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Everything posted by TheJudge

  1. Re: Surviving fall from orbit For the heat wouldn't Life support Immune to heat cover re-entry since it's an enviromental effect and not some one actual attack? Because with life support Immune to heat and of course other things from the life support power characters can live in suns unaffected by the heat or even the solar flares which reach greater tempatures. FYI it's our sun that burns at 6000k but it is said that there are suns that burn much hotter than ours. In closing I would say 3 LS Immune to heat covers re-entry and 30 Pd or rpd if Gm decided it's kill for what ever reason would cover the suviving. Now add damage reduction and you have a threat from space that lands and begins reaking havok!
  2. Re: Modifiers for Cloning If a power is persistant and bought on a trigger (at time of death death) then that power would activate. To cut down on arguments simple have a delayed effect advantage which states the power has already been used just not activated and then the trigger will go off for sure if the conditions are met. Of course it does not have to be the characters power it could be the bases power but you would have to add Usable against others to represent the whole using genetic marterial and this would allow you to duplicate anybody (who fits within the point retraints of the duplicate) if you happen to have some of their D.N.A.. It's cool and a fun concept to play if done right and not abused! I have done so before.
  3. Re: Theory Discussion: Defense Alternative all things in real life are set a certain level of toughness/resistence that does not chage with all things remaining equal. exapmle one a human hiting a brick wall and doing nothing but the next day the same human under the same circumstances hitting the same wall doing damage does not make since. That's my ruling on it. I could elaberate but I wont.
  4. I understand the difference between invisibility and IPE but it would appear there is a lot of confusion surrounding the matter. Invisiblity makes the person invisible but not his attacks with the exception of those made by his STR and or martial arts but any other attack ranged or otherwise that was not purchased with IPE would be perceivable and able to be effectively dodged. The real advantage of Invisible is it becomes harder to hit the person that has the power H-T-H attacks are made at 1/2 OCV and range 0 OCV if target cant be perceived. IPE the advantage of this is that even though the attacker can still be seen and attacked as normal the attack would not be perceived and the target would suffer from the penalties of fighting blind in reference to their DCV because they cant perceive the in coming attacks. Mental powers used to attacke a target cant be seen except by those with the proper senses. So if they cant see where the attack originated from they have no way of knowing who attacked them just that they have been mentally violated. I'm basing my statements on existing rules concerning combat when the target cant percieve the attack, logic and point cost vs effectiveness. I could by a 1d6 flash continuous uncontrolled 0 END efffect for 12pt linked -1/2 to the attack in question (12d6 EB 60pts) 10pts real cost that would make the target 1/2 DCV and OCV H-T-H and 1/2 DCV 0 OCV range vs every one. Meaning the attack makes the target easier to hit for every one and makes it harder for the target to hit any one for a total of (12d6 EB) 60 + (1d6 Flash) 10 = 70 very effective attack. Or I could by buy a 12d6 EB 60pts w/ IPE +1/2 = 90pts and it only affects the DCV of the target concerning the attacker when this power is used. I think I want people to purchase this effect instead of the above. Rule it however it works for your world but I believe by Hero System rules and the ammount of the advantage paid it works the way descibed above.
  5. Re: A question of balance If the target does not have the appropiate senses to detect the attack they would not be able to know who is attacking them. There is no rules that make the target automatically aware of the attacker if they cant perceive it then oh well. As far as combat well the rules state that if you cant perceive an incoming attack you're at 1/2 DCV so it's safe to say the target would suffer from that reduction. I understand the difference between invisibility and IPE but it would appear there is a lot of confusion surrounding the matter. Invisiblity makes the person invisible but not his attacks with the exception of those made by his STR and or martial arts but any other attack ranged or otherwise that was not purchased with IPE would be perceivable and able to be effectively dodged. The real advantage of Invisible is it becomes harder to hit the person that has the power H-T-H attacks are made at 1/2 OCV and range 0 OCV if target cant be perceived. IPE the advantage of this is that even though the attacker can still be seen and attacked as normal the attack would not be perceived and the target would suffer from the penalties of fighting blind in reference to their DCV because they cant perceive the in coming attacks. Mental powers used to attacke a target cant be seen except by those with the proper senses. So if they cant see where the attack originated from they have no way of knowing who attacked them just that they have been mentally violated.
