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Everything posted by jguerin

  1. Re: Kepler's Conjecture real 736, game 416...almost half..know we know why Steve says for vehicles or bases assume half the area as usuable space! Man is a genius! Steve the Uber-Geek Wins!!!
  2. Re: Kepler's Conjecture Hehe theres really nothing to narrow down..the subject was Kepler's Conjecture..I am just bored and wanted to give the math weenies something to get all hot and bothered about. There is no real right answer, thats why its a conjecture...if there was an answer, and you can proof it..you would succeed at what million's of mathematicians have been trying to do since the 1600's! I cheated and didnt tell you stuff like do I only want full hex's to fit, or how to handle the empty 'air' between hex sides, keep the "hexes" in game terms or real world math, etc. Its an psychological exercise into the minds of mathematicians and how they break down a problem. Hexagonal packing in a cylinder has caused many peoples heads to explode. But keeping the metrics strictly to game mechanics..it depends on if you can use the half hex and the top or not.
  3. Re: Kepler's Conjecture hehe..lets see..Sean says Gummi says and arch says thats 608, 638, and 737. Anyone else what to give it a try? The numbers are getting pretty close.
  4. How many 2 meter hero hexes would fit in a cylinder that is 10 meters in diameter and 65 meters long? anyone have a formula? ________________________________________________________________ Posting in Discussions so we can actually reply! ________________________________________________________________ This is what I am looking for..thanks! One question...is the volume of the "slice" pi(2.5^2) because a hex is 2.5 meters?
  5. How many 2 meter hero hexes would fit in a cylinder that is 10 meters in diameter and 65 meters long? anyone have a formula?
  6. Re: Need help building a spaceship propulsion unit. I was just picking arbitary numbers what I was focusing on was could I buy the endurance reserve without a specified REC and use the lim of needing to refuel or, if this is against the spirit of rule (which I think it is) buy REC at just 1 or whatever with the lim of needing to refuel. Even with large amounts of END it's going to be cheap because the reserve will only be to power the drives, since its a fuel source for the drive and not the rest of the ship, and will have the power lim of needing to refuel.
  7. Re: Need help building a spaceship propulsion unit.
  8. Re: Need help building a spaceship propulsion unit.
  9. Re: Need help building a spaceship propulsion unit. The only problem I see with and Endurance Reserve is to factor in multiple engine consumption, ie 2 engines going 2" uses 4 units of fuel, if a vessel had 3 engines going 2" it would use 6 units of fuel..but still only travel 2". The number of engines is a special effect of the size of a ship..all ships will have the same velocity, just that as the ship gets larger, it has to mount more engines to maintain the same velocity.
  10. Re: Need help building a spaceship propulsion unit. Defining inches of flight as acceleration instead of velocity is a good suggestion and easy enough to implement. Should I just use charges for the fuel?
  11. I am trying to build a spaceship engine with a specified effect and can use some suggestions. The ship will be based loosely on Newtonian physics with constant acceleration. If the ship flys 10” in one phase, 20” in phase two, 30” in phase three, etc as long as it keeps acceleration with the only upper limit to acceleration will be the fuel it carries. This is pretty standard to build with the cumulative advantage. The troubling part is how to write up the fuel source. The fuel is extremely easy to acquire and readily available cheaply at just about any location a ship can dock at but the ship needs to consume the fuel only when it accelerates or decelerates. For example, the ship with two engines embarks on a voyage with 20 units of fuel. The ship accelerates to a speed of two hexes per turn. Since both engines burned the fuel, however, this means that four units of fuel have been used (one for each inch of flight per engine). The ship later on increases acceleration by 3” burning an additional 6 units of fuel. The ship is now traveling at 5” and has used 10 units of fuel. The ship now has just enough fuel to decelerate at its destination. Any suggestions on how to build the fuel consumption for this type of drive?
  12. Re: Help building a Starship engine Similiar to my SF atomic engines. 60 Atomic Drive: Multipower, 60-point reserve 4u 1) Spaceflight Mode: Flight 5", Cumulative (+1/2), Increased number of Inches x3000 (+3), MegaScale (1"=10,000km, can scale down to 1"=1km;+1 1/2), Only works in Space(-1/2) 40 cp 2u 2)Jump Drive: Extra-DImensial Movement (Any location in the Void, corresponding to location in normal space where the ship enters), 25cp, Requires a PS: Astrogation Roll (-1/4) 20cp 2u 3) Thrusters: Flight 10". 20cp Total Cost: 68
  13. Re: My group voted ... It's Star Hero! You will not be sorry if you get the book..the PD's are very numerous and the gadgets right ups are worth the price of admission alone.
