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Posts posted by rjcurrie

  1. Re: Anyone combine Champs with Call of Cuthulu?


    Actually, I'll forgive one of the campaigns because the "Cthulhu mythos through the centuries" was one of the main thrusts of the campaign. The GM, a good friend of mine, called it a "mega-campaign" and consisted of a series of mini-campaigns with players recruited from all over the city. Nobody was allowed to play in more than two mini-campaigns and he had no trouble filling all of them. Each mini-campaign used a diifferent game. Systems used included:


    Teenagers from Outer Space (for the Cthulhoid monsters first arriving on Earth)

    Fantasy Hero

    Chivalry & Sorcery 1st Edition

    Call of Cthulhu

    Champions (Golden Age)

    Danger International (for futuristic police)



    Space Opera


    and maybe one or two more.

  2. Re: I need a name for a society of adventurers


    The basic idea is to create some kind of society that might offer membership to virtually any pulp hero -- whether he be a hard-boiled detective who rarely leaves Manhattan or a grobetrotting explorer.


    Is there any one real (or from old legends or myth) who epitomizes "adventure"?



  3. Re: I need a name for a Robin Hood-like fantasy character


    Can you describe the confines in which you want the name? For example' date=' do you want a name similar to "Smiling Fox", like "Mischievous Madcat" or do you want something different entirely?[/quote']


    I open to suggestions -- although McCoy points out good reasons to stick with the "Fox" part.



  4. Re: I need a name for a Robin Hood-like fantasy character


    In the old fables' date=' the fox was always called Renard or Reynard, that being the word for fox in French. How about Renard de Sourire (which, if Babelfish can be trusted, means Smiling Fox).[/quote']


    For reasons I don't feel like going into here, French doesn't really work for this situation.



  5. Re: I need a name for a Robin Hood-like fantasy character


    I think Smiling Fox is going to be difficult to beat. The Fox is a trickster figure in a lot of stories' date=' there is the Zorro connection, the Disney version of Robin Hood had a Fox as the lead character. Stay with the Fox.[/quote']


    I'd forgotten Disney used a fox for Robin Hood. And until I looked it up just now, I didn't realize that "zorro" was spanish for "fox".


    Smiling Fox was a suggestion by a friend of mine when I told him I was looking for something like the Black Fox from the Court Jester. It just seems to be missing something.


    Maybe the Laughing Fox?

  6. Hi folks:


    I have been working on a potential Fantasy Hero convention game where the PCs are a group of rebels fighting against a usurper. Theorhetically, the leader of their group is a character called the Smiling Fox. However, in a twist, at any one time, any one of the characters can appear as the Smiling Fox.


    In any event, the name "Smiling Fox" is a placeholder -- I'd like somehing better unless people think it works.


    Comments? Suggestions?



  7. Re: I need a team name


    Oh' date=' there must be a team of eeeeeevil lifeguards who are called SlayWatch![/quote']


    Anyone who's ever played in one of my convention games knows that I would NEVER use anything like that. :D

  8. Hey Folks:


    I'm looking for a team name for a group superheroes based out of a Malibu beach house and take part in more light-hearted adventures. The closest thing I can think of in tone might be Peter David's Young Justice -- that balances humor with some seriousness. Any suggestions?

  9. Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


    In no particular order, here's what I would like to see (of course, I'm not sure anyone else would :)):


    1. The Ultimate Team -- as an ultimate book, it should focus on team-building in all genres. Perhaps it would give a number of ways that teams could be looked at. From command roles to power (or archetype) roles to psychological roles, these could be combined in various ways to make a variety of teams. For example, the leader could be the strong silent brick or he could be the flashy publicity-hungry blaster or perhaps the driven determined weapon master. It could also discuss the impact that these different types of personalities and archetypes in roles would have on campaign play. For instance a campaign with a Picard-like leader who discusses the options with the rest of the team before he makes his decisions has a very different dynamic than one with a Kirk-like leader who makes a decision and drags the team along with it. Such a book could discuss different types of teams and their effects on the campaign dynamic. For example, a team where everyone gets along is very different than one where there are obvious conflicts. For example, moral dilemmas are more fun (to me anyway) when characters are likely to be split on what should be done. It could also discuss what might be appropriate communication techniques for a team in different genres and a high level view of bases. The book could also discuss villain teams in that many of the same rules apply to them. This would include Masterminds with henchmen. And one that I just thought of, appropriate support NPCs for teams. In many ways, the construction of the player character team determines the adventures that are appropriate for that team and as such, it is worthy of a book-length discussion.


    2. The Ultimate Base

    This would not only discuss how to build different aspects of bases using the Hero rules, but also how base construction reflects the group using the base. Again, as an ultimate book, it should cover all genres. It should also cover things like corporate HQs for those wealthy PCs who run corporations.


    3. The Ultimate Organization

    You can tell that I like Ulitmate books, can't you. This is actually a book idea that Steve Long mentioned to me one time. It would include thinks like tracking resources for an organization and how determine the effect that different actions could have on those resources. Ideally, it would be written in such a way that it could be applied to PC-owned corporations, PC-run countries (or smaller political units) in fantasy games, villainous organizations, hero teams that have agents and such, government agencies, and others.


    4. Champions of the North

    A look at Canada and Canadian supers in the Champions universe with an emphasis on what makes Canada and Canadian supers different than the U.S. and their supers. I think I'd like to see it have a different title but I can't think of one right now. If Canada is simply going to be treated as America Jr., there is little point to bothering to go there.


