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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. Oh so that's who Hermit is. Made me wonder for a moment. I'll let you lot fight this one out. And then take out the winner.
  2. Question Dave, We have on the list names corresponding to Allied aircraft of World War 2 and later. What about the names of enemy planes from WW2 or the company names, like Messerchmitt ?
  3. We incorporated real world stuff where it affected our campaigns based in London. One of the characters went over to help the Chechens against the Russians for example.
  4. I can think of several ways but The Magnetic Mistress might waggle her fingers and let all the metal break contact so no way could the bomb detonate. The Voidwalker would subject the miscreant to the Terror of the Void. Once unconscious, the bomb would then be hurled into space poss via T-Port As for what the Demoness would do, well it all depends on how evil he was and how many people he had harmed killed. If she felt he was irredeemably evil, she would teleport him straight to hell with the backpack as well. If she felt he was savable, she would turn him or the backpack desolid and then teleport the backpack away.
  5. I agree with some of the things others have said here. As to the Germans, here is a specific item that we used in our campaign, the Spear of Destiny. This was the spear used against Christ while on the cross. Supposedly Himmler was very interested in getting hold of it. The Germans have legends of it cf Parsifial and Kingslor. But you could also look at the Godlike RPG which deals with supers during the war.
  6. In reply to my fellow countryman, Col Orange, I did have a pic done up for Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition featuring Vanessa Upton who has graced the cover of Bizarre a couple of times. And in the Union Jack bikini in which she graced the cover of Front magazine, she could me a pretty good Britannia. Since getting hold opf Strike Force. I usually look at the pic of the character first and then decide how much COM to give the female characters, heroes or villains. And if theyare supposed to be Drop Dead Gorgeous, then people know about it.
  7. We were all newbies once We all had to start somewhere. Champions is just a little bit easier to do for fledgling players and GMs. Start off with simple combats to let people see how the system works and then start building in more complex elements. That's when the players start getting wise to Surveillance and Stealth and the Per Rolls to notice who is causing the problems. Our first fights introduced main stays of the campaign like The Warlock and Cyclops (BOO HISS !), The Flame, Mindstorm and the Ranger (HURRAY !!) But they were simple affairs. Even if the Warlock did indeed escape injury by having the helicoptor slammed on top of him, and we did wreck the OverKill device.
  8. High Presence Loreli in Strike orce started at 50 Com and got to 70 Com. She had powers built around Unconscious Psychic/Pheremone powers. Some of these just upped her appearance or made men really think twice before attacking her. And she had a High Presence which kicked in when she was particularly frightened.
  9. Hide this !!!! If King Kong or Godzilla see this, they'll want to spend their XPs on it !
  10. What Hercules can do. And something else Marvel Comics once had Hercules strapped in a harness to pull the island of Manhatten back into position in New York after a villain stole it. And that is a more recent example. But DC's Spectre (pre Hal Jordon) takes the cake for power. Giant size smacking a planet on top of the sorceror Wotan.
  11. Dave, Here are the last of the silly names. And there are more than 60 but it does end the list. Now there is the one that are too general etc. So your postcount will increase again. But in your defense, there is only so much that can be done at once and you have your eyesight to think of. Right Hand Man Right Sort Robert E Glee (Southern US Clown) Rocky Mountain Rolling Clones, The Roman Tick Rome E O Sadistic Saracan Safety First Safety Last San Juan Hill Satan Claws Screaming Beagle Seven Caesar Shadow Pimp Sheik Hashud Sheik of Araby Sheriff Grip Sherlock Gnomes Shikago Sick Puppy Silver Dream Machine Sitcom Slap Happy Slave to the Rhythm Slippery When Wet Slow Knight Soft Touch Sour Kraut (after the cabbage dish) Spice Girl Sports Knight Star Spangled Batter (Patriotic Baseball Player) Sudden Explosion Sundown Kid, The (partner of Butch Cavity) Suicidalien Suite Supercar Superdooper Superfluous Man Superhero Lite Super Radiation Man Super Vampire Sweet Heart Swiss Army Knife Man Tails (of Top Hat and Tails) Tar Baby Tattered Terrorist Taxidermist Telepathic Robot Ten Gallon Hat Tickler, The Tiepin, The Tony Contralto (Gang Boss) Top Hat (of Top Hat and Tails) Torch Singer Torture Garden Tough Love Torso, The Treacherous Turk Triskaidekaphobia Lass Troy Ounce Tutti Frutti Unfriendly Fire Underground Stallion Underwater Yoddler Unnecessary Violence Unusual Punishment Vibro Monkey Walrus, The Warped Mentality Water Torture Whiner Whirl Conundrum Whole Tooth Wild Western Woody Alien Wrongdoer Yankee Doodle Yankee Doodle Dandy Yankee Doodle Pansy (Dandy's partner) Yowie
  12. We were travelling towards the villain's base and ran into the iceberg because we were talking. And I was never allowed to forget this incident. Player doing Wolverine kills a villain in a shopping centre filled with people. Basically the player overdid the Killing attack. Then turns to the horrified crowd and say 'Yes I am a Mutie'
  13. Organized ? I disagree with a couple of points people have been making. Europeans would wear masks for the same reason everyone else does. Protecting Secret Identity and family unless you have Public ID. In our campaign the Voidwalker and the Unicron were aliens and thus had Public ID. But the rest of the team had cowls and masks. Like the Flame, The Avenger, Avenger 2, Arachneida, Dr Density etc. Very few had open faces. The Magician did. But he had Public ID and everyone knew him as the Magician. Mindstorm did as well but she was an egoist. The team was also Government backed but was set up by the team and Pappademetriou Industries. Working with the Government could be, shall we say fraught ?
