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Pattern Ghost

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Posts posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster


    Ok, here's an update:




    Val Char Cost

    25 STR 15

    26 DEX 48

    23 CON 26

    15 BODY 10

    13 INT 3

    11 EGO 2

    15 PRE 5

    10 COM 0


    15/21 PD 10

    15/21 ED 10

    6 SPD 24

    10 REC 0

    46 END 0

    40 STUN 0


    6" RUN 0

    2" SWIM 0

    5" LEAP 0

    Characteristics Cost: 153


    Cost Power

    62 Born to Fly: Multipower, 62-point reserve

    6u 1) Combat Flight: Flight 25", No Turn Mode (+1/4) (62 Active Points)

    6u 2) I Never Run Out of Gas: Flight 20", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points)

    6u 3) Non-Combat Flight: Flight 5", x128 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points)

    46 Air Superiority: Multipower, 46-point reserve

    3u 1) Ouch!: Hand-To-Hand Attack +9d6, Only When Moving ((Must make a Half Move up to or Past target to attack); +0) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Cannot Be Used With Move By or Move Through (-1/4)

    3u 2) Cleaning House: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Area of Effect: Trailing, Selective (+1 1/4) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Cannot Be Used With Move By or Move Through (-1/4)

    2u 3) Backdraft: Telekinesis (30 STR) (45 Active Points); Only to Drag Target (-1), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Only When Moving (-1/4)

    3u 4) Clear the Air: Dispel Gas/Mist/Smoke Powers 12d6, any Gas/Mist/Smoke power one at a time (+1/4) (45 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)

    2u 5) Downdraft: Telekinesis (30 STR) (45 Active Points); Only to Pull Flying Characters Down (-1 1/4), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4)

    2u 6) Eat My Dust: Change Environment 32" radius, -3 to Sight Group PER Rolls, Hole In The Middle (+1/4) (45 Active Points); OIF (Appropriate Dust or Powder of Opportunity; -1/2), Easy to Dispel (-1/4), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4)

    Eagle Eyes

    2 1) +2 PER with Normal Sight

    3 2) Rapid ( x10) with Normal Sight

    3 3) +6 versus Range Modifier for Normal Sight

    12 Crash Suit: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    2 Brave Lad: +5 PRE (5 Active Points); Defensive Only (-1)

    Powers Cost: 163



    Cost Skill

    7 +2 with DCV (10 Active Points); Only When Flying (-1/2)

    3 Aerobatics 14-

    5 Combat Piloting 15-

    3 PS: Stunt Pilot 12-

    3 Teamwork 14-

    9 Power 17-

    2 KS: Aviation History 11-

    2 TF: Helicopters, Parachuting, Basic, Small Planes

    Skills Cost: 34




    Total Character Cost: 350


    Pts. Disadvantage

    15 Social Limitation: Public ID (Frequently, Major)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing (Common, Strong)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Loves Aircraft and Flying (Common, Strong) [Notes: James is easily distracted by all things aeronautical.]

    20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident with flying and piloting abilities (Very Common, Strong)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Claustrophobic (Uncommon, Total)

    20 Dependent NPC: Mama O'Mally and Her Flying Circus 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x4 DNPCs)

    20 Hunted: International Law Enforcement Agency 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

    25 Hunted: Unknown Organization 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture)

    5 Money: Poor



    Disadvantage Points: 150

    Base Points: 200

  2. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster


    Yeah, that's totally a personal preference thing, just wanted to make sure you were aware of what the character was capable of in somewhat more relatable terms :)


    I've had a several first time speedster players think their character was lighting quick and then get disappointed with how it feels in actual game play.


    Most bricks, blasters and power armor guys usually have a 5-6 SPD and 20-30" of combat movement. So I generally don't feel that fast in combat unless I have at least one or two more points of SPD and at least twice as much combat movement... but that's me.


    The campaign is a bit lower DEX/SPD, and looking over the other characters, I'm not seeing high combat movement. So, he should be able to fill the niche of being fast. Even if not, his powers being based off of his flight is enough of a differentiator for me.


    What's the SFX of this guys flight anyhow?


    He flies! Highly-focused TK or the like.


    I'm getting a bit more of a Cannonball vibe from this guy than I am a Superman/Flash style speedster anyhow, but not really sure what you're going for...


    More of the Cannonball end of things. More of a movement specialist than a relativistic speed type. Being maneuverable and able to do flying tricks (speed stunts, but not the more outrageous ones) are more his thing, like his namesake.



