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Everything posted by JCR

  1. Greetings! I am looking to create a power that only works when a character has suffered negative STUN it automatically activates during his next phase to recover him X amount of STUN. I would also make it a 1 use per 24hrs. The idea ultimately is that in cases in which he has suffered more than negative -11 STUN, this power would activate during his next phase acting as a recovery instead of having to wait until post-segment 12 to use a recovery. Its a power that can never be consciously used or forced to be activated, it has that specific trigger, and it can be as low as negative -1 STUN to negative -20 STUN (I don't think I will be fighting anything that will smack me for any greater than that in one hit, and if I am, I should've known better than to pick a fight w/ it). The most basic example I think of is how the Power Armor recognizes he has been KOed and jolts him back into action by administering a shot of adrenaline, this is just an example. EDIT: whats the best way to get a defense so someone doesn't read your mind for the least amounts of points (i will add it as an extra defense system built into the PA)? I am fuzzy on how to go about that one and I just want it for that purpose only, I can still be attacked mentally normally, I just can't stand the idea of even an ally reading my mind.
  2. Haha, good one! The first exaggerated character we had in the group was a dwarf he nicknamed 'stumpy' and rolled max strength plus choose all the physical skills that boosted it even further, ironically he was a thief that never picked stealth if you can believe that!
  3. Thank you for the welcome! Another thing we did with Palladium Fantasy was add special, non-game breaking, unique abilities to each class to make them more special instead of just a tittle and specific skills and tweaked some to make better sense for us. Some quick examples would be warrior monks were considered the warrior caste of the church (whichever it was), a knight simply became a title of an officer in the armed forces who were more often than not nobles and trained in cavalry, a Diabolist was renamed into Runemaster and actually had some rudimentary spell casting as well. We played campaigns in which finding a dwarven made sword was one of the most impressive things to find and others in which we had characters running around w/ rune weapons. Oh my do I miss that. At least I have an equally awesome small group of people now dedicated to champions/hero system which I hope can grow just a the old one did.
  4. I am not surprised that D&D is still alive and kicking considering its history, but I am surprised that I can't stand it. I played back when there was something some will remember as THACO, then, many years later, I played 4e for about 2 years before it became boring. Somewhere in between I played some D&D (pre-3e) a few times, but never got into it. I tried 5e w/ four different groups (each their own styles and preferences) in the last year and I just can't stand how boring I find the classes and races. I do like many things about the rule system, but I was never able to find a class I actually liked enough to stick w/ it for more than a few sessions (only class I enjoyed was a swordmage back in 4e; and no, the puny attempts of the 5e eldritch fighter are pathetic at best). I have played for most of my life w/ a few groups since 1992-present and seems I have come full circle. The 1st tabletop RPG game I ever played was Champions (I believe 4e; also I don't think Hero's Quest counts, right?) and only played for a few weeks, but liked the game so much my 1st GM actually dedicated the book and gifted it to me (its still being held on by 3 different types of tape). After that I discovered RIFTS and played that for a few years on and off, but then discovered Palladium Fantasy and we were hooked on that for over a decade in which we had campaigns that lasted years and even stretched to playing descendants of previous characters. One of the many reasons I believe we played PF so long was because not only we loved fantasy, but also only one of us in the entire group had any idea there was a book called Lord of the Rings (the rest of us learned of it by watching the movies), thus we never had that Tolkien concept of dwarves, elves, etc. We always made our own versions of how our races would be and more often than not the races wouldn't have a racial stereotype and were instead influenced by the culture in which they grew up rather than any innate racial behavior. Dwarven women having beards...I think not, thank you! Hahaha! Now after about 2yrs w/o being able to play I was able to get a small group (and hope to find more people but its really hard) for the last 7 months playing champions! I love this system because imagination is the limit and we were lucky enough that our GM has been playing this system since early 80's so balance (though it took a few versions to fine tune) was not much of an issue; specially since we use the gazillion of old and new books he has of the hero system (and the hero software we bought is also a great help). Our newest member to the system is an old D&D player that actually enjoys 5e, but has come to like the Hero System so much he's actually planning of running his 5e campaign using HS instead. Could it be that maybe another reason D&D is seeing growth again is because its also bringing back a lot of those D&D players that decided to stick w/ 3e/3.5e when 4e came out?
  5. I will definitely pass on the info to the GM (who owns the actual meetups page) and thank you very much, these are some additional points I hand't considered.
  6. Those are some great ideas and I thank you a million for the suggestions and I will pass them along to our main GM and other player and see if we can do at least one of them. For various reasons (work, family, etc.) some may prove too much for any of the three current members of the group, but I won't just disregard them and will actually try to see if we can manage to do one or two at the very least. Thanks again, have a great one!
  7. Done the FB, FLGS, and meetups and have found zilch thus far. Feels to me like each year there are less and less tabletop rpg gamers around unless its D&D (can't stand 5e). Thank you for the info though, its much appreciated.
  8. Greetings! Thanks for the replies. What does "FLGS" stand for? Any chance you can please share some of these links, I would really appreciate it?!
  9. Greetings! So far facebook, meetups, and, sadly, this forum don't seem do well when trying to find other hero game groups (at least in my experience thus far). Does anyone know of any other places where one can search/find hero game groups/players? Our current 3 member group is in the Orlando, FL area and we would like to expand/add more members or join any other existing hero game groups within our driving reach. Thank you!