  14. It all depends.... I didn't use skill packages as the heroes could come from practically any background For instance The Flame was a Sales man. The Magician was a professional entertainer and vigilante. The Demoness having spent life on the run from the bad guys became the Magician's protogee. She wanted to learn medicine to heal people. Arachneida was a librarian The Angel was an intergalactic policeman Dr Density was a student The Unicorn was an Alien scout who quit to join the earthlings and took up Jazz music Sureshot was an archer and inventor Thaw was the Iron Man (ie millionaire backer) of the group Magnetic Mistress was a mutant fugitive. Wolverine (yes that Wolverine and poorly played at that) was a government employee As was Mindshock and Weather Wizard. British Bulldog was a brick layer So you see the skill sets are vast and different. No two the same, really.
  15. Foreign Icons I played one of these British Bulldog. And Britannia. Even though Marvel used it, you can still have Captain Britain. As to other countries, for France you could have Marianne. I believe that is the name. Spirit of the Revoloution. There are various paintings showing this woman. Fleur De Lis also gets used for French or semi-French like the Quebecois.
  16. Blucher In reply to St. Barbara, Fan of Jutland are we ? More importantly Blucher was the Prussian General at Waterloo.
  17. Silly Part 3 L to R Dave, Latest bit. Around 60. Loose Woman Lord of All Hopelessness Lovecraft Low Brow Mad Eyed Schemer Mademoiselle Dog Major Problem Malicious Medieval Mamoth Ninja Man from Amazonia Mark E De Sard Marine Copse Marine Corpse Marvel Louse Mean Mr. Mustard Mellow Yellow Mexican Wave Mia Moore Mighty Flea, The Million in Juan Miss Ann Thrope Miss Deed Miss Golightly Miss Judge Miss Represent Miss Rule Mister Amoeba Mister Monkey Mister Peppermint Man Molly Coddler Monk E Monkey Business Moscow Mule (cocktail) Moving Violation Mystery Dinosaur Naughty Louse Nearsighted Visionary Negie the Car New York Nicker Nihilistic Gardener Old Fossil Old McDonald One Man One Armed Army Corpse Orbiting Superhero Past Tense Patchwork Blitzkrieg Pebble Dash Perilous Pauline Phyllis Stein (the Monster's daughter) Pillaging Persian Pink Flamingo Man Pioneer Corpse Poseur Premature Burial President of the Bored Pro Lice Man Purple Octopus Purple People Eater Rhode Island Red Rick Tors Cale
  18. Based on the old Hostess Twinkie etc adverts in Marvel comics if I am not mistaken. And funnier still during Assistant Editors month when Galactus was actually defeated in this way......
  19. You have to ask your Mom to go out to fight the bad guys. And she says no, they are too mean.
  20. Too Similar ? Dave, These five may have been too similar to ones already there (in the list) and in one case to an established comics character (Deliberately so). Ambusher (Ambush) Cheat, The (Cheater) Colour, The (Colours) Crimson Gnome (Green Goblin) Scam Artist (Scam)
  21. Missing 33 A to I AAAARRRRRRGGGHHHH ! Sorry managed to miss the following 33 from the first batches on the silly side. Silly old me. Augsburg Mutant Big Chill Boomtown Butch Cavity Captain Carribean Captain Wonderman Cherry Baby Chinese Burn Chinese Whisper(s) Comrade Bloom Constable Wasp Cruel Cruel Crusader Cruel Summer Cruella De Ville Cut Rate Avenger Dangler Daylight Robbery Dehumaniser Detective Dwarf Dire Straits Disaster Area Egalitarian Egyptian Mole Even Steven Fair Play Frisian Gargantua Game Bird Gorgeous George Great Zamboni Heliognome Hung Jury Inch Perfect
  22. The Protectors started in late 1984 in London. They spread to encompass Manchester in the North East and Newcastle in the North West. They operated worldwide and off planet when needed. The Pride of London were a local police team in London. The 17 is what I am working on now. They are the UN team and operate world wide. They do have a special incursion unit which is not part of the 17 proper. And a backing agency. No UNTIL, no VIPER, no Takofenes, no Crown of Krim, no Tyrannon and no dimensional Queen whatever. Probably no Doc Destroyer as is.
  23. Your friend or mistress is Lolth, Demon Goddess of the Spiders and the Drow. Wait a moment ! That's me on the Necromancer Games Boards ! BWAA HAA HAA HAA HAA ! (Sorry had to get that out of my system)
  24. Jimmy Olsen can beat you with one had behind his back You consider a wet paper bag a death trap
  25. Normal more General Names warning Dave, After going through the Silly Names there will be juat over 250 names left which don't qualify as silly but might be too General or Specific or fail the Genre test. Some of these I will make a case for as I would like to see them included so they will only start going up after the Silly ones are finished. These I will again break down into digestable chunks, maybe 50 at a time or smaller if I am making a case for inclusion.
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