    I'd play with it some more. Otherwise I think it will end up being frustrating.


    Mind you, as a low defense speedster, he probably burn some phases just Dodging now and then.


    I just realized I don't really need the combat acceleration/deceleration on him (at least initially), so dropping the MP I posted a couple posts back down to 62 pts nets him a lot more pts to apply to CON and his defenses. Should take care of the END issues, plus with the MP can go into 0 END mode at the cost of lower speed.


    Gotcha. I'd definitely write those powers up differently if they were intended to be exclusive with Velocity based combat maneuvers.


    The book write up from US may not be techically wrong. The 5th Edition (non-Revised) write up for HA says it can be used with martial maneuvers... but doesn't mention non-martial maneuvers. That may be hair splitting, but could be the reason for the write up in US. That, or the write up is inconsistent with the description given. Either way, a -1/4 limit not to work with the two maneuvers doesn't change the cost much, so tossing it in there for clarity.


    Yeah, speedsters are rarely bulletproof, but they tend to be fairly tough just so they can survive the effect of their own powers.


    Biological adaptations could account for a higher than normal human PD/ED, or you could buy some OIF/IIF PD/ED via a padded costume that the rDEF armor could stack with it.


    Could always go with a force field like Cannonball too, in which case you save a few points via the Link to the movement power.


    Force Field wouldn't work with the SFX too well. (Technically, "flight" is his only power.) I'm liking just buying up base PD/ED.


    Of course, you could probably also justify some extra abilities liek life support's that are useful for fliers (heat for high friction, cold and breathing for the thin air at high altitudes)


    Was thinking about these, but not being capable of withstanding high altitude flight for too long would fit the barnstorming concept.


    Sure, the odds are stacked against you, but that's why they teach you how to fall when your chute doesn't open. Try to minimize the damage and hope for the best ;)


    Plus he's probably crashed a lot learning his powers at lower altitudes, so he could have learned how to roll with things and not take a header.


    Of course, it also goes hand and hand with his Acrobatics skill.


    If need be, you can also justify the skill as a power/physical adaptation for flight.


    The mechanics of taking reduced damage from falling is mainly what your after for a guy like this. Superman doesn't have to worry about it the same way Angel does...


    All good points. I'll probably add it back in, it was on the pre-trimmed skill list to start with.


    Core rules have Parachute use defined as a Transportation Familiarity. Dark Champions/Ultimate Skill makes it an optional skill.


    I was actually going to buy him a few TFs anyway.


    The character doesn't actually have No Turn Mode listed as an option for his flight... though you should have room for that option once you make the decision about NCM/Megamovement...


    Der, I edited it so many times that when I decided to leave it to the variable advantage I forgot to re-write it. No matter now, that iteration's dead.

  3. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster


    Thinking about replacing the Flight power with this multi:


    75 Born to Fly: Multipower, 75-point reserve

    7u 1) Combat Flight: Flight 25", combat acceleration/deceleration (+1/4), No Turn Mode (+1/4) (75 Active Points) 7 END

    7u 2) I Never Run Out of Gas: Flight 20", No Turn Mode (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points) 0 END

    7u 3) Non-Combat Flight: Flight 5", x128 Noncombat, rapid Noncombat movement (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points) 0 END



    • I can keep the combat acceleration/deceleration and no turn mode if I give up 5" of combat flight. That's a half move of 13" vs 15", so not too big of a loss.
    • The second slot can be used to conserve END at the expense of acceleration. Depending on the battlefield, it could be useful to accelerate then switch to slot 2 to conserve energy. Would depend on how spread the targets are.
    • The third slot gives about Mach 2 or a little more speed for traveling longer distances, which isn't too bad. Not looking to be Flash level here anyway.
    • This build only nets me 9 points, though.

  4. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster


    Going from memory' date=' the build in Teen Champions was designed not only with a 'young hero, new to his powers and potential" but really limited his potential also. I wouldn't use it as the basis for anything.[/quote']


    Yeah, it was pretty limited. Never know if there might be a good idea in there though. (Not so much, though.)


    More useful stuff, my opinion, ymmv, etc.

    For one of my campaigns, your dexterity seem low.


    It's on the high end of the campaign guidelines for the game I'm looking at.


    Your total attack dice (17d6 on a move by, 23d6 on a move through) is high. What's the damage cap? Of course, your PD is too low to be doing move throughs very often, but still.