  10. Greetings! We are a 3 member group looking for 1-2 more members for our weekly game. The group usually meets in the Orlando (FL) Winter Garden area (the middle point between all the current members). We have been playing consistently now for over 4 months once per week w/o any sign of stopping any time soon, which is great if you are looking for a steady group. We play champions w/ a twist and a bit more gritty and deadly than average (vigilantes welcome). Currently we meet every Thursday between 7pm and 12ish (we will also be trying to get a Palladium Fantasy or Rifts game same day 2pm to 6:30pm or Fridays or Saturday after 3pm). Also, the adventure is built in such a way that all members can take turns running the game w/o having to change setting or characters; though we do get to visit other dimensions from time to time and these places range anywhere from magic and fantasy to space age. This also allows you the opportunity to 'switch alts' between adventures if you so wish. Your character can be as immature or insane as you wish, but the group prefers mature players (no this doesn't mean old, lol).
  11. Update: 4 awesome sessions after he began as a martial artist he has finally been able to rid himself of the curse (Unluck 2d6) of the black paladin's sword, during which time he spent half his time getting his brains bashed in (he kept getting 1-shotted to unconsciousness by the same villain) and constantly tripping over own feet mid-maneuver, his sanity has begun to waver. It seems the effects of battle and the taint of evil from the curse have irrevocably altered him forever. 1st off he needs some STUN or he will keep getting KOed at every turn (very frustrating). 2nd I would like to give him at least 1 ranged power of some sort and I was thinking maybe since he's a martial artist a "haduken" might fit; maybe even a negative chi "haduken" due to the taint of evil might be better. 3rd he will now be known as the Grinning Fool as he will always have a very disturbing grin plastered on his face and he tends to mumble to himself almost inaudibly as well as giggle and have loud bursts of maniacal laughter. His body language will also be all sort of creepy and unusual. 4th now he has a mysterious shadow creature follow him that can be spotted randomly throughout the adventure. I will be using the curse as a plot point to develop abilities and powers as well as complications; I am open to suggestions. I will be also taking out a few skills to have some extra points back for some changes.
  12. Ok, after much debate and playing around w/ ideas and points, advantages, complications, etc. here's what I ended up with. Played tested it as we began our new campaign and so far I had a blast w/ it. There's some room still to tweak. The brain implant is something we agreed on having for each character that allows us to download temporary (skills only) knowledge into our brains relevant to our mission in order to be able to travel from dimension (each w/ its own tech/magic/monsters/ etc.). Example: if we go into a medieval setting I would download the skill how to ride a horse, if it was a futuristic setting I would download how to use an energy weapon, just to give a quick example. I thank everyone that contributed and helped out! Also, any extra ideas/suggestions are most welcome! Grim.pdf
  13. Ok, after much debate and playing around w/ ideas and points, advantages, complications, etc. here's what I ended up with. Played tested it as we began our new campaign and so far I had a blast w/ it. There's some room still to tweak. The brain implant is something we agreed on having for each character that allows us to download temporary (skills only) knowledge into our brains relevant to our mission in order to be able to travel from dimension (each w/ its own tech/magic/monsters/ etc.). Example: if we go into a medieval setting I would download the skill how to ride a horse, if it was a futuristic setting I would download how to use an energy weapon, just to give a quick example. I thank everyone that contributed and helped out! Also, any extra ideas/suggestions are most welcome! Grim.pdf
  14. I just took a look and I am really liking what I see. Today was our weekly game (4th time we meet since forming group) and we decided to change a few things. We are switching to Super Agents (less points) instead of superheros and it will be more dirty and gritty (more chance of dying than of getting knocked out). In the new version the character will switch to master of bladed combat instead of ranged, but I will give it some sort of ranged attack such as throwing knife or some such so he has something ranged too. So this build u made I would only need to reduce certain stats and a few minor tweaks and I think its good to go!!! Thanks again! Once I make the changes and the GM approves it for the game I will be posting it here.
  15. Ok, i will look into that. Thanks for ideas and suggestions. Edit: As of tonight the group has decided to eliminate END unless for some specific things and the game will switch from superheroes to super agents (less points total), but I will keep this in mind if they, for whatever reason, decide to switch back (we are a new group and are still testing stuff and flexing our creative muscles so to speak so the game is going thru some growing pains).
  16. As soon as i get hone and the conputer i will chek it out. I knew i had to be doing sonethibg wrong, i just had no idea what. Thank you for suggestions and ideas. Looking foward to seeing that gadgeteer. Also, the diplomatic immunity is because he is an alien from another "galactic country" and his family just got it (bribed...cough) from the local planetary authorities.
  17. Took a pic of character sheet in case someone wants to see but doesn't have the character designer:
  18. Took a pic of character sheet in case someone wants to see but doesn't have the character designer:
  19. I made a version using the Hero Designer software. I have no idea if its even legal system-wise, but I will link it here in case anyone wants to give it a look see and let me know what they think. Mr.hdc
  20. I made a version using the Hero Designer software. I have no idea if its even legal system-wise, but I will link it here in case anyone wants to give it a look see and let me know what they think. Mr.hdc
  21. Still working on the concept when I have time, which I don't have almost any it seems lately. I am going to need to trim fat to make it work.
  22. Still working on the concept when I have time, which I dont have almost any it seems lately. I am going to need to trim fat to make it work.
  23. More great ideas to work with, thank you.
  24. Great ideas, thank you. I have to research that idea for shotgun, sounds like what am looking for. The gadget pool vs multipower, I think the multipower is more akin to what am looking for, basically a weapon that can be reshaped to become a different weapon with its own traits, not looking into something that I can change to suit the mission like a pool point would allow (I assume this is more or less how it works). I don't want to tweak powers once the weapon is created, just create it so it has multiple powers (gun/shotgun/rifle/etc.). Though i can definitely see the greater advantages of a point pool in the long run. The " affects psychic powers" grenade am looking for something that once I encounter a psychic I can throw at him/her that can disrupt, affect, or lessen their psychic ability. A quick simple idea could be something that just makes their OMCV drop so its harder to hit someone withe their mental powers. You have certainly given me more to work w/ and consider; thank you!
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