkill device. This time. This is the original Character sheet, the mark 1. I will post others so the evolution can be traced. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  17. Crimelord This is Crimelord whose costume is similar to one of Crimebuster. I don't have one of Crimebuster, sorry. Created by Angie and the main GM. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  18. Charm This is harm whose powers were quasi magical. A member of the Protectors she was part of a smaller unit called the Stray Cats, looked after by the Magnetic Mistress. Created by Angie andthe main GM. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  19. Palladium grab Palladium's Villains Unlimited which has percentage roll for scenario ideas. And also Grmarcy Island and Century Station. Again these are more like sourcebooks but the villains they have you can adapt or relate to your own creations. And again they have the percentage scenario idea.
  20. Dave, Next batch Consul General (Diplomatic term) Core Commander Corporate Raider Coup De Grace Covert Operative Crayfish Crime (Punishment's partner) Criminal Emporer Criminal Intent Crook Critical Condition Cruise Control Cruise Missile DA, The Danube Darwin Dartmoor Decoy Delamore Devil Incarnate Diamond Jim Double Agent Double Cross Dover Drill Instructor Dural Dwindler Echidna Egyptian Elf Consul was part of the Criminal Empire set up. Corporate Raider was an idea I got from the Champions business book which had Dr Destroyer on the cover. Criminal Emporer was the name for the head of the riminal Empire. And well, Monarch was taken and IP. Diamond Jim has been used before by various people but not in a Champs context. I believe that Errol Flynn once played a Diamond Jim. Double Cross is one name that I would beg to get included. Way back in 1990 I met a fellow Champions GM at GenCon. As usual when two or more Champs players meet they compare Character Sheets. Double Cross was actually a hero but did not know it. The Hero's DNPC was manipulating them and causing them blackouts. During these blackouts they became the villainous Double Cross. I was really impressed by this as an example of duplicity. And so I would like to shamelessly beg for this one to be included.
  21. Questionable pics: Copyright I have a couple of pics which are based on other comic characters and am a little unsure whether to post them. The most contentious is a Wolverine rip off called Wolfclaw. It would be silly to post the image later to be told to remove it. It looks like Wolverine in that it has the three claws on each hand and is a similar design to when he first made his debut versus the Hulk. Can I or should I post it ? The second is based on Big Barda, once head of the Female Furies and is an armour wearer. The drawing is adapted from it but looks less like it. Is that one safe to post ? Thoughts please. And if you have any comments on the art of Paul Geelan and my brother Paul pleas post those as well.
  22. The Unicorn Created like Mindtorm by Gary Young, this version was drawn by my brother Paul. After Gary left, the Unicorn was used by everybody. A traitor to his own people, the Aupheans, the Unicorn was an Alien scout who went native. He was the team brick. He liked Jazz music and drink. One of the easist of the heroes to get on with, he was friends with most of them. Except Dreadnought who almost got the Magician killed on one occasion. And the Unicorn never forgave him for it, Diplomatic Immunity or not.
  23. Sureshot This is the archer Sureshot. Basically a rip off of Hawkeye. The brown mark is cellotape. This is an old sheet again dating from 1985. Second character of the guy who I don't speak to anymore. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  24. Samurai The Samurai, Japanese hero of a noble house. Drawn by my brother Paul. Rarely played EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  25. Red Elf Bane of the life of the hero White Tiger, The Red Elf was the right hand goon of the Overlord, London's version of the Kingpin. Died by jet engine. Drawn and DMed by Paul Geelan. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
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