    I addressed this in my response to Bloodstone. The HA is not intended to add to maneuvers, just wasn't written up that way. That's what I get for using pre-written powers without examining them closely. I'll be putting a limitation on it. He'll be capping at 13d6 for the hand attack OR 14d6 for a move through, but not adding the 9d6 HA to a move through (or move by).


    You've got a lot of points in psych disads (65).


    Yep. Sometimes digging up 150 points in disads for a character doesn't really fit the character's concept. It's too high a number, though it's the default, and IMO twists too many character concepts to fit digging for disad points rather than helping define the character. So, if I have to go high in a category to not break the original character concept, I will.

  5. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster


    The name "Barnstormer" shows up in Teen Champions (he's a flying speedster with the North Detroit Defenders)' date=' complete with character write up. His fate is described in D.E.M.O.N. Servants of Darkness, which I would write here but it needs a spoiler tag.[/quote']


    That's interesting, but doesn't help my build not suck. =)


    It's hard to avoid name duplication when going for fairly obvious FX-related names, so I usually don't bother worrying about it unless the character may show up in the campaign.


    I'll look at the build in Teen Champions, may give me some ideas.


    Edit: I looked at the build. Not much to work with there.

  6. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster


    No idea what the game is like, so with that in mind:


    In combat movement terms, I find he's kinda slow for a speedster. He's only zipping around at about 67 mph in normal combat.


    I think 30" per phase is plenty for this guy. His SPD score is keeping his combat speed down compared to some speedsters in MPH terms, but I'm OK with that. This is the speed where he has the most control for now.


    That's not too terrible until you contrast it with his mega-movement, which lets him travel at almost Mach 9 out of combat.


    With that kind of speed, he could fly virtually anywhere on earth in about a half hour, but in practice he'll never actually be able to do that since he burns WAY too much END in the process.


    The idea is that he loses control as he goes faster. For his speed stunt multi, he'd be pouring on a short burst of speed to create the effect. OTOH, the concept doesn't really require the Megascale. The main thing I wanted is high maneuverability, and Megascale is kind of counter to that conceptually anyway.


    At full speed, this character eats through 60 END per turn. Hard to say what he'll be like in combat, because I don't know you will have him fight, but he can potentially burn through over 60 END per turn when he goes all out on the offense.


    Of course, with only 40 END and 8 REC, he's going to spend a lot of time sucking wind or performing way below his real potential.


    If you are looking to skimp some points, Position Shift and NCM can probably be shelved, which would save you 15 points.


    Position Shift is pretty useful, but probably not critical for the concept. You can always pick it up with some XP in a session or two.



    Yeah, the END is an issue. I may try doing it as a pre-Megascale stlye multipower with one slot for combat speed and one slot for a higher NCM speed, and see if that will save enough pts to put some in END. He does have half END as an option on the variable advantage, but that's still 30 END per Turn just for movement. Multipower may be the way to go to get the total AP down to lower the END cost.


    NCM is probably a bad idea though. The Megascale advantage cannot be applied to any movement power with increased NCM and vice versa, so pick one or the other. This is why many 5E speedsters have their movement in a MP.


    Thanks for catching that. I haven't used the Megascale rules for movement much.


    Also, in 5E terms, megascale movement generally requires Megascale Sight so that you don't go splat! Many people I know ruled this as unnecessary, so check with the GM on that one...


    Wasn't aware of that, either.


    His potential damage is rather high: 13d6, 19d6 and 23d6 for his three most common modes of attack.


    Hmm. The intent isn't to allow the HA damage to apply to his move-by and move-through maneuvers (or any standard maneuvers). I was using the build for it from Ultimate Speedster:


    Controlled Collisions

    Effect: HA +6d6 and +10d6, Only When Moving

    Target: One character

    Duration: Instant

    Range: Touch

    END Cost: 3/5

    Speedster Tricks Roll Penalty: -3/-5


    Description: The speedster’s so skilled at running

    into or past people as a form of attack that he can

    do so accurately and without hurting himself.

    In effect, this power is a form of Move By/

    Through the character pays for so he doesn’t suffer

    the difficulties associated with those Combat

    Maneuvers — no CV penalties, no taking partial

    damage. The damage should be bought to the same

    level the character would ordinarily do with those

    maneuvers; this example assumes the character has

    30” of movement.


