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Everything posted by TheJudge

  1. Could a task for a summon be love me until I die? thus having no time limit to it but a circumstance that ends the summon. Of course its safe to assume we're talk summons that's slavish? Protect this place from evil for ever? Hunt target until you've have killed it?
  2. hello! My question is in the 5th edition summoned creatured use to stay around until banished or destroyed not in the revised it's based on actions is there a way to make it perminant again or time related instead of task driven? Certain gods of mythology use to summon armies of creatures or beings and march over vast territories claiming them how can you do this effect now?
  3. Re: What is awsome? No reply! my feelings are hurt:(
  4. Re: Rebuilding yourself Lets see I would buy the maximun amount of wealth Increased Int to max human, along with scholar and jack of all trades and a ton of science, computer, & business skills Maybe to top it off the perk ruler of the world but with the special effect I just get what I want when I want it always more so than being bogged down with the beauracracy, so I'ld be the TRUE POWER behind the thrown. My current Disads would be replaced with DNPC extreme beautiful wife, Secret ID (True ruler of the world) In short the stars would be the minimum!
  5. Re: To PLAY Or NOT To PLAY? I have ran many games before but sometimes it get so good to you that you want to be apart of that game world! I guess what I'm saying is I've been complimented for running great games planned and freestyle and yet with all the praise I have gotten it seems to be empty. Because I cant seem to find a GM among the groups who doesnt have the "I must win mentality" except for 1 or 2 who don't run often or run the genre (superhero) I'm feening for! Plus 1 of the 2 have fell off the map literally, I have not heard from him and his phone number is no longer active. :'(
  6. Re: To PLAY Or NOT To PLAY? The fun is draining from my veins and all I want is an IV to fill me once again with enjoyment for the greatest hobby on earth, role playing!
  7. Re: What is awsome? I once had a multi trillionaire so to speak who was a batman type on steroids. But to get to the point wealth didnt have the power I wanted it to because in hero points are the deciding factor for effect so you cant just hire a para-military group (cobra) for a mission or gain temporay access to hightech goods like experiemental power armors or the like so I fixe it where I could in the game. Here is How! 1st. I bought the max wealth a whole lot (a whole lot of perks ie bases, vehicles and followers plus the appropiates skills. 2nd 10d6 Luck and 4 level of combat luck because batman types and wealthy people always seem lucky but also it was to be an indicator for if my wealth would find me waht I needed for that adventure via step 3 or a.k.a. 3rd. 3rd I bought a 100pt base vpp no skill roll. Here is the sfx of the day It was a Wealth pool yes you heard it right, a wealth pool that could do almost anything for the duration of how long you left the points fixed to that. It took time and role play to change the pool for special things but it was just as simple as going to his stash (home, base, vehicle) to get his arsinal of weapons and gadets he already had aquired. The pool could be use to buy followers for missions ie (cobra) and or aquire special tech or favors from highly powerful enemies or allies. It could be used to purchase or modify (his already existing) gadets, vehicles and bases. If an adventure was taking us to anywhere in the world (known galaxy) I would have a 200pt base there operated by the local hero team (Alien race) who owes me some favors thus for that adventure we would have access to a base that his for all purposes but my pool would be - 40pts for the 200pt / 5 = 40pt base leaving 60pts for the un-matched power of wealth. Yes it took time, experience point and a lot of fun getting him to where he is now! I started with 4d6 luck 1 level of combat luck and 60 vpp wealth pool and look at me now! I at the top of the world Ma! LOL:thumbup:
  8. Re: Summoning Question You are very correct on most of what you said but the last comment. Let me explain once you summon something by the rules / mechanic it stays there until destroyed or banished unless you have disadvantages on your power that ohter wise negated that fact. Also FYI once a creature is summoned it cant be sent away by Draining, suppressing, dispelling est. the summon power nope it's to late should of got me before I pulled my great blue eyed dragon from the deck!