    5. The Champions Universe Media Sourcebook

    Okay. This needs a better name. Essentially this would outline a number of specific media outlets in the Champions Universe and how they interact with the superpowered community. This could include a cable news network, a cable channel dedicated to superheroes, a newspaper with a columnist ranting against heroes, a WWE-like organization that stages superpowered fighting contests with staged storylines like those of professional wrestling, and so on. This would include write-ups and major NPCs for each and appropriate plot threads. It could also include a discussion of things like books and TV shows that have superhero themes. Finally, it could things like reporter packages and such for those PCs who want to play media characters.


    That's it for now -- might have more ideas later.

  10. Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


    It seems to me that these two books (both great ideas) might be effectively condensed into one' date=' since many elements (e.g. Training equipment, danger rooms) are common to both, and a large part of what concerns a typical superteam is care and development of its superbase.[/quote']


    However I'm not sure that such a book would provide the focus on villain bases, which in my mind, are far more important than the team's base.

  11. Re: The Forumverse name game


    Curtis Bryson was a promising young comic book artist who discovered that he had the ability to bring the characters he created on the page to life by concentrating on them. Curtis donned a costume and now armed only with his sketchpad and his imagination, he fights crime under the name of Kirby (in honor of the greasted superhero artist of all time).

  12. Re: Digital Hero Materials in your Champions Campaigns


    I know it's not what you're looking for' date=' but I have a strong distrust of anything requiring the purchase of "credits" or "points" or something similar. I personally would rather have something hardcopy that I can take with me, not digital and reserved for one computer only.[/quote']


    DH is not reserved for one computer only. Once you have purchased an issue you can download it any time you want on any computer you want. You can also freely copy the issue (it's a PDF file) from one to another without problem.

  13. Re: Does Seeker still suck?


    If you treat Seeker like a joke, he'll be a joke. Same as Nighthawk.


    Personally, I have no problem with either one of them. They both seem like valid comic book superhero concepts. I fail to see how either of their origins is any worse than "geeky teenager get bits by radioactive spider, develops powers, and then makes major scientific discovery" or 99% of other origins in comics.

  14. Re: Mental Defense


    Getting back to the original topic of Mental Defense, the assumption that I've worked on for the past 23 years is that while people may have an innate Mental Defense, using it is not an instinctual part of human development because mental powers are something that are not a part of the everyday world and humans have not evolved the instinct to use it like we do for physical and energy defenses. Once a human learns how to use mental defense, they get the innate defense of EGO/5 as well. Perhaps on a world where mental powers are a part of the natural evolution (or even a world where such powers were added to the mix a long, long time ago), then an instinctual form of Mental Defense (that is, everyone has a MD of EGO/5) should exist -- but I do not think it should be true for every world.

  15. Re: Mental Powers


    I tend to think of the divisions as:


    Human-like minds

    Animal minds


    Truly Alien minds


    Human-like minds would include most human-designed "true AIs" (after all, their brains are designed to work like a human's and most aliens that can easily fit into human society. It would also likely super-intelligent animals. In other words, if you think like a human, you have a "human-like" mind. In comic book terms, Superman, the Vision, and Gorilla Grodd would all be considered to have "human-like" minds.


    Truly Alien-like minds would be those minds that don't work like anything that a human understands. Note that AIs built by such races would also be considered to be "truly alien".

  16. Re: Hello and question about powers and such


    I'd actually give him a physical limit. "Must have access to either chemicals or a fully equipped lab every week or lose attributes, Infrequently, Slightly" - 5 pts.


    The power itself isn't really limited enough to warrent a limit, but the character has to make allowences to prevent himself from running out.


    That's how I'd do it too. It's really not much different than the "Must take a bubble bath once a week or lose powers" sort of thing.

  17. Re: Pros/Cons of an 'official' campaign world


    Of course I was not serious. I should realize sarcasm(sp?) does not convey well over the internet. I just picked the worst characters i could think of to try and make a point. DOJ only has an obligation to produce quality work' date=' not fill requests of "I want these characters and only these" I mean if I want an update of Shamrock than I will built it, not whine to Steve saying how unfair it is that they have not given us an update of him. "Oh, and while your at it I have this really kickin idea for a zombie ninja sorcer half orc/half demon, could you guys whip up an official write up for me?" (scarcasm again). I am an adult and I do not need [b']anyone[/b] to hold my hand when it comes to building characters. Spelling maybe but not building.


    Sorry for taking your post seriously, but given some of the opinions that I have seen being expressed seriously on these boards, it can sometimes be hard to tell. I did consider that you were posting in jest which is why I asked the question. The confusing line is the "I definitely agree with ...". It's a little too straight-laced for a sarcastic post. Or maybe I'm just easily confused. :)

  18. Re: Pros/Cons of an 'official' campaign world


    Well I happen to agree with FOX.

    I mean how dare they take already published characters away from the public like that. And they have been doing it for years. From the the original enemies books we are still missing Frisbee, Ultraviolet, Dart, Orb, and Diamond. This is a wholy indefensible move on the part of Steve and all the others at DOJ. We want the Geo-desics(sp) back!!!!


    Are you being serious? If you really want to use those characters -- take the hour or so it would take to update them to 5th edition and do it yourself. Frankly, I suspect you could use them as written up and no one would notice that you hadn't updated them unless your players expect you to provide them with full write-ups on all the villains you use so they know that you were being rules-compliant.

  19. Re: Fumbled Seduction Roll


    Wouldn't a fumbled seduction roll cause an extreme negative reaction by the person who the roll was being used on? Basically, the player probably said something really stupid that caused the target to take an instant dislike to them -- probably undoing any good feelings they had already built up.

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