    Game Information:


    Cost Power

    29 Controlled Collisions: Multipower, 50-point

    reserve; all slots Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½),

    Only When Moving (-¼)

    2u 1) Controlled Sideswipe: HA +6d6; Hand-

    To-Hand Attack (-½), Only When Moving

    (character must make a Half Move up to or

    past target to use attack; -¼)

    3u 2) Controlled Ramming: HA +10d6; Hand-

    To-Hand Attack (-½), Only When Moving

    (character must make a Half Move up to or

    past target to use attack; -¼)

    Total cost: 34 points.


    That's definitely a problem with the write up, though. The idea in the text is that it replaces the standard maneuvers, not augments them, but nothing in the build really prevents the powers from adding to the maneuver damage.


    By contrast, his OCV is probably just a bit too low. 9, 7 and 3 for those same three attacks.


    I think that CVs aren't too high in the game in general. Conceptually, he's a guy who likes to fly who's pushed to heroics by circumstance, so initially using just his raw agility. I figure I can buy up his OCV over time if needed.


    Of course this is not an issue if he mainly uses his highly accurate but much lower damage Cleaning House power...


    Yeah, that's his Mook clean up power. He'd probably mostly use it and his non-damaging powers, and let the heavy hitters deal with more dangerous targets, and use his bigger single target attack when needed.


    DCV of 11 while flying isn't too bad, but his defenses are still rather low. It's only going to take one average 14d6 hit or 2 average 10d6 AoE's to knock him out of a fight. Less if he get's knocked back into something sturdy, which tends to happen quyite a bit to flyers. Of course, you also have to factor that if he is KOed on the move he will then plummet to the ground, take even more damage and be out even longer ;).


    Yeah, his defenses are like tissue paper. I have two problems there: Finding the points for them, and finding an SFX that's in concept. I'm thinking of light armor (crash suit) plus "body adapted to flying" to just buy up base PD/ED and stats.


    Anyhow, if the GM lets the speedster do an 19d6 with a Move By, I'm guessing that a similarly powered blaster type will tear this guy up in seconds.


    Of course, that big 23d6 attack I mentioned above is on a move through. With on OCV of 3, he'll never hit anything except the broad side of a barn, which is probably a good thing since he'll almost certainly get Stunned or KOed every time he does hit...


    Well, let's say 13d6-14d6 after limiting the HA appropriately. Anyone hitting him that hard would crush him anyway, though. One average 13d6 hit and he's out of the fight. It'd be good if he at least took two hits to fold.


    I'd probably get him some Flash Defense to protect those Eagle Eyes of his. Of course, that won't help with his Eat My Dust power, which he's not actually immune to, but then I'd probably also buy Personal Immunity on this power so he could melee opponents in the safety of his own dust cloud.


    I was thinking of buying a little Flash Defense with OIF Goggles, but ran out of points with my poor build. =)


    I don't see him needing (or conceptually qualifying for) personal immunity on the dust cloud. It's just there to create a zone of control. Thinking of using the Trailing AE with it as well, actually. That's if the GM allows Trailing, since it's optional.


    Might even go with OIF flight Goggles to save points and because I like the visual ;)


    The export template for plain text doesn't include the description and background stuff, but he does have goggles. Whether they provide some Flash Defense is the main question.


    Breakfall would probably be a good and background appropriate skill to have. Also, some ability to use a parachute couldn't hurt based on his apparent background as a circus stunt pilot.


    Well, if you fall out of an airplane, you aren't going to break the fall, it's going to break you. =) As for the parachute use, I'm assuming he does know how to use one. It's not a core skill, though. I'm assuming basic parachute use subsumed under the Professional Skill. The parachuting skill from Dark Champions provides for more ability than he'd be expected to have. (Packing a chute, etc.)


    You may want to check out Movement Skill levels with flight on p369 of 5ER. Versatile, useful, background appropriate and fairly inexpensive... but ultimately might not be worth it the way you have the characters variable advantage set up.


    I was going to buy a few movement skill levels for background fluff, but ran out of points. Not really needed for his core abilities, though, as no turn mode and combat acceleration/deceleration pretty much cover him there.


    Frankly, I would change the build considerably.


    Me too! That's why I posted it here. Not really happy with it.


    For example, I'd reduce the points spent in the characters basic moment power and then leverage the MP that you already have. I'd probably have a slot with additional inches of combat movement (which can of course increase his damage via move by and move through, reducing the need for hand attack dice), add another slot for mega-movement (it's not like you will ever use combat stunts in the same phase as mega-movement anyhow) and if there were points left over possibly add a few more speedster stunts for added fun and versatility.