  9. It has been my experience for years, and I refuse to mention how many because i don't want to give my age away that 95% of GM's play to win. What I mean is their ego makes them set npc’s' and villains up in away where they are the star of the show and you the co-star. Even recently I'm playing in a game where the GM feels justifies always having our grouped mysteriously watched by every villain / npc. It seems like every villain / npc has the 411 on us and we have the hardest time finding anything about them. He implements scare tactic that make you weary of using the very power you bought for the circumstance in which it would apply and if you use it then counters have already been set. All his villains / npc's seem to have the power to know of you and drain your effect or some resource (follower, trap, est.) available to do it if you challenge their authority or perception of a topic. I even have played in games where you're just in it for dialog and cinematic value but the outcome is determined by the GM regardless of your sfx. Thing happen that contradict your concept continually even after it's been approve by the GM. Where's the justice? How can I approach these GM's in away to point out the blood sucking method of running is killing my long time joy for this hobby? What can be done to bring the thrill back, before I become a virtual visionary, internet escape artist, a online virtual world junkie or a new generation game console creature? I really believe as fun as video games are they just don’t fill the rush of being immerged into a fully interactive world where the sky is the minimum (better than the skies the limit). The rush of beating you rival after being antagonized for a length on time or winning the hearts of multiple love interest, choosing to be good or evil all while juggling a home life. Nothing can take the fix of the random factor of saving your neighborhood from gang violence, you city from villains, to turning around the next day and saving the universe from a galactic threat of unheard of proportions. The untapped potential of truly random events that can and will happen in role playing live as opposed to a program are limitless. Because as we all know until life alga rhythms are mastered in the digital world, computers are not random they just are well programmed to give that illusion and oh what a beautiful illusion some of them can be. Sorry for ranting but my point and concern is the true role players of old are dying and being replace with online addiction and I can see why. Because the program does not change the physics of your character once it’s been designed within the parameters of the game universe and it has no ego problem that would make it change the villains or challenges to specifically defeat you it does not care if you win or lose your actions, abilities and strategies make the deciding factor. True Role Players of Old unite and stop this injustice lets make gaming what it was always suppose to be a virtual reality within the very confines of our groups collective imaginations.
  10. Re: Supress & Dispel: How effective? I've used a character with a Dispel that was area effect , continuos, damage shield offensive, ) 0 End +2 all mutant power at once ( plus I've done magic and other sfx). This produces a field that repeatedly shuts down your power (if the active points of the power are met) so even though normally you could just turn on your power after it's been dispeled on your next phase/action it would be shut off immediately creating the sfx of nullifying all powers in the area.
  11. Re: Seeimgly Strange Characters to Model 1st Effect The advantage time delay (on 60pts active) as a naked modifier would allow you to use any power (focus) up to 60pts active and even though you've stabbed, shot, punched, kicked or ran over someone the damage (Effect) would not go off until the chosen time. 2nd Effect You could have time delay as a naked modifier (on 60pts active or damage cap of the game) make it usable as an attack area effect 1 hex mega scale Limitation only affect powers that affect. This would produce the follow effect any power in the area from damage to effects would take place at the designated time (after combat, 1min, 10 min, ect.) later. Example 1 You've been hit with 10d6 EB vs. Energy for 30 pts of damage after your 15 ED you take 15pts stun but since you make everything in the area have time delay you want actually take the damage until the designated time. Example 2 Some one flashes you with 5d6 flasf for 5 phase because you have no flash defence however you want go blind until the designated time do to it's on a time delay. Example 3 Someone takes over you Mind with 12d6 mind control and tells you to attack your friends, well you will attack them but after the designated time has passed thanks to that time delay on their abiliity concerning the area. Teleport with the limitation can only go where you could go in the first place thus if some is locked you cant get in but the visible effect sfx of you teleport is that the entry takes place after you've entered.
  12. Re: Supress & Dispel: How effective? Hello There! Actual the rules for all adustment powers already limit what it works on and needs advantages to make it work on groups of effects at once. I only bring this up because it would not be a limitation to make the suppress works only on magic, because you have to define it when you purchase it and buy the appropiate advantages to make it affect the whole group.
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