  14. Re: Star Frontiers HERO Other goodies are location at the following thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=814
  15. Re: Star Frontiers HERO Dr. Unpossibles version (which I use) : Sathar (plural: Sathar, singular: It) -3 pts___-1 DEX -1 pt____-1 INT +2 pts___+2 PRE +4 pts___+2 EGO 6 pts____Enhanced Perception: 240 degree perception, all sight: Inherent (+1/4) 5 pts____Extra Limbs: Lifting appendages: Inherent (+1/4), Only for lifting or striking, no fine manipulation (-1/4) 6 pts____Life Support: Immunity to anything attacking central nervous system: Inherent (+1/4) 8 pts____Life Support: Self Contained Breathing: Inherent (+1/4), Still needs air to breathe (-1/2) 9 pts____Mind Control: 2d6 Mind Control: Cumulative (+1/2), 8x Maximum: up to 96 (+3/4), Can use through real-time video/audio communications devices (+1), Hypnosis effects only (-1/2), Concentrate: 1/2 DCV while speaking (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 Minute (-1 1/2) -20 pts__Physical Limitation: Destroy all non-Sathar and non-slave sentients (frequent, fully) -20 pts__Reputation: Xenophobic killers on 14- (almost always, extreme) -10 pts__Physical Limitation: Sathar (infrequent, slight) Total Cost: -14 points Explanation: Because Sathar have two pupils in each eye and because their eyes are set on each side of their head, Sathar have a much wider angle of vision than most other races. This must be taken into account when trying to sneak around Sathar. One of the things that always drove me crazy in the Star Frontiers books and adventures is the way artists draw Sathar. The written description very clearly states that they only move by slithering and that they rise up by coiling the rear 2 meters of their body, and then every picture shows Sathar using their heavier limbs as legs. Although it is possible for Sathar to use their lifting arms to support their bodies, it would be much like us walking on our hands, dragging our legs behind us. The heavier limbs are for lifting or striking with, not for supporting their bodies with. The two Life Support powers were the best I could do to represent the Sathar immunity to Doze Grenades and Electro-Stunners. It also made a lot of sense for an annelid-like race (worm-like) to not breathe the normal way and not to have a central nervous system. Sathar do have lungs, and do need to breathe, but their lungs are able to extract needed gasses from any air without being effected by any poison in the air. All substances and attacks that work by effecting the central nervous system (including Electro-Stunners, which attack the nerves, but not electrical attacks, which burn the target) will not affect a Sathar. (Note that Martial Art Nerve Strikes will not work against Sathar.) Note that these abilities are not known as fact by most individuals in the Frontier. Autopsies hint at the Sathar lung capacity, and the lack of a central nervous system is well-known among Frontier scientists and Star Law, but not among the general public. The Sathar ability to hypnotize a subject by speaking to them is well-known. A Sathar will take about 5 minutes of speaking to be able to affect the average target. (An average roll of 7 points, once per minute for 5 minutes brings the total to 35, which is EGO+20 for almost all individuals, which is very close to the time and amounts given in the Star Frontiers description.) Note that according to Cumulative rules and Mental Powers, the Mind Control does not take affect until the needed level has been reached, so it must be determined before the Sathar even starts speaking to the target. Using standard Mind Control rules, a Sathar must speak in a shared language with the target. A polyvox is not usable, the commands and conversation must be given in the Sathar’s voice, inflection and words. The words of the Sathar will be calming to all listeners, and the instructions will be obvious to anyone else listening to the Hypnosis attempt. Note that the Hypnotism still requires the Sathar to expend additional END. If the GM is using Long Term Endurance rules, this END cost should be considered Long Term Endurance. (Yes, this means that Hypnotism takes a lot out of the Sathar - not all energy expenditure is obvious.) Sathar are specifically allowed to ignore the standard LOS rules (BBB on pages 78 and 79). Sathar are able to hypnotize others through vidscreens and other communication devices that allow both sight and sound to be exchanged in addition to face-to-face circumstances. A Sathar cannot record a speech and hypnotize anyone because part of the ability relies on the Sathar’s ability to read the body language of the target. Sathar are given a +1 Advantage specifically for this ability, but I would not recommend that GMs allow this Advantage to be allowed in any other campaign. Because the Characteristics are defined as Powers, a Sathar effectively has a maximum DEX of 19, INT of 19, PRE of 22, and EGO of 22. Sathar are able to slither and swim as quickly as Humans. The Sathar Xenophobia is bought as a Physical Limitation because a Sathar cannot overcome this through will-power, nor can a Sathar be Mind Controlled or Hypnotized to act differently. It is listed as only frequent because Sathar do not instantly kill all sentients – after all, slaves have to be convinced of the wisdom of the Sathar way, not killed before they become slaves. The Sathar lack of legs is part of the Sathar Physical Limitation. Sathar cannot perform a running leap because of the way they move – on their bellies. By coiling up, a Sathar can perform a standing leap, but when moving there is not enough spring in their body to leap at all. To make up for this, Sathar have two lifting appendages and two manipulatory appendages. The lifting appendages have no digits, only large pads that can fold around objects to grip and lift. The manipulatory arms have four digits, but because these arms are slimmer and weaker they are not suited for lifting heavy objects. Sathar can only use STR-5 with their manipulatory arms, but full STR with their lifting appendages. I almost did not give Sathar a Reputation Disadvantage, as races that have not come into contact with Sathar or the Frontier would not recognize Sathar as being genocidal xenophobes. Since all Sathar so far encountered are genocidal xenophobes, however, I figured that some kind of Disadvantage is appropriate.