    Definitely going to look at that option.


    Also, not sure that the Money disadvantage is appropriate in a superheroic game where you probably aren't paying for equipment and such...


    If the Well Off perk is appropriate, its opposite is too, IMO. It also fits his background and helps define his character. I think the impact it would have on RPing him (for example, can't afford to participate in some social activities) is about right for the 5 pts level of a Disad.

  7. Here's an update. (Click on the view post button.)


    Ok, I usually don't do speedsters, so I'm posting this guy for feedback. He's 5th Edition.


    I'm a little concerned about having low defenses and END usage with this build, but squeezing out an impressive amount of flight plus some speedster tricks ate up a lot of points fast. The speed tricks are from, or adapted from, Ultimate Speedster.




    Val Char Cost

    20 STR 10

    26 DEX 48

    20 CON 20

    15 BODY 10

    13 INT 3

    11 EGO 2

    15 PRE 5

    10 COM 0


    10 PD 6

    10 ED 6

    6 SPD 24

    8 REC 0

    40 END 0

    35 STUN 0


    6" RUN 0

    2" SWIM 0

    4" LEAP 0


    Characteristics Cost: 134


    Cost Power


    105 Born to Fly: Flight 30", Position Shift, x4 Noncombat, Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages; Only for: Megascale 1"=1km, Half END, Combat Acceleration/Deceleration, Rapid Non-Combat Movement; +1/2) (105 Active Points)


    46 Air Superiority: Multipower, 46-point reserve

    3u 1) Ouch!: Hand-To-Hand Attack +9d6, Only When Moving ((Must make a Half Move up to or Past target to attack); +0) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

    3u 2) Cleaning House: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Area Of Effect (Trailing; +1), Selective (+1/4) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

    2u 3) Backdraft: Telekinesis (30 STR) (45 Active Points); Only to Drag Target (-1), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Only When Moving (-1/4)

    3u 4) Clear the Air: Dispel Gas/Mist/Smoke Powers 12d6, any Gas/Mist/Smoke power one at a time (+1/4) (45 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)

    2u 5) Downdraft: Telekinesis (30 STR) (45 Active Points); Only to Pull Flying Characters Down (-1 1/4), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4)

    2u 6) Eat My Dust: Change Environment 128" radius, -3 to Sight Group PER Rolls (46 Active Points); OIF (Appropriate Dust or Powder of Opportunity; -1/2), Easy to Dispel (-1/4), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4)


    Eagle Eyes

    2 1) +2 PER with Normal Sight

    3 2) Rapid ( x10) with Normal Sight

    3 3) +6 versus Range Modifier for Normal Sight

    12 Crash Suit: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    2 Brave Lad: +5 PRE (5 Active Points); Defensive Only (-1)

    Powers Cost: 188



    Cost Skill

    7 +2 with DCV (10 Active Points); Only When Flying (-1/2)

    3 Acrobatics 14-

    3 Combat Piloting 14-

    3 PS: Stunt Pilot 12-

    3 Teamwork 14-

    7 Power 16-

    2 KS: Aviation History 11-


    Skills Cost: 28




    Total Character Cost: 350


    Pts. Disadvantage

    15 Social Limitation: Public ID (Frequently, Major)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing (Common, Strong)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Loves Aircraft and Flying (Common, Strong) [Notes: James is easily distracted by all things aeronautical.]

    20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident with flying and piloting abilities (Very Common, Strong)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Claustrophobic (Uncommon, Total)

    20 Dependent NPC: Mama O'Mally and Her Flying Circus 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x4 DNPCs)

    20 Hunted: International Law Enforcement Agency 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

    25 Hunted: Unknown Organization 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture)

    5 Money: Poor


    Disadvantage Points: 150

    Base Points: 200


    Background: James O'Mally grew up in O'Mally's Flying Circus, the youngest of three brothers. He always dreamed of flying, and one day, discovered he could! (Work in progress.)

  8. Re: Support HERO Indirectly...


    HERO costs money to play. That's the framework any "support" scheme we concoct must work under until that changes. Furthermore, the OP's idea was inspired by Savage Worlds using such a scheme. Maybe we don't have the whole story, but I journey to guess that it doesn't hurt them.


    I think the perspective needs to change. It's not "here's free stuff so you'll play HERO." It should be more like "if you play HERO, here's all this free stuff." It's similar, but not the same.