  6. Re: Experiments in Character Construction If An attack is IPE and the target has not means of perceiving the attack they would not have a clue the effect originated from the attacker just that someone attacked them. If you dont have gesture or incant or any other obvious limitation that would cause you to make a perceivable action then the target would get hit and no one would be the wiser where the attack originated from. Example mental powers are invisible except to mental awareness or other mental senses so when someone is attacked by a mentalist they have no ideal who actually attacked them unless the mentalist is suspected of being such or has a reputation of being psionic. Even with the reputation no one would know for sure that the mentalist attacked them they would simply have a suspicion and without evidense their claim of self-defense would not hold up in court. IPE does not make you unaware that you have been attacked just unaware of it's origin, however if you buy IPE to hide the effect of the power as well then you could do damage to some one and they not know that damage has been done. In either case rule it how it works best in you world but by Hero System rules IPE does make the origin of the attack unclear/unperceivable and thus would make a target 1/2 DCV by combat rules of fighting unperceived attacks.
  7. Re: Experiments in Character Construction FYI: bullets do not move 2000mph from any normal gun that can be carried by humans and it's impressive the veichle mounted guns that do launch projectiles at velocities exceeding the speed of sound. Now with that said IPE is meant to make a target at 1/2 DCV if the attack if undetectable that's the advantage of IPE.
  8. Re: Expirments in Character Construction Your example 1) would be OIF not IIF because it's obvious the power comes from the Item. In your 2nd example you would be right in saying it's IIF because it's not obvious. Thus the beginning key words in any focus are either Obvious or Inobvious choose wisely young Padawan.
  9. Re: Expirments in Character Construction IIF Focus The I = Inobvious (means the source is not automatically known) or you could just take obvious for that matter. But the restrainable is good and I have used it before in a simular fashion.
  10. Re: Expirments in Character Construction Yes it is perfectly legal! I did not say it took surgery to remove just the proper people that new it was there! Many Hero suppliments have cybernetic implants as IIF so it not only legal but it is published. I never once said it would take surgery not once an to call it a bit of munchkinism seems as though you are being a bit confrontational and judgmental before you actually consider what I really said. So in rebuttle to the statement it's not legal yes it is because in order to take something you have to first know its there and on top of that you would then have to know (be the right person with the righr skills to) it was the source of the ability to even bother to remove it thus IIF. I would advise that everyone read and check the rules for themself first because knowledge is power and second it seems that many people tend to make opinions on the rules that best suit their world and preferences more so than the true mechanic of the rule applied and then say it's law because of their bias.
  11. Re: Addictions! Thank you! I thought of that but was not sure if it was legal!
  12. Re: Expirments in Character Construction If the physical augmentations are truly tech/cybernetics you can add IIF -1/4 to reduce cost and represent that its because of a implant or a chemical that can be removed by the proper people if they new it was there! Perfectly legal.
  13. How does one go about mechanically building a sexual power that makes some one addicted to the pleasure of it like super crack? Yes to the point of withdraws and treatment to get off of the addiction! I call this sexual technique YOU"RE WHIPPED!
  14. Re: Computer Memory? So how do you decide whether the players computer in a super hero genre is state of art or beyond belief? Do you base it on character concept?
  15. Re: Computer Memory? I once thought of having it based on the INT of the Compute/AI. Example since they all start with INT 10 thus it would represent the highest standard for the time period it set in (today's time INT 10 = Memory 160 GB future maybe INT 10 = Memory 160 TB(Ram would be memory/100 as starting) every 5 point of INT doubles Memory.
  16. I love Hero system and I truly love computers and AI's but it does not give us any real world bases for determining RAM or ROM hard drive space nothing so my question is who out there has a basis for me to go off of? Of course if you're playing super hero setting or even tech/space based ames you can just say whatever you want and that's all fine but just for a basis what would you suggest. I ask because if you build a super hand-held computer with lets say 10 terabites 5 terabites of ram and I was from the future and had a floating Cube AI with 10 googlebites, 5 googlebites of ram what would be the difference in build? Yes both would have editic memory. but is editic memory considered to be unlimitted amounts of information than can be stored and if it is how then would you put limitations on it to represent the memory scale down? Ram is easy I quess it's just speed reading at what ever level your computer can process Information ie speed read x10, x100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000 and so on. me understand!