  16. Re: Code VS Killing Poll Super Heroes dont kill....Option #1
  17. Re: What kind of Star Hero 'teams' are you gaming? My Star Hero game is based on the old TSR Star Frontiers Universe..
  18. Re: Help me build a force field please. Doesnt absorption only absorb BODY from an attack and aren't you required to transfer the points to some other characteric or power?
  19. Re: Help me build a force field please. Actually this is okay because in the book, that is what the rebels do...they just shoot as many little lasers at the shield wearer as possible to burn it off.. but I dont understand how to make charges burn off with a hit? it that a rule somewhere are just a declared special effect?
  20. I am looking to build a character that has a device that he can wear on his belt to activate a force field. It is based on a Ben Cassid novel, Armor, The force field makes the wearer totally invulnerable to laser attacks, but offers no protection from other energy attacks likes fire, nor bullets or knives. The shield last as long as it has power, which in the book last about an hour on battery but each time the shield absorbes a laser it loses additional power until it can no longer support the field and fails. Making the wearer vulnerable to lasers again. Any suggestions on how to build this in hero?
  21. Re: Star Frontiers HERO In case anyone is interested...Wizards of the Coast is doing a d20 Future product that mentions Dralasites and Yazarians! I am not a fan of d20, but it is good to see Star Frontiers in print. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20040711a
  22. Starting this one again... because I will never let Star Frontiers die... Here is my groups take on the legionary, simple, yet oh so effictive Doze Grenade. The other tread had it as EB, some use Major Transform, and there was even a niffty Stimulate Death option but my players didnt care for those..this is what they came up with: Doze Grenade. A doze grenade releases a cloud of fast-acting knockout gas. A doze grenade is only effective on the turn that the grenade goes off. A shot of stimdose will revive a sleeping individual immediately. It weighs about .05 kg. Game Information: Drain STUN 6d6, NND (Defense is Life Support [self-contained Breathing or appropriate Immunity]; +1), Area of Effect (One Hex;+1/2), Heals back in 20 minutes(+3/4); Continuous (+1) (255 Active Points); OAF (-1), Range Based on STR (-1/4), Limited Target (Living beings)(-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4),1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (removed by winds or rain; -1 1/4), Side Effect (stimdose immediately reverses effect; -1). Total Cost 51 points. Anyone have a better write up or additional commits?
  23. Re: Star Frontiers Since you brought up the needler...how do you handle the anesthetic needles? This is the write my game is using: Needler Pistols only make a soft, coughing noise when it is fired. Needler pistols magnetically propel a cluster of small needles at high speed. They are less effective at long range because the needles spread like shotgun pellets. Each clip holds enough needles and power for 10 shots. Two types of needles can be used: barbed needles or anesthetic needles. Needles will not penetrate skeinsuits or inertia screens. Effect: Game Information: Barbed Needle: RKA 2d6, Invisible to Hearing Group (+1/2), (45 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (8; STR doesn’t add to damage; -1, )Reduced by Range (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), 10 Charges (-1/4) total cost: 11 points) plus +3 OCV (15 Active Points), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) (total cost: 7 points). Total cost: 18 points. OR Anesthetic Needle: Drain STUN 3d6, Invisible to Hearing Group (+1/2), Ranged (+1/2) (60 Active Points) OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (8; STR doesn’t add to damage; -1), Reduced by Range (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), Must Target Unprotected Hit Locations (-1/4), 10 Charges (-1/4) (total cost: 14 points) plus +3 OCV (15 Active Points), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) (total cost: 7 points) Total cost: 21 points. or should I go with a multipower: Game Information: Cost Needler Pistol 15 Needler Pistol: Multipower, 60-point reserve; Invisible to Hearng Group (+1/2) All OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (8; STR Minimum doesn’t add to damage; -1), Reduced by Range (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), 10 Charges for entire reserve (-1/4) 2u 1) Barbed Needle: RKA 2d6+1, Invisible to Hearing Group (+1/2); All OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (8; STR Minimum doesn’t add to damage; -1), Reduced by Range (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4); plus +3 OCV (15 Active Points), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) (total cost: 7 points). Total cost: 20 points 2u 2) Anesthetic Needle: Drain STUN 3d6, Invisible to Hearing Group (+1/2), Ranged (+1/2) OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (8; STR doesn’t add to damage; -1), Reduced by Range (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), Must Target Unprotected Hit Locations (-1/4); plus +3 OCV (15 Active Points), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) (total cost: 7 points) Total cost: 21 points. Total cost: 19
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