    OK, I see what you guys are saying. Rather than getting new players, it's more aimed at supporting players who already have the books and could use some material to go with them. With the core books, the genre book, and a bestiary and/or rogue's gallery and/or setting book required, there's not much getting around the up front costs when talking about making a short adventure. Given that, then referencing page numbers for write ups makes sense.

  9. Re: Support HERO Indirectly...


    I wish HERO was friendlier to compression, I really do. It's a subtle detail M&M has HERO beat by a country mile.


    In any case, I think it's easy enough to refer to various character sheets from HERO's published products. Champions Battlegrounds, for instance, only provided character sheets that weren't already published, and simply referred to books that had character sheets for everything else.


    If the idea is to get new players into Hero, then asking them to go buy some product to use your freebie with seems self defeating.

  10. Re: Fear Itself: How do you handle it in your campaigns?


    In one PBEM game I ran, I had a player buy "Fearless" as a Psych Limit.


    Not a particularly high PRE, no limited only vs. fear PRE, no Mental Defenses.


    Just a Disadvantage.


    I didn't particularly have any fear users on the roster, and don't generally use PRE attacks against PCs anyway, so no worries, right?


    The main NPC team mentor was a very powerful gravity manipulator who had self/power control issues. (Was actually responsible for the death of his team, which was the legacy team for this group, but this never came out in game.)


    Well, the PC in question spent a few turns antagonizing him, playing up the rebellious angle. I described his reaction, grabbing a steel doorframe, putting indentations in it with his fingers, and describe his gravity powers activating as a feeling of the PC's stomach doing flip flops.


    The player writes me back, essentially yelling at me not to tell them how to play their character, because it says right there in their disads that they're FEARLESS!!!!


    Given that I never told them they were in fear of anything, and only described a physical sensation of being affected by a power they couldn't quite identify, I figured that if I ever did actually use a fear power on the character, which never bought fear defenses, I'd really be in for it. I had to explain that a) I never mentioned the word fear, and B) he didn't have any defense against fear anyway. Maybe a small modifier to PRE attacks from the psych limit, but that was about it. Game went south pretty fast. Argumentative group more concerned with one-upmanship than real gaming with only a couple exceptions.

  11. I'm still on 5th (or 4th), so I don't know if any of the 6th edition material addresses the subject, but how do you define fear in your games?


    It's one of those effects that you really have to have an idea what mechanic you're going to be using for it so characters who want to be resistant to it, or to inflict it, know how to build. In the real world, weapons evolve to defeat defenses, and defense to resist the weapons, and so on. So, if it may come into play, it seems prudent to choose a mechanic to use for it.


    So, what is it? Mind Control with a single command? PRE attack / Defensive PRE? Marbles in a skull-shaped jar? (Ok, that's sanity, but I couldn't think of anything else.)

  12. Re: Support HERO Indirectly...


    D&D compact stat blocks are a lot smaller than Hero compact stat blocks, though. I think a big consideration for space would be whether you're going to provide full stats vs. asking the person to reference a rogue's gallery book or the bestiary for the stats. I think you could go with reduced stats (just combat stats and powers/abilities) for minor threats. Dedicating some pages to pre-gen PC write ups and a major villain or two seems to be inevitable.

  13. Re: How to found a new Catholic Order


    Perhaps' date=' someone should study Sociology and culture, and then comment instead to trying to blame.[/quote']


    Not blaming, just friendly advice. Generally when someone who's been part of a community for a long time explains that another member of the same community was making a joke to a newcomer to the community, the newcomer can safely assume it was in fact a joke. Which you didn't.


    Let me put it this way: This is the culture of the board: If you have a misunderstanding with someone, it can generally be cleared up with a few kind words. If you take offense at something a poster did not intend to be offensive, and their intent is made clear to you -- either by themselves, or by someone who knows them through long association on the board -- then you don't continue to snipe at them. When someone's friend explains their meaning to you (a meaning which was pretty clear in the first place, mind you), you don't jump on that person and toss an insult out.


    You ever hear of live and let live? Perhaps someone hit a hot button for you in this thread. When that happens, you ask them what they meant by what they said, and if they didn't intend to give offense they will usually apologize. Then you move on. This board is one of the best behaved communities you're going to find on the web.


    Just remember, this is a board dedicated to a GAME. Games are supposed to be fun, right? Just relax and have fun.

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