  17. Re: Help me build a tricorder-like hand-computer Also you may want to add discriminatory on you other detect giving to the ability to tell where the mineral deposits came from. Example you scan lets say gold from your mine and gold from some one elses mine it would be able to detect the smallest differences and confirm where the gold was mined from, if you had knowledge of the area. This would be a good way of stopping people from steeling from your mine because based on the readings you could tell whether it came from you mining area or some where else.
  18. Re: Help me build a tricorder-like hand-computer Whenever you are building any effect from a power, talent or skill as long as you build the effect legally then you can call it whatever sfx you desire be it program, super skill or what ever else. So in answer to you question, yes it's legai to buy a sense and call it a program. If in tricorder you are refering to star trek's you may wany to add Under Skills Anatomy, Doctor and under programs another detect life forms wirh analyze and discriminatory so it can classify life forms and take complex reading of individual bio-ryhtmes and diagnois any problems. We have all seen on Star trek people use a tricorder to tell what medical problem or injury someone has and even what race they are even when they have been genetically altered to appear as another race.
  19. Re: Build your Super Self In the real World INT would do a lot but you're right in Hero it means zip, so if I was going to build Super INT/Super Tech by system I would buy a VPP for skills to represent my ability to learn anything at mastery levels instantly and another VPP to represent my ability to build any super tech I wanted. To top it off I would buy the maximim amount of wealth that I could (which I think is 11 or 20 I'm not sure) to represent unlimitted resources at my disposal.
  20. Re: Technomorph Thank you I'll have to check out Until Superpowers!
  21. Re: Build your Super Self If I could only have one power I guess it would super INT/Tech Mage so I could build any thing I wanted and wear what ever super power I felt like for the day! Plus I could easily become a google-aire with my ground breaking inventions nothing to super but at least 15-20 years a head of the competition! My own stuff eons ahead of everything! I can'nt myself we're hypothetically talking real life not role play so it's the most logical choise! I would have to be all I could be.
  22. I have a characte that is able to merge, possess and mutate technology but most impersively he ontain an organic alien armor in his history thst he now morphs in combat because of his special ability. How would you build these effects. Merge = can sence, identify and Become one with technology as if it's a part of him. Understand the most intriqet details concerning it's functions and creation. Possess = Controlling technology from a distance of physically possessing the item in contact with and make ihis new body. Mutate = equals the ability to evolve & transform tech. If he jumped in a watch, computer, car in enough time he could turn it into a tank, supercomputer or an armor. these morphs can be perminan if he so desires. If someone tries to study the tech it breaks down. Organic alien armor has very unique abilities on its on such as mimicing (like rogue from xmen) EXCEPT IT INCLUDES MIMICING TECH AS WELL & with his ability they can be modifies, magnified and mutate. It's also alive and can act and attack on its own with him in it or out of it Is this an AI function or unique duplicate? So if he was fighting Green Lantern and Ironman the armor could mimic the effect and become Iron lantern or if he was fighting Storm and Collosus he would become Collosal Storm. Ironman and Thor would become IronThor. how would these effects be legally produced? Is the armor a unique dupplicate or summon he does morph it out of him! or just an armor with base stats and a insane amount of undefined multiforms or maybe even a VPP of multiforms. Now it changing should have no effect on the original character just the armor abilities so thats why I was wondering if it would a duplicate or summon creature that functions as a power armor with its own unique powers as discussed above to better produce the desired effect.
  23. Re: Haymaker out of combat In comic there have been dramatic effects where it took the team (team attack) just to harm or stun the villian and the brick does the double handed over the head pound/bash to finish them off. Or even a tough villian gets grabbed by a team mate long enough to catch the devestating uppercut. These are perfect dramatic occurances of a haymaker but ultimately you could build other mechanics that work out the dramatics better if you really wanted to but it you dont have extra time on you hands to ammend rules they have something that works why not use it!
  24. Re: I'm in charge! Even with cumulative points have to get in to accumulate so a mental def that stops the effect would make you immune but normals and those with none to very low mental def would be vunerable.
  25. How would you go about consrtucting a power that allows the character the ability to ask anyody anything and they do it even if talk to a crowd inperson or via any form of multimedia (tv, radio, internet)? Also it could turn those same people into persuasive converts for character points of view. My way or the high way! 4d6 mind control 0 end, cumlative x 16 area effect, mega scale enough to cover earth, sticky, continueous, uncontrolled, penetrating x 2, Armor p x2. Yes no maybe? and how much would all that cost?
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