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Posts posted by Grimble

  1. Re: A super-powered normal


    One of my favorite subtle superpowers is Luck. Sure, 1 or 2 dice of Luck just makes you a pretty lucky guy. 60 active pts of Luck is a superpower. Strange thing happen around you, you never lose a game of cards and you keep finding $10 and $20 bills on the ground, but would you consider yourself a metahuman or ever think of putting on a cape and your underwear on over your pants?

  2. Re: A really tough kookie with a twist


    With your stats alone (Not counting STR!) and the 60pt adaption pool would put you around 250 pts. Ypou have to be more realistic with your expectations. Now, take all that stuff you wanted and pair it down to what you REALLY want the character to have.


    We can go from there.

  3. Re: Nazi Flying Saucers


    If you are able to find it watch "Nazi Dreadnaught UFOs and the Illuminati Conspiracy". The whole thing is a real crack-pot on a couch talking about the Nazi UFOs and how they fly and his conspiracy theories. It is priceless.


    I had a player base a character in an Alternate-Earth hopping game play this guy,but he was from an Earth where all of his strange theories were real.

  4. Re: Bizarre Spell Ideas


    One of my favorite spells in the Forgotten Realms was Snillock's Snowball. Like magic missile, only it produces a snowball that automatically hits target for 1 pt damage.


    HERO system, I'd make it a 1 pip killing attack and a few CSLs for just this spell.

  5. Re: A super-powered normal


    Another guy I ran for, years back played a hard-boiled,gun-toting detective-type. He wanted the schtick that he just doesn't seem to get hit during firefights. He bought lots of CSLs for DCV only. He had to replace many trenchcoats and a few hats that ended up with bullet holes, but he only took one bullet during the entire run of the game (A magically enhanced bullet with his name on it).

  6. Re: A super-powered normal


    would melinda gordon's [the ghost whisperer]ability to speak with the dead make her a super powered normal as a medium?


    In my opinion, she would be a super "normal" but not really the type I'm looking for on this thread. I'm looking for stuff that the character that has it wouldn't even think of it as a power.


    James Bond is following a bad-guy down the streets of a foreign city. He sees the target climb into a limo and pull away. Just so happenes that a cab is running at the curb right next to him. James climbs in and drives after the limo...Meanwhile, in the real world. Bond's player just succeeded in summoning a vehicle appropriate to the situation. His character didn't shout a magic word or perform a ritual to a dark god. As far as Bond is concerned, it's just common practice for people to leave the keys in cars and boats and planes.

  7. Re: A super-powered normal


    How many points is he on?


    James Bond, like the other members of the World Watchers was built on 300 pt base and 150 disads. He also has a couple weopon pools and a couple gadget pools as well as an armored Aston Martin with ejection seat.:thumbup:

  8. Re: Yet Another HPA -- Into The Unknown: Expeditioneering Rules


    BAck when Beyond the Mountains of Madness came out, a friend of mine converted it for the Deadlands game he was running. We actually spent 4 whole session running around New York City finding items we needed and stocking the ship. Plus, after that we still had to go to Australia to pick up tons and tons of Pemican we had special ordered. The planning and supplying was fun and exciting due to a rival group trying to sabotage our expedition.

  9. One of my current players is playing James Bond in a Champions game. He has one actual super power. He has a vehicle summon to simulate Bonds ability to find a ride fast. Be it a car or boat or plane or tank, there just happens to be one for him to "borrow" right by him.


    What other superpowers have you given to super "normals" in Champions games? I'm mostly looking for subtle stuff. Not flashy gagdets or the like.

  10. Re: Beginning the "End of Days"


    I like to use a mysterious (or not so mysterious) benefactor who brings the group together and funds their base and equipment. He usually has some secret reasons of his own, but the group gets (mostly) free reign to fight crime and save lives.


    A variation on this theme is if you have a PC who took filthy rich. As GM you have a 1-on-1 with the player before the first session. See if they wouldn't mind being the founding father of a new super-group. The other PCs would get invitations to the new base (or founding PCs mansion or office building or whatever) and the rich PC gives the pitch to the other supers to join forces and yadda,yadda,yadda. This method is very easy on the GM. :thumbup:

  11. Re: Changing Into The Powersuit


    I'd build a special van that has an armorer lab(specifically for the power armor suit. It is open and lying in the back of the van. All she has to do is get top the van, climb in, lay down in the suit. It shuts and seals onto her and either the roof or back door open and the van positions the suit for easy egress.


    Sure, she still has to get to the van, but it does make a huge armored suit portable.

  12. Re: Help me get into Bricks.


    Even just your generic super strong brick is VERY versatile. If he has a hard time hitting a quick target, just pick up a something big and hit the targets hex. Need a ranged attack, throw a car or manhole cover(or pull a fastball special and throw a fiesty teammate). superleaping between buildings can get you to the extreme highground without flight. Don't forget move-throughs and bys. Grabs and squeezes are potent brick moves, as well.


    This is all before you look into the dozens of brick tricks in the Ultimate Brick book. Just spend a few points on brick tricks (Power skill).

  13. Re: Super Psychos


    The Amazing Burn: A young man who can shoot jets of fire from his hands. The thing is, he is only partially immune to his own power. As fire pores from his hands, his skin and flesh blacken and boil. He does have 1body/turn regen.


    His mental problems include an addiction to the pain his power causes and pyromania.:idjit:

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